Street Fighter Stunning Chun-Li Artwork By Artgerm

Stunning Chun-Li Artwork By Artgerm

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:47 PM PDT

Necro and Effie art (by Daistory)

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 05:21 AM PDT

If you new to fighting games or SFV..... YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:19 AM PDT

Street Fighter as a hobby

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 12:16 AM PDT

Capcom's game philosophy for StreetFighter

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:47 AM PDT

Apparently Dan knows how to use the Satsui no Hado

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:12 AM PDT

Capcom gearing up for DC vs Capcom

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 04:50 AM PDT

Gloria x Laura DMC4 Crossover Costume Extra Battle Schedule!

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:29 AM PDT

Akuma; What makes him so strong and how do you fight him? Tutorial by Tyrant and Packz

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 02:26 AM PDT

What nerfs/changes you want back from the previous seasons?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 09:54 AM PDT

How I went from 0 LP to 3400 LP in two months! Tips for players stuck in bronze.

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 07:24 AM PDT

To preface this, in three days I will have gone from never playing a street fighter game, to a "silver" player. My max (last night) was 3400 LP. Currently sitting at about 2600 but I'm not worried about it, I dropped a lot of combos and need to upgrade rookie level combos/punishes. I've played a little bit of Melee and UMVC3, so for all intents and purposes, most people I fight have a lot more experience than I do in this game. I've seen a lot of bronze players talk about how they're stuck. I get it, I played league quite a bit and thought I was stuck in gold because of this, or that, or bad teammates, etc when reality it was me. So here are some tips from a bad player to other bad players on how to improve a little.

  1. Anti air. There are some people that jump in to attack so often. Google your character's anti air options and use it. make sure you have two options, one short distance, and one long distance. Mine's occasionally has a crush counter involved so I added a small follow up.
  2. Get some space vs cross up jab jab. I hate this, and I still lose to it from players who have done it much experience past silver. I still have little idea on what's punishable on most characters. Best advice is get out of the situation. Dash under them on the jump, jump back, etc but get out of the situation. Use long reaching moves to keep the distance. The good part is that this tactic is predictable.
  3. Sometimes the best offense, is a good defense. If you score a combo and a knockdown, you don't HAVE to go for a meaty (still haven't learned how to do this), grab, cross up, etc. Think of all the times you've EX'd dp'd out of a knockdown, other players do it too. Don't see it as a lucky hit by other's and as a smart move by you. If they don't do anything, you reset the neutral and that's not the worst thing. As you get better at feeling them out, you can figure out if they are the wake up dp type, chicken block type, or wake up jab type.
  4. CALM DOWN and block. I still get hit by random shoryukens (there I go saying random) at the end of a block string or attack string. Sometimes people end in a dp because they know they are punishable, so relax, don't try to punish everything, block and wait for ken's heavy dp for an easy punish. Watch the meter, ed has the option for an EX uppercut, etc. If you find the person doesn't do it, be more aggressive.
  5. If it isn't working, adapt because they've downloaded you. Sometimes, akuma does his stupid upwards palm on every one of my jump ins. Sometimes players see my m.k, m.k v skill on ibuki and jump in to punish. Finally, other times people show me (against my own will) that I always try to cross up with my command dash. If they keep doing it, you're probably too predictable. So change it up, otherwise it'll seem like the other person is much better than you when in reality they've realized you do 'x' after 'y' before even you notice.
  6. Watch the resources. Some players use the meter to dp after something unsafe, other's to get a mix up, and still other's to go for a round two critical arts. Keep that in mind. Don't just blame it on a stray hit that Cammy got a CA on you. If you hardly see her EX, she probably plays with a CA game plan. Same goes with V-trigger.
  7. Play the match up. Ken shoryuken's a lot, dhalsim will cover air with fireballs, Cammy with cross you up, Zangief will go for those grabs, Karen will vortex you, etc. Don't play the same way vs everybody, adjust.

I'm not amazing, I still have much to learn and improve on. But hopefully some of these tips will help other players.

submitted by /u/FourStockMe
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My observations over a solid 10 days of playing ranked as a beginner

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 05:12 AM PDT

First let me say that I have played the game for a week and then quit for about a year and half. This time I really went into it with the determination to get to silver though. I am always around 900 to 1200lp, So with that being said here we go.

As a super bronze id like to say that having solid AA isn't going to get you to silver. I have over 300 ranked wins and around 52% win ratio in my last 100 ranked matches and a solid AA and punish yet I still struggle to get past 1200 points. Today is a perfect example. I played 7 games and won 6, got from just over 1000lp to just over 1200. then I lost 3 games in a row and end up lower then what I started at. So from 10 games with a 60% win ratio I still am lower then what I started at. I think that's the real challenge in bronze, the point system.

There's such a broad spectrum of people in rookie to ultra bronze that it's so hard to win consist for someone learning the game. I play random kens I can punish them and win 85% of the time. I play jumping Ryu's I win 80% of the time. Yet I gain 25 points for a win and lose 65 if I lose so the risk of losing is way bigger then the reward for winning.

Then you play someone who is trying to learn like yourself and you have a good game but you still lose or gain minimal points. You can't play casual as there's a stupid amount of smurfs so you are stuck in ranked.

Now don't get me wrong some people find it easier then others, this is my first fighting game and I was absolutely awful when I started but I watched loads of videos and practiced loads and tried to learn as much as possible. The first week I had the game I spent around 50 hours just practicing fire balls and simple combos etc. Then I jumped into ranked and because I tried to play the game as most think it should I got destroyed by kens doing random tatsu into DP etc.

The game is so punishing for new players trying to learn the game over some random button masher. This made me quit the game several times. After around 600 games I learnt to bait things and punish it. But then you still get caught by a jump or a random Tatsu and if you do rip 65 points.

I don't know if other people who are in the same boat or some people that have played this as the first fighting game and found the same struggle, but it seems really unfair on people trying to play SF over the random people that have no intention of getting better and will happily spend 5000 games spamming Tatsu and never get past super bronze.

I know some will look and say well get better, some will say nah you just need to AA and you will get silver, but you really won't or that's my experience in Europe at least. I watched Automatic the other day as cody. He was doing combos and oki and AA and good fundamentals to get to silver. So having a solid AA won't instantly make you silver.

That's my observation after around 900 ranked games anyway. Feel free to add anything you think will help, personally I think you need AA, Normal counter, Crush Counter & have to play nearly every game different as you never know what kind of person you are going to play. And above all that you need luck that you won't lose points to random things and have to start again.

Edit: I am not saying I should be in silver or I only care about LP. I am where I am because that's where I belong. I am just making observations. As for willing to get better I have done loads and loads of lab work and theory, I am just finding it really hard as it's my first fighting game and I absolutely suck lol.

submitted by /u/Philybear
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This is why I play Gief

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 08:32 AM PDT

How is the Hitbox?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 07:28 AM PDT

I drop a lot of inputs on my arcade stick. I can't play pad because it's even worse, I guess you can say I use too much movement or try to go too quick so I get extra inputs. Is the hitbox worth it? How do you get one? Do you have to customize it? I understand it's like a keyboard, but I can dig the fact that I'll never accidentally jump back and get hit because I tried blocking a cross up.

submitted by /u/FourStockMe
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Zangief comeback by using tundra storm!

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 10:44 AM PDT

I feel like all Street Fighter players should play this game

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 10:23 AM PDT

Pretty crazy these Alpha 3 girls from adjoining pages of Eternal Challenge BOTH made Vanilla SF5

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 07:10 PM PDT

Vega having a tough time with his meal. Do you know what he is about to eat?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 07:24 AM PDT

Is there a huge difference in learning Ultra Street Fighter IV versus Omega?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 07:03 AM PDT

What is a 'Jab Check' in SF?

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 04:46 AM PDT

So I've heard this term quite alot over the past few days and I am not too sure how to interpret this. It sounds somewhat self explanatory but is there more to it then just jabbing your opponent?

Like is there any tactical advantage of using it? Is it necessary to do to become a better player?

Just a noob asking for help :)

submitted by /u/Binzah
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Uncle Valle calls out the posers on stream (WNF)

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 10:43 AM PDT


Posted: 12 Jul 2018 10:42 AM PDT

Yo its me again and my dumb ass did a photo album for CEO. Ask me anything. Just dont ask why it's so late.

Posted: 12 Jul 2018 10:27 AM PDT

Part of my series of Rank Notes I’m typing up for my community during my grind from Diamond to Ultra Diamond with Cody only

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 12:02 PM PDT

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