Fallout - One thing that fallout 4 did very well was traps and how npcs can lure you into ambushes.

One thing that fallout 4 did very well was traps and how npcs can lure you into ambushes.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:26 AM PDT

I always loved when I came across someone yelling for help and it turned out that I was the one who would be needing help.

submitted by /u/DetectiveJohnKimbel
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"We avoid the word survival" says Todd Howard on Fallout '76

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 06:09 AM PDT

"We avoid the word 'survival', because people's minds immediately go to DayZ and Rust and certain other games, and those comparisons are not really accurate for what we're doing," "If you think about the survival modes we've made in Fallout 4, it has that vibe… Fallout 76, although it's an online game, when I play it, I mostly still play it solo. We like those experiences as much as our fans do."

Some good information regarding Fallout 76's content directly from Todd Howard via PC Gamer.

submitted by /u/King_Rocket
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Playthrough Suggestion/discovery: Tired of failing at maintaining neutral karma status? I present to you: THE BASTARD METHOD! Couriers love it! Factions hate it!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 08:43 AM PDT

As much as I love Fallout, I've always been bothered by the karma system. Despite being able to be a nuke happy cannibal slaver, It is hard to not accidentally be good alignment throughout Fallout 3. In Fallout New Vegas, you get postive karma just for killing ghouls and raiders in self-defense. And good luck maintaining neutral alignment in these games. Since every quest has you do something that marks you an angel or a demon, it feels like you have to avoid doing any quests.

So as an experiment, I made a new FN:V character named Judas and started a "Bastard" playthrough. Max luck and slightly elevated intelligence for skill whoring. Specialized in Speech, Barter, Medicine, and Science. Combat style doesn't matter, but I've noted a fondness for explosions.

The essence of the playthrough is simple. If there's an option for you to betray someone, you HAVE to do it. So after being saved at the beginning by the Goodsprings Doc? Take over the town with the powder gangers. Start doing oddjobs for the Gangers? Sell them out to the NCR. Boone wants you to find the traitor in Novac? Frame his best friend, etc. The only time I had to really consider the betrayal was when there were multiple options. i.e. Betray Arcade by selling him into slavery or betray the Legion by intentionally botching surgery? I recommend whichever leads to more betrayals. With Cass and the Silver Rush, I didn't sell her out and just let a mad bomber browse their wares. But I did piss Cass off enough that she threw down on me after I shit talked her dead folks.

20 levels in and I've discovered something. I've never had a good or evil karma status. The constant betrayals have turned me into the Great Equalizer. For every innocent I lead to doom, I've given a piece of shit their comeuppances.

In regards to roleplaying, I'm actively playing a greedy mercenary, so I don't really care who succeeds at what. Judas always goes for a material reward, but he's also extremely lazy. Most of the actual physical betrayals in the various quests feel less like being an enforcer of balance, and more like "I don't feel like doing a fetch quest/dungeon crawl. I'll just frame this guy and call it a day."

Admittedly, I haven't tried it in the other fallouts yet (stay tuned for my reports). To anyone that wants a new experience in Fallout New Vegas, or just wants a neutral playthrough, try the Bastard method! You won't regret it.

submitted by /u/ShimiAhab
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Does anyone else get a sense of hope from the Fallout 4 theme?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:19 PM PDT

Maybe it's just me, but every time I hear it, I feel like there's hope in the Wasteland. It starts off gritty, but it slowly builds up until the climax comes. I just feel like it says to us that yes, humans are terrible creatures, but even the worst things can become bastions of good.

submitted by /u/Hotdogmaniac7
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[FanArt] Fallout: Moments Before the End

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 10:08 AM PDT

Made just another fanart for Fallout. Yay!

What do you think guys?

submitted by /u/AlexZebol
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[Fan art] My Illustration of Antagonizer from Fallout 3

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 05:41 AM PDT

I decided to try Fallout for the first time. Am I doing this right?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:21 AM PDT

I played New Vegas in my first run as a goody two shoes cowboy who always stays neutral, talks himself out of a fight, and shoots when he needs to. This time around I wanted to be evil incarnate. You guys weren't kidding when you said the rpg potential in NV is amazing.

submitted by /u/ManicMechanic570
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"(in our games) the best moments aren’t the ones that we designed [...] They’re when you’re out in the open world and different systems collide" - Todd Howard. What are those moments for you?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:52 PM PDT

(reposted from r/fo76) That quote is from Howard's latest interview from the guardian.

Personally I did have some great time making the systems collide:

  • like when I outfitted 20 settlers into heavily armed Minutemen and transferred them From Coastal Cottage to Somerville Place. Escorting them and watching them bring law and order to all the locations along the way was great.

  • Or like the time I attracted a Mirelurk queen into a settlement and trapped it with some concrete walls.

But all those fun moments can't really compare to that time when you exit Fort Hagen and are stunned by the arrival of the Prydwen, or the destruction of the Prydwen, or the flight of the USS Constitution.

So, I don't know if I'd agree with Howard on that, but seeing that it's his idea for 76, what other great moments did you find or create by making the systems collide in previous Fallout games (that could inspire us for 76)?

submitted by /u/undernier
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Does Intelligence-boosting clothing affect Idiot Savant’s trigger rate?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:39 PM PDT

I'm pretty new to Fallout 4, and I'm wondering if I can wear intelligence-boost clothes while still having the Idiot Savant trigger based on my non-boosted Intelligence. Does this work?

submitted by /u/Whatisthisuseragain
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Am I the only one who can't stand Oxhorn videos?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 07:13 AM PDT

Most of the stuff in the videos are just things that an average player would find if they played through unassisted, and I figured he would actually go in depth with the story instead of just pretending to talk with NPCs

submitted by /u/boovish
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Ready to play my part at Comic Con SDCC

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 06:16 AM PDT

You can’t knock the bowling pin bottles down with the bowling ball provided in the Beantown Brewey. B.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 03:27 PM PDT

Fallout: New Vegas has a bug in the Caravan card game that I want patched: Opponents don't place cards in order.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:41 PM PDT


I've noticed it very frequently and nobody has said anything anywhere about this bug. In Caravan, the rules state that each "caravan" must go in order sequentially downwards or upwards. If a Queen is played on a card, the direction changes. Notice my first caravan: 8 7 5 2 A, going downwards. The game forces this order. Now look at the opponents first caravan: 7 6 4 6, AGAINST THE RULES. No Queen was in play, and they threw a 6 on a 4, out of order. This is the same case for his other 2 caravans. I have lost 3 games to this bug now. The game is giving the opponent an unfair mechanic, and makes the Queens useless to play against them since they can change direction for no reason.

PLEASE! Somebody patch this. If there is a patch for this, I can't find it. 99% of the posts on the internet are "I don't know how to play caravan" so I can't find any useful info on this bug.

EDIT: This isn't a bug. I just don't know Caravan yet, like the 99%.

submitted by /u/Aerotactics
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Buying FO4 tomorrow

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 03:08 PM PDT

I played New Vegas, and I loved it. I heard FO4 is different though, so what kinda character should I make? What SPECIAL should I invest in? What are some things I should know before starting my first game?

submitted by /u/Espoolainen
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Silver Shroud glitch and fix

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 02:01 PM PDT

I found at one point where Kent is supposed to direct me to Hancock, the measage wouldn't show up on the radio. I figured out that after completed dig which I did already I had to ask Hancock to be a companion and then the quest would continue.

submitted by /u/Khilorn37
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Best mods for replaying fallout 3

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:33 PM PDT

Looking to replay fallout 3 what mods would help make this more enjoyable

submitted by /u/Themoonsahologram
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Fallout Wallpaper?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 11:13 AM PDT

Would really like to get a new home screen, as well as see some great fan work!

submitted by /u/csr52
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What would you want to see in a Florida based Fallout?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 02:55 PM PDT

A friend and I are designing a post-war version of Florida for a group we're in. I'm from Florida myself and have a few ideas about what I want, but I'd like other fans of the franchise, especially Floridians and people who've visited frequently, to suggest any locations, themes, people, etc. that should be referenced in the group version of the state. What would you include?

submitted by /u/GummyGourmand
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Found this cozy little spot while scavenging at the fringes of the Commonwealth

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 02:44 PM PDT

This was near the southernmost area of the map, completely engulfed in a fog after some heavy downpour. It seemed surreal to say the least as there was nothing but mirelurks and other irradiated, foul creatures lurking around and not a single building in sight.


submitted by /u/Doctordoom666
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Is the fallout 4 season pass worth getting

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 02:26 PM PDT

was currently on my 15th playthrough on fallout 4 when it started getting boring and I already have automatron installed, so is far harbor and nuka world worth getting for 30 bucks, and will it make me enjoy the game more after 600 hours on fallout 4.

submitted by /u/RantSkyte
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Could a Fallout game take place in Canada?

Posted: 16 Jul 2018 11:23 PM PDT

I'm currently replaying the Pitt and noticed in Ashur's speech to the slaves, "Citizens of The Pitt, workers of Downtown, traders of Uptown, and all the fierce souls who do what must be done! I bring you good news! We stand at the dawn of a new golden age. Where others merely survive, we thrive! Our industry is the envy of the Commonwealth! Our safety is the envy of the Capital Wastes! Our might is the envy of Ronto!" Then further in this DLC a slave named Brand asks, "You're new, aren't you? Are you here from the Erie Stretch? The Capital Wasteland? Ronto? Where's home?" As we've already seen before in Fallout 3 there were hints to future games in DLC and the main game, and technically after Canada was annexed it became an American territory so it would technically stick to the theme. Anyways what do you guys think? Would a future Fallout in Toronto be featured in a future game, have its own title, or do you think they will stick to the Continental U.S.?

submitted by /u/DaCheezItgod
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Leveling up in fallout 4

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 10:31 AM PDT

What's the fastest way to level up in fallout 4?

submitted by /u/Monteiro11
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Question about the mole rat disease

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 06:00 AM PDT

I know the disease is permanent, but will it keep chipping away your health until standard health or is it just minus 10 health forever?

submitted by /u/bonzy-buddy
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