Learn Dota 2 - [Low/mid MMR]Do you feel like "Role Queue" has improved not only the quality of your games but also your winrate ?

[Low/mid MMR]Do you feel like "Role Queue" has improved not only the quality of your games but also your winrate ?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:55 PM PDT

Haven't been playing that much Role Queue yet, maybe 25-30 games, and I feel that:

  • Less "stress" during draft (you get "your" pick)
  • Players seems to understand a bit better what they're expected to do(slight difference in my shit tier bracket)
  • People are more "try hard" without more toxicity (just the usual)

... and last but not least, I feel like one out of three game or so I face a non "Role Queue" group, which gives quite a bit of a edge during that game. Like every 3 games you get a 75% chance of win, or something like that.

Not sure about that last part, but I have really been enjoying that role queue thing. Reaaaally hope it stays.

submitted by /u/Norz80
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Tip for offlaners

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:55 AM PDT

I'm 4.9k pos4 player, recently switched to offlane. I never considered Helm of the Dominator as a good item, always preferred some mobility/utility items. Recently I tried it on Abaddon, and in the scoreboard I noticed that I dealt a lot of siege damage(5k in one game and 10(!)k in other game). So, if your team lacks pushing power, build HotD, dominate a catapult and you will take towers down very fast. And, especially if you are sub 4k(because in sub 4k people will let you splitpush), you can build it almost on any tanky offlaner and split, pretty sure your winrate will increase.

submitted by /u/vuqluskr
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All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.18 (117 changes)

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:47 PM PDT

Long Post Incoming: I really want to learn this game, but I just can't! Need serious help!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:54 AM PDT

Hello guys!

So i'll cut to the chase: I want to learn a DOTA2. All i've ever played seriously is Awesomenauts, a non-traditional MOBA. I've tried:

League of Legends - Gameplay felt smooth; however i'm put off buy purchasing heroes...I mean how can I learn who to like if I have to grind to get my heroes or purchase them with money...I saw a few characters i'd like (mainly Twitch...), but that really put me off of the game.

Heroes of the Storm - Feels fun, played some AI rounds with Stitches, I like the simplicity of it, no items, clear goals/objectives, streamlined. Once again though, not feeling the purchasing heroes thing, but Heroes are much easier to get in HOTS and I have a much larger starting pool of heroes due to the 2.0 support bundle I got for free!

The Meat of The Issues

DOTA 2 - This game looks, feels, sounds, and seems really fun, really engaging, has so much content, and is really intense. I WANT TO LEARN THIS GAME! I want to make that point clear! I've watched Purge's beginner series, i've watched more videos, i've read the welcome to DoTA, You Suck guide countless times (Love the friggen title :P)...I've played the tutorials in game...but I still don't get it!

I do not understand the microing, I do not understanding the laning, I do not understand the item set ups, I do not understand warding positions, I do not understand jungling, I feel like i'm stumbling over myself on my keyboard as I play, I am not playing neraly as smooth as I see other players play, I do not understand my general role or any character's general role, I do not understand the match flow, wtf I am supposed to be looking for on the map, what do I need to keep my eye on.

I guess another hard part for me is trying to not focus on my character, but it just throws me off! I've never played any set of games where I do not focus on my own state in the game over everything else.

This game is incredible, but man I just for the life of me cannot get that initial first step of learning the game down! If I get that it'll all come to me better!

I am sorry about this huge wall of text...and I still really haven't thoroughly explained my issues! I just want to learn this game and honestly...it's daunting! In my 25 years of life and at least 23 years of gaming, I've never had a video game just stump me like this one and it makes me wanna learn and play it even more. Overall, as somebody starting from what is basically 0 traditional MOBA sense, how the heck do I learn this game?!

submitted by /u/MangoSlushii
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Are there any coaches here that coach for free?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:04 PM PDT

I'd like to get better at the game but am poor,anyone wanna do charity work?

submitted by /u/d4rkn3s5
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Where can I get technical support for this game?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:57 PM PDT

DotA has been consistently crashing my computer for about 2 years straight once every 1-20 games and it's making it very hard to stay out of low priority. It is currently not possible to sign up for an account on the dev website (https://dev.dota2.com) due to an bug that's been around for about half a year (https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/7d07xd/valve_please_fix_dev_forum_signup/). I have a crash log from my computer's terminal but I'm not sure where to go with it. Any advice? I posted this in /r/dota2 about an hour ago but to no response.

submitted by /u/Jayyman48
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On Gosuai what does Daily Watching Points do?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:25 PM PDT

Maelstrom/mjollner on monkey?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:16 PM PDT

I saw Moo out for it on complexity and was wondering if it's really viable or if he just likes it.

submitted by /u/mousehero1
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Why does Icefrog want to kill roaming?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:49 PM PDT

Roaming pos4 is actually the reason I came from LOL to Dota. It reminded of my main role jungler in LOL, just better.

But I feel like the devs try to discourage roaming a lot. 7.07 and the time when solo offlane became really hard now in hindsight looks like they already wanted 2-1-2 lanes back then. When the offlane pull shenanigans were discovered that made the offlaner's life easier, they removed that, too. Then they nerfed bounty runes etc.

It just all feels like they really wanted to kill roaming pos 4 and did succeed in doing so.

I wonder why? IMHO, roamer is such an original and powerful role. Instead of just everyone sitting in lane statically, you have this very "global", fluid role that impacts the whole map. It's also much more interesting to watch for me, personally.

So why do the devs want the 2-1-2 so much?

submitted by /u/Belphegor24
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How to grab the enemy bounty rune with Riki?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:43 AM PDT

Every time I try to get the enemy bounty rune by mashing right click, I attack the enemy sitting on top of the rune spot instead of snatching the rune as soon as it spawns. I've seen enemy Rikis grab the rune I was standing on without any issue, so what gives?

submitted by /u/TomHicks
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Keybind questions

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:54 AM PDT


I've seen that alot of PROS are using binds: Q, W, E, R for abilities - (obvious) and alt+Q, alt+W, alt+E, alt+R... for items. Is there any "special" thing/gimick I cannot think about these binds that make those binds better than lets say: 1, 2, 3, Space, Mouse4... ?

+ what are Your binds and or tips and tricks for good keyboard usage?

submitted by /u/Bartho_
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Theorycraft: A Sniper-focused Draft?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:00 AM PDT

A friend in my normal/high skill bracket stack likes to play Sniper, he always does well but we often lose to counterpicks / not having a draft that synergizes with Sniper.

How would you theorycraft a well rounded Pos 1/2 Sniper-Draft?

Ban Slark? Pick Spirit Breaker to prevent the counterpick? How much of a threat is PA? Which support can protect Sniper in a 2v2 safe lane?

Any input appreciated :)

submitted by /u/swedel
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Need serious help on arc warden

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:36 AM PDT

Hope you can read this arc warden spammers. tldr; I CANT WIN WITH ARC WARDEN (here's my db link btw and also my recent arc games https://www.dotabuff.com/players/162559432) I cant seem to decide whether or not splitpush or help my teammates on team fights. Any of you guys would create some idiot-friendly flow chart on how to end games using Arc? Any help are appreciated folks. :)

submitted by /u/TrashKarL
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Back door questions

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:02 AM PDT

Do dominated lane creeps count towards breaking back door?

What about dominated jungle creeps and other units (treants, spiders, wolves, etc)?

submitted by /u/skraaaaa
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Learning Pos4/5 Nature's Prophet. 7 games and 4 losses.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:20 AM PDT

Hey all! I'm a position 4 and 5 spammer in solo queue. I always first pick my hero because who gives a shit about counters when you're position 5.

Anyway, I'm trying to expand my hero pool of position 4 and 5, and I've been having A LOT of fun with NP as position 5. Surprisingly people haven't been raging all that much, but my results haven't been as good. Usually when I lose a game I can point to a few things I could do better, but as position 5 NP, I feel like there is a massive amount of things I could've done to have had more impact on the games.

So far I am 3 wins out of 7 with a 3 game losing streak.

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3975229930 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3975181237 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3974905568 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3973420621

Here are my 4 losses. A few things I think played a part in the losses on my part. ITEMIZATION: I've been trying a new itemization for a position 5 prophet that gets away from Urn/Medallion. I've been trying out getting aura items for the team instead favoring Dominator, vlads, or drum. I think I under utilizated dominator in all the games I got it. The pros I've seen usually get medallion or urn, but I think medallion is geared towards teams that know how to rosh well and that isn't the case in my low 3k bracket.

Specifically, now that I think about it, there was a game with a timbersaw that I 100% should have gotten an urn upgraded into a vessel, but didn't because I was trying other aura items. This is a mistake.

itemization 1a) Starting items, I've been getting a ward, courier, tangos and an OoV. I think if I go medallion, going a blight stone over OoV would be prudent. I think I saw Jabz of mineski go that, and now with the OoV nerf in 7.18 it might be a good change.

Deep Warding: According to that article on UNKRNS or whatever, one of the best things about a prophet 5 spot is the ability to get deep wards. I know like 2 locations, 1 for radiant and 1 for dire for NP teleport deep wards. If someone had a map or a replay of good deep wards, I think it could help a lot.

Counters: In a few games, I think I got straight up countered hard. One game with a SB and a tinker just shut me down pretty hard. Another game, we didn't have an answer to timbersaw and he wrecked us.

Skill: A few parts in the game, I just sucked with the hero. This includes misclicks, being in the wrong spot, and not understanding general pace of game. I assume this will be the hardest thing to improve as its not readily fixed by becoming comfortable with a hero's play patterns.

General Reasons for Losses: One game had two guys who had already had each other muted and one went jungle LC and the other lost mid hard. Various other reasons include miscommunication and tilting of players on the team.

These are my own ideas on why I lost; Now, how could I do better?

Even if I couldn't win a game, there are still things I could do to have a bigger impact, but pinpointing specific senarios, and then parsing out over-arching game knowledge from the ingame senarios is leaving me blank on whats up.

Any help?

submitted by /u/strongoaktree
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PSA- Don't max rot, Max hook is still the build to go.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:40 AM PDT

I have seen quite a few max rot Pudges since the hook range buff, so just putting it out there. The pure damage from hook is irreplaceable, and it will definitely deal way more damage than 2 more points in rot.

submitted by /u/themeepjedi
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Very low MMR here. Looking for genuine tips & advice to get better

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:10 AM PDT

I post a heck lot of questions here you probably know me already

But aside from spamming literally one hero to get out of very low MMR what else can I learn to get to around Guardian, maybe Crusader

Yes I'm the same guy who's trying to learn meepo even though I barely know anything about the game. It was only because he was fun to play–and I won matches with him

Lol btw I'm also looking for other heroes with low pick rates at low mmr to spam because the idea of me using meepo as a herald sounds retarded

submitted by /u/sadbutrarepepe
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How do we win this game?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:21 PM PDT

Match ID: 3975133545

I'm the Arc Warden. The plan was to hold until were farmed and push. But my team decided to fight into an aegis and bought back and lost. We almost sort of defended at the end.

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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[Role queue/shit tier bracket] Pos 3 and Pos 4 farm in the 2-1-2 meta

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:04 AM PDT

I started playing DOTA a month or so before "Role Queue" was introduced, played only unranked and then standard ranked (started at like 500 MMR now almost 700) till a few days ago I started playing "role queue" as support or offlaner.

When I queue as support I either fill the "full support safe lane" or "semi support off lane" role. I usually let the other support first pick and just fill.

So here is the thing: in standard ranked I'll have no shame contesting my offlaner for CS if I feel that he's bad and/or that my P4 is one that needs some farm. It's shit tier MMR, game is a complete mess etc. Role queue is different though! I feel like players are really trying to make a team effort, are more positive, more "try hard" in a good way etc and I've even surprised myself - as Sky Wrath - not only leaving gold to my offlaner, but also xp. The question is, should I ? What's the etiquette for a P4 on a lane with a P3 ? Should I expect to tilt my offlaner if I contest some CS ? Is it heroes dependent ?

In standard ranked I wouldn't care too much but really, role queue has a very different vibe....

submitted by /u/Norz80
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