Destiny 2 Facts


Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:18 PM PDT

[cosplay] Hunter Cosplay by Tortured_knight with OUR Icebreaker

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:36 AM PDT

Crimson is fun to use

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 08:22 PM PDT

Holy Scatter Grenades...

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:36 PM PDT

Oh no, it's already starting! D:

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:27 PM PDT

My current Titan threads!

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:07 AM PDT


Posted: 04 Jul 2018 03:41 PM PDT

Found this near Aurora Reach. Something to do with Rasputin carvings?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:22 AM PDT

Went full HÄKKE with a motorcycle in The Crew 2

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:44 AM PDT

Sooooo.... This dropped from a heroic Will of the Thousands.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:56 AM PDT

What Bungie can do to bring Factions back from the Dead(Obit)

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 09:58 AM PDT

Hi everyone, One of my most favourite past times from D1 was grinding each faction every week to earn their gear,shaders and the coveted exotic class item. Rocking my dead orbit exotic hunters cloak and a decent tolled hung jury made me feel like complete bad ass and people would often comment on them and how they were working towards getting them with each faction. Having that ability to fit that grind into your schedule was key. We all have lives and commitments outside of destiny as well as other things within the game you want to work towards(full raid gear sets/ specific weapons etc). Moving into destiny 2 i was really looking forward to see what new faction related items and exotics they had come up with and anything new they had introduced. Unfortunately that optimism was short lived. Bungie pretty much stripped factions to the bare bones. No faction specific exotics, no bounties, fewer emblems and shaders and a very poor show on the weapon and armour front. All of the latter being re skins other items within the game with poor stat rolls. To add to all this misery bungie decided to bundle all of this up into time-gated week events. Someone must have seriously been smoking something in the bungie offices to sign this off. Even if they lifted D1 factions and carried them over it would have been heads and shoulders above what we were initially given.Now we all know destiny has gone through a bad patch and the ever occurring lull in content, but thankfully we seem to be moving forward with bungie providing some much needed optimism with Forsaken and have recently come out and asked for feedback and suggestions on what can be done with factions. With that in mind here is my two cents on the subject: 1)Open factions up to be playable at all times -allow players to chose when they want to commit time to it. 2) significantly increase the end faction level - If people can get to rank50 in a week this needs raising to be inline with having the ability to earn rep all the time. Alternatively the number of tokens earned could be reduced. 3) keep faction rallies within the season - If factions are always available people wont feel the urge to find the most optimal way of getting the current chore done as fast as possible(probably will still happen lol)These weekly events can then be enjoyable. Bring in challenges/bounties/ pvp specific games fighting off faction against faction. Separate rally tokens could be supplied for the week in addition to the standard faction tokens to still enable a winner and a winning item people want to get. Double points could be given within the week to help people with the grind if required. 4) re introduce faction specific exotics- having exotic master items at the moment is a step in the right direction but currently pushes your decision on who to rep when it should be about the whole package. A new exotic could be implemented at each seasonal change. 5) make the gear more interesting - no one wants to spend ages getting a full dead orbit armour set which is just the EDZ set with very minimal adjustments. I don't want to get a FWC weapon that is just an Omolon item with a logo slapped on the side. Give each faction their own specific armour and weapon set. This will give grinding all the factions purpose and will make them feel an integral part of the game and not just something tacked on as filler. 6)Add a new faction - we have had the same 3factions since D1 vanilla and things are a little stagnant. Obviously if bungie implemented the above points it would be brought back to live, but i think adding a new faction would show some intent and would show that factions are a key part of the game. This would also re spark peoples interest in the factions and would give players a very good reason to commit time to them. Anyway, let me know what you all think, be great to see your opinions and my suggestions and if any of you have ideas of what bungie could do to factions. Drew-S1988 - Guardian Out!

submitted by /u/Drew-summers88
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Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:42 PM PDT

Why does no one want to do Prestige Leviathan?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:18 AM PDT

I've spent 5 days looking for a group to no avail, and I know how to do 90% of it. I haven't seen a single LFG post either. What's the deal? It's easy, has good loot, I don't get it. Some one fill me in.

Edit: I'm on PS4

submitted by /u/Crotas-Scrota
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Destiny 2 key region dispute

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:24 AM PDT

In quick terms, I purchased a key for destiny 2 for the "Europe" region which my account is locked to as well. Long story short the key was a "region 2" (blizzard support told me this) instead of region 3. Which makes no sense since the key was advertised as " Destiny 2 Blizzard Key PC EUROPE". Iv contacted G2A and made a ticket any other suggestions as to what I should do? All i want is a region 3 key instead of region 2 will they be able to process this ?

submitted by /u/TacticalT
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Victorious Veteran emblem.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:15 AM PDT

For some reason I can't buy the Victorious Veteran emblem even though I've gotten more than 10 reward engrams from Shaxx. Does it only drop from the engrams or is it bugged for me?

submitted by /u/Valid0s
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Why is the price different for different consoles?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:11 AM PDT

I really wanted to buy my friend destiny 2 because I have no friends to play with in destiny, and I saw that it was on sale for 9.99$, but that was only for PS4 and Xbox, and 49.99 for pc. Why is this?

submitted by /u/bclinansmith
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Finally proud of my silver hunter.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:50 PM PDT

Raids/Heroic Strikes

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:06 AM PDT

Can anyone help me do some prestige or some raids im 344 hunter

submitted by /u/Pnoy_Avex
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Which grenade?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:05 AM PDT

Hunter NS mains, What grenades do you guys use for crucible? I'm having a difficult time picking one and sticking with it.

submitted by /u/Nonstop58
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Nightfa emblem variants.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 07:27 AM PDT

Can anyone confirm they have unlocked the third emblem variant for a nightfall speed run? I use to get all the variants from just finishing the prestige nightfall's quickly but I'm not unlocking them even after 30-40 runs anymore. I know the emblem says that it unlocks after a certain score but it always said that but it never really mattered. Did they "fix" it recently so that you actually have to get a high score to unlock them?

submitted by /u/HarryTheAtheist
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Better devils or crimson

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 06:50 AM PDT

Haven't played for a hot minute which handgun is better right now?

submitted by /u/ScoopityWoopScoop
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