RuneScape Jagex, Solo Seiryu is in dire need of rebalancing

Jagex, Solo Seiryu is in dire need of rebalancing

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:32 AM PDT

As a preliminary matter, I'm very fond of this update. Graphically it's beautiful, it's the first time we've seen an overworld location scaled up to 1:1 scale and the bosses are mechanically interesting. Masuta is my favourite by far, especially for his excellent soundtrack.

With that out of the way, it is necessary to describe how poorly Seiryu is scaled for solo players. Conceptually, he's pretty easy, the fight is basically easy-mode P1 Solak with a DPS gem every 300k health. The problem is the minute amount of time given to attack the crystals, given that you have to jump down (enduring a ridiculously long animation) to kill the shadows or be forced to restart. I spent quite a while yesterday trying to solo Seiryu and gave up not because I died or was unable to progress, but purely out of boredom. Repeating the exact same mechanic five or six times minimum is simply not fun.

As it stands, the fastest kill I have seen solo is 17 minutes. This makes Seiryu far and beyond the slowest boss in the game, even the entire fight kiln has been done in 14 minutes. Will this speed up over time? A bit, but not really by that much, we already know how max DPS rotations work, and this fight is basically that. So, while a 17 minute 'repeat the same mechanics 6 times' fight is already terrible, there is one important element that a lot of the defenders of this ridiculous system have forgotten, this is not endgame PvM. In fact, the game recommends level 90-100 people to this area.

Let's be generous and say that the potential solo player is not level 90 (although this is literally what Jagex said in their blogpost) but rather is 20 levels higher, level 110. A level 110 player will, if they're lucky, be using t85 weapons, will not have soul split, will either not have or only just unlocked invention and therefore will not have any powerful perks, will not have 95 prayer and will be using augury etc etc. Remember that due to the mechanics of Seiryu, every time you don't finish him off he regains his lost 300k health and you need to deal that damage again. This punishes newer, non-maxed DPS players even more, as even in a 6-cycle fight (which is close to ideal) you need to deal effectively 2.5 million damage to defeat Seiryu, just shy of triple what 300%+ enrage Telos has. A newer player, or to be precise, a player who is literally what Jagex envisaged as being the main consumer of this content, would not be able to 6-cycle the crystals and would likely 10-12 cycle them with perfect DPS at their level, which is the recommended level for this content. This means that their Seiryu would effectively have over 4 million effective HP. Naturally, a newer player cannot do this.

I'm confident Jagex will take note of this, especially given Mod Lee's struggles against Seiryu in story mode which is supposed to offer no real challenge. The fact that the boss can technically be defeated at the moment does not mean it is balanced. It is the slowest boss in the game, with repetitive mechanics and is only vulnerable to players with max or close to max DPS, when it is directed at lower level GWD2 tier players.

Two simple suggestions are made to fix this. First, increase the period of time between shadow spawns for solo players or add additional waves of shadows before Seiryu wakes up. Second, reduce the health of the crystals. I feel that a 2 or 3 cycle Seiryu is ideal as this gives him just over 1 million health functionally, still more than every other solo boss in the game, but is slightly more tenable.

submitted by /u/His_Wardship
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What it feels like getting daily farming bxp on my ironman

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:01 AM PDT

Who remembers these poor souls?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:42 PM PDT

Fix Seren Godbow

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:12 AM PDT

I understand you don't want to fix range in general and want mage to stay top tier forever. Nevertheless, SGB special is supposed to hit based on size of the creature you're shooting at.

Small creature 1 arrows, big creature up to 5 arrows.

  • Solak: 1-2 arrows
  • Moving Araxxor: 1 arrow
  • Moving Telos: 1-2 arrows
  • Seiryu: 1 arrow
  • Sanctum guardian: 1-2 arrows

I mean guys, have you seen sizes of these monsters? You can't be serious, right? Fix this please.

submitted by /u/BugeishaRS
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It's always nice to be reminded that I'm part of the QA team

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:05 PM PDT

Please fix seiryu in solo

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:14 AM PDT

Many people have said it already but I'm going to say it again: nerf seiryu in solo.

Over 25-35min+ kills is just not acceptable while duo and trio kills it in less than half this time.

submitted by /u/WoutWW
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'Were listening to feedback and having internal discussions'

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:44 AM PDT

The eternal loop of jagex.

Release update that has a raft of issues > ask for feedback > get feedback from both ends of the spectrum > ignore feedback and issue response as per title > carry on without addressing any issues bought up by feedback.

Comp cape rework (3 years and counting) MTX statement (8 months +)

Would rather them just say 'we dont care about feedback so dont bother' because legitinatly thats what its coming accross as.

submitted by /u/AntfanyRS
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How many of us getting this message atm?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:37 AM PDT

Elite Power armor should last longer than its base form

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:30 AM PDT

Change my mind.

submitted by /u/GamerSylv
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After 9 years I still have no emo gf

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:30 PM PDT

Use a feather on Seiryu to get him to sneeze!

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:50 PM PDT

More thoughts on solo Seiryu, and usage of melee in pvm.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:48 AM PDT

As a primarily solo player... I found my first run through Temple of Aminishi quite fun. Trash mobs were okay, but kiting the rogues and sellswords as melee was a pain in the ass. Had to alternate between devotion and just running away during specials. The first boss was fine - bladed dive made dropping the purple stuff easy. Second boss was annoying when you had to once again either choose to kite and do no dps, or devo/cade. Jumping between the water jets with bladed dive and barge was okay as well, though mage would of course have been quicker.

But Seiryu... man this is just not a fair fight for melee. If you stand on the sides of his hitbox then hands can spawn at any time and instantly one shot you with no time to react. If you stand deadass in the middle, then the black circles and yellow arrows will force you to kite away and do no damage for a while.

Crystal phase was okay, zerker rotation is actually great, but going down and aoeing the blobs was a pain and nowhere near as easy as it should be. I won't even comment further on the jump animation since it's been beat to death.

Ultimately I swapped to mage and managed to kill 2/3 crystals and go for 9 crystal phase rotations over like 30 mins before screwing up once and letting him heal at which point I took a break.

So yeah my dps is not top tier by current pvp standards. My mage gear is not as good as my melee gear. But ultimately I think solo should be nerfed. I can competently solo all of the other soloable bosses in the game, but focusing for this long on a fight is just not fun. It's already less efficient than grouping even with improved rewards (though honestly I'd rather see same rewards but change the scaling). I'm sure that the best players have already started to figure out the perfect ability rotations to get quicker kills, but I don't think this content should be only for them. Their reward, as always, is that they'll still kill things twice as fast as the rest of us. But 3 min kills vs 6 min kills sounds like a better standard than 15 min kills vs 30 min kills.

Suggestions: Nerf the health of everything in solo mode. Make rogues/sellswords spec less often so melee has time to actually dps if devo is on cooldown. Make Seiryu phase at a higher threshold, make crystals have less health, make less blobs spawn in solo mode. For melee: make his hitbox bigger. He should be attackable from a square or two farther out toward the middle of the room and a little bit wider on each side. Acknowledge that content can be fun and challenging (I actually love the fight and the dungeon itself) without having to require elite status dps and a huge time commitment.

EDIT: Or perhaps make it so the crystal phase doesn't end until you've killed at least one crystal? That way you still have to do all the mechanics and dps the thing down properly, but you don't feel punished for having to jump up and down a couple extra times and you don't need to do like 4 million damage because his health resets.

submitted by /u/123calculator321
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Servers down?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:31 AM PDT

Good reference, some jmod

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:16 PM PDT

Everytime after a new update

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:18 AM PDT

You can't be serious. Not only is the armour ridiculously expensive/hard to get at the moment, it is currently impossible to get it within 35 days if you want to buy the scales in the first place

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:16 AM PDT

1st Rune Drag task was a success

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:47 AM PDT

New Elite Dungeons looking great, good job team.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:29 AM PDT

Tokkul constantly shows as 93.4% charge, regardless of charges remaining.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:16 AM PDT

These Elite Dungeon achievements try hard to make a man out of you

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:47 PM PDT

You really are never safe

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 09:11 PM PDT

[SUGGESTION] Change sheathed Elite-Tetsu-Katana

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:37 PM PDT

Tetsu-katanas are both sheathed on One Side

Elite-tetsu Is Is sheathed One on each Side (like every weapon)

Should ne changed

submitted by /u/BlutschuppeRS
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I paid real money to keepsake Death Lotus Darts and now they look like purple Tulips. Please, Jagex.

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:10 PM PDT

Any time Jagex updates the look of items that are already in-game.. they should automatically refund keepsake keys for those altered items.

I spent 2 keepsake keys on the old darts because they looked extremely unique for 2x Range. Now they look like a fat purple blob...

I usually don't complain on reddit but this is kinda BS.

submitted by /u/Xarnageone
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Credit Where It's Due: The Temple of Aminishi Dungeon is an Excellent Update

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:04 PM PDT

I was able to fight through the dungeon and beat it with a friend and had a blast doing it. Early bugs aside, the boss battles are excellently crafted and the new achievements and lore are an extremely welcome addition to the game. Also, avoiding using resource drops for the rewards are a good direction to go in the game. Well done, Jmods!

submitted by /u/SolenoidSoldier
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PSA: The new scrims are selling at under 200k. Don't get scammed.

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 07:56 PM PDT

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