Fallout - What if the diary entries about how overseers are abusive and insane are actually subtle cries for help by the game designers about how Bethesda management treats them? |
- What if the diary entries about how overseers are abusive and insane are actually subtle cries for help by the game designers about how Bethesda management treats them?
- Unpopular opininon: Mr. New Vegas is a better radio host than Three Dog or Travis.
- I really love Fallout 4
- ACTUAL unpopular opinion: I love Travis
- Im excited this sub is finally at a new point
- Made a Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI from scratch
- Fallout 5 set in Detroit, Michigan
- I think Fallout 4 has its flaws, but coming back to this after a long day of questing, makes it all worth it.
- I need a wise-ass to help me.
- Spirits be everywhere. Travel with we and I. Grampy Bone do most the talking.
- I'm constantly [detected] in New Vegas even behind walls!
- [FanArt] Enclave comic book cover
- So is Ashur (FO3 The Pitt DLC) just really bad?
- Fallout coloring book!
- Gamestop update: someone please make some sense out of this
- How do I make caps in fallout 4
- My hopes for Fallout 5
- I had to delete all my saves because of a bug that corrupted all of them. Thanks a lot Preston.
- There is good karma in Fallout 4.
- A word about James and Shaun
- A weird bug...like weirder than normal
Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:55 AM PDT |
Unpopular opininon: Mr. New Vegas is a better radio host than Three Dog or Travis. Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:02 PM PDT People seemed to think I posted this as an unpopular opinion when I knew it wasn't, but I meant to imply that I didn't like Three Dog or Travis at all. Three Dog's yelling and over-the-top shtick gets old after an hour, and Travis is just terrible before and after his quest. Don't even get me started on Sheng Kowalski. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:34 PM PDT The older I get, the harder I find it to sit down and enjoy gaming. Gaming has always been my passion. I still consider it my passion. Maybe I'm losing touch with that passion, maybe I've gotten more picky with age, who knows. What I do know is that I find it hard to be truly engaged in a game these days. When I find a game that can do it, I really latch on. Fallout 4 is that for me. There's something about the setting, the pacing, the atmosphere, the story, the combat... Just the perfect combination that keeps me coming back night and night again. I've been on vacation this week and told myself I was going to take this time to really explore my library and find something new and interesting. Admittedly, I still should, but instead, I booted up a new Fallout 4 survival game and that's all. I've. played. For the most part, Fallout 4 was a commercial and critical success. But we all know some of the hardcore, die hard fans of Fallout panned this game when comparing it to Fallout 3 and (even more so) NV. I'm not here to argue that you're wrong or what game is best - many of the criticisms brought to light I find myself mostly agreeing with. It's not a perfect game, by a long shot, but hot damn is it a great game. I just want to take a moment to recognize some of the things I love about this game - Companions - Every companion feels real and three dimensional. Traveling the commonwealth with these people (My personal favorite being Nick - one of the greatest FO companions of all time IMO) really adds a layer of immersion to the game. The amount of comments and dialogue they have really makes them feel like real people who there for the ride with you with their own set of moral guidelines. Combat - Undeniably, the combat in this game is the greatest of any fallout series. Now, of course, this is mostly due to the age of the other games compared to this one. Their engine has come a long way. I'm a big FPS fan, and while it's no CS or CoD, this game holds its own in gun combat. For a game so largely driven by the world size, dialogue, and story, it has remarkably good combat mechanics. The world - While many argue that the main story in this game is lackluster compared to other games, I 100% believe the world at large is the most interesting and immersive yet. I love Fallout 3. I love Fallout NV. However, when I go back and play those games, I find myself noticing how empty the world feels compared to 4. They really nailed the immersion of this game. This is all the more obvious when I played on Survival and fast travel wasn't an option. At first, I thought that was going to be a huge pain in the ass, tracking and backtracking the same paths over and over again, but I still haven't gotten bored. With so many random encounters and different pathways to take, there's always something fun to explore no matter where you are in the world. THE STORY - yeah, I said it. I love Fallout 4's story. Specifically, I love the faction gray area that they built. I could make a whole post about this, but in a nutshell, I remember after first learning the true nature of the institute, I had a legitimate moral dilemma when asking myself "What is truly the best potential future for humanity?" There are strong arguments for and against every side - and that's the point. It's not supposed to be black and white. And, yes, obviously, that is a reoccurring theme of Fallout lore and always has been. All I'm saying is I think 4 gets overlooked here sometimes. Does the institute have enough moral purity to usher in a new age of prosperity or are they eventually doomed to bring about the end of the world all over again? While being overall pushers of peace and order, can we really trust the BoS in the long run when they are so openly anti-nonhuman and authoritarian? While well intentioned, do the minuteman have even a chance to make a real difference compared to the might or intellect of the BoS or the institute? Can the railroad REALLY know if these synths are ACTUALLY conscience beings? Or, are they, in fact, just consequences of human AI and nothing more than 1s and 0s responding how "a human would"? It's a well written dilemma - and one I very much enjoyed. I love this game. It brings me a lot of joy and reminds me why I got into gaming in the first place. For all of its short comings, Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games of all time - and I've been gaming for 20+ years. Fallout 3 is great. Fallout NV is great. Fallout 4 is great. I can't wait to see what Fallout 5 brings. [link] [comments] |
ACTUAL unpopular opinion: I love Travis Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:15 PM PDT The voice actor does an incredible job of making Tragic Travis hilariously meek but also endearing in a weird way. After the quest line, he's "cool" but in the way that someone who used to be awkward just doesn't realize that they're trying too hard. I think it's brilliant. I honestly don't understand all the hate. Any other Travis lovers out there? [link] [comments] |
Im excited this sub is finally at a new point Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:21 AM PDT where people are coming out of the woodwork appreciating Fallout 4. Every time I've got on reddit, I've seen a post saying "man that game was good" and while it probably isn't Bethesda's best work, I did really enjoy it and I'm glad as a sub people are coming around. Also 76 too I guess. [link] [comments] |
Made a Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI from scratch Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:56 PM PDT https://imgur.com/a/BfkTc61 plenty of finished and build progress pics. I knew I had to make it the moment I saw the teaser trailer. I'm noob af with foamsmithing, so it was quite the challenge. [link] [comments] |
Fallout 5 set in Detroit, Michigan Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:14 AM PDT I saw a post in this subs from 2y years ago by u/Professor_Kag talking about a Fallout game set in or around the Detroit area. Being from Michigan and knowing the history of the state, naturally I agreed that it could make a great addition to the Fallout franchise's settings. Detroit was most likely nuked along with Boston and Washington D.C. Also, with Toronto to the East and open wilderness to the north for survivors to flee, there would be many groups forming post-war and trying to stake their claim on the land. What do you guys think? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:58 AM PDT |
Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:50 AM PDT Gimme a clever or sarcastic nickname for a Radium Rifle with the Assassin's prefix because my dumbass can't think of one. [link] [comments] |
Spirits be everywhere. Travel with we and I. Grampy Bone do most the talking. Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:39 PM PDT Grampy Bone say da spirits be sayin what you seek is not here. The path to that is. [link] [comments] |
I'm constantly [detected] in New Vegas even behind walls! Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:13 AM PDT I'm not sure what's going on. It makes it nearly impossible to pickpocket. My sneak is 18 btw. [link] [comments] |
[FanArt] Enclave comic book cover Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:26 PM PDT Just wanted to do something, so, as a result, I got this - Tales of Valor: Enclave Able Company Could use some critique and just opinions. :3 [link] [comments] |
So is Ashur (FO3 The Pitt DLC) just really bad? Posted: 06 Jul 2018 05:28 AM PDT For everyone that hasn´t played the Fallout 3 DLC The Pitt, turn back now! This post contains spoilers concerning the main plot of this DLC. This was your spoiler warning! So i just recently played through the Pitt DLC of Fallout 3 and i came to a conclusion: Ashur is just a really bad person. Many people have argued about Ashur being a morally grey man, because he just want´s to help people by finding a cure for the mutations and the disease that plagues the people in the Pitt. But isn#t he the only reason for those people being sick? I mean we learn in the DLC, that Pittsburgh was hit really really hard by the radiation. The rivers flowing through the city are so highly contaminated, that swimming in them makes your skins flake off and you get nasty pocks all over your body just by living in the city. After the Brotherhood of steel "cleaned" the place of mutants and diseased, Ashur was left behind, only to find scavengers, who searched the ruins for salvage they could use. He says, it was at this point, that he wanted to make the city a better place to live. Or did he? I mean he could have just left at this point, he could have gone back to the Brotherhood or go anywhere else, really. But he decided to stay and enslave the people so they could produce steel. On top of that, the production of steel made the air around the Pitt even more toxic for the people living there. So all he did was bring even more people to Pittsburgh, just so they could produce steel there. He basically brings people into this hellhole. His reason for that is to make the hellhole a better place instead of just leaving it behind. Plus, to make things even worse, he wants to "cure" the people in Pittsburgh using his only baby-daughter. Who says, that his wife can even extract the natural immunity of Marie? And even then, he just makes the people living there less miserable. It would still be hell to live in the Pitt. It´s like handing rad-away to people living in the Glow instead of telling them to go to Junktown or something like that. And before anyone says anything, the alternative for the dlc is not better. Handing this innocent child to the slaves does not make it any better. I think everyone living in Pittsburgh should just leave as soon as humanly possible. Enough of my ranting. If any of you got another outlook on Ashur and the Pitt, please let me know. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:06 AM PDT https://imgur.com/gallery/LKMdUtc Recently got into adult coloring books and came across this little gem! [link] [comments] |
Gamestop update: someone please make some sense out of this Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:23 PM PDT So this image is from the gamestop order history saying my fallout 76 PA is canceled. However on my power up rewards library , it says it's active. For reference you can see my cod order I canceled (I know it's blurry). Finally here is my paypal with 1 pending order, which makes no sense. To preemptively answer questions: Yes i spoke to customer service. Yes I scribbled out my address and phone number. Yes I know I'm annoying. No I did not pray to Howard. [link] [comments] |
How do I make caps in fallout 4 Posted: 06 Jul 2018 03:57 PM PDT I am a huge skyrim fan, but started playing fallout 4 every now and then about a year ago. On skyrim, i can get to like 50,000 gold easy, but i cant seem to get caps in fallout 4. i get trapped around 6000 max. any tips? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:10 AM PDT
[link] [comments] |
I had to delete all my saves because of a bug that corrupted all of them. Thanks a lot Preston. Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:52 PM PDT |
There is good karma in Fallout 4. Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:36 PM PDT I saved a settler from radiation, and in return later she was crushed to death with a safe with loot. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:33 AM PDT I know many people complains about how FO3 and 4 did not have too much RPG value due to the back story of the main character. But it doesn't bother me, at least on FO3 and this is why: cause you have enough time to get to know your father! When I started playing Fallout 3 and then left Vault 101 for the first time, besides the overwhelming feeling of "holy shit this world looks great!" I was also like "I need to find my dad, I hope he is doing well". I liked that initial interaction, where your character grows and you see your quiet live at the Vault with your dad. Also the comments he makes on the loading screens are hilarious but also great. You can even talk to him about your deceased mother and you see how James reacts to your questions and you can infer he loved his wife a lot. Now, after I left the Vault I wanted to explore the world cause...is amazing! Besides, like James said before I was already an adult, I was capable of stand by my own. So yes, you have a back story, you had a previous life but now you are out and is your choice what kind of person you will be. Yes, I wanted to find my dad but first I needed to learn about this new world I was living in. I kinda disliked how easily is to find James. Rather than getting the first clue at Megaton I wish you had to investigate somewhere else. I do understand the "route" you must follow because IT MAKES FRIKING SENSE, it does, still it felt too easy. About Shaun...Well you don't get enough time to get acquainted to your family but hey! They are LITERALLY ripped off you in your semifrozen face damn it! Your wife is killed and your baby kidnapped!!! A BABY!!! However as soon as I left Vault 111 I didn't felt the urge of finding my son. Instead I wanted to explore and have fun in such world. That's why I believe FO3 at least managed the back story aspect better: you have enough time to get to know your dad and when things get bad at least you know he is an adult and he must be able to handle himself. However, Shaun was a baby for God's sake, how can you go dicking around knowing that your son, the last member of your family is out there????? Of course, as you interact with Father/Shaun you can infer many things about him and his true intentions about you. James on the other hand...once you find him you can't enjoy enough the father-son/daughter interaction, and then he gets a super stupid death. I have cried before when some game character dies, but James...I was actually angry "that's it???? REALLY?!?!?!?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [link] [comments] |
A weird bug...like weirder than normal Posted: 06 Jul 2018 03:18 PM PDT so I encountered this a little while ago playing through fallout 3 for the umpteenth time. I had the quest where you need to kill three guys and get their keys for mr Crowley. I got two keys before I decided to do the tranquility lane quest since I was in that area at the time. so I finished it and found dad and randomly the mr Crowley quest gave the mission complete thing and I got xp. it was grayed out in the quest section and it even gave me the achievement for it. I don't have any idea why this happened but I mean I'm cool with it I got the achievement and xp so it's not bad. just thought it was weird and I would share this with you fellow fallout fans [link] [comments] |
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