Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs |
- DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs
- Power up your shiny squirtle if it makes you happy. The meta isn't anywhere near as important as people make it out to be.
- The coolest gym, shades and all
- I just had the greatest Pokémon go trip ever
- After 2 years, I finally hit level 40 in a special way. Squirtle was the first and last Pokemon I caught (exp wise). Happy about Community Day :)
- [Story] Pokemon go may have saved a kittens life.
- Keep an eye out for more than just opposing teams
- Recently got back into Pokemon Go and was thrilled to catch my first shiny pokemon! Put him in a gym to show off and woke up to see he had some good company!
- We made Squirtle cookies for community day
- [Complaint] Toxic Rural Players
- Most posts condemning spoofers are getting downvoted ?!
- Summertime Pikachu is ready for a day at the lake!
- I caught Mew today!
- Can they just add some 'trash' shinies to the roster already?
- TMNT Pokemon Go
- This community day, squirtle wasn't the best thing I encountered
- Pokemon Go Total Revenue Crosses $1.8 Billion, Players Spend Around $2 Million Everyday
- Looks like 100 Pokeballs for 300 PokeCoins is now a permanent fixture in the shop
- Plush sunglasses Squirtle and AR shots
- Fun squirtle day with my 5 yo son...
- My GF and I had more fun with this community day than any other.
- Idea: Buddy Campaigns
- Something fishy is going on between the date of gofest 2018, new Pokémon movie and brand new Pokémon that can be transferred to pogo
- [Photo] The best nickname I could come up with.
DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:36 AM PDT Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you! If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread. Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do. Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas! Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:51 AM PDT I understand wanting to min/max everything but using a blastoise instead of a kyogre will have the same result 99% of the time. Meta only matters when you are trying to 2-4 man certain raids, an activity most people don't partake in. For everything else (regular raids and gym battles) you can use literally almost any pokemon. Power up your favorites if that makes the game fun for you. I see far too many people looking down on players who power up non-meta. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
The coolest gym, shades and all Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:59 AM PDT Always good to see when people stick to a theme :) Not entirely sure if the pichu is shiny as someone else made the screenshot. I envision a miami vice theme song in the background... https://i.redd.it/uvyey2fdqx811.jpg Could blastoise be any more baddass? Edit Of course, pichu isn't shiney. D'oh [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
I just had the greatest Pokémon go trip ever Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:13 AM PDT So yesterday I went out for community day with friends and family, with the goal of getting a shiny blastoise with glasses, good ivs, and the new move. We got to where we were going, and there were a TON of people there. There had to be at least 150 people in just the park we were at. I've never seen that many players in one spot. I almost met my goal of a shiny blastoise with sunglasses, good ivs, and the new move, but I accidentally evolved it too late. Still probably the most fun Pokémon go trip of my life [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:33 AM PDT Level 40 and both my first and last Squirtle :D. I know it might not be as impressive anymore because all the events, but I'm glad it's finally over (until Niantic decides to increase the level cap). Just wanted to share this little milestone :) EDIT: Now that this post it gaining some traction, I'd like to EDIT 2: OH! And a 100% normal Squirtle with sunglasses ;) How many shinies did you guys get?? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
[Story] Pokemon go may have saved a kittens life. Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:52 PM PDT So yesterday after community day me and my friend decide to walk the roads around my house to hatch some more eggs, about a mile into our walk we start hearing a weird noise on the other side of the road. Upon checking out the noise we find a kitten with broken leg and an open wound on said leg, I immediately start calling the local vets and animal rescues while my friend protects the kitten from crawling into the road. After being either ignored or told no by everyone I called for help I decided there was no way I could just leave him there and I certainly didn't have the heart to put him down as I love animals and would have felt it was inhumane to do so myself, so I had my fiancé bring me my car and I drove him an hour and a half to the nearest vet hospital! They gladly took him in and told me he would be up for adoption as soon as possible! I'd like to think the little guy had successful surgery and is feeling much better today! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Keep an eye out for more than just opposing teams Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:16 PM PDT This is a x-post but I figured this could help people be more aware of the hidden dangers of letting your kids play Pokemon Go unsupervised. This took place at the park that I hold down as Gym Leader. I was wearing my Pikachu hat and some old guy took a picture of me. Now I'm almost 30 so I didn't think much of it. Then he started pointing his camera at children, so I walked over to the parents and told them what was happening. The pedo started walking out of the park, but one of the moms got his plates. We found out from the cops he had just been released from prison for (you guessed it) taking pictures of kids. He had a court order to not own any photography device, and to not be at parks. He had a full blown SLR digital camera and was walking around the playground taking pictures of kids. He wasn't even allowed to be outside of Santa Fe, roughly an hour away from where we were. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:13 PM PDT Mine was the Blastoise, but the rest of the local Team Instinct gang made sure he had some shiny company from the other community days/efforts! Feels really cool to come back and have the community be so welcoming, especially with the Articuno and Squirtle days this past weekend. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
We made Squirtle cookies for community day Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:03 PM PDT Every community day, we get a group of players together to make Pokémon themed sugar cookies. So far, we have done pokeballs, Bulbasaur, Mareep, Charmander, and Larvitar. This time we did Squirtle cookies [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
[Complaint] Toxic Rural Players Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:59 AM PDT I'm one of the only Ingress players (who also plays PoGo) in my area which is on the edge of the countryside and VERY thin on pokestops, so I spend a lot of time trekking out to areas with no stops to make submissions. Today marks the third time that i've been called out by rural players and told off for making pokestops in areas that have none because its 'ruined their nearby list' and 'they can't find anything because it only shows what's at the stop'. When there's people like this harassing Ingress players in real life you make it very difficult to help out. I've also had a tonne of agro online from pogo players who found out I play Ingress too. If you want help, you really have to stop being such dicks to people. Also as a side note: PoGo players really need to stop DMing their home addresses to random Ingress players and asking for stops. It's not going to happen, it's also really creepy. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Most posts condemning spoofers are getting downvoted ?! Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:05 PM PDT The fact that most posts condemning spoofers on this sub seem to get downvoted should be a sad reminder to Niantic about the mindset they have created in alot of players with their lenient stance towards cheaters. I feel like both the majority of the playerbase aswell as Niantic themselfs stand against me if i point out something (i.e. cheating) that is just wrong. I'll now take my well deserved downvotes in honour. edit: it seems as i didn't specifically condemn any spoofers in THIS post im getting spared [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Summertime Pikachu is ready for a day at the lake! Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:20 PM PDT Our office has a few folks who play Pokemon Go, and today we had a retreat at the lake. While packing up the trucks, I found this friend who wanted to tag along! Good thing she was already decked out and ready for a sunny day. Hope you are all enjoying your summers! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:16 PM PDT http://oi64.tinypic.com/2n175oz.jpg It took me a few months of hard work but I got one of my favorite Pokémon. It has 89% IV if anyone was wondering. Pumped for the tasks for Celebi! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Can they just add some 'trash' shinies to the roster already? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:49 PM PDT Ok, so maybe the word trash is an unfair characterisation. But lets face it, nobody wants a community day, or a month-long event for Rattata or Pidgey, and I bet a lot of us are still catching hundreds of them, for stardust, for xp, maybe just to find a 100iv, but these are still reasons to catch any pokemon. It seems to me that the only thing that sets them apart is how irritatingly abundant they can be. I think it just would be nice to add a little something extra to keep them a little bit interesting. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:15 AM PDT After a successful community Day, I have 4 different Hydro Cannon Blastoises. Decided to name them after TMNT. Then though Alolan Ratatta would make great Splinter...and went from there. https://imgur.com/gallery/cqCQUPI Edit: Added Casey and Krang https://imgur.com/gallery/pYBiDTG [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
This community day, squirtle wasn't the best thing I encountered Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:38 PM PDT Was in the park with my GF, wandering around trying to find some turtles, and on a break for some hydration, I felt like in a real pokemon encounter! I suddenly heard a rustle in the grass behind me and turned to see what it was. I thought at first that maybe it was a bird or a lizard, but the rustle just intensified as I got closer. At that point a bird would have flown away and a lizard would've run away. Clawing through the undergrass was the cutest little hedgehog! I was so surprised, I wasn't expecting to be see one in a park in the middle of a city. I go there for years and never saw one. Observed the little guy for a while, went for a drink and when I returned he disappeared. I still managed to catch this "Shaymin" in photo form! Guys remember to have your eyes wide open to enjoy your surroundings, the screen's not the only thing with interesting things! There's a lot to see if we pay attention! Have a nice day ;) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Pokemon Go Total Revenue Crosses $1.8 Billion, Players Spend Around $2 Million Everyday Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:15 AM PDT
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Looks like 100 Pokeballs for 300 PokeCoins is now a permanent fixture in the shop Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:23 PM PDT This used to cost 460 PokeCoins. This is a solid deal for people that can't keep Pokemon Catching - Pokeball Equilibrium each week (like me) since you can usually snag enough gold from gyms and even miss a day. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Plush sunglasses Squirtle and AR shots Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:01 PM PDT I made the plush Squirtle in glasses for the community day and shot a few AR photos. I have not tried this before, it's funny =] Instagram: Plush Squirtle and digital Squirtle Or imgur: https://imgur.com/a/T9D1l7h But I can not understand why the quality of photos is so bad. My phone shoots very nice, but in the AR mode I get muddy photos... [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Fun squirtle day with my 5 yo son... Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:02 PM PDT My 5 year old son recently started playing Go, but really only gets to play some evening around our neighborhood, or when we are sitting somewhere that might have a stop or a gym. Anyways, this was the first community day that was going to be a good time for us to go, so I left my wife and daughter at home to take naps and we went to a local park. When we pulled up and he started up the game, there was a squirtle already popping up for him. His first squirtle and it was a shiny.... We proceeded to walk around the park long enough to catch enough squirtle that he ended up with a decently powered Blastoise and a shiny Wartortle. He chartered the entire day and loved every minute of it. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
My GF and I had more fun with this community day than any other. Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:31 AM PDT We both spent most of yesterday hiding Squirtles we 3D printed around town. We hope they found wonderful new homes! We've been getting progressively more bored of community days and this game as a whole, but the idea that we might have made someone smile makes this game a lot more enjoyable. Here's a pic of us posing one of our little guys over our lake. If you're interested in the models, here's the link to the coin and the Squirtle. I didn't design either of them, so feel free to show the original designers some love. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:26 AM PDT The meta is defined by a handful of Pokemon that maintain their top spots with high CPs, great movesets and IVs. It gives you something to strive for. "I need a good T-tar with Smackdown, then I'll be great!" But what if there were an alternative path to strive for? Buddy Campaigns Buddy campaigns offers your partner a shot at the meta. Through a long and arduous campaign you train with your chosen buddy to increase their max CP to meta heights. Tasks could include:
This offers a way to shake up the meta or have dark horses that require more effort for a large pay-off. Maybe you caught a 100% mid pack Pokemon, you now have the opportunity to help them ascend to the top. Maybe you just like such and such a Pokemon and want them to be relevant. I think this could be a neat way to do that. Edit to address power creep mentioned in comments: There is a defined ceiling relative to those exact Pokemon (Tyranitar, Blissey, etc). The best released becomes the best ceiling. If Ttar and Blissey are at the top, they are un-trainable and you get to know they're already the best out of the package. When a new ceiling is released, above Ttar and Blissey, you no longer have to leave them in the dust either! Edit: Table for clarity of the increases. Numbers given a ~35% increase (can be adjusted, certainly won't be 35% for every Pokemon) to keep most Fire Legendary stats above so they can keep their prestige.
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Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:35 AM PDT Today, I have watched this video:https://youtu.be/lQheps9JgUM Starting at 10:17. This video is talking about what would be the brand new Pokémon that can be transferred from let's go eevee/pikachu. The number one possibility is that the new Pokémon will be teased in the new Pokémon movie. And I have just checked and that the new Pokémon movie comes out in Japan on July 13th. Then, I realized that this year's Gofest will be happening on July 14th and July 15th. So basically, whatever new Pokémon is featured in the new movie, we will be discussing that during the Gofest. Maybe, just maybe, we will get more information or they will do something related to this new Pokémon at Gofest this year. I know it may sound like a stretch but the timing is definitely too coincidental. What do you guys think? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||
[Photo] The best nickname I could come up with. Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:09 AM PDT Not the best stats, and he just stumbles around everywhere, but he's mine and I love him. My wife and I had a great time on Squirtle Day and are definitely looking forward to the next event! [link] [comments] |
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