Pokémon GO - Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - June 2018

Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - June 2018

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 06:11 AM PDT


Instruction Manual

Useful Links

I'm sick of the memes here, I want the discussion posts!

try http://nr.reddit.com/r/pokemongo for desktop users or this for mobile/app users.

Niantic support : https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us

/r/PokemonGO FAQ: /r/PokemonGo/wiki/FAQ

There's this Pokéstop/Gym near me which seems inappropriate. Can I report it?

Use this link. However, Niantic seems to be preoccupied with other things now, so don't expect too much.

We have Niantic representatives on both here and /r/TheSilphRoad - please do not ping them for bugs which are in the known issues page unless you have found a niche yet gamebreaking issue/exploit.

Where can I find other players in my area?

Try our regional subreddits list! Also, see the related subreddits or TSR's community map!

If you have any suggestions for FAQs to append to this thread or for meta questions, message the moderators or mention /u/PokemonGoMods!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 11:36 AM PDT

Have you been the one missing the Mewtwo EX raidpass? Maybe you haven't been lucky the whole week and that damn raid Tyrannitar ran and everyone else caught him.

Or the worst part, maybe it's monday again?!


Here we rant about everything that goes wrong, someone who sniped a gymspot (  ̄Д ̄), a missed Tyrannitar again (ಠ_ಠ) or that stupid bug which made you miss your raid because of the server desync, ending the raid prematurely (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

No personal insults, no trolls and provocation but all salty stuff is accepted.

  • Only salty posts allowed ( ಠ_ಠ )

  • No uncivilty or personal information allowed. ☜(`o´)

  • Complaints can be posted here as well, agree that stuff needs to change here as well, like the spawn rate or gym bugs.


Don't forget to hydrate after all the salt!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Humor] I am really enjoying the increased Mudkip spawns.

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:28 AM PDT

I never really caught many Mudkips before this event. I didn't realize how hard they were to catch. Sometimes it feels I'm trowing my whole inventory at it just for one catch. It wasn't till I looked closer that I finally understood why. https://i.imgur.com/nCv3GVR.png

submitted by /u/DeXLLDrOID
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First time actually "playing" pokemon go.

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:33 AM PDT

So back in 2016 I downloaded Pokemon GO in the summer vacation. The only downside was that I was about to do an international internship in Shanghai, China. I'm from the Netherlands in Europe.

So everyone was playing pokemon go together while I was in China.(it didnt work there) After 3 months when I came back, barely anyone was still playing. I tried to get into it, but nobody wanted to join because they all played enough. I myself only had 1gb of 3g internet per month at that time so usually I didn't even have the whole experience because I would have ran our of data.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. I have a Nintendo Switch so after seeing the trailer for Pokemon Lets go Pikachu and Eevee I immediately got hyped. Now I have 10gb of data per month. I didn't care if I would play alone or if nobody is interested in the game anymore, I wanted to catch some damn Pokemon!

After playing a bit, today was the first time my girlfriend joined me. We went together, got some snacks, drinks and went outside to find some stuff. We eventually saw a pokemon in "nearby" which we liked so we just kept walking. We ended up in the middle of a forest/park. It was so much fun and actuallt exciting. After hatching my first egg, I got Tyrouge and evolved it into Hitmonchan. I actually was super happy and tried showing it off to her like it was something super special haha.

Idk man, and now, about 30 mins ago, my first raid. It was a huge ass Starmie with A LOT of cp, while my strongest Pokemon is about 830 CP and the rest is about 600 CP. Luckily 3 other players joined before the raid started, all level 37-40 with Groudons. All my Pokemon died lol, but at least we won, mainly because of the 3 ppl that joined. Eventually I could try and catch it, so I caught Starmie with 1300CP!

So this baby is my strongest right now, but my body is ready to get even stronger and better ones!

So thats it, the game is so much fun, especially if you are playing together. I'm going to go now, gotta catch 'em all!

submitted by /u/okdoeirust
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DTC Pokémon GO Fest 2018 Guide to Lincoln Park

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 05:53 PM PDT

👋 Hey, folks! I'm an ambassador from DTC, the largest Discord community for Pokémon GO in Chicago and its northern suburbs, and we heard you might be coming here for GO Fest this year!

🏞 We're so excited to host you in our beautiful city and the Lincoln Park area next month. To make your experience that much smoother, our team has created a couple resources to inspire, inform, and hype your trip up!

🗺 We have a video component in where we introduce our Discord and show you around some of our favorite Lincoln Park spots. We also have a written, living document that goes in to greater detail on travel tips, recommended restaurants, and points of interest.

📌 You can find both guides here: http://www.dtc.fyi/gofestguide

📥 Feel free to message any of us with questions you may have, join the conversation in our Go Fest channel, hit us up through our social media, or comment below. Thanks so much for letting us share our resources here and we hope to meet you in the Windy City next month!

submitted by /u/KnifeIsLife_
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Made an infographic for all the Pokemon who will evolve next gen...

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:05 PM PDT

Obviously I'm just guessing on the candy, but make sure you're stocking up on candy for all these guys! I'm assuming PoGo will introduce new items to evolve some of these as well, but we can't do anything to prepare for that. xD

Pokemon Go 4th Gen Candy Prep

submitted by /u/michygeary
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Pokemon Go saved my life

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:09 AM PDT

Hello everyone,

My name is not important. What is important is the story that i am about to tell you.

Last August after visiting the emergency room at a local hospital, i was diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 (while weighting at 109 kg).

Long story short, i needed an immediate change to my daily routine and it seemed to me like the only way that i could accomplish that was by starting playing Pokemon Go again (i abandoned my first account due to being a spoof account that i no longer wanted to spend time on which was created on the official release of the game).

It was super effective (pun intended).

I am currently weighting at 96-98 (weight may vary due to my tendency to break my diet) and my blood sugar is finally within normal rates.

Glucophage of 1000mg, change of eating habbits, walking along with my friends farming and raiding together did the trick for me.

Two real friends of mine (they know who they are) motivated me into changing my mindset. Since i had the motivation i needed, i was searching for a tool to help me achieve my goal.

And i found the tool I needed in the form of Pokemon Go.

I am not writing this to get credit or get noticed. I am writing this because: 1. I am sick and tired of the hate that Pokemon Go has received since the release date such as "it is a game for kids", "whoever is playing it has no life", "we are all zombies" and "we are running up and down like a bunch of idiots". 2. To motivate anyone that needs a chance to the way that is currently living.

If anyone is unlucky enough of not having any friends at all in order to receive the motivation that is needed, then let this post be a simple example of how can a game change a person's life into something better no matter what the haters are saying.

Play Pokemon Go only if you really enjoying it, be dedicated to what the game is asking you to do in order to progress and watch your daily routine slowly shifting into something better.


TL;DR: Pokemon Go saved my life

submitted by /u/The_Real_Bug_
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Legendary capture on an old firewatch lookout tower

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 06:18 AM PDT

Woke up super early this morning, so I decided to go on a sunrise hike up to a lookout tower on Fryingpan Mountain in NC.

As one does, when I was resting on the top of the tower, I switched on PokemonGo (great cell service up there) and captured some 'Mons. Coincidentally, I got the great throw needed to finish my weekly field research....and well, this was the result:


submitted by /u/somethingasaur
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I Finally Did It...Accidentally Trashed Rare Candy

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:13 PM PDT

I've read a few posts about people accidentally deleting some/all of their rare candy, and today I fully understand...only 3, but man it sucks. Wasn't completely concentrating on what I was doing, and hit the Trash button, and now with the -/+ counter the same I didn't even notice until I realized it didn't pull up my Poke storage, and then I knew.

To be honest I was on the throne, where I've dumped 100s of thousands of stardust on Pokemon I never should have, sent Pokemon to the Prof that I probably shouldn't have, evolved the wrong Pokemon, and so on...so a PSA...be careful using Pokemon Go whilst doing your business.

Hopefully my embarrassment will be a lesson to others...thank you

submitted by /u/killianfaust
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AR photos with our own Pokémon anytime.

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Maybe just me but I have been enjoying doing AR pictures with encounter Pokémon, especially the legendaries. I can do them whenever and wherever I want. So now as a follow on from that it would be nice if we could take AR pictures with any of our own Pokémon. Simply add the camera to the new items menu option which has rare candy, TMS, etc. Could allow the Pokémon's name to be in the bottom left. The Pokémon would not attack but could do it's idle/tapped animation. Not something everyone would use but some might, thoughts? This is my first ever Reddit post so apologies if I did anything wrong or this idea has been posted before.

submitted by /u/InstinctPenguin
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After a trip to Morocco - pokedex is (almost) done!

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 04:50 AM PDT

Living in Ireland it's unlikely I'll be heading to New Zealand anytime soon so for me at 370/371 caught/seen my pokedex is effectively complete :)

For Europeans Morocco is a destination which nets you 4 regionals/rotationals: tropius, corsola (in the south), solrock and illumise.

The other regionals were picked up thusly: Farfetch'd - global reward Kangaskhan - safari zone (had to travel up to Northern Ireland) Mr Mime - home spawn (including a 100% female Mr Mime that spawned inaide my home :D ) Tauros - NY/Boston trip Heracross - Miami and Costa Rica Corsola - Miami and Costa Rica Torkoal - Mumbai and Abu Dhabi

Lots of fun was had travelling to the various countries and enjoying what they had to offer (not just pokemon) - have fun and see you around on my travels ;)


submitted by /u/thirdfoxes
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$1 off coins (android play store)

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:30 AM PDT

Not sure if this will work for everyone, but it worked for me. I selected a bundle of coins in the shop, then pressed the back button when the pay screen comes up. I immediately got a pop up that said something like, "complete this purchase for a $1 credit." Did it, and got $1 off my order. Pretty nice deal.

Details: I'm in the US, using a motorola phone.

submitted by /u/mister_paul
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If I dont have a ticket to GoFest is it still worth going to Chicago?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:59 PM PDT

Me and 2 friends have been planning a trip to go Chicago during the weekend of GoFest, the only thing is, no of us have tickets and we dont want to pay for the insane scalper prices. One of us read somewhere that Niantic does an event style thing all over the city of Chicago, so even if you dont have a ticket, you can still do stuff (I cant find this info that he is talking about).

We live in Southern TN so its about a 9 hour drive, I just dont want it to be in vain.

submitted by /u/Knight_Derp
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Disney World was the best experience I've ever had with Pokemon Go

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:53 AM PDT

I'm new to this subreddit so sorry if this is a common type of post, but recently I went on a trip to disney world and saw people playing Pokemon Go so I decided to boot it back up and WOW. Pokestops, gyms, and raids everywhere. I even met a group of awesome people and we tackled raids together. I even nabbed myself a shiny magikarp which is now a glorious red gyarados, and the strongest pokemon I own. I stopped playing in early 2017, but now I'm back in completely. Loving this game!

submitted by /u/hun2000ter
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IV vs Lvl, who to evolve?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:18 PM PDT

Hello all! I played Pokemon Go for the first two months after it came out, quit, and just recently came back! I have a question about the importance of IVs.

I finally have enough Squirtles that I can evolve one to a Blastoise. After checking IVs online, I have a lvl 16 at 89%, lvl 19 at 87%, and a lvl 28 at 82%. Considering that stardust is a hot commodity, should I evolve the lvl 28 one, even though the IVs are lower? What if it were a more useful pokemon for battles (like maybe a Tyranitar)? Would that make IVs more important and worth the investment of stardust to level up?

Any advice on this or other subjects a newly returned player may need would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Tiburon_tropical
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Next legendary release??

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:37 PM PDT

I know Kyogre just came back and I am definitely excited about catching him, however I really want to add Rayquaza to my dex, as I have heard he is the best Dragon type in the game and I wasn't actively playing when Niantic first released him. Now, Niantic is re-releasing legendaries but are they doing it in the original order that they were released and if so, when is Rayquaza going to be re-released?

submitted by /u/jmadhd
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Three Headed Aggron

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:56 AM PDT


My Aggron decided to self replicate in my local gym. It started off with two but as I took a screenshot, three appeared.

submitted by /u/Rakelcrakel
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How do you end up joining a Pokemon Go group?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:31 PM PDT

Hello! Me and my roommate have recently started going on morning walks after we get home from work (we work night shift), and we'd really like to find other people who can play Pokemon Go. How does one usually end up finding one? We live in Quebec and I feel like the Quebec Pokemon Go scene ain't exactly that large. How did you guys end up finding your groups?

submitted by /u/shogunu
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Every Community Day should be double candy for transfers

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:42 AM PDT

If they aren't going to increase the size of the pokemon storage, it would be nice to have a monthly time when I know I can dump the high value mons I save for double candy transfers. Not to mention this would help with getting enough candies of the featured pokemon of the event.

submitted by /u/granolacrunchie
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Luvdisc has some issues on the iPhone X

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 11:26 AM PDT

Was sitting eating lunch with my partner yesterday, next to a pair of lured stops when we both tapped on a Luvdisc. Whereas hers (iPhone 7 Plus) showed up and went to the left side of the screen, mine proceeded to do this. Straight off the side on my iPhone X.

I still got it, by spinning counter clockwise and throwing, but that definitely does not seem right. The iPhone X really needs a few aspect ration improvements.

submitted by /u/ThatOneGuyNumberTwo
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Idea for Bonus for Pokédex Completion

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:24 AM PDT

In the main game for every 50-150 Pokédex entries you get, you increase the chance for a critical capture by 0.5. So I was thinking of maybe obtaining a bonus for Pokémon go.

Increasing the rate of critical capture would be nice, but how about increasing the rate of wild shinies at roughly a 100% chance increase for every 100 Pokédex entries?

With 500 entries this would make it roughly a 1% chance so it shouldn't be too abusable. What does everyone think?

submitted by /u/idavidov
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Catching ghosts with incense during the night?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:47 AM PDT

I still need 9 more ghosts for my mew quest and rarely find any ghosts near me, so I am wondering if the the spawn rate is higher for ghosts during the night, when you use incense?

submitted by /u/BlommasThomas
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[Discussion] Got my first shiny - The goldfish dilemma

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:16 PM PDT

So after over 100 "seens" I finally caught a shiny magikarp. The question now is, should I keep it as is and evolve one with good IV's and a good CP or evolve this one with regular IV's and spend my stardust to power it up? I am thinking of keeping it as is, just cause magikarp is my favorite pokemon of all time and he just looks so cool in gold, but my friends are all telling me that a red gyarados is worth it.

What do y'all guys think? Keep the goldfish or get the red dragon?

Just encouraging a discussion :)


submitted by /u/siongad
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