Killing Floor Sounds like they're having a great time

Sounds like they're having a great time

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 02:16 AM PDT

What happens when you switch from Beta back to Live after Prestiging? Got my answer.

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:34 PM PDT

Earlier last week I ended up switching to the live version of KF2 in order to play with friends. I hadn't considered the consequences of switching until after the deed was done, but seems like everything's okay!

I ended up being at my post prestige levels without the prestige indicators. I leveled normally and found no issues other the prestige cosmetics not existing in my inventory (which is normal). I just now switched back to the beta preview, and I've kept my prestige, but also kept the experience gain from the live version.


submitted by /u/rizo536
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this my dream

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 06:05 AM PDT

Please change the weapon drop logic to the most expensive one you have.

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:02 AM PDT

When you're falling back from a scrake and your upgraded doomstick is empty so you swap to a crovel survival tool you picked up to parry, then die to some random husk shot and you drop the shovel instead of the 3k dosh weapon it just ends the game for you on the spot. It wasn't as big of a problem before as the most expensive thing you could get was just the ~1600 dosh weapon, but with upgrades this becomes a serious consideration. When you're about to die, the thought "I should change to my most expensive item" shouldn't be a priority for the player, they should be focused on actually surviving which might mean using some junk you just picked up.

submitted by /u/xenogfan43
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What are the drop rates on ps4

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 05:10 AM PDT

With your favorite perk, what weapons do you use to kill EDARS easily?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:49 PM PDT

A Nasty Case of Demolitionist Vs Firebug, Who Do You Guys Think Is The More Useful Perk?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 05:19 PM PDT

I recalled myself doing a SWAT vs Firebug post a little while back and so I decided to do a Demo vs Firebug post now to see the general view on what would be a more effective perk in most scenarios.

What I'll do is bring a quick summary of both perks' strengths and weaknesses and roles to highlight to what they are about.



Great for Scrake and FP takedowns.

Can be a good crowd control.

C4 is tricky, but if used right, can be effective in certain situations.

His nuke ZED time skill is basically great for trash control.

Great for killing bosses.


His weapons are rather a bit expensive compared to other perks.

Only the RPG-7 and maybe the Seeker Six are reliable ways to dispatch HVT's.

Reckless use of explosions can enrage big zeds unintentionally, and can cause clutter in front of other players that can get in the way of their aiming.

Arguably the weakest perk when multiple zeds get into close range of him.



Really good trash cleaner when played right.

Fire occupies small to medium zeds well enough to keep them distracted to do damage to kill them.

Heat Wave is an amazing self-defensive skill to stumble zeds easily when they're right up close.

All around good crowd control perk.


Fire can block view of other players.

Fire panic can unwantedly cause big zeds to enter a panic state, flailing around making shots to the head harder to hit.

NOT a great HVT perk, takes too long to kill them and causes them to panic, HVT killing not advised.

Not really a good choice for boss battles.

And that's the quick summary of the two perks, now I'd be interested to see what you guys' think would be a better perk and give some reasons as to why in your opinion that said perk is better and why the other one is worse than the other.

submitted by /u/AgentAlpha07
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In my opinion, EDAR Trapper still isn't in a good position.

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:20 PM PDT

When the preview first launched, the Trapper was perhaps the biggest conversation point, and how its stun was ludicrous. Tripwire has since changed it, greatly reducing his range, but I still dont think he was changed in a good way. With the new update, the Trapper feels almost non existent, as his range is too short, and results in me gunning him down before he can even get close. I remember seeing a suggestion here saying to give him a stun projectile similar to a husk fireball, and I believe that is a great idea, as it will allow for him to stun more players instead of just getting picked off before he can get close.

submitted by /u/Clank1056
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Haven't played in a while, what is currently the best perk for killing large zeds?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 04:01 PM PDT

I was playing demo but afaik demo isn't the best perk for killing big zeds anymore?

Looking to play the strongest perk and do some survival/HoE

I'm playing the beta build

submitted by /u/zerg_gang2k17
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What advantages does the combat shotgun have over the H212

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 11:01 AM PDT

Custom call outs / in game text chat for Xbox. I’ve seen it but how did they do it?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:04 PM PDT

I experienced a random player using custom text call outs during gameplay. Anybody know how to do this?

submitted by /u/Dragunov45
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zYnthetic - By The Throat(fan vocals)

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:16 AM PDT

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