Destiny - Bungie Day 2018

Bungie Day 2018

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:18 AM PDT


Happy Bungie Day.

If you're new to the community, you may find yourself asking, "Wait, why has Bungie dedicated a day to celebrating itself?"

To turn the page back to the beginning, Bungie Day is a holiday started by our community. Every year on the seventh day of the seventh month, we join our fans in celebrating the community as a whole— reflecting on friendships forged, sharing war stories from past skirmishes, or even flipping through some old photos of events where fireteam members met in person for the first time and solidified their bond for years to come.

This year, we have some exciting news.

Moments of Triumph

Starting right now, Moments of Triumph for Destiny 2 are available on! From now through August 28, 2018, players are invited to complete various in-game objectives to earn progress toward Triumph Points, which will unlock unique rewards.

What's available today is just a taste of what's to come with the Solstice of Heroes event, which will expand the list of Triumphs and rewards that players may earn. The complete list of Triumphs will become available in-game starting on July 31, 2018.

Some of the hardcore veterans among you may have already done everything there is to do thus far, but some of you might have some progress to make in the next few weeks.

Image Link

When Solstice of Heroes begins, Triumphs will become available in-game that track your progress towards Moments of Triumph. As you complete these Triumphs, they will increase your score, which will unlock certain rewards at different point thresholds.

Here is the breakdown of rewards for crossing each point threshold:

  • Complete any Triumph – Get your tracking emblem for Moments of Triumph

    • This emblem will show total Triumph Points earned
  • 125 points – Get the Right Choice, a Legendary Ghost Shell

  • 250 points – The Solstice of Heroes Moments of Triumph T-shirt offer becomes available

  • 300 points – Get Comrades in Arms, a Legendary Sparrow

  • 400 points (all) – Get the Eternally Triumphant emblem upgrade

Image Link

The Solstice of Heroes Moments of Triumph T-shirt redemption page is live now, but you won't be able to secure your code until Solstice of Heroes begins on July 31, 2018. After you complete enough Triumphs in Destiny 2 to reach a score of 250, you can go to the Moments of Triumph page on to retrieve the code you will need to purchase your customizable T-shirt.

Image Link

These are not the only rewards you can earn during the Solstice of Heroes. We'll have more specifics on that leading up to the event. Stay tuned to the blog on July 17, 2018, for more details.

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All information concerning Moments of Triumph for Destiny 2 is currently available in the Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes: Moments of Triumph Guide. The Moments of Triumph FAQ is also available in this Help Article.

But Wait, There's More!

That's not all. The Bungie Store also has a new collection of wares to celebrate this community holiday. Who knows, you may meet a fellow Guardian who recognizes your swag and joins you in a future raid.

Image Link

If you make a purchase this week, you will also receive a code for the Day of Seven emblem, available through July 14, 2018.

Best of all, when you do business with the Bungie Store, you're helping to support the Bungie Foundation.

Event Decorations

As our last gift to you on this community-created holiday, here are some Forsaken wallpapers to decorate your devices while you count down the days until September 4.

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Thank you for creating this holiday. It gives us another moment to celebrate this community, how far it's come, and everything you've accomplished over the years. Thank you for your passion, your inspiration, and your Light.

There will be more events throughout the summer that will serve as an appetizer leading up to the launch of Destiny 2: Forsaken. Until next time! Now we have some Triumph Points to grind…

Happy Bungie Day.



submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-07-07]

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Daily Milestone

Titan Challenges: Complete 3 challenges while exploring Titan.

  • Lost Sectors: Siren's Watch - Loot a Lost Sector in Siren's Watch.
  • Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols.
  • Scourge of the Hive - Defeat 75 Hive enemies.

Also live: Trials.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: The Sludge - Loot a Lost Sector in the Sludge. EDZ Scavenger - Gather 10 Dusklight Shards. Devrim's Sniper School - Use a Sniper Rifle to defeat 10 enemies in the town of Trostland.
Titan Lost Sectors: Siren's Watch - Loot a Lost Sector in Siren's Watch. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Scourge of the Hive - Defeat 75 Hive enemies.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Glade of Echoes - Loot a Lost Sector in the Glade of Echoes. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Into the Labyrinth - Defeat 5 Vex Minotaurs.
Io Lost Sectors: The Rupture - Loot a Lost Sector in the Rupture. Walk the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Scourge of the Taken - Defeat 75 Taken enemies.
Mercury beep boop failed to fetch
Mars beep boop failed to fetch

Heroic Strikes


  • Arc Singe: Arc damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Brawler: Melee abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.
  • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Cycle of Light - Create 10 orbs for your allies. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Cycle of Light - Create 10 orbs for your allies. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. Hot Streak - As a team, remain undefeated while defeating 3 opponents, 5 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Mayhem The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. Shutdown Artist - Defeat an opponent while their Super is active. Blaze of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents using your Supers.
Trials of the Nine Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 10 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Heroic Adventure Modifiers

  • Attrition: Health and shield regeneration slow down, but killing foes may create wells of Light that restore health and charge your Super.
  • Elite Soldier: Power weapons and Kinetic weapons deal more damage and reload faster. Your Super charges slower.

Gunsmith Inventory

  • Void Damage Mod
  • Arms Acceleration Mod
  • Arms Arc Impact Mod
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Happy 600,000 subscribers! On 7/7, no less

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 04:29 AM PDT

We've hit 600k on Bungie Day (7/7/18). A big milestone on a coincident day.

Welcome to new subscribers! And to the old timers, thanks for sticking around. We've had some awesome discussions here.

submitted by /u/GreenLego
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To all those people who do the raid, please refer to yourself in third person.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:16 AM PDT

This is super important if there are 6 different strangers in the raid fireteam. Referring to yourself in third person will definitely save time and avoid confusion.

I have been observing this problem for a long time now, hence this post. Let me give an example: "Who's got Superior Retainer?"

Someone replies back saying "Me". And that starts the confusion.

So, in future please refer to yourself in third person and if your PSN/Gamertag is long, say a shorter version of it.

submitted by /u/samridh
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How to oneshot a Cabal Thresher.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 04:38 AM PDT

So, with the nightfall being Arm's Dealer this week, I felt the need to go in there and mess around solo. While I was doing so, I noticed something I hadn't noticed previously - when using the delayed detonation grenade launchers (Fighting Lion, Flash and Thunder, etc.) the impact of the grenade hitting a target does damage. Not the explosion, the grenade just bouncing off of it without exploding. That got me thinking if there was a way that I could exploit that. Get a grenade stuck bouncing somewhere.

At that point, I thought of the "vents" on Cabal Thresher gunships. Now, this is possible to do from in front of them, but its ALOT easier to do from behind. Fire a grenade into the vents and just hold down the trigger, do not let it detonate. It will glitch into the vents, and start bouncing around rapidly, every bounce doing damage. With a well placed grenade, you should kill the Thresher in a single shot.

EDIT : Due to popular demand, I'm working on getting a capture of this for reference.

EDIT 2 : Okay, got a capture of it. Here's Flash and Thunder doing the trick on a Thresher in Normal Nightfall.

submitted by /u/balmerick
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Moments of Triump Live in Companion App

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:03 AM PDT

Moments of Triumph are live in the companion app.

Edit: Here's a Screenshot

Edit 2: I missed the part about it being app only so I removed that statement.

The armor shown in the header seems to be updated versions of Ikora's but with chromas and different accessories. If you completed all the revealed activities you should be at 225 points out of 400.

  • 125: Ghost
  • 250: Shirt
  • 300: Sparrow
  • 400: Emblem

Edit 3: Rewards will be available in game starting on July 31st

submitted by /u/Shippin
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I cosplayed my Destiny character at Anime Expo

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 07:12 PM PDT

I cosplayed my Hunter today at Anime Expo. For anyone wondering, I'm wearing the ornamented Age of Triumph King's Fall gear with Bones of Eao and the Shimmer shader.

submitted by /u/Gondoka
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New ghost who dis???

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 05:53 AM PDT

I'm usually a PvP scrub but apparently having one good game angers some people. Glad this still works.

submitted by /u/jamminjoenapo
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An Exotic SMG that's a Flamethrower.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 07:44 AM PDT

It should send out a steady stream of flames that burn targets and linger on the ground. I think it would be cool!


submitted by /u/TheChunkMaster
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Bungie, One significant sandbox update for the year is a joke.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:13 AM PDT

Somehow you took our gripes about the plodding, grounded, static pace of crucible under the 450 auto meta, and made it even more plodding, grounded and static with what amounts to basically one significant sandbox update for the year.

Competitive weapon variety limits you to taking either the Vigilance Wing or the Graviton Lance, as both guns vastly outshine anything else at most ranges. The problem isn't necessarily that these guns are too good, so save the eyerolls about how we asked for lower TTK. The problem is, these guns significantly outperform most other weapons at most ranges. Bring more stuff up (preferably hand cannons).

Crucible went from "ugh" in Seasons 1-2, to "oh God, no" in Season 3. You've taken a major component of your game and rendered it tedious. This is coming from someone who gutted out a 2.0+ kd, weekly flawless trials runs and tens of thousands of crucible kills in Season 2 alone. This meta sucks, guys. It's a chore.

I'm sure that, like in so many other years past, support for the current game is limited by development of the Fall expansion. I tell you though, as someone who loves the game, and has an affinity for the dev team and the passion they put in their work, I'm struggling with finding a reason to buy Forsaken and a season pass. You've told me how great Forsaken will be, I get it, good hype. But you haven't shown me how great my year with that expansion will be.

By show I mean, I'm not looking for another trailer or another dev monologue. I'm looking for actual support of the game I've already given you close to $100 for. I'm looking for sandbox changes that actually bring about some real competitive weapon variety, at the very least. I'm looking for sandbox changes, preferably, that reward me for being aggressive and collapsing a flank instead of trading pulse rifle shots down a long sightline. There's two months left in this game and all you've really shown me is that it takes you way too long to adjust the crucible experience.

Please, Bungie, give me a reason to believe next year won't be like the last. There are too many major titles coming out for me to spend another few months waiting on you to get your act together.

submitted by /u/TheMightyHornet
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AoT armor ornaments for Ikora's faction armor confirmed?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:12 AM PDT

Edit: It could also be the Solstice of Heroes armor. But either way, it looks pretty sick!

submitted by /u/HyperionGrimm
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+5 mods are going away. Whats happening to the stock pile of +5 mods that I have?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 04:36 AM PDT

Thats a lot of mods to just disappear if thats the case. Haven't read whats going to happen in this reguard.

submitted by /u/Tachaeon
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Subreddit exclusive: Full view of Solstice of Heroes helms...

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:33 PM PDT

..if bungie actually goes full symmetry.

submitted by /u/HoldenAGrenade
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In my opinion, this cutscene from Destiny 1 is incredible and truly encapsulates the feel of the franchise.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:41 PM PDT

The opening cutscene for Destiny in my opinion is the most moving piece of cinematography that Bungie has produced for the Destiny Franchise. It's such a simple shot, but has so much power. Rainfall on mars, with the swelling of the soundtrack drawn from the Music of the Spheres, it literally gives me chills.

This cutscene takes me back to when I first launched the game on day one. The amount of wonder and mystery contained in this game and the intrigue I had with this story after watching this cutscene was immeasurable. Sometimes I really think I forget what this game is all about, but this cinematic captures it very well. It's about discovery, and bravery in the face of the unknown.

What are you guys' thoughts?

submitted by /u/_Hounds_
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Bungie has something planned for us in game for Bungie Day, they just haven't said what that will be

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 07:17 AM PDT

Morning! I've seen a couple folks questioning whether there is anything going on for Bungie Day. Just wanted to remind folks that Bungie Day is listed on the July Roadmap they gave us in TWAB 6/28

u/dmg04 also replies "10AM PDT on 7/7" to a user asking about the lack of mentions of Bungie Day in TWAB 7/5. That is found in the comments of TWAB post on this subreddit.

Basically at reset today we will find out what they have planned.

EDIT: Looks like this is all we're getting

submitted by /u/silverangold
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Most existing subclass trees have two nodes that should be one. If we aren't going to get improved subclass customization in D2, please combine some of the nodes and add new ones to make us feel stronger. Increase the "power fantasy".

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:42 AM PDT

TL;DR- Title.

Recently I have been playing a lot of gunslinger (my main since day 1 D1) and like many of you on the subreddit it felt like something is missing in D2, from both skill trees especially after getting pooped in mayhem on by every single other super (except tether lol, can't tether me quick enough bitch). The more I looked at the more it made sense that Deadshot + Six-Shooter from Way of the Outlaw, and Crowd-Pleaser + Line 'Em Up from Way of the Sharpshooter should only take up one node. Looking at the perk description it even looks like they were written as one perk, but split into two for some stupid reason. Now not only are we limited to 2 options compared to the dozens in D1, the perks themselves feel watered down. Not even to mention that another whole node is taken up by your melee ability! (Seriously why tf can't these be used in either skill tree, they should be selected just like grenades)

This isn't just the case with the gunslinger either, most other subclasses seem to have this same problem. A few other notable ones are Winged Sun + Heat Rises on Attunement of Sky, Vulcan's Rage + Explosive Pyre on Code of the Fireforged, and Vanishing Step + Keen Scout on Way of the Trapper. Combining these and giving us new abilities/strong abilities left behind in D1 would go a long way towards making us feel powerful again. I would rather all of the subclasses get huge buffs and be broken, then a select few/one stick out far and above the others they way they currently do.

I see a lot of requests for reduced ability cooldowns (which I'm all for) but I think a lot of the problem of not feeling as powerful as we used to stems from the bigger problem generally weak abilities and strong abilities being watered down or split into different skill trees/perks. Classes and subclasses are what make us feel powerful Guardians, the IKELOS shotgun shouldn't be the only thing making me feel powerful. Even after a years worth of tuning and changes many of the subclasses still feel super diluted and weak. I'm really excited for the supers and abilities coming in Forsaken, but I'm worried that we will see a lot of the same issue with most of the current subclasses.

submitted by /u/IMBOSSIBRU
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Buff tickle fingers *cough cough* Stormcaller’s super

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:07 AM PDT

Seriously even with arc singe you struggle to take down like 3 red bar knights...

I'm not asking for Destiny 1 levels of butt fuckery that came from Stormcaller but a significant boost in damage would be nice

submitted by /u/Slav3_Edgeeww
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The importance of having weapons like No Land Beyond, The Chaperone, and Bolt Caster.

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:08 AM PDT

Destiny 2 brought forward a different playground for our Guardians to fight in. One where strong, skill based, one hit kill weapons were reduced for balanced gun play and team tactics. Although it brought balance to the game at first, I do think that it sucked the fun out of the game. Why use a tractor cannon or a huckleberry when you can use a MiDA?

With the weapon changes coming and the idea of bring fast kill times back, I think it's important to state why weapons like the NLB, Chaperone, and Bolt Caster should come back not for their functional value but their fun value.

On paper, guns like the the NLB and Chaperone aren't really good. Their low ammo counts and requirements for pin point precision made them terrible choices for strikes, PVE, and the Raid. However they are a BLAST in PVP. I have fond memories of using those guns in Control and Clash.

They were high risk for a HIGH reward and I felt like a lot of D2 Vanilla suffered from this problem. In D1, if you used the Chaperone, and weren't nailing your headshots you were going to lose the gun battle as normal shotguns would have enough spread to take care of you. But! If you could nail a headshot within the effective range you would win the fight. There was a beauty in that, the ability to kill someone but with style. It's the same with the NLB. Odds are you'll lose if you can't nail the first headshot, but that feeling you get when you nail it... it's indescribable. It was fine to have a negative k/d if you were using that gun, because you were having fun using it.

Every gun developed doesn't have to work for every scenario. If the NLB dominates in PVP, that might mean it's terrible in PVE and that's okay. Trying to balance guns for every aspect in the game leads to nerfs that drive it into the ground. We SHOULDNT have balancing for PVP and PVE.

I guess the ultimate goal of this post is to implore Bungie to continue to embrace the changes they're making in Forsaken . . . and maybe bring back the NLB, Chaperone, and Bolt Caster since we're going back to the old system and they're awesome guns.

submitted by /u/The_Owl_Bard
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VendorEngrams Rainmeter Skin - Update v1.1

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:36 AM PDT

Hi everyone, I've recently updated my Rainmeter skin for the VendorEngrams site. If you missed the first post, the skin is basically a small widget that's on your desktop to make the site's data more accessible and provides a streamlined view of the most important information - who's giving out 380 PL gear.

What's new in v1.1?

Taken from community feedback, version 1.1 includes a UI update, a timer to the next vendor cycle reset, ability to create custom themes if you feel like changing up the look of the skin, banner notifications, and new quick links.

Where can I get it?

You can download it directly from VendorEngrams through this link:

Plans for v1.2+

Currently, I have plans to add individual timers for each vendor's reset, a tab for Xur when he's around, and a non-intrusive in-game overlay/notification system.

Thanks to u/Flatlyn for developing VendorEngrams and hosting the file!

submitted by /u/Matthew-21
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I wish the Slovabomb super could be turned into the shatter nova from D1

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 07:59 AM PDT

As someone who still loves voidwalker but really dislikes the Slovabomb I wish they had just made it the shatter node from D1. Three or four smaller less powerful novas that spread out and had the chance to bloom targets. It would be cool to have devour lock focused on healing and a nice vortex nova and have the other tree focus on a smaller add clearing super. Would it break the game? I don't really think so. I just really dislike the slow moving mega bomb. Also buff golden gun cause I've been itching to play some GG but specifically the charge time on trip mines is turds.

submitted by /u/mcdieselpower
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Hidden triumph during solstice of heroes

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 11:03 AM PDT

On bungie's help page, it reveals another of the triumphs that will be able to be completed during solstice of heroes.

The Hero We Deserve - Complete any 25 Public Events on Heroic Difficulty during Solstice of Heroes - 10pts


submitted by /u/ProfessorSparks
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What’s one gun that you will 100% be bringing to 600 Power in Year 2?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:16 AM PDT

With the new gameinformer staying it will be "difficult" to get your guns to max light from year 1, Which gun will be a no brainer to take all the way through!

For me it's Midnight Coup. I can't imagine a better hand cannon unless this roll becomes something common.

submitted by /u/Nicholas_Deorio
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Bungie, can you help my understand why Golden Gun is not OHK on Dawnblade but Dawnblade is OHK on Golden Gun?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:31 AM PDT

It takes to shots of GG to kill someone in Dawnblade super (maybe a precision would do it but those guys are flying around the map like a fly attracted to shit).

My super lasts a whole lot less than theirs does, whilst they have incredible mobility and their super also does AoE damage. So what gives?

I'm holding a golden gun, it should be like the fucking Golden gun from 007 and OHK practically everything.

submitted by /u/s1ravarice
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I made a nostalgic video of our beginnings in D1. I hope you guys like it. Happy Bungie Day y'all

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:56 AM PDT

This took a very long time to make, and I have to say it was worth seeing the beauty Destiny has to offer. Hope you guys like it

submitted by /u/djxyz0
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I replayed Halo 3 recently and the ending made me strongly desire a sparrow-based encounter

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:23 AM PDT

Bungie please, give us a raid or strike or mission encounter like the warthog run from the ending of Halo 3.

submitted by /u/CapnGnarly
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Chroma armor coming with Solstice of Heroes?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:20 AM PDT looks a lot like chroma to me!

submitted by /u/LiterallyDeadRN
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