Heroes of the Storm - Hero Discussion: Alarak

Hero Discussion: Alarak

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:54 AM PDT

Welcome to the Thursday Hero Discussion, where we feature a rotating hero discussion about popular assassins every Thursday.

Alarak Highlord of the Tal'darim

HotS Birthday & Cost (Link): September 13, 2016 & 750 Gems / 10,000 Gold

Alarak Wiki Entries Wikia (Link) Gamepedia (Link) Liquipedia (Link)

Balance History (Link)

List of Pro Builds (Link)

Hero Spotlight (Link)

Hero League Match w/Grubby Season 1 - 2018 (Link)

Hero League Match w/Nubkeks Season 2 - 2018 (Link) Season 1 - 2018 E-build (Link)

Hero League Match w/Jowehots Season 2 - 2018 (Link)

Alarak No Nonsense Guide w/Ryoma GG (Link)

Alarak is currently a Tier 4 assassin chosen 3 times and banned once at the HGC 2018 Midseason Brawl (Link) with a 66% win rate. Alarak's popularity on the HotS ladder based on Heroes.report (Link) and HotsLogs (Link) is around 11% with a win rate of about 51% over the past seven days.

  • Alarak is classified as Hard difficulty to play, do you agree?
  • What strengths and weaknesses do you think pros consider when choosing an assassin like Alarak in HGC 2018 matches, and do those considerations apply to ranked and unranked matches?
  • When do you prioritizing drafting Alarak and on what maps?
  • What heroes do you draft to counter an Alarak pick?
  • Are there any particular hero synergies to complement an Alarak pick?
  • Is Alarak an early, mid or late-game hero, and where are the significant power spikes"
  • Is there a particular build you would recommend to someone wanting to learn the basics of Alarak?
  • Is there a high skill cap build you favor to optimize Alarak's performance and create flashy plays?
  • Do you have any tips or tricks for positioning Alarak in team fights and on rotations?
  • Which of Alarak's heroics do you favor?
  • Do you use the "On Release" keybind feature for any of Alarak's abilities, if so which ones?
  • Do you think Alarak is balanced; if not, what abilities or talents should be reworked?

Previous Hero Discussions (Link) The sidebar for r/Heroesofthestorm/ is updated to include the Hero Discussions wiki.

Please Upload Your Replays to HotsAPI.net & HotsLogs.comUploading your replays to these sites provides better data for the HotS community to analyze and learn from. Stats of the Storm (Link) is a utility that works for both PC and Mac that allows you to view replay stats locally on your computer and automate uploading replays to both HotsAPI and HotsLogs.

submitted by /u/LDAP
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Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | July 05 - July 11

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:00 AM PDT

Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.

Previous Teaching Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Which of the ults is funniest?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:46 PM PDT

Gorge, each time it has me in stitches

submitted by /u/AshiSunblade
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Deathwing in Heroes of the Strom [idBeCoolif] ft. MfPallytime

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:40 AM PDT

Blizz, please add Banshee's HP Bar just like Misha!!

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:18 AM PDT

I'm really pleased with rework of Raynor's Banshee on PTR.

But, Banshee's HP status is difficult to identify properly.

Please add Banshee's HP Bar just like Misha.


submitted by /u/rost473
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To the Kerrigan on our team earlier; my bad :^(

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 02:30 PM PDT

I was playing HotS this morning as Stukov and like, we had a Kerrigan on our team who jumped at an enemy JUST as I shoved them and both her and the enemy ended up flying all the way down the middle lane straight to the enemy teams base

I'm so sorry Kerrigan D:

submitted by /u/MMAntwoord
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Alexstrasza's Q should not be able to heal lane minions. I am literally never trying to do that.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 12:05 PM PDT

Just accidentally lost a teamfight due to misclick in lane

submitted by /u/MartMillz
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Alex make a MLG play

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:54 AM PDT

Noblesse’s Guide to the Lord of Terror

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:47 AM PDT

Why was Leoric's death timer removed?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:01 AM PDT

When Leoric dies, there is no longer a numerical death countdown timer... why was that removed? It helped me time out when to get behind gates to spawn, or hearth back just in time. As it is right now, it looks like he's still alive but with a grey bar that fills up as he gets closer to spawning. Why has Bliz removed that piece of information? Add it back!!!

submitted by /u/MrSumOne
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Heroes of The Storm WTF Moments Ep.111

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 02:34 PM PDT

Thing I miss about Duo Queuing in HL

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:00 PM PDT

Having a level headed friend who not only knows how to draft but can help you fix a bad draft. And arguments about video game inferiority complexes aside, if you've never had that feeling when your four random teammates ignore every suggestion you make and silently highlight the worst ones possible, either you've had an amazing HL experience or you're one of those four other players. And that's fine, all I'm really saying is that I miss that feeling of being able to count on at least one other person in HL rather than none.

submitted by /u/Sean12434
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Team Octalysis' Goku reveals Valeera's rise to relevance

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:36 AM PDT

You're all wrong about the new Azmodan- input from the biggest Azmohead ever

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:35 AM PDT

The New Azmodan is actually overpowered.

That is my tentative conclusion after 1 QM game and a bunch of AI games on the PTR. I wish I could test it more against actual people but it seems nobody uses the PTR so I'm stuck testing alone. But the raw power level the new Azmodan has just dicking around with AIs is truly insane and I really don't understand how people have been trying him out and thinking it's weak. I have 6K Azmodan games played, so I think I know the hero pretty well, and these changes feel great. The biggest nerf was the increased warning on Q impact and I do recognize that the AI is garbage at capitalizing on this and just stands in the radius. However the new playstyle is all about doing medium-range globes instead of max-range globes, and at this range they're still pretty hard to dodge.

I know what people are thinking: But Tide of Sin is garbage, worse than a basic ability. The trait is weak on a minute cooldown. The globe range got nerfed. Yeah, it's not all rainbows. But y'all just need to get into the Azmodan mindset. He's a fatass, the Lord of Sin. All that work pressing extra buttons to use a heroic? Ain't nobody got time for that. Azmodan is lazy, and got sick of having to constantly hit Alt-R, so he upgraded, and now he can be powerful without ever using an ult. He can throw unbuffed globes around that are still as impactful as the old ones, except now they don't require double the mana cost and needing a delay to selfcast BP. This design of the heroics being garbage is dumb and should be fixed, but the actual power level of the hero is great.

So how do you get OP out of the new Azmodan? I got you covered.

The biggest factor is the new Wrath talent at level 1, and Bombardment at 7. The other talents have their uses, but these are the most consistently powerful. First, Wrath: It is so easy to stack Annihilation with this quest. Other heroes with "stack on AA hero hits" talents dream of having stacking this easy. Zagara takes 3 AA hits on a hero to get +1 damage on her AA. Wrath gives you a stack for every single auto-attack. Azmodan laning against any sort of melee with sustain is generally just sitting slowly chipping away at their HP with AAs in between globes. Live Azmodan they just shrug it off and use their sustain while clearing the wave. But with new Azmodan, every AA they let you land is feeding you stacks. Wrath Azmodan will stack so quickly against a Dehaka or other warriors. This talent addresses the most annoying thing about Azmodan- everyone always wants you to be the solo laner, but solo lane is garbage for stacking. Now it will be great!

At 7 you get another tier of Annihilation-stacking talents. Bombardment is amazing for several reasons. First, it directly helps you get even more stacks from AAs on heroes. You're already getting Wrath stacks on AAs and now suddenly you get AAs that hit 3 targets and get Bombardment stacks as well. In a skirmish with 3 enemy heroes, if you hit them all with a Q and then start AAs you get 6 Annihilation stacks from the baseline quest, and 6 Annihilation stacks from Wrath+Bombardment for each AA you get off. In the best case (close range no interruptions where you can actually land 3 Bombardment-empowered AAs) this is 24 stacks from a single Q cast. Most cases you'll only get 1-2 AAs empowered and get 12-18 stacks total, still very strong.

The combination of all 3 quests for Annihilation stacking means you should be able to get 200 stacks by 10 minutes into the game. Then the magic begins. The wrath reward is fantastic. Here's some math comparing old and new:

q = base Q damage (at level 10, 243) s = bonus damage stack level a = autoattack damage Old azmo in a medium range skirmish could hit some enemy heroes with a BP-empowered globe for (q+s)1.75 damage. At level 10 with Sieging Wrath completed, this was (243+190)1.75 = 757.75 damage.

New Azmo with the extra 2.75 range from Bombardment gets to land an AA on up to 3 targets in addition to the globe for q+s+a+s damage. At level 10 with Wrath completed, this is 243+200+136+200 = 780 damage. WITHOUT needing to use a heroic. With the new garbage Tide of sin, you get an extra 222 damage for 1002 total damage.

In defense of old Azmodan, if you were in close enough range to AA already, old Azmodan could do 1.75*(q+s+a) or 987 damage, plus even more if you were able to get off several BP-empowered autos or if you used old Sin's Grasp. New Azmodan doesn't have this big single-target-close-range burst, but makes up for it with big buffs in more common scenarios. now instead of getting multiple BP-empowered AAs, you get multiple Bombardment-empowered AAs that split to three targets (and keep building more stacks!). Casting your Q from outside of AA range is much more common for Azmodan, and Bombardment gives this amazing 2.75 range boost to add in AA damage between Q casts.

In addition to all this teamfighting power Bombardment gives, it also indirectly helps you stack the baseline quest. Old Azmo would be able to Q a wave and then AA 1-2 minions who survived with a sliver of health during the 1.5s window for stacks. New Azmo can do the same but get off 6 AAs. If you're stacking well this essentially instantly clears the wave with an unempowered Q and you get 10-14 stacks.

After midgame, it just gets better. All the buffs to stacking mean you should be able to hit 200 damage about as fast as you could hit 190 with Sieging Wrath. Except Sieging Wrath never goes higher, while new Azmo gets to go all the way to 400! Another huge buff.

Azmodan's core gameplay of using Globe of Annihilation is stronger with this patch. I love it! But wait, there's more! Azmodan's neglected W and E abilities got improvements, too! Demon Warriors finally got a fix to the absurdly high mana cost, and a baseline damage aura that helps stack Annihilation, and reveal stealthed heroes/creep. It's still not that strong of an ability, but it definitely feels more worthwhile.

All Shall Burn is also great. the old one had some niche uses but was mostly laughable. New ASB you move 50% faster and only have to hold it for 2.5 seconds. It's actually impactful and does decent damage. Plus it's actually a fun ability now- after 2.5 seconds your target goes *pop* and it makes for satisfying kills. The 13 tier, which used to be really weak, now has Cydaea's Kiss to reduce the time to 2 seconds and add a self-heal. At 16, you get to increase the range 20%, making lasers easy to land the pop on, AND the cooldown gets cut in half when you successfully get lasers to pop, allowing you to cast them over and over again.

With the incredibly easy to stack new quests, you should be able to hit 400 by level 20. Here's what the math looks like at 20 comparing new vs. old:

Old, casting BP + Globe + AA: (360+190+186)*1.75 = 1288 damage

Old, way more difficult to stack TFB Azmo: (360+500+186)*1.75 = 1831 damage

New, casting Globe with the new Pride talent + AA: 360+500+186+400 = 1446 damage

New, casting Tide of Sin + Globe + AA: 1.5*(360+500) + 186+400 = 1876 damage

The new Azmodan is just better damage. It can outdamage SW spec old Azmo without using Tide of Sin, and have one mega better-than-max-TFB-old-Azmo globe every 30 seconds if you still take Tide of Sin.

There were significant nerfs, of course. But these buffs help in way more frequent situations than the ones that were nerfed. Baseline Q range nerf combined with SW range not existing anymore hurts. More time for people to dodge a Q hurts even more. But the new Q is so much more powerful it would be absurdly OP if you could still do the max range globes without any warning. Still, this hurts.

The new trait is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it's a brand new tool for Azmodan- a global lane push that actually gets some XP while it pushes! The new trait has a completely different use case than the old (unless you take the 13 trait talent). Old trait you wanted to use on a wave that was pushing structures to speed up the destruction. New trait you want to use on an empty lane of minions fighting minions, and it will give you XP for 3 of the 7 minions (4 if you take Hellforged Armor). That's not amazing, but it's not negligible either. Being able to soak half of a wave with an instant cast global ability is a nice little bonus. The problem is the 60 second cooldown and the fact that the trait doesn't do much in the early game when there are often no abandoned lanes. Still, you can at least use it right before hitting a wave with Q and it will get you 2 extra Annihilation stacks. If you do use it on an abandoned lane, your minions will win with 5 still standing.

Overall the new trait design is way more interesting because it gives XP, but it's not that strong.

IMO to make this rework perfect all they have to do is buff Tide of Sin. Not damage- new base globe is so strong they can't buff the damage more. Instead, they should let it buff the range and travel speed of Q so you can use Tide of Sin to still have access to that old Azmo power of clearing a wave or impacting a teamfight from across the map. Perhaps also some cooldown reduction on Tide per minion hit so it isn't a full 30 second cooldown when you use it for waveclear.

This is of course all a tentative conclusion based on playing vs. AI. If you'd love to prove me wrong hit me (Beebs#1650) up with some friends and help me try the changes against some actual humans in a custom game on PTR.

TL;DR: 3 new stacking quests combine to make stacking incredibly easy. 200 by 10, 400 by 20 should be easily doable. Wrath + Bombardment particularly OP. New Azmo can do more damage at medium range than old Azmo without any heroic. New heroic is garbage, but you don't need it and are OP with just basic abilities.

submitted by /u/bagelmanb
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Leo's hero portrait needs to be grey when he dies

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 06:08 PM PDT

Title. This way when you glance at the top of your screen you can tell if he's dead or not. Currently it looks too much like he's alive.

submitted by /u/JesusMafia1
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Problem with BW talents nobody talks about.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 02:02 PM PDT

Hi, just would like to talk about one thing, which really bothers me on BW. Generally BW has 2 builds : Teleport (Z) build and sustain build with Mistified talent. For (Z) build mandatory talent is Phase Shield and for Sustain build it is Mistified. And the problem is these two super important talents are in the same tier with Cleanse. In this Garrosh, Diablo and Malfurion meta, Cleanse is really nice thing to have. But not as BW. By picking Cleanse you have to sacrifice two mandatory talents (Phase shield, Mistified) for your build. No other support needs to sacrifice so much for Cleanse (Its even normal cleanse with no cd reduction.) This put her in ironic situations, when she should be good vs heavy cc team due to cleanse, but then you realize it will screw your complete playstyle, so better to pick other support. Your thoughts?

submitted by /u/Mates20
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New Raynor can now comfortably solo the golem boss at level 20

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 02:09 PM PDT

If you make sure to take damage first (rather than your banshee), then pop the heal, then take most of your bar of damage again, then have the banshee tank the boss until the banshee dies. It will proc adrenaline and inspire and give you a second heal in the fight. Dusk Raider at 20 is what gives the free procs

Pic and talents: https://imgur.com/a/5scu2QX

submitted by /u/BasketofWarmKittens
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How about an 'interesting things you may not know about HotS' thread?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 04:11 PM PDT

After u/Mytre posted about Sgt Hammer and the hammer on her tool belt she waves around when she is capturing in siege mode I thought it would be cool to dedicate a thread to these quirky little details.

u/TheG-What Dehaka regenerates his arms at level 10.

u/Enconhun Kharazim uses different final attack animations with different level 1 talents.

u/DuGalle Muradin has a different attack animation when you procc [[Give'em the axe]]

submitted by /u/PeculiarPete
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Malthael Solo MATCHUPS - Masters League 100 games in RECENT patches

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 07:14 PM PDT

This is in regards to solo lane maps with Control points. This is going to assume that the Malthael player:

  • is looking at the map to prevent ganks

  • took Fear the Reaper at lvl 1 if there is a high potential for dying to ganks (such as if against a CC solo laner with a high mobility ganker)

  • Q talent for lvl 4 Die Alone

Before reading this, check out "Freezing the Wave" mechanic

At the very start of the game, you will have an idea of what you will need to do if you are up against Malthael in the solo lane, and what you will need to do exactly from the moment you meet Malthael in Lane.

It is also important to note, that you can win the solo lane, but if your solo laner sucks in teamfight, it can be a disaster lategame. Malthael performs the worst vs triple backline comps.


vs Arthas - slightly disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Arthas will lose the lane, but can freeze the lane near the fort and zone out Malthael starting at lvl 4. Malthael cannot do the same to Arthas.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will lose the point. Starting at lvl 4, Malthael will be in danger of being killed if he steps on the control point due to a skill called "Icy Talons" which allows Arthas to defeat majority of solo laners.

  • In Teamfight: depends on the ranged dps of each team.

vs Rexxar - slightly disadvangaged

  • In Lane: Malthael will Win the lane while taking HP damage each wave. How much damage Malthael takes will depend on the zoning between the bear, Malthael, and Rexxar.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will win some control percentage with his lvl 4 talent Die Alone, but Bear will ressurect and Malthael will have run out of mana. He will also be losing soak while he is fighting the bear because Rexxar is in lane. Lose/lose situation.

  • In Teamfight: Malthael's team will have the advantage since the bear will be dead of the time.

vs Leoric - favored

  • In Lane: Leoric will flat out lose the lane until lvl 4, at which point he will lose the lane less - but lose it nonetheless. Malthael can freeze the lane infront of his fort and prevent soak experience.

  • Control Pt: Leoric will lose the control point, how much HP malthael loses depends on whether he dodged Leoric's W with his own W.

  • In Teamfight: equal starting at lvl 13.

vs Chen - disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Malthael will win the lane but cannot opt to freeze it.

  • Control Pt: This is a skill match up at lvl 4 slightly favoring Chen, but Chen will easily win at lvl 7 "Bolden Flavor" and Malthael will run out of mana.

  • In Teamfight: Chen's team will have the initiative in teamfight due to barrel isolating either Malthael or other non-tank characters.

vs Varian - highly disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Varian will lose hard until lvl 4, at which point Varian can freeze the lane infront of his fort and zone out Malthael. Hard to do but possible. At lvl 7, Malthael will get destroyed in the lane.

  • Control Pt: Skill matchup on the control pt at lvl 4 vs smash varian, but Varian will absolutely destroy Malthael at lvl 7.

  • In Teamfight: Varian's team will have a massive advantage provided the talent selection is good from Varian.

vs Sonya - equal

  • In Lane: Malthael will win the lane. Can freeze the lane infront of fort but harder to out-trade to zone out Sonya.

  • Control Pt: Skill matchup starting at lvl 4 and highly dependent on how good the kiting was by Malthael and dodging of the spear. Before lvl 4, he can opt to annihilate the lane asap to force sonya back.

  • In Teamfight: Sonya's team will have the initiative and the offense. But as soon as the skills go on cooldown for both teams, should Sonya overstay the welcome its instant death.

vs Dehaka - slightly favored

  • In Lane: Dehaka will lose the lane but will not lose gate/tower health due to the threat of tongue drag. Malthael can freeze the lane infront of his fort and prevent soak experience.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will win at lvl 4. Skill matchup at lvl 7 at which point Dehaka might win with tongue drag CD reduction and maximum essence. Still slightly favors Malthael if he is defending the control point and landed his E onto the incoming Dehaka.

  • In Teamfight: highly dependent on whether or not Dehaka can land the isolation and drag on Malthael. He can dodge the Last Rites with burrow, but overstaying the welcome will still means death.

vs Artanis - slightly favored

  • In Lane: Malthael will destroy the lane. Malthael can freeze the lane infront of his fort and prevent soak experience.

  • Control Pt: Artanis will win the control point. Even worse should Artanis land the prism at lvl 7 "Chrono Surge" talent.

  • In Teamfight: Malthael's team will have a big advantage unless Artanis can get the magical swaps.

vs Blaze - favored

  • In Lane: Malthael will win the lane but harder to freeze it.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will win the control pt most of the time.

  • In Teamfight: Blaze can dodge the Last Rites with Bunker, but as is with Dehaka and Sonya, overstaying welcome is death. Will need a good CC combo as Malthael will most likely out trade both Blaze and his team's main tank.

vs Yrel - highly favored

  • In Lane: Malthael will destroy the lane. Malthael can freeze the lane infront of his fort and prevent soak experience.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will win the control point. His W's make it very difficult for Yrel.

  • In Teamfight: Malthael's team has the advantage, holding Last Rites until Ardent Defender is used.


vs Thrall - favored

  • In Lane: Malthael will destroy the lane, and can opt to Freeze it. Thrall might be able to freeze it starting at lvl 7 with a stack of Ancestral Wrath.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will win until lvl 7 at which point it becomes difficult, especially when Malthael misses the E.

  • In Teamfight: Malthael's team will have the advantage, esp at lvl 13 with Ethereal Existence.

vs Greymane - equal in early game but in early-mid game highly favored.

  • In Lane: Malthael can opt to go for "Massacre" at lvl 7 and destroy the lane. Even if not chosen, Greymane can attempt to fight Malthael in lane which often results in Malthael coming out on top after the (kiting by Grey and diving by Grey and kiting by Malthael) and Malthael can just heal off the minions while Grey cannot.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will destroy Greymane on the Control Pt with the Q talent at lvl 7 making it infinitely easier to kite Greymane.

  • In Teamfight: Malthael's team will have the advantage, esp at lvl 13 with Ethereal Existence.

vs Ragnaros/Alarak - advantaged mostly, but highly depends on how much combos are landed by the Rag/Ala

  • In Lane: Malthael will win the lane. Might take some HP damage, but Malthael's heal will triumph in the end.

  • Control Pt: This is a skill-based matchup that favors Malthael having control point most of the time. Alarak will need to land 2+ combos to force Malthael off the point, which can sometimes be difficult due to Malthael's W. Ragnaros has a good chance of beating Malthael at lvl 7, with the Meteor build synergizing with Blistering Attacks lvl 7.

  • In Teamfight: depends on comps.

vs Illidan/Samuro - highly advantaged

  • In Lane: Malthael will destroy the lane

  • Control Pt: Requires kiting by Malthael, but Samuro will lose hard and Illidan will do a bit better but still lose in the end, as long as Malthael player knows how Illidan's skills work.

  • In Teamfight: Malthael's team has a great advangage.

vs Zuljin - disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Malthael will kill the minions faster but take HP damage each wave. This is due to Voodoo Shuffle at lvl 4 from ZJ which gives ridiculous sustain. Malthael will eventually lose the lane.

  • Control Pt: Q build Zuljin with Armani Rage destroys many solo laners on the control point. Malthael Thrall Fenix are such.

  • In Teamfight: Zuljin's team will have a massive advantage.

vs Tychus - disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Malthael might be killing minions faster but will get chunked by Tychus each minion wave.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will lose at lvl 4. Combat Tactician lvl 1 and Concussion Grenade lvl 7 make it hard.

  • In Teamfight: Tychus' team will have the advantage.

vs Fenix - slightly disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Same case as vs Zuljin.

  • Control Pt: Fenix can E out whenever he wishes but Malthael cannot, giving Fenix a massive advantage in kill potential. However, Fenix can flat out lose if he misplaces the Q and Malthael sticks to Fenix like a glue.

  • In Teamfight: Fenix's team will have the advantage.

vs Falstad - disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Falstad can be a nightmare to deal with as Malthael esp if he took the Lightning build. You could be in real trouble if he obtains enough stacks for mercenaries and pushes your lane. Misjudging the damage trade when diving Falstad can result in death. Will need the lvl 7 Massacre to land hits on Falstad.

  • Control Pt: Same case. If the Falstad kites properly, no way to win. However, if Falstad gets jumped by Malthael from a bush or on the Pale Horse mount, then he risks death if he tries to fight.

  • In Teamfight - depends on comps, but mostly favors Falstad.


vs Zagara - slightly disadvantaged

  • In Lane: Early game will mean that Malthael will take HP damage each wave. lvl 7 Massacre will make sure that the HP damage is both ways.

  • Control Pt: This is going to be alot of kiting by Zagara, but unlike against Falstad/Valla/Lunara you have minions to heal off of. Also if you manage to get close with either Fear the Reaper or Pale Horse mount, you can dodge most of the baneling damage with your W. There will be times where Malthael will lose the point, but if Zagara does not play it right she can be killed, even by heroes like Leoric.

  • In Teamfight: depends on comps and the game strategy by the enemy team.

vs Sgt Hammer - highly disadvantaged

  • In Lane: This guy is so oppressive against melee solo laners that even heroes like Yrel can do nothing but sit in her base while Hammer is going ham on the towers. Malthael unfortunately has less healthpool than Yrel or Sonya, and will lose the lane hard.

  • Control Pt: any smart hammer will start either with vision around the control pt and stay sieged, or start unsieged and dodge your E. Both of which will mean you will lose the fight. You will have almost no chance of taking the control point against the mine talent at lvl 7.

  • In Teamfight: highly favors the Hammer's team.

vs Gazlowe - disadvantaged

  • In lane: Gazlowe can go toe to toe with your rate of clearing minions even without auto attacks. He will start to stack turrets near the control point in a row of turrets one leading some distance back-to-back during the laning phase. Really try to prevent Gazlowe from autoattacking minions starting at lvl 4, due to a talent of his called "Clockwerk Steam Fists."

  • Control Pt: You will get some control percentage for sure since you can heal off the turrets. But eventually your health and mana will run out. Its a losing fight on the control point.

  • In Teamfight: depends on the comps and the plays

vs Probius - advantaged

  • In Lane: Probius will outclear you in terms of minions, and his cannon will make it real annoying to approach the little bugger. But you will not take any gate/tower damage.

  • Control Pt: Against probius, you MUST take lvl 1 talent called Death's Reach, which extends the range of your W by alot. It will be a game of you stepping on the control point, Probius moving forward to set Rifts and send pulses, and you throwing out your E. Clear the Photon cannon asap, Q heals you off of it. Dont run around trying to kill the Pilons, as these are often in bushes and bushes often contain 3 Rifts which can kill you instantly. As soon as you land your E, W in and get that kill. Lvl 7 should be the Q talent, not massacre.

  • In Teamfight: depends on the comp and the plays


vs Guldan Drain Life Build - This build utterly annihilates some solo lane heroes, especially Zagara and Gazlowe.

  • In Lane: Malthael will lose the lane at lvl 4 but will not take gate/tower damage.

  • Control Pt: Malthael will be able to easily zone out Guldan by dodging his skills, but at lvl 7 the Guldan can easily win by landing a good combo which does massive damage due to "Curse of Exhaustion" and the big range from lvl 1 talent.

  • In Teamfight: depends on comps

vs Xul - some choose Xul as their solo laner and he can be highly effective against certain physical heroes. His W talents lvl 4 and 7 can make it a nightmare for certain heroes, and against certain solo laner heroes that focus on the 1v1 and not much the wave clear, his trait can be of high value.

  • In lane: Malthael can actually die if not careful here 1v1. The only times malthael can be extremely aggressive (like in the other side of the lane) is when Xul's armor is on cooldown. Otherwise Xul will deal severe damage to Malthael. But other than that, Malthael can easily match Xul's double soak ability. Starting at lvl 4, Malthael can be more aggressive.

  • Control Pt: Malthael can fake an engage, run back as soon as the root and armor come down. Then reengage and Die Alone will do all the work.

  • In Teamfight: favors Malthael's, unless your 4 members of your team are melee heroes.

vs Kharazim/LiLi/Tyrande - Believe it or not, some people choose these solo laners against certain heroes. It works against certain heroes.

  • In Lane: Malthael destroys

  • Control Pt: Malthael destroys

  • In Teamfight: this can go sideways if Malthael is not careful. Malthael requires the healthpool of a certain hero to fall to a certain level for that Last Rites, but double healer can make that difficult. Kharazim can also land the 7-sided which can be dangerous to an isolated Malthael. LiLi's blind prevents Malthael's sustain in teamfights, and Tyrande's vulnerability combined with a burst of damage from her team can kill Malthael quickly.

vs Genji/Tracer - niche solo lane counters to Malthael and Zagara. Although Genji and Tracer at lvl 4 can 100-0 Zagara in one combo, questionable effectiveness vs Malthael.

  • In Lane: Genji can opt for dodge at lvl 7 and Tracer's mobility talents at lvl 4 make it difficult for Malthael to land hits on them. But at lvl 7, massacre by Malthael can put Genji and Tracer out of commission in lane.

  • Control Pt: Play the cat and mouse game of annihilating the minions and then going back to the control pt. Dont play the other game of getting kited eternally. Eventually you'll be able to land that E on the Genji/Tracer, at which point u can out trade damage. These are also skillshot heroes so dodging the pulse bomb or shrikens will help alot. Save that Fear the Reaper skill for the finisher.

  • In Teamfight: depends on comps. Of note, against Abathur comps containing Genji/Tracer, it is wise to go with Torrent of Souls, not the standard Last Rites.

vs Valla/Lunara - niche solo lane counters to Malthael. Works most of the time.

  • In Lane: Malthael is disadvantaged and will need the lvl 7 Massacre. Valla's Hot Pursuit lvl 1 and Lunara's mobility mean that Malthael will lose much HP contesting each wave.

  • Control pt: Same case. Kiting Malthael will result in the ranged dps win, but can be a disaster if the squishy hero gets jumped from a bush by Malthael or gets too close to Malthael (sometimes Malthael can surprise these heroes with either Fear the Reaper or the mount talent at lvl 1).

  • In Teamfight: depends on comps. Valla/Lunara can be real squishy.

vs D.va - not usually a solo laner but some pick this to try to counter Malthael.

  • In Lane: Malthael will win the lane but cannot freeze it.

  • Control Pt: Dva will win the control point for a brief period when she has the trait explosion, but when Malthael comes back with a fountain tap and commits 100% to near death, Dva will be dead in the end (bunny pistol hurts, but Die Alone hurts more)

  • In Teamfight: Malthael's team has the advantage, and a massive one should there be chain CC combos on Dva's mech to prevent explosion.

vs Chromie - Requires excellent aim but can win the solo lane vs surprisingly many heroes. Highly dangerous to Probius but does not win vs Sgt Hammer.

  • In Lane: Malthael will win the lane but cannot opt to freeze the lane.

  • Control Pt: Skill matchup, but Chromie can easily kill Malthael at lvl 8 on the control point.

  • In Teamfight: You all know how this goes down

vs Valeera - she actually counters some solo laners hard such as illidan.

  • In Lane: Malthael will win easily

  • Control Pt: Valeera can actually kill Malthael easily if not careful. If Malthael gets the E off on a shadow of Valeera, then Valeera might actually die here.

  • In Teamfight: depends on the plays. Games with Valeera can either be a slaughter or a disaster.

submitted by /u/ShindyK2
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Remove the Incentives to Play Ranked Modes for Reasons Other Than Winning

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 06:27 AM PDT

I believe it's past time for Blizzard to stop bribing people to play Ranked modes with Gold and Mount rewards; I'm fine with rewards per se, but not if they aren't gated behind playing a LOT of games in a Season - the rewards should only be doled out for people who play, say, 25-50 games in a mode in a season. The effect of the last-minute scramble for mount and gold rewards on the quality of matches, with the lower leagues especially being flooded with weak, inexperienced players who have little interest in even winning the games is well-known and ridiculous.

It is outrageous that the people who regularly play these modes out of love of competition and good matches, the people Ranked is MEANT for, are literally recommended to stay OUT of these modes at the end of seasons.

submitted by /u/DarkRaven01
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[A game for community] Ravenlord was travelling between dimensions, and had found your favourite fictional universe. What hero or map did he bring to the Nexus?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 04:07 PM PDT

Describe your most creative ideas!

submitted by /u/Steamdroid
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Can we PLEASE get a option to black list a single map in QM?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 04:05 PM PDT

I am so sick and tired of playing on the same 2-3 maps over and over again. Please give us the ability to mark a map so we dont have to play on maps we hate. I understand this would bump up que times a little, but dont you agree this would be worth it?

submitted by /u/illya4000
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[BUG] Lili's Cleanse Cooldown only happening when Fast Feet Active

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 02:39 PM PDT

Just ran across this in Quickmatch. The cooldown of LiLi's Cleanse (Let's Go!) stopped ticking down at a random point during the game.

I watched the replay back and nothing seemed to trigger it stopping (I was checking to see if it might have been a Chromie trap acting funny). I used it twice, and then when the CD hit 29 seconds, it just stopped.

Only realized it was broken a few minutes later in the game, and had to read the description to check what might have been happening. Noticed that it said the CD was affected by Fast Feet, so waited until I took some damage to check if that was something. Low and behold, the CD started ticking again, but only while Fast Feet was active. It would stop again once that was done.

Can see in my screenshot that I pointed it out with alt clicks during the match. https://imgur.com/a/ApvjL53

Did a quick search on here, and hadn't seen anyone else bring it up (sorry if I missed it!), so decided to post. It has been posted on the HOTS forums, but almost a month ago now.


submitted by /u/Guacster
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HGC Update - July 5, 2018 - Elo scores and simulation statistics for NA, EU, Korea, China, and ANZ

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 02:23 PM PDT

Building a Battleground: Stormwind Assault

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:24 AM PDT

So Capt ADab is Looking for a First Mate!?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:27 AM PDT

Blizzard is advertising for an:


submitted by /u/royalite_
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