Smite - Khepri always protects his team and never lets anyone die. So I make sure he stays safe too.

Khepri always protects his team and never lets anyone die. So I make sure he stays safe too.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 07:13 PM PDT

Just moved into my first place and my friend got me this as a housewarming present.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:13 PM PDT

Happy Birthday, Erlang Shen!

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:13 AM PDT

I got deserter for not being able to choose a god (Again)

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:36 PM PDT

Can Hades' Ultimate Get The Baron Treatment?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 07:52 AM PDT

It seems ridiculous to me that we've been comparing that Hades' and Baron's ultimate work similarly in how they will pull you, but no one seems to be mentioning that Hades only receives protections on his while Baron receives mitigations.

Can Hades ultimate please be changed to 'X' percent mitigation instead of having protections? They are almost negligible late game and, unlike Baron, Hades cannot move while he is ulting.

submitted by /u/Reia_Dance
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Abnormal- Xing Tian skin

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 06:53 AM PDT

Baron's Brew

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 06:46 PM PDT

I drew the Zhonger Donger. At least he's in the meta now <3

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:01 PM PDT

Introducing the Trap and Clap!

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:04 AM PDT

Why was it never specified that 3x bundles were temporary?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 02:46 PM PDT

It was never said that the 3x bundles were temporary although they now retroactively claim that it was like that from the start. It seems to me that Hi rez reverting back to 1 bundle per day is a very spontaneous decision and it shows that they are willing to go back on pretty much anything without warning.

Courtesy of u/runningaarons for digging up the links:

Notice no mention of the 3x bundles feature.

submitted by /u/Desertskullman
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Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:05 PM PDT

Started Playing 2 years ago as my first MOBA...Really came from nothing and now I’m super proud of myself :)

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:49 PM PDT

Made this concept for Ymir after seeing someone wanted a "Tadaa" after Ymir blinks.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:33 AM PDT

Infographic | 2018 SPL Summer Split Week 6 Recap

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:43 AM PDT

Big request for Hirez with Pele release

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:10 PM PDT

I am sure I can speak for all smite community now. Hirez we beg you. Before 5.14 hits live client make sure Pele will not be broken as Baron. I know it is unique now because I have to say you release pretty balanced gods now (sometime they need little bit buff sometimes little bit nerf) but Baron release is the same broken level release as Bellona release. And I think it would be nice add some balance in hotfixes when god is broken as Samedi.

submitted by /u/Milda47
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How I am slightly annoyed about the choice for the god coming after Ragnarok

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 07:13 PM PDT

Before I start, just a heads up, that it was datamined that Hera will be the next god after Pele.

Now, the reason I am annoyed about this comes in two points

  1. Jormungundr would have been a infinitely better choice then her as he is actually tied into ragnarok, (being one of Loki's children and the child that actually starts the event) and has a much more versatility when it comes to his kit (what with the eitr, size changing and general snakey-ness), and forgive me if I'm wrong, but does Hera actually have anything to make a kit out off (I mean, what can the goddess of marriage do)

  2. We have already had 2 Greek gods this year, those gods being Cerberus and Achilles, and the Greeks have nothing to do with ragnarok

Sorry, if I sound outraged guys, if you want to leave your opinions below feel free, or if you want to make a theoretical kit for both, go right ahead.

Adios friends

submitted by /u/deskappl
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God Concept: The Nuckelavee, the Rider of Orkney

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 07:21 PM PDT

An idea I've been tossing around in my head for a bit, the Nuckelavee was always one of my favorite monsters growing up. Hopefully i got everything in order

The Nuckelavee, the Rider of Orkney

Pantheon: Celtic

Assassin, Melee/Physical

  • Pros: High Mobility, Good Jungler
  • Cons: Low Defense, weak teamfighter

Appearance: A skinless human torso attached at the hip to the back of an equally skinless "horse". The rider's head is bulbous and jaw extends like a whale's and its arms are lanky and reach to the ground. Broken-looking bones extend from the horse's legs forming fins and on the horse's head is a single glowing eye.

Waves lapping at the coastlines are a peaceful sight, but the inhabitants of Scotland know better, for beneath those waves lurks a being whose name is only spoken preceding a prayer. The Nuckelavee, a fairy- no- a demon from the blackest abyss. Rising from the tides to blight the land with its horrid, skinless form and pestilent breath. Endlessly pursuing its victims across the moors until its long, bony fingers close around their heads dragging them, helpless and horror-stricken to the depths. The Nuckelavee begrudgingly suffers its summertime imprisonment, held captive by the rains and the Mither O' the Sea. But the rain no longer falls and the Mither is elsewhere, and so once more the night is filled with the dread sounds of hoofbeats, and a miasma drifts across the cool breeze. The Nuckelavee has risen and this time, it sets its sights on much greater prey…

Attack chain: 0.75/0.75/1.25/1.25

Passive: Dreadful Pursuit- The Nuckelavee gains a 5% movement speed buff when chasing a fleeing enemy god. In addition, Nuckelavee also has +2 range on its basic attacks when moving.

Dreaded Miasma: The nuckelavee expels its foul breath, spreading a diseased fog that lingers where it moves. While in this fog, enemies take damage over time and cannot use consumables.

  • Ability type: Area (20 unit radius)
  • Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+15% physical power) every 0.25 seconds
  • Ability duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds
  • Fog Duration: 1/2/3/4/5 seconds
  • Cost: 50/55/60/65
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds

Predatory Gaze: The Nuckelavee affixes the target with a piercing glare from its mount's singular eye, Slowing them and reducing protections while the target remains in the beam.. These debuffs increase based on how close the nuckelavee is to the target.

  • Ability type: Line (30 units)
  • Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 Seconds
  • Slow: 0.5/1/1/1.5/1.5% per unit below 31
  • Protections: 1/1.5/2/2/2 Per unit below 31
  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Tidal Savaging: The Nuckelavee descends below the waves in pursuit, extending its arms to slash at enemies in its path, stopping at the first god hit. If the attack hits an enemy god, the Nuckelavee is buffed gaining haste and increased damage upon the next three basic attacks.

  • Ability type: Dash (25 units)
  • Damage: 55/65/75/85/95 (+40% of physical power)
  • Damage buff: 15/20/25/30/35 (+20% of Physical power)
  • Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
  • Cooldown: 12 Seconds

Ultimate: Drag to the Depths: The Nuckelavee gains a speed boost and grabs a nearby enemy god, stunning them and dragging them for a duration, dealing damage based on the distance travelled.

  • Damage: 25/35/45/55/65 (+10% of physical power) for every 20 units travelled.
  • Duration: 4/4.5/5/5/5 seconds
  • Speed buff: 10/15/20/25/30%
  • Cost: 85/100/115/130/145
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds
submitted by /u/Silumgargle
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Will i get banned for dying even though im new?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:29 AM PDT

Basically, someone reported me for being 0/12 and, althrough i was saying i am a new player, the guy didn't care and reported,will i get banned because of this?

submitted by /u/ZhIn4Lyfe
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Not sure if bad english or a ymir main

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 04:09 AM PDT

Lol seems like Achilles forgot something

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:13 PM PDT

Dont play Ne Zha

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 03:06 AM PDT

For those who dont know, there is a bug that after using you ult you cant perform any actions. The only way to end this is death. Unkess they fix thim he is unplayable.

submitted by /u/tygrysor090
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Low Network Performance (ps4)

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 05:41 PM PDT

Anybody else getting this?

submitted by /u/LakenBrion
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Queue time trivia.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:04 AM PDT

I think that would be a great idea, if HiRez make a queue time trivia. It could give you points after good answers. Maybe it could give you portrait and/or global emote. About the questions: They could be about lore, abilities, spl and items.

submitted by /u/Chookii
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Suggestion for improving ranked pics and bans on console

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 05:01 PM PDT

It would be a nice improvement if there was a way to mark at least 3 gods you would be willing to play (instead of one).

Also, allow these marks to change as more pics and bans are made.

I've never yet played with anyone with a mic, and messaging on Xbox during smite is difficult and messes up the resolution.

This change would help with trading gods amongst teammates, and overall choosing an effective team composition.

submitted by /u/TheWorstAtIt
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Old Joust Map?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:25 AM PDT

Does anyone want the old joust map back, or perhaps one with an even jungle on each side? I like the new (not really new) joust map for duels, but I was recently watching some old clips and it just made me really miss the old one. Does anyone else feel the same or am I just speaking out of my ass here?

submitted by /u/SneekyWeeb
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