Learn Dota 2 - What kills Roshan faster? Maxing Fury Swipes or Overpower? Dota 2 Ursa Guide

What kills Roshan faster? Maxing Fury Swipes or Overpower? Dota 2 Ursa Guide

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 09:03 AM PDT

Tips for Dark Seer

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 04:04 PM PDT

I like playing Dark Seer, but he is one of my lesser played heroes and I actually want to win with him. I've gotten some tips on how to play him, like placing ion shell on the 2nd ally melee creep to approach enemy wave to deal damage much longer. Placing it on first creep to hit the wave is honestly a waste of mana. I've also been told that he's pretty much the type of position 3 that is all utility, like Enigma, and really has no presence as a carry and only itemizes to help setup teamfights and help out allies.

I am just kind of confused about playing him properly, especially when I'm not playing with friends. He feels like a hero that is at his strongest when there is coordination, which is not a prominent aspect of my pubs. He can't really solo kill heroes, unless if he catches them right after a fight or gets like an illusion with crit or armor reduction. I'd like some help.

submitted by /u/Liamrun
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Discussion on pos5 in the current patch

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 08:36 AM PDT

I've been feeling lately that the hero pool of pos5 has gone the way of the old solo offlane: the only way to be successful at it is to choose 1 of maybe 3 viable heroes in the hero puddle. The ranked flowchart is basically if heropick=first then pick=warlock otherwise ban=warlock. This month I have a 61.5% over 13 games on him which would give me 550 MMR over 100 games on the road to immortal (assuming I can both get warlock every game and maintain my winrate through 5k which history has shown is not very likely to happen). When I'm not playing warlock the game just feels super super bad. His efficiency at sustaining your pos1 is still unparalleled by any other hero, while at the same time not sacrificing a very strong laning presence via the duality of shadow word (even after he was nerfed). The Immortal Meta report shows that he is one of a like 3 popular picks with a 50%+ winrate (with Bane and Lion). My SS (alt-lion) winrate is actually really high too, bane is another story... but I feel it can just feel really bad to play a support who doesn't heal in this meta though. I've seen some WW and Dazzle picks come back but those heroes don't really feel that good. I've even tried Oracle but I feel his laning presence can be limited. Should I stick with a secondary SS or maybe pick up Lion or Bane, or try to get an alternate healing hero into my pos5 pool?

What are your thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/DONGPOCALYPSE
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7.18 Crystal Maiden short tips/guide

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 09:57 AM PDT

  • At level 1, taking either Crystal Nova or Frost Bite is possible, but the Frost Bite should be taken under most circumstances.

  • At level 2, you can skill Nova and Bite if you can visualize killing the enemy with these two spells with your allies. This is something that pub players will almost never consider doing it, but know that it can be a strategy. Generally, you'd want to be 1-1-1 or 0-1-2 by level 3.

  • If you are getting the same items, using the same skill build/talent tree, you're playing the hero wrong. Crystal Maiden should be itemized and played different every game. Your core items can be any of the following: Glimmer Cape/Blink Dagger/ Force Staff/Aghs/BKB/Rod of Atos/Kaya/Eul/Aeon Disk/Scyth of Vyse/Shivas Guard and list goes on. Just remember not to get Hand of Midas. It's a terrible idea.

  • Feel free to first pick her. I think Crystal Maiden is a very strong support atm, with potential to provide high impact mid to late game, if you choose the right items and talent.

My recent CM game: https://youtu.be/8SJT0Fxs-ko (Replay Commentary)

The game was played in SEA server Divine bracket.

submitted by /u/profHam
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What is the most optimal order of skills to use during a gank on Monkey King

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:42 PM PDT

I typically use :

primal spring (full channel) -> boundless strike -> ult -> right click

only problem with this, is that they hear my primal spring and its possible that I miss them.

The other method i use occasionally is:

Ult -> Boundless Strike -> Primal Spring (instant channnel) -> right click

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Forchina4
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Laning review of Guardian 2 Shadow Shaman (u/JeanDeFlorette)

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 09:33 AM PDT

I was asked to do some replay analysis of a Guardian 2 Shadow Shaman. Posted here, hopefully folks get some use out of it. The important stuff at the bottom if you want to skip the second by second analysis part.

Match ID 3976162205

Starting items: 1 Obs, 1 tango (not pooled), OOV, 2 clarities. Glad you spent all your starting gold, don't really like the OOV purchase on ranged heroes post nerf. Would prefer an additional tango and if it was me, I'd get a sentry (which you can probably skip at your level). Good job rushing out to lane, good idea to look at your teammates items while walking just to understand who has what.

You mute all your allies which is your prerogative I guess - personally I'd wait until people starting flaming before muting.

-0:40 big fan of that ward spot and you placed out of vision, well done.

-0:28 Don't understand what you are doing. You don't have anyone with you, you are walking blindly into the enemy rune spot. No one showed on the map, there could have been 5 enemy heroes there for all you knew. You end up taking 200 damage for no reason at all.

0:23 Silencer is blocking so you aren't adding anything walking a few steps in front. Better to position yourself further up, and be clicking on enemy heroes to look at their items. You would see that Razor and Ench have single tangos only, and that Ench has boots which is very important to know.

1:11 You see the Ench backing with your ward (going to jungle likely), now is the time to start harassing the now solo Razor. During the pause for sure you should be checking enemy items if you haven't already. (Actually I think you do after, but it doesn't show properly on replay). Good harass on Razor when the game unpauses.

1:40 You get yourself a ward and more tangos. This is where I think the early OOV did nothing for you, you could have had a regen advantage with more tangos initially and just forced more trades. When you bought ward/tangos just put them on the courier so that when it comes out for Razor your stuff is already on.

2:17 no point running at an enemy that has more move speed than you in plain sight. Just be patient and wait in the trees, he was low and you could have gotten him.

3:18 good setup for the kill on ench. If it was me here, I would recognized the lane is super far up, and start moving to pull the small camp at 3:44 and connect, and get some gold and xp. Instead you just kinda wander for a while.

3:55 just an arbitrary time. Its about to be first night, would be a good time to get mid and get some vision down there so sniper is better protected at night.

4:55 you try to chase down an Ench that has boots when you don't, there is no chance you catch her. This causes you to miss the bounty runes.

5:32 nice shackles and kill on Ogre.

6:36 nice shackles and kill on Ench.

7:00 You tp mid late to try to save sniper. Tink dies, sniper dies, ogre gets away. You should be thinking free lane! Stay in lane, get gold and xp while sniper is respawning and TPing. Instead you walk all the way back bot. Then you start walking back mid, then you start walking bot again. Tons of wasted time.

8:31 this was really well done. You deward, then right after Ogre stuns you you recognize that you can just TP away and you do. Gj.

9:30 at this point you should be thinking "runes in 30" - I usually type this to my team to encourage people to move towards them. You don't and miss out on the runes again.

10:02 you are alone bot, the wave is just outside of tower range, and yet you don't move to take the cs. Wave pushes under tower and you take some last hits, but miss a bunch more due to tower. You are full mana, its worth it to use your Q to zap the creeps for last hits. Being at 100% full mana is not great because you "waste" the mana regeneration that you aren't using. Zap those ranged creeps!

10:33 sniper is being dove mid by 2 heroes for at least 10 seconds, you have tp up. Gotta see those things.

As is typical with these lower games, I feel like not a lot really happens early. My observations are:

1- HUGE amount of wasted time just kind of wandering around from lane to lane. You could have had level 6 much sooner (you also could have bought the tome, 6 is big for you)

2 - pay attention to the clock more. Stack timings, night/day timings, pull timings when the lane gets pushed

3 - starting items - go to lane with more regen and just crush the enemies who often have very poor regen at your level. If you had dumped the OOV and gone to lane with an extra set of tangos and 2 mangos, and just manned up on them, you would have won bot even harder then you did.

4 - bounty runes are really important. Make it a priority.

5- click on enemy items. Pay attention to regen advantage (who has more regen), boot advantage (who can run away from whom), itemization.

6- take farm that will otherwise go to waste when you can, where you can.

As it is you won bot really hard, top won, mid lost. There were a few opportunities (late TP to mid, no TP to mid) that you could have improved your mid's game. You also could have used a ward there just before the 4 minute mark at the latest. You could also consider getting a smoke and ganking tinker - if you grab him with shackles, sniper kills him 100%.

You may say to yourself "but what about the rest of the game"? Truth is that the early part really dictates a lot of how the rest of the game goes. Lets assume you did that pull I talked about, got some extra xp and gold, smoke ganked mid while dropping a ward there for vision and killed tink with sniper, wandered less and gotten 6 earlier and taken an earlier tower - all of a sudden you've won every lane, taken objectives and your team can snowball from there. The first 10 minutes is hugely important and I would recommend focusing your efforts there.

I'll try to look at the other game you asked for a little later, hit me up with any questions on this one.

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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what is "pushing high ground"

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 08:39 AM PDT

is it like, taking control of the high ground to limit the enemy team's vision?

submitted by /u/the_miasmeth
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Learning Phantom Lancer

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:41 AM PDT

Hi folks, I'm a low 4k player transitioning from position 3 to 1. So far, I've been playing Void, CK, Spectre, Medusa, Slark and have had decent winrates. I came across this comprehensive Spectre guide on Reddit a few weeks back, that was literally eye-opening.

At the moment, I'm trying to learn PL and this one seems a little complicated. I assume his key strength lies in disguising the real PL amongst all the illusions. However, Doppelganger literally is a death trap for me and I can't pull it off without exposing my real PL. I have autoattack Standard on main hero and Always on summons/illusions. So, whenever I use Doppelganger, my illusions immediately rush to attack any enemy in the vicinity, while for a split second, my main hero goes afk - that is the time I take to select the control group for my main hero and right-click it on some enemy. I have okay but not insanely fast fingers. This split second afk-ing real PL usually gives my enemies enough time to recognize the hero and devote everything to shutting it down in teamfight.

One possible solution is to err... turn off Always autoattack for illusions? That way everyone goes afk, so enemies don't know which PL is real. (A wild Windranger appeared, but can't focus fire immediately on three afk heroes). But, this seems rather inefficient since Always autoattack illusions help me a lot in farming creep waves and multiple camps.

HELP. How do pro PL players do it so effortlessly and maintain PLs to be super elusive? Any mechanics and guidance is appreciated. Also any link to detailed PL guide works. Cheers!

submitted by /u/larger_than_life1
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How could I have gotten more farm this match?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 09:53 AM PDT



So in this game it all went well initially, we won every single lane according to dotabuff but by ~12 minutes the game was already turned around on us. We kept getting relentlessly pushed by the lycan and the tinker, and I was always scared to push out lanes/farm on my own due to the lycan, legion commander, and axe who could catch me easily. As a result, I stayed really close to my team limiting my farm potential.

However, I realize that I could have gotten much more farm, as I only had 527 gpm on luna (I usually am in the 700s on more favorable conditions). In one of my old posts, someone (I think it was /u/NinoDoesHerBest) said that they had a game where they had 300 last hits by 30, even when stuck in their base by like 20 minutes. Playing a flash farmer like Luna, I could only get around 200 last hits at 30 min when I was really far behind in a match, which means I'm obviously making horrible, crucial mistakes. So overall, how could I farm better when I'm behind in a match? I'm around 2050 solo mmr for context.

Thank you all so much!

submitted by /u/Quafleonrs
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How to find the real Phantom Lancer?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 05:46 AM PDT

Hi guys,

i have been struggling with this for quite a while in both directions.

When i play PL i sometimes encounter players who just always seem to find the real PL in the pile of illusions. Played vs. a Windranger who shackled me multiple times, always "quessing" the correct PL.

Same goes for attacking. Some players always find the right one no matter what.

Is there any secret trick to it because when i face PL i really struggle to find the real one very often.

What is the best way to detect the real PL or avoid being detected while playing PL?

submitted by /u/sal696969
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Invoker position 4?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:19 AM PDT

Kind of serious in trying this out in my ranked games. I think it will work because Invoker still offers a lot to the team without having that much farm. He just needs some levels. Let's discuss about it. Am I maxing Quas and Wex?

submitted by /u/profHam
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How to play Nature's against Spectre?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 02:53 AM PDT

How to play naga support?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:37 PM PDT

How should I play it? afaik support naga is pos 4 but what to do if I have to be the pos 5? Where should I lane? what should I build? how do I the movement around the map? any explanations would be appreciated thank you kind guys :)

submitted by /u/resisthordota
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Is Witch Doctor more effective as a greedy support?

Posted: 29 Jun 2018 12:39 AM PDT

I'm making this observation from his Dotabuff winrate. Aghs and wards are his most popular items. The winrate on wards is 38%, while on Aghs is 60%. My assumption is that, in matches where he has to buy all the wards, he won't have gold to afford Aghs. In matches where he doesn't have to buy wards, or just buy a few, he has gold to afford Aghs, thus unlocking his potential as a effecient team figthing hero. That's what I think.

submitted by /u/derangedmonkey333
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Best 1v9 Hero - Guardian to Archon Goals

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:03 PM PDT


I play a very decent Mid Meepo for my rank and will continue spamming until i become a bed.

I am looking for a similar 1v9 approach to side lanes - for when my mid is taken.

I just read a really good guide on spectre and i have a 75% WR on her (8 games lul) but in a lot of cases your relying on your in lane support (which its usually 5 cores at my rank) to zone and pull. I also read a guide on lycan whom i have never played before but doesn't seem as reliant on inlane support - but has less impact?

What hero would you prescribe me to play that has enough of an impact to win the game with a high skill ceiling but doesn't rely on teammates in side lanes?

submitted by /u/Epiphrons
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