ARMA Humanitarian Aid in the Shape of Bullets

Humanitarian Aid in the Shape of Bullets

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 06:58 AM PDT

Headhunter (Operation Trebuchet Mod)

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 11:57 AM PDT

average flight to objective kingofthehill

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 12:59 AM PDT

Violence of Action

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:49 PM PDT

What's the most effective way to make a group move quickly to assault a position? I've tried turning off fleeing and suppression, but they're still content to simply bog down and return fire from a distance. I'm using S&D, Aware, Open Fire, Full as a waypoint.

submitted by /u/Systemantix
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With the encore update, can we expect less mod breaking updates?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:42 PM PDT

Im wondering if since development of arma 3 is winding down, if we can expect less updates that change the framework that some mods rely on.

For example, the EODS mod added so much to arma, but was simply made obsolete as arma received new framework updates.

submitted by /u/YourLoveLife
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Basically how the Bradley was Designed

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:40 PM PDT

"What Goes Around, Comes Around" - Arma 3 Music Video

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:35 PM PDT

Encore Asset Test: CSAT S750/R750 SAM Battery vs NATO F/A-181 Black Wasp II (RC Branch)

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 11:16 AM PDT

How to "aim" the IR/visual sensor of the wipeout?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:09 PM PDT

In the fixed wing showcase mission, I fly the wipeout. It should have an IR detection range of up to 3/4 km but I frequently cannot detect ground targets until the 1 km range even though my yellow IR/visual sensor "cone" is pointed to the front of the aircraft. Is there some elevation cone that needs to be correctly set as well? I read that the elevation coverage is 37 degrees but not sure what that means.

submitted by /u/JohnZ622
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Arma 3 equivalent of DayZ for Arma 2

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:07 PM PDT

Hello! I've seen gameplay videos of Arma 2's DayZ mod, and I really like how the game works and how you can build bases, fight zombies, and control vehicles all in one single game. One of my favorite aspects of the game is the GUI. It looks great, especially when you're in a vehicle, where it shows the stats of the vehicle and lots of details. I also like the realism, where you have to eat, rest, etc. Another cool part of the game is that there are effects like unconsciousness, broken limbs, etc that will happen when you're not careful. A final main reason that I love the way that game works is that it's not hardware intensive at all, and I should be able to get a smooth 60FPS at all times on my low-end PC. So, my question is, is there an identical or almost identical equivalent of the DayZ mod for Arma 2 that is for Arma 3? I would purchase both Arma 2 and Arma 2: OA so that I can install the DayZ mod, but I don't own the game, and don't think I'll ever buy it. Thanks, rokingpug.

submitted by /u/rokingpug
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antistasi campaign help!

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:37 AM PDT

Hello, my friends and i have started to play the antistasi campaign and we are having problems. We are trying to make ourselves server members so we could take special weapons that we have collected. we have the server hosted from my friend computer, if anyone knows how to help us we could be very thankfull!

submitted by /u/Ee_Ar
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Perfect tactical field care after stopping a BTR with 3 Humvees

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:53 AM PDT

Make AI stay indoors

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 03:04 PM PDT

Whenever I raid a house, they just start running outside. They NEVER stay inside. Is there a way to make them stay inside?

submitted by /u/immersiveFrank
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AI not spawning - Antistasi Arma 3

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 02:26 PM PDT

So as i was starting the Game, we spawned at the Default location and started a Mission, everything was fine exept:

All the Outpost / Airports etc. were not generated and populated by the AI (Nato and CSAT)

does anyone have an idea how to fix the Problem ? Help much appreciated ! :)

submitted by /u/OdinNoSon
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Issues with the editor, need help!

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:55 PM PDT

Recently I was trying to use the editor and every time I click on a soldier and do play as character the game instantly says mission completed upon loading in, I have no idea how to fix this, has anybody had the same issue and fixed it?

submitted by /u/Tedious_Grafunkel
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Meanwhile at opfor spawn. (KotH RHS)

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 05:04 AM PDT

Tanoa and the indestructible trees

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:31 AM PDT

I couldn't find a mod to make trees destroyable like on altis or stratis, would appreciate the help finding one

submitted by /u/AtbBerare
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Are there any mods to make AI commanding easier?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 02:56 AM PDT

I'm pretty new to arma and I'm also pretty bad at remembering complex key commands to command my AI squad. How can I make AI commanding easier for myself?

submitted by /u/million-dollar-loan
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Something I need to Get off My Chest

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:22 AM PDT


Despise the Arma 3 campaign.

I played Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead and Armed Assault back when I was younger, natch I died a lot but I still had some fun, even trying out Flashpoint when it got re-released as an Arma game. So when the Steam Sale rolled around I snatched up Arma 3 and the DLC to try it out.

And over-all, I will admit it's been a positive experience, I enjoyed the Laws of War campaign and trying out multiplayer has been great. I enjoy the hardcore tactical stuff, and compared to Red Orchestra and other much grimmer 'realistic' depictions of war it feels quite balanced and fun to play.

But god, I hate the main campaign. Maybe it's because I'm a noob overall to Arma 3 but jesus....

My main problem is how it takes the issues with Arma 3 as a milsim and ramps them up tenfold. I'd have much preferred a kind of 'tour of duty' style where you switch to different characters and roles, tank commander, pilot etc. Even if you primarily stick with footsoldiers. Not to mention the early campaign where you play the prologue on Altis is quite an interesting angle, playing missions as peacekeepers in limited engagements and whatnot.

But to claim to be a full-life simulation and then drop you into what any real world military would deem a near hopeless situation is ridiculous. Not to mention this exacerbates the issues with having the AI be so intelligent and accurate. I can count on my hand the number of times I actually got into close-range gun battles, and yes long-range is more realistic but it's....just boring having every enemy snipe you from across a valley even if you can take them out without a scratch. In multiplayer and AI battles this is much less of a problem as you have many more options to approach, different objectives, air support etc. But the 'East Wind' felt like it was trying to be Arma 3 with training wheels on, but forgot to stop pushing you straight downhill whilst said training wheels are on.

It just feels like they wanted to show off a bunch of stuff, Call of Duty style but then kept all the hardcore milsim stuff. Which is fine! But I don't want to be dropped into commanding a squad, fighting armour and trying to hold a town against multiple squads of enemies all whilst juggling objectives, fire support, mines and etc.

Also having 'epic music' blasting is fine but when it's playing as I'm running across a field for the 60th time or drowning out the sound of enemy fire when I'm trying to pinpoint them, that's just annoying.

Idk, is it something that you guys find yourselves not noticing? am I the only one who's just getting stressed out by the campaign?

submitted by /u/Kal198
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Anyone else seeing a "Crew [R/T] | Dash" hint/tooltip?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:19 AM PDT

A few days ago I started noticing this weird arse popup in the top left of my screen whenever I'm in a vehicle:

I first noticed it in an RHS tank so I assumed it was some weird hint related to one of their unique systems but then I jumped in a Tanks DLC tank which also had it, then tried a base game jet which had it as well so it seems to be a global thing. I've not seen it in trucks so I'm wondering if it might have something to do with armed vehicles but I can't seem to work out what the hell is prompting it.

It kind of looks like a hint popup telling you what key to press but it's not where other hints show up and it doesn't correspond to a keybind; there's obviously a - on the main keyboard and on the numpad but nothing labelled with the word 'Dash' (at least on any keyboard I've ever seen) so where it's getting that word from is perplexing. To make it worse, occasionally I've seen it show 'Dash Dash' and once or twice its had 'Pax Dash' which is going from perplexing to flat out discombobulating.

None of my mods have updated recently and it seems to even happen when there's nothing but ace running so I'm at a loss at to the source of this. Has anyone else been seeing this and, more importantly, has anyone been able to get it to bugger off? I may hate the action menu with the vehemence I normally reserve for things like cancer and advertising but I'd still like to see the top entry which this hint/thing covers up.

submitted by /u/Aliasalpha
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Titan AT Launcher

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:01 AM PDT

Hy guys is it possible to lock on a laser from a quadcopter with a AT Titan laucnher?I cant do it..

submitted by /u/SlimpeX01
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