True Dota 2 - How I climbed from 400 mmr to 2k mmr, for the Heralds and Guardians out there

How I climbed from 400 mmr to 2k mmr, for the Heralds and Guardians out there

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:51 AM PDT

I love this subreddit and thought I'd help the <5% of people in this subreddit that may be herald or guardian (referencing the new poll from a couple of days ago). Though I will probably post this in /r/learndota2 as well.

Over a period of a year and a half I climbed from 400 mmr to 2k mmr, most of that time I played casually. I by no means belong at 4k mmr +, but I knew that I didn't belong at 400 mmr. I was very unhappy with where I was, because if anyone has been in the sub 500 mmr (even the sub 1k mmr) they will know that it is a very, very toxic and difficult place to climb out of. The main problems you face at that low mmr is smurfs, smurfs, very poor decision making by your teammates, and long ass games where people will spend days on end in the jungle. I realized the only way to climb out of this bracket was to end games in the early to mid game. To do this I needed to embrace the truth that I had to master a few heroes and just get better at the game. Juggernaut, Templar Assassin, and Necrophos were the heroes I ended up "mastering" (quotation marks are definitely needed). I chose these heroes because they were easy to learn and because they were able to make large impacts early to mid game during those points. My first large spike was when I would spam mid with Templar Assassin. The fastest way out of the sub 1k mmr bracket was to only rely on myself and to ensure I was calling shots once I "impressed" people with how strong I was 15 minutes in. People at that bracket will tend to listen to the shots you call when you are able to show them that you can lead them to victory, which rings true in all mmr brackets. So the lesson here is spam mid, because you can easily snowball in this lane, supports will not rotate on you and if they do they do so very poorly, you can capitalize on your ability to last hit in this lane, you will not be competing with another carry in the safe lane for last hits, and the enemy team will not realize how strong you are until you are 7-0 at 15 minutes in.

My reasons for spamming mid carry was (if I didn't get mid I would just solo offlane, since one carry was in jungle two others would be in the safe lane):

  • To capitalize on the mistakes other carries will make (see below list)
  • Even if you play an awesome support, it will be very difficult to always put your trust in a carry that will probably farm the wrong side of the map, spend 50 minutes in the jungle and never push an objective, your warding will probably not help at all as people won't look at the mini-map until 1.2kmmr in my experience.
  • You will often have to lane with another carry in the safe lane and offlane. Which is very counter-productive to the overall goal of just ending the game quick.
  • Much better potential to snowball.

Breakdown of mid from 400mmr to 1.5kmmr:

Mistakes the other mid carry will make (if they aren't smurfs):

They won't block their creeps.

  • Get really good at blocking your creeps, but ensure you do not block too much as you don't want your creeps to get hit by your own tower.

They don't have an understanding of basic lane equilibrium.

  • Watch a few videos from Purge and BSJ about lane equilibrium, this a crucial game mechanic to master for early game which will lead to your snowball.

They can't last hit

  • The most basic mechanic you need to master if you have not already, with the mini-game Valve added you should have no excuse to struggle with last hitting.

No idea when to properly harass.

  • Proper harassment is key, when you have positioned the creeps properly (see lane equilibrium) it allows yourself one or two attacks on the enemy carry while also pulling the creeps to your side of the river. This harassment stacks up over time, and will allow you to easily scare the enemy carry from last hitting OR even better to force them into a mistake in which you can solo kill them. I cannot tell you the amount of times I baited the enemy mid under my own tower because I continued to harass them, especially with low HP and they let their emotions get the better of them.

They will often listen to their teammates to rotate to another lane, and if you properly call it out (don't just do ____ is missing, call it out on your mic and to which lane they are going to) they will not achieve anything with their rotation.

  • This will give you at least a minute of uncontested lane time, which is huge. Ensure if you HAVE to rotate to another lane, that you are coming in for a guaranteed kill.

My hero of choice for spamming mid was TA. She is great at low mmr because:

  • People don't see her often in the low mmr brackets.

  • Strong tower hitter, this is huge because your team just doesn't push objectives at the right times or even at all in the low mmr. You have to rely on yourself often for getting the first few objectives while your team is running around chasing heroes they saw (with no plan).

  • She can snowball very well and hits a huge power spike mid-game.

  • Can handle almost any mid hero matchup.

  • Traps provide you mini-wards/vision of the map, because lets be honest you are soooo lucky if you have a support in your game let alone one that is good at warding.

  • Can farm very well in the early stages. (Stack those ancients, easy especially with traps nowadays and big gold spike for early game)

  • Strong laner with refraction and psi blades (see lane equilibrium, people will not know how setup the creeps to prevent you from spilling your attacks on them until its too late and they are two levels behind from dying to the blades or being harassed away from exp range.)

  • People will often dump their burst damage into you while you have refraction charges up.

  • Strong tower hitter. Again very important.

  • Early to mid game she can solo kill almost all heroes with a decent laning phase. Important as your PA and Slark that just lost their safe lane will have fed the enemy Bloodseeker, and you need to be able to shutdown the other team's hero.

  • If you don't win in the mid game because people just aren't listening to you, you can rat or hopefully rely on the slark/pa on your team that has farmed for 50 minutes.

Over 300 games with TA, I have a 61% win rate. I'm not boasting, it is just a matter of having a decent win rate (over 50%) and playing alot of games so that you will eventually see an upward trend. Its all about the numbers, unless you are a godlike player in which you are probably only in that bracket because you are on a smurf.

When I got above 1.5k mmr, I finally saw a massive improvement in the quality of my games and was able to transition to other roles, as people actually start to play support, buy wards, have an understanding of how to lane, and other basic teamwork that is basically nonexistent in the sub 1.5kmmr.

I by no means am a top tier player, but I thought I'd post this to help even just one person that may feel hopeless in the very low mmr brackets. Also I didn't see many posts from people that had experienced sub 1k mmr let alone sub 500 mmr when I was starting to 'research' how to climb out. Please feel free to correct or add anything in the comments.

submitted by /u/Ogre1
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Earth Spirit.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:15 AM PDT

Never picked in pro scene. low pick and win rate in divine. what happened? is he too hard to balance? Do you think he will ever return to the top?

submitted by /u/Ron-Lim
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luna helm.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:22 PM PDT

I've been going luna helm and stacking anciens lately. Is this bad? It does seem to help my farm, but I'm not really sure by how much as opposed to mom.

submitted by /u/svene
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Is it true that we can abandon 1/25 games?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:36 PM PDT

Without suffering any consequences? Is this true in our ranked games as well?

submitted by /u/profHam
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just hit 5k, wanted to share

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:25 AM PDT
Ever since I joined this group, my mmr increased steadily. I just wanted to say thanks :)

submitted by /u/Mafrax
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Sniper Aghs Build?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:40 PM PDT

Been thinking about how to make Aghs work on Sniper as it is a very interesting upgrade and I think the recent changes to talents could potentially make it viable. Mainly the 25% CDR and the -1.5 second cast time.

For starters Im thinking Boots - Midas - Aquilla - Treads these first three items can come in a different order, game dependent. The Midas is amazing with such a huge CDR at only level 10 and it gets you to your level 20 much faster.

After the early game items I am really unsure, I would natural lean towards Pike or SB as they benefit from the CDR and can keep you alive. But I have lately been thinking of going straight Deso > Aghs as it allows the build to come online rather quickly. Otherwise you would be stuck going Pike/Sb > some damage item > Aghs since going Aghs without a damage item is pointless.

Essentially Im wondering how one would itemize mid game and if it's even worth considering.

submitted by /u/ImFrigginDead
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Pangolier and echo saber

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:36 PM PDT

  • swashbuckle procs the slow but not the cd

  • proc slows and gives more chances to proc heartpiercer...which further slows

-great early to mid game stats for pango

I know arcanes/eul/blink/jav is all the rage but ive been trying treads/aquila/echo for durability and utility because just blink crash buckle combo and running just feels lame to me

submitted by /u/Kaseus
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Has anyone else found their ranked games to be super low quality since re-calibration?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:02 PM PDT

I have found that since calibrating the skills of my team and the enemy have no been consistent in the slightest. I am surprised some of the players even made it past the required number of games to play ranked.

Also a generally a lot more toxicity, griefing and abandoning going on in my games.

Part of me feels that we should be allowed to abandon more games before getting LP because some games are just destined to be unenjoyable.

submitted by /u/TheExplodingKitten
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Finding Dota 2 Replays

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:05 AM PDT

Hey Everybody!

Not sure if this is the place to post this, but I'm looking for an easier way to parse down specifics of a replay.

Really, I love watching higher skill and mmr players play a Core Rubick. However, it's incredibly hard to find how to discriminate in searches for that.

I mean, who doesn't like to see sweet Rubick plays?

submitted by /u/strongoaktree
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Let's talk about Ursa (Maelstrom and enrage talent)

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:10 AM PDT

Hey guys, I've been playing ursa recently and I want to discuss some points:

1) why is maelstrom bad? According to dotabuff, it has 37% winrate on Ursa. In theory, the lightning procs are almost guaranteed with overpower attack speed. Wouldn't it increase your farm rate and kill potential?

2) lvl 20 +1.5s enrage, is it really situational? You multiply your fury swipes damage during enrage, more enrage time = more dmg stacks and more durability. But again, the +12 fury swipes dmg has +1.9% winrate compared to enrage talent.

What am I missing?

submitted by /u/tutorialboys
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