Destiny - This Week in /r/DestinyTheGame History [2017/7/8 - 2017/7/14]

This Week in /r/DestinyTheGame History [2017/7/8 - 2017/7/14]

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 02:05 AM PDT

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

True back then, true today. Life does move pretty fast, just as posts move pretty fast on /r/DestinyTheGame. Once a week, "This Week in /r/DestinyTheGame History" brings you some of the gems from this time last year. It's a walk down memory lane to give some perspective of where we were and how things have (or haven't) changed in the last trip around the Sun.

Maybe you made the post, maybe you saw the post, maybe you missed the post. Relive it or discover it for the first time. Either way, we hope you enjoy this blast from the past.

  1. Stranger's Rifle makes #7 in IGN's Worst Rewards in Video Game History list.
  2. When you forget to switch subclass...
  3. Be cautious when linking your Blizzard account on Bungie[My light was taken from me, don't let it take yours]
  4. Beta Codes and Pre-Load are Live for PS4 and Xbox One
  5. You Reposted In The Wrong Tower
  6. Something I just realized about Wei Ning...
  7. Sony Announces White PS4 Pro Destiny 2 Bundle
  8. The Titan shield wall damages and slows enemies that try to pass through it
  9. I once thought the PVP'ers only sought a high K.D...
  10. No chill to be found! Lol
  11. I hope the Tower's weather changes to a storm in D1 the night before launch.
  12. Tomorrow we will be closer to D2 release than to the gameplay reveal date
  13. Creator of Ishtar Commander posts an FAQ about the app's future and Destiny 2
  14. Mark Noseworthy on Nightstalker info: "There are many things we are not going to announce or reveal before 9/6. We want the community to have new memories of discovery together."
  15. Custom painted myself an FWC elite controller
  16. Roaming supers will leave glowing footsteps wherever you run
  17. not the message I was expecting on PSN (we need more Guardians like this)
  18. I liked the D2 beta emblem so I tried to make 4K wallpaper
  19. IGN First: PvP Reveal
  20. How to obtain Early Access for β free of charge (PS4 Only)
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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r/destinythegame casually leaking on r/space

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 02:53 AM PDT

Please bring back Sparrow Racing League (SRL)

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:46 AM PDT


submitted by /u/SplitSystem333
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Hey Bungie, I'm happy that strikes will be selectable on the map again. But what about Campaign Missions?!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:02 AM PDT

I personally would rather have a Campaign Playlist or menu like Halo where you can play all the missions in chronological order in one go or stop whenever you'd like. It should be separated into Acts or Chapters like:

  • Act 1: Red War

  • Act 2: Curse of Osiris

  • Act 3: Warmind

  • Act 4: Forsaken

with each act containing all story missions replayable as many times as players want. Over time it would be cool to have this feature expanded to allow more customization options like enabling modifiers, adding time/score tracking, and different difficulties.

The Daily Heroics are coming back which is cool, but this campaign playlist would allow players to replay their favorite missions when they want and not be limited in any way. There doesn't even need to be rewards attached to the campaign playlist. This is something I've been pushing for since launch and I really want to be reassured that an idea like this has been discussed a lot.

P.S. It's been 9 months since I've been able to play homecoming! :(

submitted by /u/Ninja-Pups
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Emblems should be easily selectable from Character screen like the emote 'Configure' button.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 02:21 AM PDT

As title suggests. I'd really like it if like the emote 'configure' button on the Character screen could be used to quickly select from any of our earnt emblems when in our menu, rather than picking from just the ones we placed there. I'd rather not go back to the vault to pick up new ones every time I feel like a change.

submitted by /u/DestinyPlayer0
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Bungie, please make sparrows safer

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:45 AM PDT

A lot of the sparrows right now have "windshields" that are rather low and do not block any wind. The windshields are so low, in fact, that they usually only come up to our guardian's neck. If a guardian were to crash at high speeds, the windshield could end up decapitating them!

Even if our guardians were to duck their head down below the windhshield, they're usually not clear and so we wouldn't be able to see where we are going. In addition to that, the windshields are usually made out of metal plating and could end up breaking our necks.

Windshields are supposed to protect us from harsh winds kicked up as we drive, but here they are, posing large safety hazards to unsuspecting guardians.

Sparrow Racing League? More like Sparrow Disregard-for-safety-standards League

submitted by /u/sorox123
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We're closer to Forsaken release (58 days) than to Warmind release (62 days) - Where's the obligatory "hype" meme?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 03:20 AM PDT

It's a tradition! Come on guys, do it!

/kinda shitpost-y?

Edit: I should have written „.gif", but I fucked up. Also, hi Mom! We're on the frontpage!

submitted by /u/Adrinalin90
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I would like it if Destiny 2 had more "chill out" activities that are not patrol

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:18 AM PDT

Sometimes its fun to just relax playing a game by yourself and still feel like you are making progress.

Destiny 2 doesnt really have any of these activities though at the moment imo. Crucible has win streaks, Heroic Strikes have pretty annoying modifiers half the time, Raids are... raids. If Im bored and dont feel like getting irritated at a game Destiny 2 usually does not last more then a half hour. Maybe its just the streaks in PvP that cause this (I havent played a game that uses streaks before and I find them incredibly annoying).

I think being able to stay with a crew in crucible or strikes will help alleviate this but at the moment there aren't a ton of game modes that scratch that melt enemies, relax itch.

submitted by /u/catharsis23
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If you are not a PVPer now is the time to complete the PVP triumph because of the extra valor (until reset)

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:32 AM PDT

Plus its mayhem!! Get to eeeeet!

submitted by /u/cka_viking
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IDK if any of you got a chance to watch, but the last 30 minutes of DCP's GuardianCon block was the most amazing show of generosity i have ever seen. EVER. They moved from $48k to over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS in twenty six minutes

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 01:02 PM PDT

The reason, you ask?

To force Holtzmann to get a heart tattoo on his ass. I fucking love you guys.

submitted by /u/Dunkinmydonuts1
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D2 is becoming a great game, but still incredibly cluttered and unorganized.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:40 AM PDT

I like things neat and tidy. I had no issues sorting/organizing in D1 because there wasn't TOO much to organize. Rolls were random, we had ammo synths, and shaders were one solid application once earned. You could always dismantle them if you wanted to because our girl Eva always had them stored away if you wanted a certain one back.

Fast forward to D2, where everything is now a chore. Playing any activities for an hour or more guarantees you a thorough 'clean-up' of deleting mods, shaders, and trading in weapon materials - FOR MORE MODS AND SHADERS. I never have enough space, so everything goes to the Postmaster. Yes, I know I could free up inventory space, but what's the point? I'll just have it do it again eventually. It's much faster to just dismantle from the Postmaster. Anyways, I'm really starting to enjoy Destiny again, but I can't stand going to the Tower to collect and throw away garbage. No, not everything is garbage, but a majority of the stuff we get is either dismantled or infused. I might be a minority here, but I hardly ever use mods. I do just fine with the weapons/armor I have now.

Really hope someday we can go back to just having random rolls with no mods, along with the original skill trees. Intellect, discipline and strength were always fun to change around depending on what activity you were doing. The game never felt dull or repetitive. And I understand what Bungie is trying to do with the shader system in making our guardians more customizable, but it's a terrible system. The mass delete option will be useful, but merely a band-aid for the underlying issue. We're moving in the right direction, but I absolutely hate playing an hour's worth of activities and then spending another 10-15 minutes at the Tower running back and forth to NPC's deleting shaders/mods. I'm really not trying to be salty, but it's a sincere concern from someone who loves playing the game.

submitted by /u/PinkyPomegranate
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Can Activating Supers Be Less Flashy And Have Faster Animation

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 04:21 AM PDT

Kill Clip on The Vision sidearm stacks with Mechaneer's Tricksleeves damage buff

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:33 AM PDT

Normal crit = 26 (PvP)

Kill Clip = 34

Mechaneer's too = 45 (and about 35 to the body)

Just in case you're looking for something different to try. ;)

submitted by /u/Faust_8
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3x Valor point is really good. It should be a weekly event.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:28 AM PDT

Why not, Bungie?

submitted by /u/strike519TW
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[Screenshots] New Pacific ~ A E S T H E T I C

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 12:16 PM PDT

Bungie, please chill out with the Cabal

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:18 PM PDT

It feels like I'm fighting Cabal in 75%+ of PvE engagements, which gets stale really fast. There'll be 6 enemy types when Forsaken releases(Fallen, Hive, Vex, Cabal, Taken, Skorn), and I'd appreciate if we put the Cabal on the back burner for a bit, considering how much we fought them during Vanilla D2 and CoO

submitted by /u/DZ_Darkroast
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Can we have a Ship for Moments of Triumph to complete the set?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:44 AM PDT

Moment of Triumph Cosmetic items that was shown in the blog:

  • Armor Set

  • Ghost Shell

  • Emblem

  • Sparrow

We have everything except for the ship. (An MoT Emote could possibly be part of Eververse.)

It would be nice if Bungie gave us a ship for people that wants to wear the complete set for Moments of Triumph.

There are Guardians out there who wants to celebrate this event with complete set for MoT. If there is no ship in the end, I have to 'pretend' that the Zavala's Authority Ship is a MoT. :(

submitted by /u/Singapore_DLC_Pack
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Found some familiar exotic swords at Anime Expo

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 12:40 AM PDT

Amongst all the katanas, Master Swords, and Energy Swords, the only blades that caught my attention were these

submitted by /u/chust1n
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Speculation: Triumph armor glow will change depending on the super you use.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:43 AM PDT

In the Destiny App we can see almost a full view of all of the armor from Solstice of Heroes. We can see they have a very distinctive glow similar to that of prestige raid. The Titan armor has a orange glow, Hunter has a purple glow, and Warlock has a light blue glow.

There is nothing about the classes that is representative of these specific colors. My thought is that the glow from the armor will change depending on what super you are currently on and it would be awesome if they do.


submitted by /u/LidiKun
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Acrius Wombo Combo

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 11:35 AM PDT

Hidden Moments of Triumph requirements found

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:50 PM PDT

Competitive is INFURIATING [Rant]

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 10:31 AM PDT

As a solo player, I'm constantly being pit against full fireteams. Almost every match, I lose at lease one teammate who decides to quit for some reason, and that sets a chain reaction on the rest of the team. Sometimes I'm the last player left, and so I quit, but then I get a temporary ban!

Do other games have systems that work? Or is this kind of the way of life now in video games?

submitted by /u/SlateCloud
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Luxurious Toast (S.O.S. couch exotic emote) needs changed so you can sit on the couch forever until you move

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 02:15 PM PDT

We all grinded for this emote, and a lot of people still are, and now that we get it, it's kind of dumb that after you throw the cup you hop off the couch.

It should be changed so after you throw the cup you will sit on the couch indefinitely until you move your character.

Come on guys! Lets make this happen!

submitted by /u/vivereFerrari
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MoT are up! Help your fellow Guardians out and pop a "Boon of the Vanguard" during Strikes.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:17 AM PDT

Man, the grind to Vanguard Level 50 (presently I am at lvl 46) is not an easy one, so help out your fellow Guardians and make sure you pop a Boon of the Vanguard during your Strike runs. Each Boon grants your Fireteam members and additional 5 Vanguard tokens helping them on their way to rank up with Zavala a little bit faster.

Scrolling through the Moments of Triumph activities this one really stood out and something we could help each other out with. I am going to keep dropping these Boons until the MoT are done in the hopes that each additional Token a Guardian gets is one less Strike they have to do down the road. Get grinding Guardians!

submitted by /u/sbrozzi
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I really wish there was a "do nothing" emote, so I could go in 3rd person for a cool screenshot without doing something silly

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 05:40 PM PDT

Title. I've used the salute emote a few times, but I'd rather see my titan holding her gun in 3rd person rather than just saluting the camera every time.

submitted by /u/yoursweetlord70
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This is how I imagine the new Sunbreaker melee ability

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 11:18 AM PDT

"Titans will throw a small hammer, which will stay where it lands. Picking it back up will fully recharge the player's melee ability and regenerate some health."

submitted by /u/Squatting-Turtle
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