Learn Dota 2 - My experience spamming Warlock (4k) - A tale of two Golems

My experience spamming Warlock (4k) - A tale of two Golems

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:55 PM PDT

I wanted to try spamming Warlock given how strong he seems to be lately, so thought I'd share my experience for those 4k and below. I did 20 games of Warlock (21 actually, but had 1 intentional feeder that I wanted to discount) with 14 wins, for an overall winrate of 70%. I did have one loss with what I'm 100% sure was a boosted account Gyro (6-25, hidden public data) but I included that one.

The games:


Playstyle in the majority of the wins

- Locked in Warlock first pick basically every single game (odd time I second picked him because someone was faster).

- Prior to game start, communicating with my team to try to pick stuff that goes with it (teamfight stuff ideally)

- Encouraged some Spectre picks because the combo is really strong

- Laning is primarily about sticking safelane (I roam a lot less then I do on other supports), healing your carry and harassing the offlaner. Usually dual lanes, I pick the enemy that has the least regen and spam shadow word on that one as much as possible to try to force them out of lane

- Stacked in games that were conducive to stacking, and used bonds to help carry farm stacks faster, and to leech xp. Even if I got a few last hits from the bonds here and there, the thought process is that it speeds up their farm a fair bit.

- Usually communicated that I wanted the 10 minute tome almost every game for fast 6.

- First ult usually just about securing a kill (ideally on the enemy safelaner or mid).

- Encouraged team to group up and push when ult getting close to being off CD. Pinged my ult, pinged a tower, drew arrows on the minimap etc etc

- Occasionally suicided post Level 20 for extra golem in teamfights

- Had one opportunity for seven Golems (Aghs, Refresher, Refresher Shard, suicide) which was just insane

- Was the highest damage dealer in many games

- Tried to buy tomes as much as possible (with the 60% xp bonus)

- Never bought Midas in all 20 games and discouraged Midas purchases on my own team

The losses:

- Significantly outdrafted in one game. We had me, Veno, Zeus, Dusa, Ogre vs a Drow / Huskar strat (with a Dark Seer). Couldn't capitalize even when we won teamfights because of their push, didn't have an answer for Huskar. Dusa took too long to come online and not able to stall or capitalize on won teamfights because our lanes were always pushed in.

- Better enemy teamfight in another game. Lost to a DP / Magnus / Enigma / Sven combo in a pretty close game that could have gone either way.

- Lost one game in which I'm sure our safelaner was boosted. Not much to be said, managed to drag the game out to 1:17 long, but when your safelane carry goes 6-25 and is constantly out of position and dies lategame diving their support only to be immediately killed by the enemy team, not much to be done.

- Lost a game fair and square that we probably should have won. We made a bad call to go for their Ancient instead of taking other rax, got it down to about 1/4 and ended up losing in 53 minutes.

- Had one game where the enemy Void got big and we weren't able to properly deal with him. Starting banning Void in my games after that.

- The one game we had a feeder Riki who went AFK. Seemed like we might manage to win 4v5 until he bought an Armlet and brought himself down to 1 HP to constantly feed the enemy Bloodseeker permanent Thirst speed.


I feel like the hero is extremely strong right now and plan to continue playing it to see what happens. Even in the games that we lost it felt like the hero significantly contributes to the game. Part of it I think is it generally makes your strategy very simple and effective: Team farms while Ult is down, groups and pushes with ult up (occasionally with a pickoff first).

Hope some of you find some of this useful. Let me know if any comments or thoughts.

Edit - I'll add some neat combos. Bonds into Zeus ult / nimbus really strong. Bonds into WD Aghs ult insane. Bonds into Veno ult very good.

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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Made a 7.18 Patch Analysis

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 07:43 PM PDT

Hi Everyone, I usually don't post original content. I am a 5k carry player who is thinking about seriously putting effort into Dota content. I believe my understanding on the game is fairly good and can provide value to people learning the game.

Let me know what you think. Thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DSlFMx_gH8&lc=z223d3axbrjwfdogm04t1aokgu20k2tj3s32aignb4e5rk0h00410

submitted by /u/MerfolkMagic
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Why are you supposed to “A-Click” to last hit creeps?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:02 PM PDT


I have about 3k hours and have always just clicked to last hit creeps. BSJ try's to explain it but I just don't get it at all.

submitted by /u/CigsAndMarxism
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Strategies for playing 4v5?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:31 PM PDT

hey guys so recently in my last 10 games I've had 8 of those games have someone tilt/rage/feed/etc resulting in the game being a 4v5. I've accepted this and so I'm wondering if anyone knows how to make playing 4v5 a bit easier. I play offlane so I don't have the most impact for our carries and mid in the very early game so the 4v5 usually hurts them alot. Thanks in advance. Here's an example of a 4v5 game I just played: 3973397274 Our dark willow raged at 2 minutes and went jungle for the rest of the game. i got some good blink call blademail plays but it was all I could really do as an Axe that game.

submitted by /u/guardian_player69
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Is it worth using quick attack and smart attack?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:32 PM PDT

The main benefit I see is just lowering the chance of falling out of position but I feel like that doesn't even happen that often anyway. Do any pros use these settings?

submitted by /u/Dovah2121
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500 MMR difference

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:19 AM PDT

So there was a posting saying that his games are unplayable in 500 MMR spectrum, but becoming more like a real game at 1000 MMR. It was interesting. I sort of felt the same way recently.

Do you guys expereinece the same thing? Is 500 MMR a big gap enough to immediately recognize the quality difference?

submitted by /u/profHam
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Recommend me a Hero Pool

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:44 PM PDT

I've heard it said for a long time that if you want to improve you should limit your hero pool, and I want to commit to doing that in the mid role. However I'd like to have a little bit of variety so I can choose heroes to fill different needs on my team. For example if my team lacks a strong late game it might be good to be able to play Medusa, or if we need a core that can constantly pressure lanes it would be good to be able to play Tinker.

So if you were going to choose 3-5 mids to focus on right now, which heroes would you pick?

submitted by /u/zytz
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How to play Windranger pos 4?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:48 PM PDT

I've been seeing an abundance of windranger during the open qualifiers. I️ never knew that windranger in a more support oriented role was a thing still, so I️ was wondering whether anyone could briefly outline a build and what you do during different stages of the game.

submitted by /u/Prit717
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Teamplayers problem

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:07 PM PDT

Im currently almost 4k ranked in party, but my solo rank is under 2k. Almost all of my 3000h i have played support with my friends.

I calibrated in 2k solo few years back and i only played it to test some heroes or if im bored. Now i have played solo a bit more, but goddamnit it feels hard to play support or offlaner there, because no teamplay at all.

As a pos 5 there is no way you can carry the game alone and offlane is a bit coinflip depending what kind of lane im facing and are the other lanes lost.

Players dont focus objective and maybe the first lesson i have learned is that you should just afk farm 30mins with any hero and you greatly increase your winning chance, because games last atleast 45-60mins. Players usually dont even cross the river until 30min.

Playing support there is also very frustrating because feels like no one cares about wards and only complain when they dont see them on the map. But also ignore vision if u have it.

Is there any point to even play seriously solo at this rank, grinding to get extra 2k mmr feels a bit harsh? Or should i just learn to be invoker brah and learn to stomp?

submitted by /u/kottolgifmemana
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Offlaner struggling againts spectre

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:05 PM PDT

Whenever i try to go againts spectre i don't really know what to pick, i can win the lane pretty easily early game but when it comes to mid/late game, spectre is such an annoying hero to deal with and my offlane hero pool is not that great againts her. I'm 4.8k so i know the basic to win my lane but can't wrap my head around this problem

So what hero good versus spectre late game and why? maybe some itemization tips ?

submitted by /u/Healthypoison
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Whats the deal with Pudge?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:56 AM PDT

Sorry if this is a dumb question or really obvious.

I was going through Dota buff and saw that Pudge had a whopping 40% pick rate?

I know Pudge is good but 40% pick rate good? Am I missing something?

Most Pudges I see do alright early game and then are almost useless late game.

Apolgies again if this is a dumb question

submitted by /u/ozar99
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Toad's last little song!

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:56 PM PDT


Anyway this is my last match for what is going to be a long while(atleast a month)

But I was terribly happy with this Match. Played while half asleep(trying to stay up to catch a train) and messed up everything, creep block, last hits, runes. .

But somehow(I say somehow but I had a plan) I came back into the game and became a key player...

I truly have evolved to a new level of playing storm spirit after 1 match a few days ago. I feel confident I can become an excellent player of storm.

We didn't win but who cares(in fact if only windy listened to me and rushed aghs we would have won for sure but eh...)

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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Tips/heroes to lane against Kunkka mid?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:54 PM PDT

I'm finding it hard to lane against him with his constant Tidebringer denies and harass, and his extremely dangerous kill potential at 6.

Any tips?

submitted by /u/SillyRabbit2121
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Can you make it so attack clicking uses "quick cast"?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:20 PM PDT

I wanna make it so that pressing A issues an attack command without having to press left click, anyone knows if that's possible? Looked through the settings but I can't find anything

submitted by /u/ahtaj006
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[Very low mmr servers EUW and EUE] Can you get a carry/mid game in ranked with role within a reasonable time ?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 07:47 AM PDT

See title! I'm curious as I'd like to try queuing as carry. I did it as an offlaner when it first got released and queue time was okay. Not so sure about carry, these days.

submitted by /u/Norz80
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Itemising Pudge

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 07:41 AM PDT


I dropped to LP due to SEA server issues, and had to pick pudge to Support + Roam because we had a DC Treant.

I had a good start and had rotated mid to get a successful kill, but the problems started when my Night Stalker Purchased Urn of Shadows which was 80% completed by me (Despite pinging and typing in the text box he purchased after he got a double kill in the lane).

I was not able to decide my next item and I rushed aether lens and started buying wards and going to a less economy hero.

could anyone help me itemizing this hero into both aspects as a Pos 4, 5.

The Match ID is below

Match ID

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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How can I lane Enigma?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:14 AM PDT

I mostly play support and i feel like every time I face an offlaner enigma I just farm his idelons and he has a terrible lane, but he does need solo xp so theres not much he can really do...

So I was thinking, could enigma + lich work? Get xp from the denies, be aggressive enough on lane that they can't simply farm idelons...

Alteratively how about any generic offlaner partner like beastmaster or underlord, enigma plays as the 4, and just lane until jungle spawns, but be ready to help lane when it matters and deny range creeps with spell?

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Day in the life of support player

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:10 AM PDT

I wonder if other support players can empathize or have experienced these hilarious events in game. This is not meant to be "whining". It's just that this weekend I realized how predictable and funny at times some reactions are. I'm sure at times, I have done something wrong....but overall it seems to be one specific type of player who you can almost set your watch to doing the below actions. For the longest time, I just stayed polite and did what I could to help. Over the last week I started to confront them in game...not in a malicious way, but just pushing back. Then I noticed I got reported 3 times which is more than I have in the last year or two combined most likely.

  • Have you ever gotten in lane with a carry who is far far too aggressive and gotten that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know he is going to just keep getting wrecked and you know he's about to start pinging you and blaming it all on you?

  • What about the guy who pings the bounty runes to tell you "those are mine".

  • How about when you losing badly and defending the base. As the only person alive, the team pinging you to defend the barracks against a full team at level 25.

  • The guy who seems to be watching your ability cooldowns to the nanosecond. Your stun wasn't up until half a second after he died, but he's constantly watching after dying and points out that it is now off cooldown.

  • How about the guys who just say "we need wards", even though you only have a stick and boots because you have bought every ward all game smoking and running around trying to provide vision.

  • (Personal Favorite) When the same guy is pinging a spot where the enemy has vision and it is crucial yet refuses to just buy the sentry and help the team, instead waiting for you to respawn for 90 seconds. This usually results in the whole team dying and you guessed it....blaming you.

submitted by /u/loveruby25
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Would someone mind taking a look at my Dotabuff and determining how I got Crusader III?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:17 PM PDT

Support player looking for some helpful tips to improve and to how I got Crusader III after roflstomping some high Crusaders and low Archons in 8/10 of my games :)

Dotabuff - https://www.dotabuff.com/players/116336531

submitted by /u/equinoxninja
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Replay analysis request

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:26 PM PDT

I've decided I much prefer offlane to carry. Would anyone mind checking these two games out and telling me some things I need to work on to be more impactful? I'm the Underlord.

https://www.dotabuff.com/players/224948586 3973023970 3972826036

Any offlane hero pool recommendations would be appreciated as well. I'm just finding that many times we'll get an early game advantage and squander it, never taking objectives. Then, the 5 core lineup on the other team slowly becomes unstoppable. How do I handle this?

submitted by /u/rtkierke
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How could I have won this game? (Low MMR, Spectre)

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:07 PM PDT

Here's the dotabuff.

I started playing Spectre about a week ago and have been having pretty good results. At this MMR, even if I get shut down early-game, the other team decides I'm finished and lets me free-farm. Usually, if the game goes passed 35m, we win.

I don't know what I could've done in this game. Was my itemization bad? I went BKB (which I rarely do as Spec.) because Invoker was stomping our shit in. On our team, I had the fewest deaths, highest kills, highest building damage, highest damage, and highest net worth. Is this indication that this game was just a losing game? Or is it that I basically screwed my team over for the first 20 minutes by playing Spectre? Should I have bought Orchid instead of BKB? (Is Orchid something Spec. can even use well?)

Any tips would be appreciated. I suck, so I could use a lot of them.

submitted by /u/AmagicalFishy
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Is it worth trying Broodmother? (low MMR)

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:42 AM PDT

I mainly play offlane and have pretty much been using a ranked hero pool of Axe (default) and Phoenix (when Axe is banned or someone else on my team has already picked a tanky offlaner). It's been working .... all right, I guess, winning 55-60% with those heroes in a very grindy, methodical fashion.

Most common problem is winning the early game but failing to turn that into a victory. Sometimes because no one else wants to push, sometimes because I suck at teamfights.

It seems like Brood is the kind of hero where you can win your lane and then just run over the enemy, if not winning the game outright then screwing things up for them so bad that you control the entire map and they're trapped in their base.

Am thinking maybe this plays to my strengths a bit more than the tanky or fighty heroes. I've played a few games on Lycan and won them all, but don't like playing safelane carry ... Brood strikes me right now as an offlane version of Lycan or AM, only seems to be in a really good place with a high win rate right now, and kind of like Huskar or CK in that if you're any good at the hero at all, you'll get a lot of free wins if no one specifically counters you.

Also she's fun as hell to play, and the micro seems pretty simple-ish, but I just haven't had the balls to try her in any real games. Could this be a good idea, or just a waste of time?

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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Lane equilibrium help

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 11:01 AM PDT


So i was playing specter, lost lane hard due to strong enemy laners.

Any ways after laning, something like 10 min in or so i was left to free farm. I kept the creeps still for a solid 5+ min or so when the second round of cattys came in. I couldnt kill my own ranged and catty to keep it still. Shadow fiend didnt help after he killed me. (was hoping he would raze the lane too but nooo lol)

So after i went back and tried to fix it but couldnt. I ended up being in the mind set of trying to catch up and pushed the lane to the enemy tower and i think i got caught out again.

I guess i could have pushed the lane far enough to pull the lane with neutrals to act as a pull.

Are there any better ways though?

What are other possible ways to maintain the lane to fix a situation like that?

edit- removed a few "and"s i didnt need, also realized i forgot to paste the match

submitted by /u/Ambrotus
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Try different servers

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:11 AM PDT

I had been sinking in MMR for months. From about 1800 down to like 500 MMR. Then I had a business trip to India where I was playing on SE Asian servers ... I couldn't lose. Gained like 500 MMR while I was there. Came back to West Coast USA and just kept playing on Asian servers... still winning. Not sure if it's my play style, or skill level... but it's definitely a lot better for me. Anyone have ideas why?

submitted by /u/jroot
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