Destiny - [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-07-24]

[D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2018-07-24]

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:02 AM PDT

Nightfall: Tree of Probabilities

Mercury. Contain a rampant army of Red Legion within the Infinite Forest.


  • Unbroken: Complete the Nightfall with fewer than 3 deaths.
  • Laser Challenge: Take five or fewer hits from the lasers in the Atlas Grove.


  • Complete the nightfall to receive a 'challenge card' (If you already have one, this will still be in your inventory)

  • Add burns / increase the difficulty on the challenge card to increase the scoring modifier for your run

  • Get a highscore and earn unique weapons and exotic accessories. The higher the score, the higher your chance.

Flashpoint: EDZ

Don't forget to buy the Treasure Maps from Cayde-6 as well.


  • Riptide: Without power, Zavala's resistance has hit a wall. Travel deeper into the Arcology and help them past it.
  • Hope: Commander Zavala is building a resistance at a moon of Saturn. Make contact and join the fight.
  • Deep Storage: Search the Pyramidion on Io for a map of the Infinite Forest to guide you to Panoptes.
  • Pilgrimage: You've discovered the fabled BrayTech Futurescape. Investigate and search for traces of the Warmind.

Weekly Crucible: Doubles

"Your partner is your life." —Lord Shaxx

Fight alongside a teammate, and work together to crush your opponents.

Heroic Strikes Burn: Arc Singe

The other modifieres rotate Daily, check out the Daily Reset Thread for them!

Escalation Protocol Boss: Kathok, Roar of Xol

This boss drops:

Leviathan Raid

Challenge: Calus

Order: Dogs > Baths > Gauntlet > Calus

Prestige Raid Lairs

  • Prestige: Gladiator: Melee kills buff weapon damage, and weapon kills buff melee damage.
  • Armsmaster: You've been challenged to wield the following:
    • Kinetic: SMG
    • Energy: Auto Rifle
    • Power: Rocket Launcher
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-07-24]

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Daily Milestone

beep boop failed to fetch


Vanguard (Zavala) Crucible (Shaxx)
The Inner Storm - Get Arc kills in a strike. (25 Arc kills) Show 'Em What You Got - Defeat Guardians of other classes in the Crucible. (10 Guardians Defeated)
Heavyweight - Get Power weapon multikills in a strike. (2 Power multikills) Between the Eyes - Land precision final blows in the Crucible. (5 Final blows)
Thrilling Heroics - Complete a Heroic strike. (1 Heroic strike completed) Inner Light - Land Super final blows in the Crucible. (3 Final blows)
One Shot, One Kill - Get headshots in a strike. (25 Headshots) Payback - Land the final blow on the player who last defeated you in the Crucible. (1 Final blow)
Kill It with Fire - Get Solar kills in a strike. (25 Solar kills) Throwing Shade - Land Void final blows in the Crucible. (5 Final blows)

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Firebase Hades - Loot a Lost Sector near Firebase Hades. Red Legion Raider - Loot 3 Cabal supply caches. You Got Served - Destroy 5 Fallen Servitors.
Titan Lost Sectors: The Rig - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rig. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Maleus Maleficarum - Defeat 3 Hive Wizards.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Glade of Echoes - Loot a Lost Sector in the Glade of Echoes. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Fallen supply caches. Right in the Juicebox - Defeat 20 Vex with precision shots.
Io Lost Sectors: The Rupture - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rupture. Walk the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Scourge of the Taken - Defeat 75 Taken enemies.
Mercury beep boop failed to fetch
Mars beep boop failed to fetch

Heroic Strikes


  • Arc Singe: Arc damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Grenadier: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.
  • Blackout: Enemy melee attacks are significantly more powerful, and radar is disabled.
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trigger Discipline - Defeat 2 enemies without reloading, 10 times. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trick Shooting - Rapidly defeat 2 enemies with precision attacks, 10 times. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Heroic Adventure Modifiers

  • Elite Soldier: Power weapons and Kinetic weapons deal more damage and reload faster. Your Super charges slower.

Gunsmith Inventory

  • Kinetic Damage Mod
  • Titan Mark Power Munition Loader
  • Chest Power Bracket Mod
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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If WoTW proves anything it's that the more powerful exotics need to be earned and not just given.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:12 AM PDT

Whisper of the Worm was a breath of fresh air that D2 really benefited from.

It had everything:

  • Great Atmosphere

  • Fun Jumping and Navigational Mechanics

  • True end game difficulty for a standard 3 player squad

-Truly worthwhile reward to drive us to completion

Because of everything I went through to get that weapon it made the overall use of if now much more sweeter. Every shot I take with the sniper feels amazing and I feel even better knowing I had to truly earn it.

When Bungie get it right they REALLY get it right!

Doing these types of quests to get such amazing guns like the Sleeper or Outbreak were rewarding because you felt the effort you put in was truly worth it in the end.

Bungie and D2 need to follow in this success. This mission was a small spark of the true potential D2 has if Bungle can truly capitalize on it.

submitted by /u/Illusivebroker96
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Im all for the WotW hype but PLEASE stop melting the PE tanks before they become HEROIC. Don’t be a “Worm-Hole”

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:44 AM PDT

It's cool to see everyone so excited about the whisper but I was flabbergasted by the sheer number of people that were deliberately melting the tank bosses in PE before they became heroic. People are still grinding for rep guardians, be kind.

With great power comes great responsibility.

EDIT: So some people seem confused, this isn't in reference to the taken PE to get the whisper mission, it's about people melting all other PE bosses AFTER they have gotten the WotW specifically Fallen Walker events bc they are easiest to abuse with the large crit spot that stays exposed.

There are also lots of responsible conscientious WotW users in the comments and to those people I say THANK YOU and bestow upon you the title of "Whisperer" in opposition to the "Worm-Holes" out there.

submitted by /u/D_Banner
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Quite possibly my best worst day in Destiny

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:05 AM PDT

It all went sideways so fast...

submitted by /u/coreywastaken
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Surprise! New Monarchy has won the third and final Faction Rally of Season 3.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:01 AM PDT

Go get your Not-Sins-of-the-Past rocket launchers winners!

submitted by /u/PGZ4sheezy
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Send me a message and I'm likely to help you but send me a raw invite with no information and I'm definitely going to ignore you.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:05 AM PDT

I get so many invites with no information when I'm in the tower and it's frustrating. If you send people a message saying what you want help with you're much more likely to get a response.

submitted by /u/PeculiarPete
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The worst part about Bungie doing anything great is having to come on here and find people complaining about it

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:45 AM PDT

WotW quest is fantastic. I firmly believe there are still secrets left to find within it's passages and walls, which is a testament to the mystery and atmosphere of the location. But what sucks is coming on here and seeing so many people complaining about how to access it.

"It should appear on our map after entering once!" "Why do I have to wait so long for the Blight public event?" "Bungie, it's great, except it's not."

For people who complain every week about replay value, having nothing to do in the game, and 'wishing' they had a reason to log on and stay on, I really can't comprehend it.

First, it's obvious that Bungie wants to gate entry to this mission. It's a secret mission for one of the strongest guns in the game. They don't want you to have direct access to it at all times. They want there to be tension with every run. If failing just meant a simple restart, it wouldn't be a big deal. Knowing you may have to wait causes extra tension every time you step inside.

Second, Bungie wants to maximize your in-game time. That means that every time you're sitting on IO waiting is good for them. The fact that some waited over an hour for Taken Blight PE shows that you believed the mission was worth the wait. And surprise, if you beat it, you can access it on the map.

This sub is one of the strangest subs I visit. In the same breath, many of you can beg for content, then complain about that same content you just begged for. "We need secrets, Bungie! How dare you add a secret I have to wait for?!"

I know this is a bit of a rant, but it's things like this that got us to Destiny 2 in the first place. A complete and utter inability to express what we like, so every time Bungie does anything, we tell them they did it wrong, even if they didn't. I don't want the next secret mission to be thrown into your director and open for every single player to easily access. Work for it. Spend the time necessary to accomplish the goal. It's far more fun that way.

submitted by /u/FatedTitan
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I printed my favourite Exotic

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:04 AM PDT

Took a whole month but finally i finished the quest.

Bonus 1: How it looks like before painting Bonus 2: My Printer at Work

Credits to Kirby Downey and the awesome creator who made these models

Edit: Whoop whoop my first Hot Page. Thanks Guys :) I will make many more (till the Red Legion destroys my stash again)

Edit2: Replaced with imgur links for you

Edit3: added my Hawkmoon for scale

submitted by /u/memoireMX
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Bungie: Can we please have 3 separate tabs in the Vault again? (1 for armor, weapons, misc.)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:35 AM PDT

The 10 slot rows are great, seeing my armor sets lining up perfectly in the vault is such a great feeling. Then putting a shader, mod or weapon in the vault only to see it all shift one slot down and goof everything up, not a great feeling. Organized :D Not so organized... :(

Having Shaders and Effects go to the top of "Newest" no matter what? also not a great feeling.

Please give those of us who love sweet sweet organization, separate tabs. :) Destiny 1 vault with 3 tabs*


Also if we could default to ""Newest" when opening the vault that would be 10/10.

submitted by /u/CallMeMrJenkins
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New Destiny 2 Traveler (Wallpaper Engine) Moving Wallpaper

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:18 AM PDT

Hi There!

While strutting around the Tower recently I yet again was awestruck by the beauty of the Traveler's Skybox off in the distance. I recorded a Five minute MP4 of the Traveler as its parts rotated around it during in-game Midday and for about 1 full rotation. I also reversed the video and attached it to the end for a seamless loop.


Here's the link for download:

I am thinking about making one of Dusk, Night, and Sunrise, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

All credit goes to Bungie's Dev team and their beautiful art within this game.

Wallpaper Stats:


Max Settings @ 4K/200% Internal Resolution In-Game




Here is the raw video file (208MB) for those of you using an open sourced substitute for Wallpaper Engine.

submitted by /u/ZealotN
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Doomfang Pauldrons reduce your Super cooldown with Void melee kills by an INSANE amount

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:12 AM PDT

I learned this from good old FalloutPlays. Another excellent in-depth look at Destiny gear.

In summary: a Void melee kill with Doomfang equipped reduced the time to your next Super by over a minute.

Considering how doing nothing at all earns your Super in 5 minutes, that's insane.

If you spec into your melee cooldown and get 2 Void melee kills, you might just earn your Super before you even GET your third melee charge.

I was dominating Control games by having a lot of Ward of Dawns to lock down any Control point I wanted to. Pop the bubble, get 2 kills on people foolish enough to challenge me (one of them being a Void melee kill) and bingo I've got like 1/3rd of my Super bar filled again.

Conclusion: if you're wearing Doomfang, invest in 3 Void melee cooldown mods and you'll have more Super than anyone else.

EDIT: Just to be super clear, I am not talking about getting more duration for your Super, Sentinel Shield, by tossing your disc. I'm talking about getting kills with either Defensive Strike or Shield Bash (the sprinting melee that disorients) which speed up getting to your Sentinel Shield Super in the first place.

submitted by /u/Faust_8
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Pretty disappointed in the New Monarchy winning weapon

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:51 AM PDT

It doesn't launch broadswords like the name suggests. Mr. Torgue would be even more disappointed.

submitted by /u/snwflak3
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Bungie, don't just indirectly buff subclasses with exotics. Make them powerful.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:08 AM PDT

I don't get why Bungie doesn't take a look at actual subclass trees and find a way to make them better instead of slapping on a buffed perk on an exotic armor piece. I'm not saying exotic armor pieces shouldn't be buffed, but shouldn't our super abilities feel powerful? We shouldn't need to put on Doom Fang Pauldron to use sentinel, Nighthawk for golden gun and Crown of tempests for stormcaller. Supers are supposed to be powerful, so why am I required to use an exotic to make my super feel powerful?

submitted by /u/YahBoyJordan
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Tess is selling Warmind Shaders! This is NOT A DRILL

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:08 AM PDT

While everyone is getting a kickass sniper, this Hunter was slacking off at SDCC

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:49 AM PDT

Working on her tan

Grabbing Starbucks like everyone else

Doing the Odd Dance in honor of Cayde-6

Inspiration for armor: D1 ROI Vault of Glass concept art


It was great cosplaying as a Hunter in SDCC. So many people stopped to talk and said they wished to see more Destiny cosplay. Unfortunately the community has diminished in the last year but here's hoping Forsaken gives Destiny cosplayers some new inspiration again!

submitted by /u/marasovshair
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Can we stop having fixed colors on armor?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:18 AM PDT

I'm for New Monarchy (VICTORY!) and I was checking out the helmet ornament for the Titan and I really liked the shape, it's knight-esque. I threw some dyes on there to see what it looked like and I was incredibly disappointed to see the red and white were unchangeable, and thus would only really work with very specific shaders.

This is also the case with some of the exotic armor pieces, like Eternal Warrior. Very cool looking helmet, but the blue is the worst kind of blue to work with. I understand some of these colors are part of the design decision, but would it be possible to just let them be dyeable?

submitted by /u/ShottyBiondi
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Darci vs Whisper - The correct Damage comparison

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:44 AM PDT

A little information about the data

I've seen a couple of different comparisons of Darci vs Whisper in the last few days. Everyone who has argued their point is technically correct in each methodology. I wanted to put this to rest by looking at Damage over Time which is a direct result of DPS and Sustained Damage. My calculations were done at 30fps. "but pcmr and frames and stuff...." you say. Yes the data would scale to PC and depending on the framerate would only get MORE accurate in respect to time. This does not change the data.

My method of testing was to take videos of the two rifles at 30fps. Now whenever you take a video of a source there is no way to sync the frames perfectly. this results in a margin of error of 1 frame. I then counted the frames between shots. I started the frame count on the frame the rifle fires to the frame just before it fires again. Time between shots takes a few things out of the equation; reload (simulated lunafaction boots), not accounting for darci lock on and also calculated only critical hits using /u/guitarcfd spreadsheet numbers for the ultra in the PE in winding cove.

Double checking in game RPM listed on weapons against my data

Darci has a time between shots of 13 frames

13frames/30fps = .4333 repeating seconds

Darci is listed at 140rpm | 60 seconds / 140 = .428 seconds

Whisper has a time between shots of 25 frames

25frames/30fps= .83333 repeating

Whisper is listed at 72rpm | 60seconds / 72 = .833333 repeating

Well within the margin of error this validates the testing method as well as the in-game listed RPM

The Data

Here is an interactive graph from my subset of data in this spreadsheet

dl33t3d was does this all mean?

If you look at the graph above, which is interactive, it is very clear which rifle is better. The answer? Both. It really depends on how long your damage phase is. Darci outpaces Whisper and runs out of ammo at ~9.5 seconds. ~12.6 seconds in whisper is still firing and doesn't run out of ammo until ~15.8 seconds assuming you never proc white nail or mulligan.

tl:dr - Without the WotW Catalyst Darci wins until it runs out of ammo. If your damage phase is shorter than 12.5 seconds use Darci and another high dps primary/secondary. Longer than 12.5 seconds: whisper of the worm. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room, accept no substitutes.

Edit: This is a theoretical maximum. you must use use lunafaction boots with Darci for no reload (which if you are looking at this I would posit you already know). It of course does not factor in a variety of variables; reload, missing a shot, skill, target acquisition, a teammate stepping in front of you, the pizza guy at the door, etc.

submitted by /u/dl33t3d
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No Offense, but the Raid Emblem Tracking is Kind of a Mess...

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:51 AM PDT

So we have one Leviathan emblem that doesn't track anything, a Prestige Leviathan emblem that tracks Calus and EoW clears on Prestige, an emblem that tracks EoW Prestige clears specifically, and an emblem that tracks Spire of Stars clears, both regular and Prestige.

It seems like this could be simpler, I dunno. Maybe one could track Prestige Leviathan, one could track Prestige EoW, and one could track Prestige Spire? The current system just seems convoluted to me.

submitted by /u/CommonManDZ
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Fellow Guardians who suffer from social anxiety: next time you get an invite from a rando asking to do EP, do yourself a favor and accept.

Posted: 23 Jul 2018 04:13 PM PDT

TL;DR: I know it's scary, but I promise you it's worth it. You will have a blast.

Coming from someone who has terrible social anxiety, I know how difficult it is. I know it is far outside your comfort zone. I know there are a number of reason why your anxieties keep you from engaging with other Guardians. However, I ask you to please give it a shot next time someone messages you/sends you a party invite. I did this last night and had the most fun 2 hours I've had in this game in a long time.

The lack of friends plus how hard it is for me to put myself in social situations, even online, keep me from participating in endgame activities every week. Heck, even posting this isn't easy because I fear being ridiculed. However, because of that, I feel I should try to encourage other who share this issue, or may even have it worse than I do, to give it a chance next time. It shows you a portion of the game that is tons of fun, and it starts to put a crack in your shell that becomes easier to come out of the more you do it. I've only done it twice myself, but after the fun I had last night, I am challenging myself to accept invitations more and not just ignore or decline. You don't even have to talk a lot. Just play and speak only if/when you feel like it. You'll find it easier to speak and joke around the longer you play.

I encourage you to do the same. Just try it once, and you'll see how fun it is. You'll see yourself wanting to do it again. All it takes is 1 second of courage.

Edit: I honestly not expecting this great of a response so fast. It's great to see such encouraging words from other Guardians. Thanks everyone for helping me feel better about making this post. I hope it helps someone out there

Edit 2: Wow. My first ever Reddit Gold. Thank you so much everyone. Greatly appreciated and totally unexpected.

Edit 3: Yet another thank you. Not just for the kind words or showing me the awesomemess of this community, but for the immense confidence boost everyone's response has given me. It's hard to feel as good as I do right now, so again thank you all for being such wonderful people. (I'll stop with the edits for now haha)

submitted by /u/TheNerdyCook
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A in depth analysis of the lore of the Whisper of the Worm sniper rifle (X-post from Destinylore)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 05:32 AM PDT

Hi Guardians, this is an in depth analysis of the lore tab of the new weapon the Whisper of the worm. I know i´ve been away from this forum for quite some time, and most of you probably don't know who I am, but I spent a great deal of time studying the original D1 lore, and with the new lore, I couldn't stay away any longer from posting a long winded analysis.

I, like most people, have probably seen Byf and Myelins theories on this, and both present strong cases for their theories and i would highly recommend watching them if you haven´t.

TLDR; Xol is trying to control the line between life and death by creating a new sword logic, and has in the process given back some form of will to the Taken.


First paragraph, "Parasites that may benefit the host, teeth sharper than your own".

To me, this is a play on the Ahamkara, who are parasitic creatures who morph into bone like armor for us to wield. It would to me assert the link between the Worm God and the Ahamkara further. Ahamkara are known for feeding upon will and destruction, but also, for escaping their own death (And also for using the term teeth). They are also known for whispering into the mind of their wielders, which goes well with the Whisper of the worm. The implication is harder to understand to me, but the reference could quite possibly be towards the Ahamkara.

The mission seems to mostly start with killing Urzok, the Hated, that is now Urzok the Aspect of Hate. There is also Tau'arc(Aspect of War) and Drevis(Aspect of Darkness). Now, the Hated in D1 was a singular position within the Hive. It was an executioner of Wizards deemed "Forsaken", remember that until the end. This will play into my theory, because what Urzok is, is the line between life and death. Tau'arc was a powerful Cabal leader who commanded the forces on Mars, so let's get to taking out their command one by…. Eh, sorry. He is now the aspect of War, a fitting term for one who seems to have been a big part of the war on Mars. Finally Drevis commanded the feared Silent Fangs. Drevis is called the Aspect of Darkness, and this one is hard to pin down for me. Drevis and the fangs are known for cruel acts, perhaps this is what is referenced? All these are powerful creatures that are responsible for countless deaths, but also became orchestrators of life and death by controlling their forces. And these will reappear in the end, which feels to go along with the whole resurrection theme, more on this in a second.

Now it describes that Xol in death followed a road and that death was a metamorphosis for it. Simply, death is just a passage for Xol. It also connected Xol with the Guardians who slayed it. And that this might, the Guardians might, is also divine nurture for Xol. To understand this, I think we need to look at the Verity's brow. In it, Nokris says that they will die and be reborn his Xol´s name. This is a reoccurring theme for Xol, death and rebirth. Let me explain.

I believe this is an assertion of Xol in the universe. Xol is a creature of the Deep but has started to defy the logic of which it exists, a logic defined by Yul, the most powerful worm god. By dying, it detaches itself from this logic, but is also according to a different sword logic, is proven as a powerful entity. Sword Logic says that in the killing, the killer is bound to its victim. The issue here would be that the Sword Logic defined by Yul says that in dying to a more powerful creature, you are proven lesser. But Xol has already started to define his own logic when he makes his pact with Nokris. It feeds upon the might of the Guardian who killed it, because in being killed by such a might, it proved that only such a force can destroy it. This could be because Xol, like Nokris, is not the strongest of his kind. Instead, he asserts his power with knowledge and wisdom. Xol defines a new sword logic, one in which knowledge feeds its power. And in Xol´s sword logic, dying and coming back to life is not a weakness, it's a source of power and a path towards perfection. Remember that in the Books of Sorrow, Oryx daughters all died over and over to learn it's secrets. Even Guardians practice the art of dying to pierce the veil and look beyond. This is also close to how Guardians seem to have learnt to be such fierce warriors, think here of the cinematic with Zavala dying and dying to become better. Each time you return from being killed, you gain knowledge in that death, be it how to survive or in the case of Thanatonauts, glimpses of beyond.

This theme is reoccurring, the possibility to make your own law, your own sword logic. Sword Logic is then but one method of achieving power, and not the defining ruleset. Xol adheres to it, but can with enough power shape those rules. This would explain what believed was errors in the Books of Sorrow in which Xivu Arath gives her death to Auryx. It would no longer be defying the rules, simply showing us that Sword Logic isn't a logic set in stone. Instead it would seem that the Logic is defined by the God, that each worm could possibly create its own Sword Logic for its followers. Oryx preached the sword logic of Yul, but Nokris is freed from the Worm Pact when he is severed from the Hive kingdom, and it would seem that Xol frees himself from whatever power Yul has over him by being killed by us, or by becoming worshipped by Nokris and his followers. He is instead asserted as a God of his own Will and knowledge, and wants to become the rule of death and life itself.

Xol is called the Will of Thousands, and I think this is a reference to the Taken. Perhaps is Xol even the keeper of wills that have been Taken? The Taken grimoire from when Oryx was killed explain how these all looked for a will when Oryx will was missing, and to me it would seem they have found b a new purpose in Xol, more about that in a second.

Xol came upon the Taken on Io, who are calling out for Savathün in scans, or for a new Will to guide them. They feed Xol (assuming since it is the Will of Thousands) and tried to make it a commanding will. But Xol was bound to the logic that sustained his death. He doesn't simply want to become the mere power and new will of the Taken, it wants to become a ruleset between life and death, this is where it gets very spinfoily

Xol wants to become the rule which divides the mighty living from the mighty dead. It wants to become the defining factor of life versus death, instead of becoming the only will in existence defined by killing. The Worm gods have proven before that they can resurrect beings, doing so with Auryx, and I think this is the source of Xols true power. The power to control life and death as a logic. By manipulating these rules, Xol takes control of the moving between these spaces, and the power of that motion. So really, Xol defined that being killed isn't as definitive as in Yul´s version of Sword Logic. Killing someone, according to Xol's ruleset, isn't a simple "I prove my existence and deny yours", it's simply a road towards improvement.

Xol whispered the Anthem Anatheme, and this part is important to me, "the temptation to dominate the objective universe with the subjective will". To shape the universe according to your will is a very solipsistic and sword logic way of thinking. This is the real Anthem anathema. But, Xol does not simply assert its will upon the Taken. Instead, it makes itself an engine for the Taken to let their desires become hegemon, or leaders, over their conditions. To me, this means that Xol gave back free will to the Taken, and in doing so, he asserted himself as the force that feeds this desire. Xol gives the Taken power of will that they can test their foes with. And in testing their foes, they worship Xol. Basically, he gives them back desire and will to become more true followers of Xol.

This sounds like Xol made another Worm pact but this time with the Taken. They are given the power to let their desires control their condition (Being taken) and in so, given back their free will, or some part of it. And by acting this out, Xol is worshipped as the power behind it.

Now Aiat is interesting here, because by my understanding, Aiat is a Hive word, not a worm God word. I think this is a hint towards who is the author of the text. It's not Xol describing himself; it's someone from the Hive, perhaps Xavathün?

Xol gave Nokris the power to become a necromancer, and I think this is a connection between Xol and the coming expansion, Forsaken. The art for the expansion is a weapon that has black smoke, almost the Taken effect. I think this Forsaken hints at a corruption of sorts. We know that the Scorn(Fallen) now also possess the power to resurrect life, and I think this, The Whisper of the Worm, is a bridge between the two DLC:s.

So what is the weapon, really? I would agree with youtubers like Byf and Myelin in that the weapon is much like the Touch of Malice a weapon created with hive magic, and that also connects back to its predecessor, the Black Spindle and the Black Hammer. This would then be the new shape of these weapons. The Black hammer was its original shape, and then Oryx daughters changed it to fit their view of the world. But Xol "Gave" its power back to the weapon, that powerful first perk. I know it's a stretch, but its an interesting one. And in giving it to us/letting us take it, making sure it's AS powerful as it should be; we could be feeding Xol, since we are bound to him by killing him. The Black hammer said "I cannot permit you to exist" and this is close to what Xol is trying to rule, the power to control life and death.

Now there is one topic that needs to be discussed as well, and that is Savathün. We have seen Vex being taken. According to Asher, this is a death sentence because the Taken could never survive meshing with the Vex Mind fluid. But we must not forget that Savathün was given Quria, a Taken Hydra with some will left in it. I think this all ties into each other because the heroic version of this mission in which we gain the catalyst, plus the names of the ornaments Between Breaths and Bound Hammer. Lets get even more spinfoily.

Io is a Vex planet, and the presence of Oracles makes for an interesting connection. Oracles exist in the Vault of Glass to assert the calculations of the Templar. They define existence within the controlled space. Let's put all this together, the Taken going for Vex, Savathün having Quria that could be the Key to the Vex network for the Taken, and the setting and theme of the Whisper of the Worm. Savathun is cunning, she herself isn't strong like Oryx was, or like Xivu Arath (who incidentally used a hammer). Perhaps someone is combining the powers of the Vex and the power of the ascendant realms? I´ve seen articles describing the upcoming end content area, the dreaming city, as a mix of the Dreadnaught and the Vault of Glass. A fitting throne world for someone who controls both Vex and Taken perhaps?

This makes for a very interesting possibility, that Savathün is aligned with Xol, or perhaps, manipulating even Xol to serve her needs. Very cunning if so. Could this Hive-Vex-Taken group be linked to those mysterious black pyramids even? hmmm

So there you have it, my analysis of this very interesting entry into the lore of Destiny. I´d love to hear your thoughts on my thoughts.

submitted by /u/cpt_kex
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Skull of Dire Ahamkara Needs some help...

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:10 AM PDT

Working on my FWC ornaments last night in The Orrey off of Artifact's edge on Nessus. Popping off all the vex heads so they group up nice and tight for as many kills with one nova as possible. Using Skull of Dire Ahamkara so I could hopefully get a second super without fast traveling to another PE flag.

Here's the result, GYFCAT

I count 13 vex killed (maybe 12) with one nova bomb and I only generate a bit over half of my super back...

submitted by /u/smegdawg
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If we see The Darkness in D3, it needs to live up to the legends.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:03 AM PDT

Every mention of The Darkness we have ever seen in Destiny One and Two have shown it to be horrific. The Cabal ran from it. The Hive and The Vex worshiped it. It ripped through The Fallen like a mighty Whirlwind. The Taken are implied to be close to it. Cayde-6, in his journals, recalled it once and felt terror unlike any he felt before, and knew it had enough of a presence to assert an overwhelming fear and dominance. The Traveler won against it, but barely, being broken and shattered in the process.

My point is... if we see The Darkness in Destiny 3, it needs to live up to this. I know when Destiny 1 first launched they said they had no idea what The Darkness even was. Well whatever they make it to be, it needs to live up to this unholy terror that can make time traveling robots and undead monsters bow to it.

submitted by /u/Kylestien
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Silence from Ghost can be a great thing

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:24 AM PDT

As seen in the Whisper of the Worm quest, a break from Ghost's dialogue is wonderful. Not having to hear Nolanbot yapper incessantly in his sassy, quick speaking tone is a breath of fresh air. I think it adds to the discovery and awe in Destiny.

submitted by /u/SporesofAgony
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another secret chest room

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:59 AM PDT

for when the event opens back up, I found another chest room to share with you all

submitted by /u/murpoh
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Ever happen to you? Every Damn Time - Destiny 2

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:50 AM PDT

After our first video, Hive on Mars?, got a lot of love, we thought we'd share our second project here as well. We're still working on some other music things, but wanted to do something a bit different this time.

Besides the blindingly-white splash screen for the game, Warmind specifically added another fun little startup surprise that I'm sure you've all experienced once. So with that, we present to you:

Every Damn Time - Destiny 2

Still waiting for creations page approval, but I'll add the link once it's available. Hope you guys enjoy, and let us know what you think!

submitted by /u/Alfeetoe
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Finally got all 3 factions to level 50 and it feels so good to have that grind over with:D

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:28 AM PDT

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