Smite - 123,456 Subscriber Salt Avatar Giveaway!

123,456 Subscriber Salt Avatar Giveaway!

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:16 PM PDT


/r/Smite has reached 123,456 subscribers! We will be giving away 50 Salt Avatars, the giveaway ends 72 hours after this was posted! Good luck to everyone and may the salt mines of reddit be at their peak production.


submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:40 PM PDT

Ajax says they are not removing Siege. So people can stop asking for it to remove it

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:48 PM PDT

Cerberus being cute

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 03:26 PM PDT

“Artio of Oz” Artio by Guy (Speed art in the comments)

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:49 PM PDT

Just want to show some support to u/HiRezAjax for popping up on threads to keep us informed.

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:16 AM PDT

It's much appreciated!

submitted by /u/futureyoufromthepast
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Baron Portrait

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 11:21 AM PDT

Baron Samedi needs to count as a healer or be taken out of assault.

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 05:38 PM PDT

His "conditional" heal is waaayy too good for it to be a fair game without a healer on the other team. Now i know Assault will never be perfectly balanced as lord Thanos says but Baron actually ruins the gamemode.

submitted by /u/IWatchMyLittlePony
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I think we broke the game

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 03:13 PM PDT

The Baron Controversy

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 03:11 PM PDT

After reading of tons of threads and comments I thought I'd try to share what I've noticed and why I think both sides have valid arguments. Honestly the whole Baron affair seems more like people don't understand what the others are saying, because I see tons of responses that don't answer the concerns, questions, or complaints stated.

Git gud VS Brain dead

A very common argument is you just have to outplay Baron, juke his abilities, basically be a good player and you can easily beat him. I have to agree with that. People learned to play against him and how to survive the ult and combo a lot better than before. But this neglects a very valid point for the other side as well. Baron himself is extremely easy to play. While it takes some getting used to the delay on his abilities they are very straightforward and it's really not hard to do well with him. He has a combo that is fairly easy to hit without having any major requirements on hitting the full combo. This makes him incredibly predictable, and thus easy to play around when you are a skilled player and/or have some team coordination. If the Baron player himself is better though or has a team he can rely on, it's getting more difficult again, so it's hard to measure at this point. There are a lot of bad players out there playing him as well, maybe even more than good players, because those can pick a hard counter and try farming (bad) Baron players, which brings me to the next point.

Easy to counter VS Must be countered

I think it's quite obvious by the amount of Da Ji and Hou Yi these past 2 weeks that people are countering him. He has a bunch of soft counters, that simply play around his ult better, and some hard counters that are picked to force his relics/ult and kill him or abuse him in other ways (like extremely long range/setup/displacement characters). So it's very viable to counter him. But the downsides of not being able to can simply lead to him farming you all game, because relics are not as effective as other characters against him. While in ranked this will likely lead to him being manageable on higher levels of play (he might still have to be banned or counter picked though) but the real issue comes from the larger pool of casual games. In blind pick you simply should not account for having to counter certain characters. While having CC immunity in Arena is one of the rare exceptions (due to Ares, Da Ji, etc.) generally you should be able to play anything. There is not much of a point to counter pick a specific gods in a 90+ gods blind pick. Doing that just shows something is wrong with that character. So yes, he is easy to counter pick, but should you really have to do that?

He's fine! VS Is he fine?

Is he too strong or isn't he? Honestly, this question is likely impossible to answer atm. The fact he got released with bugs that completely broke him and the meta shifting to gods that counter him makes it pretty impossible to tell right now what is up with him. People complain about all parts of his kit. People defend him in various ways. This is not really a question that needs to be answered right now though, because the main point of worry is something different, that tends to get ignored quite a bit.

Fun VS Fun

A character that is fun to play, so his kit should stay. But a character that feels unfun to play against so it should change. To look into the last part one needs to understand why people feel bad playing against him. There are a few key points.

1) Hysteria management is flawed. Something that starts giving benefits after just one use of an(y) ability as it adds hysteria first and then checks for effects feels very bad for the opposing team. It just comes across no effort high impact.

2) Setup and burst. Being slowed feels bad, not being able to cleanse the slow feels worse. Having easy hysteria application and retention also means that it's not too hard to get even more burst potential. In itself it would be fine, but it adds to a utility heavy kit, which makes parts of his kit feel bloated.

3) The ult of denial. Being fairly difficult to make use of your relics against it is one reason it's so hated. Another one comes from the fact that it punishes you heavily for engaging with it's high burst and cc potential. It's actually fairly comparable to Tusky (Artemis ult) as it is a heavy punishment ult that can be used offensively and requires the use of relics, while it's trading the AoE capabilities for more survivability and single target impact. Another point of contention is the possibility for someone to take the hit for you, as it offers more counter options for experienced coordinated players while feeling bad for others, even going as far as blaming others for not tanking it for you.

This is tricky because keeping all his interactions and points of frustration like this might become very detrimental in the long run, but gutting him would frustrate players that enjoy playing him, as his kit feels good.

You just want to make him unplayable! VS should he be good?

To put it bluntly, yes, a lot of people want him to be bad. And there is a kind of simple enough reason for that. Things that feel terrible are bad for the game if they are good and widely used. Some characters are inherently so unfun that they shouldn't be strong. The prime examples for these are stealth characters (due to their one-shot potential and very limited counter play) and things like Nox. I think Nox is actually the best example for this. Playing against one tends to feel bad because her kit is just built that way. While I would argue that she takes at least some skill to play and land her stuff reliably, the game would just be the worst with a Nox (or two) in every game. She shouldn't be good, because it makes the game worse to play and consequently less fun. Now where does that leave Baron? I would argue he isn't quite at that stage. But this mostly comes from the fact that he has a broader spectrum of counters, so on average, it wouldn't be as bad. But he is fairly close to that, because his abilities offer quite a lot of tools, that can be quite equally oppressive while he's being a lot easier to play.

Now where do we go from here?

There are basically 3 options at this point Hirez can take.

1) Leave him as he is. We will see if this is even feasible in the near future depending on how he performs. I don't think the recent nerfs will be the last ones, but I fear they would rather push into the second direction...

2) Keep his kit as it is and adjust damage. While this is the most obvious nerf it doesn't really address the reason he feels bad for people. The Anti-Baron side would be happy for a while, but this it just makes it so when he can work, like against match-ups that are not specifically tuned against him, he will still feel horrible on the receiving end.

3) My personal favorite, take away some frustration but improve benefits for consistent and good play. For example, if you make hysteria harder to apply and keep up, you can increase the bonus effects or even damage (scaling up damage% up to a maximum) under these circumstances. Give rewards for consistently hitting people with your low cooldowns, but make it possible to play around it as well. Or make beads more reliable against his ult but keep it strong/make it stronger, like the tick damage.

Baron has been a very interesting release and I think the initial bugs just horribly split the community over this matter. It's Hirez' fault, there is no denying that. I just hope we can find ways to fix it. If we just let them evaluate their data there will be nothing gained from this whole debacle. People are frustrated with him and I think it's fair that people are frustrated. On the other hand there is also no point in crying for nerfs while not understanding or communicating the problems with Baron in greater detail. A lot of people want to vent, and after these 2 weeks of bugs, crashes and utter imbalance, who could blame them.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter, maybe you have an idea how to reduce the frustration for both sides. This isn't a "baron op pls nerf" post, I wanted to explain more why people feel so strongly about this, and that there isn't a right or wrong opinion in this case. But it would be great to find a way to deal with it.

submitted by /u/Greenlorska
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Anyone else misses Summer of Smite?

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 11:39 AM PDT

I really miss SoS! I was really looking forward to it to see what new summer inspired skins will be in 2018, that is of course before we all knew summer will be replaced with Uprising event?

submitted by /u/GGKiki
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Big updates to Project Olympus in 5.13!

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 07:31 AM PDT

Arena is being redone this year and should launch sometime in fall

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 02:50 PM PDT

HirezTina has a french doppleganger!

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 04:53 AM PDT

A Clean Assassination

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 07:48 AM PDT

Sometimes, it IS your team's fault.

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 01:12 PM PDT

I can't stand this idea where you're not allowed to blame your team if you don't also blame yourself, if you deal more player damage than your whole team combined, it's not your fault. If you're the only one who went positive, and the only one with any tower damage, it's not your fault. If you have a teammate who didn't buy a relic for the first 15 minutes of the game after you told him to at least 3 times, nicely. Not your fault. If not a single person on your team types, uses VGS, or voice chat. It's not your fault dude.

If there's anyone to blame it should be matchmaking, but since you can't actually tell matchmaking to be better, you should try helping your team improve, but if they don't listen, it's not your fault.

TL:DR It's not your fault.

submitted by /u/DizzyTigerr
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So are we ever going to get more shadow skins or even just some more rewards from the clan page

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:56 AM PDT

Have had all the rewards since season 4 all the shadow skins are sick we NEED more

submitted by /u/larryjr420
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[God Concept]Azazel, Fallen Angel of War

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 06:55 PM PDT


Fallen Angel of War

This is my submission for the /r/smitegodconcepts "Out of Mana!" contest. Abrahamic


Roles: Solo, Jungle

Resource Bar: Souls.

Souls are a white-colored resource. Each god that uses Souls starts with a determined amount and has a determined maximum. Souls are collected via being near the death of nearby creatures, like Soul Eater's current passive. If multiple Soul-collecting gods are present, the one that is closest/does the finishing blow collects the Soul. Gods provide 10, minions provide 1. Gods do not lose souls on death.

God Explanation: Azazel is a powerful team-fight Solo lane warrior who can bring great single-target lockdown. Azazel excels at 1v1 confrontations like Bellona, and can jungle well. He is very tanky but suffers from a lack of inbuilt sustain and mobility, making him risky but rewarding to play.


Azazel is a fallen angel who was cast out of Heaven for teaching mortal the art of war. He taught them how to forge armor, make weapon, maim and slaughter.


Azazel would wear heavy black armor and have a set of grey, sprawling crow-wings. His face would be obscured from vision and as he collects souls his body will shimmer a grey energy. In his left hand he wields a silver claymore, his right hand would be covered in a gauntlet used to cast spells.

Stats: Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained per level

Health: 480 (+ 100)

Hp5: 8 (+0.8)

Starting Souls: 25

Maximum Souls: 200

Physical Protection: 17(+3)

Magical Protection: 30 (+1)

Movement Speed: 350 (+0)

PASSIVE: War Conductor

When Azazel is within 30 Feet of ally minions, he assists them in violent conquest. They deal 5% more damage to other minions and take 5% less damage from other minions. Additionally, he and ally gods within 30 feet deal 10% more basic attack damage to enemy gods, and his damage will Execute enemy minions bellow 15% Health.

Basic Attack

Damage: 37(+2/lvl) +100% of your physical power

Attack Speed: 1.00 (+2.5%)

Progression: 1/1/1.25/1.5 last hit is 5 feet long, 12 feet wide cone.

Range: Melee(14)

ABILITY I: Hell-risen Great Sword

Ability Type: Area

Effects: Enemies

Radius/Range: 15/75

Casting Range/Circle Radius: 55/15 Centre Radius: 7.5 feet Casting Time: .8s (Chronos' Time Rift has the same casting time)

Azazel summons a giant greatsword from Hell to pierce upwards at his ground target location after a delay. The Sword will deal damage to enemies on arrival, and enemies within the Centre Radius are stunned and impaled onto the sword for 2s. The Sword counts as a player-made structure.

Damage: 100/165/210/255/300 + 60% of your physical power

Cost: 6 Souls

Cooldown: 16s

ABILITY II: Strength of a Thousand Swords

Ability Type: Area

Effects: Enemies and Allies

Radius: 20

Azazel summons 4 swords around him. These swords will spin rapidly, dealing damage to and slowing enemies they hit. These hits count as basic attacks and can only activate basic attack effects, and the slow effect can stack up to 3 times. Targets take 10% less damage per sword after being hit 4 times, down to only 25% of the original damage. Azazel gains Attack and Movement Speed while this ability is active. It takes .5s for a sword to complete one full cycle. These swords can Critically Hit for only 15%

Damage per Hit: 20/30/40/50/60 + 20% of your basic attack damage

Slow: 6/7/8/9/10% for 2s

Movement Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%

Attack Speed: 30/35/40/45/50%

Duration: 4s

Cost: 10 Souls

Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13s

The effect has to be over for this ability to cooldown.

ABILITY III: Combat Shields

Ability Type: Buff

Effects: Enemies and Self

Azazel summons a number of small shields that fly around him. Each shield has 1 block stack, and can be destroyed by enemy basic attacks and abilities. While Azazel has these shields he gains 10% Damage Mitigation. These shields will absorb a percentage of ability damage that hits him, and 100% of basic attack damage that hits him. When a shield is destroyed, that side of Azazel's body is vulnerable to basic attacks. Activating this ability again will shatter the shields, dealing their remaining health as ability damage in a 25 feet cone in front of them.

Shield Health: 100/120/140/160/180 + 20% of your maximum health

Shields: 1/2/3/4/4

Shield Ability Damage Block: 25%

Duration: 6s

Cost: 5 Souls

Cooldown: 14s

ULTIMATE: Warlord's Solution

Ability Type: Line/Buff

Effects: Enemies and Self

Line Length/Width: 100/15 Feet

Azazel assumes his true form and then summons a giant sword into the Sky. After a 1s delay, the sword will crash down, dealing damage to enemies in a line. Jungle monsters take 40% damage. For 10s afterwards, Azazel gains new armor and a new sword, granting bonus power and protections. He will also gain a Halo of Seven Swords on his back, and landing a basic attack will consume one sword, increasing that basic attack's damage. While Azazel has this Halo of swords, he gains Haste and this ability will not go on cooldown until he has consumed all swords, or cancels this ability

Line Damage: 150/200/350/400/550/600 + 100% of your physical power

Protections: 50% for 3s

Blind Duration: 3s

Debuffs Stripped: 1/1/2/3/All

Cost: 25 Souls

Cooldown: 120s

That's my Azazel concept, please leave your feedback, i always appreciate it!

submitted by /u/CheesyDorito101
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Kawaii Killer - Jing Wei Skin Concept?

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 08:41 PM PDT

You can go to the "Recently Played" section of your friends list to report players from your last match.

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:59 AM PDT

In the last few days since the patch removed our report button, I have seen a sharp rise in quitters and trolls. Not sure if it's because people think they can't get reported right now or if maybe I'm just getting a bad sample. But in case you didn't already know, you can go to the "Recently Played" section of your friends list to report players from your last match until the report button gets restored.

submitted by /u/H3d0n1st
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Id rather have release baron than release bellona or release nemesis

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:18 PM PDT

Is baron annoying? Yes. But at least he dies, and doesnt heal 1kHP off a vulcan ult.

submitted by /u/Sorivius
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I feel so accomplished...

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 06:49 PM PDT

I have finally got every single emote after all my years

submitted by /u/Boxerbrawl
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Who do you most want as God 100?

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 10:02 AM PDT

I think a Norse or Egyptian God would be cool. Perhaps Freyr, Heimdall, Baldr, Jormungandr, Nidhoggr or Bragi for Norse. Perhaps Horus, Set or Nut for Egyptian.

submitted by /u/MayorPufnstuf
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Sylvanusaurus rex - Tyrannosaurus with longer arms concept

Posted: 10 Jul 2018 10:01 PM PDT

Ares's kit adds a lot of nuances for a T5

Posted: 11 Jul 2018 05:01 AM PDT

Many people forget how much ares has to his kit. Ares has his passive that can add stuff to his skin based on how many aura items he has. His chains for his 1 because it boosts his movement speed per god chained. His 2 could actually add cosmetics to himself and his allies when they are in range of bolster defense; and since his 1 increases his prots for his 2, they can add even MORE cosmetics to him and his allies based on how many gods he has chained. He can even add more to his skin based on how many gods he has chained/pulls with his ult.
That's not to say this should all be what his transformation is based around. On the contrary, it shouldn't because gameplay might call for not going any aura items and because players might not be good enough to kit all three chains on three diferent targets. But they could add to his skin in addition to his normal transformation (which I'll say shouldn't be based on levels since ares is a support).

Ares could by far, be the best god with the most unique t5 as of yet because of all the things his kit has.

submitted by /u/MetalGearSEAL4
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