Street Fighter No Devil Trigger in the world can make this hurt less

No Devil Trigger in the world can make this hurt less

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:06 AM PDT

TIL that Street Fighter II is the 3rd grossing game of all time with a revenue of $6.15 billion

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:17 AM PDT

Found another Cody color reference

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:43 PM PDT

Cammy's savage version of "Go home and be a family man"

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:02 PM PDT

Vega's theme will be featured in Smash Bros. Ultimate with a new rendition

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:05 PM PDT

I play my mom some SF themes and see what she can guess about the characters. It's Cody's turn.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:01 PM PDT

My mom is very unfamiliar with SF, so she's coming to this with a blank slate. I played her Cody's theme from SF4 and told her that he comes back in SFV with another theme (I wanted to see what she thought of the character progression. I wanted to share her thoughts with you.

SF4 theme here:

  • She says that the theme reminds her of someone training for hours. Thinks the character sounds disciplined, spent hours training. Usually isn't the aggressor in fights, but will fuck you up if you want the hands (my words, not hers)
  • The theme made her think of a back alley in NYC
  • This thought took her to Momma Said Knock You Out era LL Cool J.

After this, I played the SFV theme (which is here for y'all).

  • Immediate reaction was "This sounds way more polished. They're still the same person, but they sound cleaned up now."
  • She said that the character sounds older and more mature now, like LL in NCIS as opposed to MSKYO era LL.

I feel like this is indicative of how evocative SFV's music is. It's amazing, and it always communicates character traits really well.

submitted by /u/mvcCaveman
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ELEAGUE announces Street Fighter V Invitational 2018 Celebrity Showdown

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:30 AM PDT

Cody's Vskill: The ultimate anti-spammable moves?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:02 AM PDT

oh boy does it do wonders

no more do i have to sit there guessing between a hit, low or grab when akuma does flip or ex flip

no more do i have to be on my toes everytime a cammy jumps and dives kick or does vskill

no more do i have to sit there and eat bison's ex devil reverse and let him pressure or grab me

no more do i have to suffer because of those kens and ryus doing random jumps and try to cross me

no more do i have to guess between alex's ex stomp or ex grab

no more do i have to try to anti air urien's ex kneee

anyone else feels the same? its been very reliable to me and it seems like finally i have an answer to these online tactics

or maybe it just clicks with me but im very happy with it


submitted by /u/Coldspine1
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Pic of Cody color references

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:11 PM PDT

Thoughts on Cody.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:16 PM PDT

The holy bible on Cody. Grab some popcorn because this got long.

His crLP is one of the best light buttons in the game. The range to block pushback ratio is very strong. If you find yourself up close with advantage, this button is your finest choice to open someone up.

Point blank you get 3 of them as a frame trap/combo, and you can cancel the last one into EX Zonk, then if they blocked it all you can chain two more crLP and EX Zonk again, if you think they will get impatient and start hitting buttons.

The EX zonk is a frame trap itself canceled from crLP, and leads to great oki on hit to rinse and repeat. Throw in some stagger pressure, cross up jumps, tick throws, and shimmies on top of that (I like to shimmy with crHP into light ruffian kick/ or spend some bar for the EX ruffian kick > light ruffian kick, both these options give you great oki), and you have yourself some scary offense.

Speaking of his throw/tick throw. For oki you get a stLK even midscreen. You can frame trap with EX Zonk, or stagger forward and hit another stLK > EX zonk, or get gutsy and walk forward all the way for another throw or general stagger pressure with crLP. If they like to hold back you can cancel into EX ruffian kick instead, which catches walk back/dash back/jump/and frame traps 3 framers, but is unsafe on block. so if they are stand blocking you can cancel into EX ruffian to punish them. If they are crouch blocking you can get stagger pressure.

If you want to rush someone down with Cody, you can spend all of your EX bar to keep it going. Be wary of V-reversals, if they like to spam them, then you need to set them up and throw them. Baiting V-reversals is the most important way to conserve meter. Also conserve meter by using stagger pressure when you think it will work. And if they are cornered you can hit confirm crLPs into medium ruffian kick instead of EX zonk to conserve more meter and you still get oki. If you run out of meter, your offense can come to a grinding halt.

On top of all of this, you can VTC the EX Zonk, which is fantastic. His VT2 only adds to the above with the threat of a command grab, and better shimmy combo. And some nasty footsy buttons in stHP and crHP, some rock shenanigans, and a godlike stun combo.

Another nasty trick is to get someone to block your light fireball, and frame trap them from very far away with Ex Zonk, sets you up good for some up close plus frames or on hit you have good oki. If you VTC the EX Zonk you get a command grab mixup or what have you.

Just some thoughts on my new main and what has been working for me. BTW Cody neutral is ass unless in VT2, play him as a rushdown character. Bypass neutral anyway you can. Necalli has better neutral than Cody. So be advised. Your best bet in neutral is to get a knockdown into oki anyway you can, sweep if you have to (his sweep has nice speed + hitbox and leads into dash forward +2 on quickrise, very nasty if you land it). Throw in a little shoto stuff with fireballs, bait the jumps, V-reversal, etc... but you need that knockdown.

Cody jump in HP is very, very strong, throw the HP as early as possible and it will reach down very far to hit them early. They will need on point anti-airs to beat your jump in HP. Think Mika, Rashid, and Vega for an example. This is the kind of jump in attack that cody possesses.

If you in VT2 your neutral is good, crHP is godlike, wiff punish with that. StHP is great. In VT2 you should play the neutral more with your pipe heavies and when you score an oki setup just go to town on them with all of the above + command grab sprinkled in.

BTW the knife is garbage, but most people already know that.

Overall assessment: Cody is very strong when he gets in. Has a very strong VT2, but struggles to weave his way through the neutral game. He has some tricks that can bypass neutral, involving his fireball/EX fireball/EX Zonk, HK CC, landing a wiff punish into light ruffian kick, or just a plain ole well timed jump in or dash in. If Cody gets in on you, your health can disappear very, very quickly. He has the best midscreen throw oki in the game, so use that to your advantage.

One last tip, do not try to use EX Zonk like Uriens EX Tackle. It has slow startup and will get clipped on startup. It is better as an up close frame trap tool when canceled from a light, or a hit confirm from lights, or use it to chase someone down trying to escape, or use it to frame trap from far away if they block a fireball. This move is very strong, but it is NOT an EX Tackle or EX Chun Li legs or Mika EX Peach, do not attempt to use it that way, it does not work. It is the cornerstone of your offense, but it is terrible for going RAW in neutral.

One further last tip, do not be afraid to pop your VT2 RAW when safe in certain matchups. You don't need to VTC it, but only if you are sure you won't need your fireball to win the round. This is because your neutral becomes very scary with crHP. It is an absurdly OP button. It has fast startup considering it's range, you can hit confirm it into light ruffian or EX ruffian (tight hit confirm window, requires practice), and you can wiff punish with it. Also his stHP is a great long range CC button.

If you can't get in, VT2 might get you there. But keep in mind in some matchups (think zoners like Guile) if you have a lot of EX bar you might want to try and throw out some EX fireballs before you go VT2, because it is one of your best ways to get in, and if you can connect with an EX Zonk, the VTC from that is the best way to go into VT2. Against a rush down character you won't have any time to throw a fireball, so if there is no EX zonk cancel opportunity, just hit the VT2 RAW when safe to expand your neutral opportunities or to use the freeze to your advantage.

submitted by /u/DanDanDanDDD123
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What strategies do you use to avoid getting salty?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:25 AM PDT

Hey r/SF, quick question for you all!

In reading a lot of these posts (and in my own personal experience) it seems like a lot of people emphasize that it's important to not lose your cool, worry about your rank, etc.

While I totally understand the benefits, I struggle with maintaining that attitude at times. Are there any tips, tricks, or strategies you all use to keep calm under pressure? Is it just a matter of changing my perspective?

submitted by /u/farrowking37
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Last Year's Fighting Commander vs. Brand New Fighting Commander; One year of Wear

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 06:41 AM PDT

Capcom already with the cody buffs

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:59 PM PDT

Is SFIV still worth picking up?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:46 AM PDT

My experience with Street Fighter up until now has been mostly casual, but after picking up Mortal Kombat X recently, it reinvigorated an interest I had in learning fighting games to try and play competitively.

But is there still much of an active scene for Street Fighter IV, or should I just grab a copy of SFV? I imagine which console you play on also has an impact on how many people you are likely to find online. Then there are also local tournaments and whatnot, but I don't want to really waste time on a game that is competitively dead.

But for all I know, SFIV is to Street Fighter as Melee is to Super Smash Bros!

submitted by /u/Arkjoww
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Hidden changes in version 3.051? Akuma has a new weakness to watch for after the Street Fighter V update

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:06 AM PDT

Trophies for the Super Turbo Tournament as part of the #SF30th Anniversary Tournament Series

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:05 AM PDT

Majorboy (Cody) Vs Bibi (Ryu)

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:04 AM PDT

AMkidd meets a real Ryu player

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:57 AM PDT

Why does the FGC seem to hate Street Fighter?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:44 AM PDT

Please bear with me. In many forums or youtube comment section (the equivalent of metastasized cancer) related to a fighting game, I always tumble upon comments saying "Hurr durr better than SF!" Now we all know very well how SF5 was received during the period it came out. The lack of content and the more approchable gameplay created a PRETTY SUBSTANCIAL uprising. But after the years, the cast is finally pretty decent and some characters such as Urien, Ibuki or Menat offer some good depth.

But these detractors don't only shit on SF5 but on the series as a whole. Guilty Gear or Blazblue players will say that SF is a game for disabled toddlers, King of Fighters players will say whatever they have more characters or something like this, and Tekken players will boast that Tekken sold more copies haha! and that 3D>2D. Smash players are in their own world though.

But I never see SF being brought up in places dedicated to other games. I also played League of Legends for a while and it was constantly shit on as well by say, Dota players, for many reasons but I never saw Lol players bringing up Dota, or rarely.

I admit that SF (or Lol for that matter) have flaws but why are other FG players alwaysi trying to establish the dominance of their own game over SF? Is it because it's the biggest rival so they have to badmouth it? Also, do you feel like SF5 was a nail in the coffin of the series? (well this one might deserve its own thread)

submitted by /u/Docteur_Pikachu
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Favorite moment in the SF story?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:31 AM PDT

What's your favorite moment in the Street Fighter story? I think mine comes from SFV when Akuma just brute forced his way through Necalli. Actually most of my favorite moments come from Akuma lol. But let me know what are your favorites?

submitted by /u/Syphillismonkeys
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CEO 2018 stream schedule (with time zones)

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:30 AM PDT

Did Ryu just spoil the plot of Tekken x Street Fighter?!?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:19 AM PDT

New Ad from Metro City

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:54 PM PDT

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