Forgot what game I was playing 7 Days To Die

Forgot what game I was playing

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:48 PM PDT

Our Current Base (5-player, Vanilla Server "Yoddle House")

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 02:46 PM PDT

Digging A Tunnel Under Your House IRL

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 07:46 PM PDT

[BUG?] What is that multigun doing under trader

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:45 PM PDT

Have anyone from you ever seen this thing before? It sometimes plays random sounds of opening containers whenever someone does it on server. Is it some kind of asset preloader for current chunk, so whenever we switch weapons it loads instantly?


submitted by /u/rotilbo
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What are some of your favorite ways to fortify your home?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:10 PM PDT

Looking for inspiration

submitted by /u/ASentientBlob
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Base building and detection

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 06:40 AM PDT

I currently have a base at bed rock right now and hordes and random zombies seem to be attacking the dirt on ground level quite extensively. I have a main 1 tile shaft that goes down to bed rock that the seem to avoid. I have another shaft directly over my garden that they seem to detect My question is, what are the reasons why zombies detect down there. My light shaft goes from ground level to dirt where my garden is. Do I need to remove some dirt so the light touched bedrock directly under the shaft?

submitted by /u/xsladex
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PS4 Server Online Now

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 06:32 PM PDT

What's goin on survivors. Anyone new to the game on PS4 and/or wants to fight off hordes of zombies, come to my server. GT: GorillasGaming

submitted by /u/idkHarambe
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red moon PT/BR_goals 50 followers!!

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:45 PM PDT

Editing tool tips in server to make it say different things?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:55 AM PDT

For example when you eat broken glass it says "you'd better find an emergency room quick" or something like that. I want to change it to for example "you've chosen the easy way out." I think I've found the files where you can edit it in localizations.txt but when saved it doesn't change anything in game. Am I editing perhaps the wrong file or wrong part of the file?

submitted by /u/Srgtgunnr
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Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:54 AM PDT

I need a seed that has little wasteland and not much water. Already played WnJ and Valencia


submitted by /u/lts_venom_x
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[EXPLOIT] Indestructible weapons/tools

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:41 AM PDT

With alpha 17 coming "soon" and redoing some weapons I decided to share other exploit I used for a quite long time, which is indestructible weapons / tools.

Only drawback is that each bugged part reduces quality as it was 0 part, but other than that useful for auger / chainsaw / anything you give to teammate without recipes so you don't need to repair their shit every 2 minutes.

Simply scrap random big stack, scrap part in workbench, close, open, cancel scrap, done. If no workbench available scrap items in inventory, wait 10 seconds, log off and relog to serv.

submitted by /u/rotilbo
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Noob here. Question about hordes

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:34 AM PDT


I am quite new to the game. Do the hordes more and more difficult each day 7 or are they random? My plan so far is to build a simple starter base (or use a house from the game) but collect many resources to start to build a real base but I wouldnt like to spend a lot of time in the starter base so if the second horde is more difficult than the first I need to improve my starter base, and if the third one is more difficult, I keep improving so probably I spent more time improving my initial base than building the good base.

And in multiplayer, in case that each horde is more difficult than the previous one (it sounds logic to me), what happens if I join a server which is in day 148? do I get a very hard horde that I cannot start in the game?

thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/bbiscop
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Starvation mod low fps?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:46 AM PDT

Hey guys, I just got into modding.

I have a fairly good pc with 16gb ram(as recommanded for modding). I usually have around 200 fps in vanilla game ,but as soon as I install starvation mod I have around 50-60. Why is this happening? My should be able to handle it.

submitted by /u/daian115
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Skill Gap's 7 Days to Die - Day 5!

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:27 AM PDT

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