Heroes of the Storm - Wednesday HGC Discussion - June 27

Wednesday HGC Discussion - June 27

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:00 AM PDT


NEW: Psalm retires from HotS to pursue Fortnite | Blizzard denies Swoy (formerly of L5/Ballistix) from joining Tempo Storm

Blizzard's announcement of final rosters | Rosterpocalypse megathread | Roster spreadsheet | Liquipedia | Master League


Friday, June 29

  • [KR] Supernova - Feliz
  • [KR] Gen.G esports - Team BlossoM
  • [EU] Team Liquid - Monkey Menagerie (formerly Tricked Esport)
  • [EU] Zealots - Leftovers
  • [NA] Team Freedom - Simplicity
  • [NA] Endemic Esports (formerly GFE/DJ) - No Tomorrow

Saturday, June 30

  • [KR] Ballistix - Miracle
  • [KR] GLuck - Tempest
  • [EU] Granit Gaming (formerly Diamond Skin) - Method
  • [EU] Fnatic - Team Liquid
  • [NA] LFM Esports - Team Octalysis
  • [NA] HeroesHearth Esports - Team Freedom

Sunday, July 1

  • [KR] Feliz - Tempest
  • [KR] Miracle - Supernova
  • [EU] Leftovers - Team Dignitas
  • [EU] Monkey Menagerie (formerly Tricked Esport) - Zealots
  • [NA] No Tomorrow - Tempo Storm
  • [NA] Simplicity - Endemic Esports (formerly GFE/DJ)

Monday-Wednesday, July 2-4

  • A new season of HGC China starts. Full schedule here.

HGC Open Division

Monday-Tuesday, July 2-3

HeroesHype is back for Phase 2 of Open Division 2018

Other news

submitted by /u/lerhond
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Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes – June 27, 2018

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 09:55 AM PDT

IGN made another video on HotS: "6 Reasons You Should Play Heroes of the Storm Right Now"

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:32 PM PDT

Blizz, please fix whatever you changed about the AI. This bot tried to solo boss as Blaze...

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:04 AM PDT

[Bug] If Abathur uses Ultimate Evolution on Zul'jin and uses Amani Rage, Abathur will spawn with half health when the clone dies.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:15 PM PDT

Noticed this after playing Abathur in the most recent patch. Amani Rage is now a baseline ability for Zul'jin, meaning you can use it as an Ultimate Evolution clone. However, using it leaves Abathur on half health afterwards! Not a game-breaking bug but interesting nonetheless.

submitted by /u/Pancakes_Guy
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Keep an eye out tomorrow for something extremely special and exclusive within the @BlizzHeroes

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:29 PM PDT

Rehgar buffs coming in hot!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:12 PM PDT

Please bring back Try Mode preferences saving

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:27 PM PDT

There was a very short time window when Try Mode would save my settings and it's been gone for ages. Please don't make me banish Malfurion every single time I fire up Try Mode to test something! Also if I want to boot into the mode at lvl 20 every time that should be a thing. Also please let us test out mounts in Try Mode.

submitted by /u/WhatD0thLife
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Should you be Engaging or Peeling? [Ft. Ishb00, Tank main of HHE] (The Ebb and Flow of Tanks)

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:06 PM PDT

Yrel charge time buff removed from patch notes?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:33 AM PDT

I swear there was a change reducing the time taken for yrel to charge an ability fully by like 0.25 seconds, and that now isn't there anymore. What happened, was it unintentional or something? Not had a chance to play a game so I have no idea if it's in game or not.

submitted by /u/Adzy245
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Important Changes for all future ARAM Brawls

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:04 PM PDT

ARAM Brawls are the only thing i play beside HL and i realy enjoy them. But i hope Blizzard will adress some important Points which still bother me after 1000+ ARAM Matches.

  1. Ban BFG on Sgt.Hammer like Lavawave got banned.

  2. Remove Vikings from the Pool like you removed Chromie.

  3. Dont match Tyrande or Tassadar against Malf, Lucio, Cain, Stukov or other real Supports.

This would make the ARAM Brawls much better in my opinion.

submitted by /u/Drakarim
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Blizz please make Medivh taller.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:36 PM PDT

He looks like a midget in the ranked screen. Here's a comparison to genji, who is not the tallest guy around but towers over him anyway:


submitted by /u/Infiltrator
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Cris falls victim to a nasty bug that misrepresents health pools.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:37 AM PDT

Huge bug with Medivh + Rehgar

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:23 PM PDT

If Medivh shields someone who's receiving Ancestral Healing, the Ancestral will get eaten up by the shield as if it was damage. I stopped my Muradin from receiving the heal several times. Not sure if this is an overall bug affecting all sorts of healing but it was 100% noticeable with Ancestral.

Gonna post this on the Blizz bug forums too.

Replay file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L5fI0pSnnU5DgzGSILVF9r6mE79vjqp0

submitted by /u/Xaolin99
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I'm loving Yrel! Thought I'd share this boss steal I recently got.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:01 PM PDT

Stukov auto canceling his silence still not Addressed in the patch noted.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:57 AM PDT

There is still an issue with Stukov that makes his Silence pool cancel itself under certain circumstances. I reported the issue the day of the last patch the, very first game I played with Stukov. Noted 13 instances of the issue in the replay.

I spent two days back and forth on the forums with other people having the issue and eventually was able to find 1 way to consistently replicate the issue. There are definitely more ways for the issue to occur.


Some people simply don't notice the issue, the TL game I played last night we had another person in our party pick Stukov and I only noticed the issue happen once. They didn't even seem to realize it happened.

I am a lvl 90 Stukov and I cannot play ranked because of this issue.

submitted by /u/Delta-Sniper
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Today's patch notes have been fully updated on HeroesHearth! Have fun learning!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:33 AM PDT

Make Reghar Storm Shield also give Lightning Shield

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:27 PM PDT

Not sayin' it'd be balanced, but it'd be rad and thematically appropriate.

submitted by /u/gentlemango
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Tips I’ve learned shot calling for my semi-organized friend group.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:20 PM PDT

1 - Whenever Chromie cast temporal loop, it's a very "loud" ability that caused the entire team fight to focus on the hero getting looped.

Because of this tendency, my team likes to immediately dive on the Chromie. It either protects the target being looped by denying her spell casting opportunities or out right kills her because her focus isn't on defensive positioning during this time. We do the same thing whenever Kel'thuzad drops an icicle spike.

2 - Genji can be really annoying, but if you shift your teams "perception" of his strength he becomes easier to manage. In my experience, stunning or silence Genji out of his reflect is almost always the best way to deny his offensive potential.

So even light reminders to save stuns for Genji when he deflects can punish how fragile the hero really is. At worst, it forces him to use his mobility to retreat.

3 - ETC is a lot squishier than people tend to assume. I've found its very easy for an organize group of friends switch DPS onto a aggressively positioned ETC and put him in a really bad position of having to use Power Slide defensively or die. Once that happens, his team loses a lot of kill potential and we can usually bully them away from whatever point we were contesting.

4 - This one is pretty obvious, but I've found Zagara easily countered if at least one player chooses a hero that can easily a consistently kill creep tumors. Also, if the DPS players make it a point to focus hunter killers immediately, Zagara can't really do much.

5 - We've found Rexxar to be a very solid pick against Nova players. A combination of flare, misha zoning and unleash the boars makes it very hard for her to operate in skirmishes.

6 - I think semi-organized friend groups really benefit from any hero that can reveal the map for free. Rehgar far sight, Chromies level 1 talent and others like it are hugely beneficial in trying to shot call or convince the Solo que teammates with you to do certain things.

It's almost like a spotlight you can use to guide people's attention to the thing you already know is happening. Far sight on an enemy team doing mercs allows your team a valuable 8-9 seconds to freely move around the map and position themselves intelligently.

7 - Whenever we are facing a skilled Varian player who goes twin blades, the enemy has a tendency to snowball out of control if they win the early game.

When this happens, a lot of Varian players LOVE to solo the boss camp. We have won about 3 games this week alone by punishing the twin blade Varian who is trying to Solo boss. It becomes very predictable if you are on the look out for it!

** does anyone else have any tips they can share? Thanks! **

submitted by /u/Dorazion
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Was the Shark Mount Buffed?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:05 PM PDT

Seriously, I think it 'wiggles' more as you ride it, more animation/motion put into it to make it look more shark-like (and it gives me a bit of motion sickness). Any insights KinaBrew?

submitted by /u/BraveSirRobinGG
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Psistorm - NA HGC ?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:44 PM PDT

Curious if anyone knows more about this:


Looks like they'll be competing in Open Div. They look like a legit org, and the fact that they applied for visa(s?) is particularly interesting. Anyone know who they are or what their story is?

submitted by /u/JunkerGone0
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Please make legendary tints have according ability colours

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:43 AM PDT

Hi everyone

I've noticed that because of Blizzard's cool factor legendary tints no longer have matching ability colours. For example, D.Va the Dreamer should have green ability colours but instead just has the default Destroyer red which is very off-putting.

A legendary skin that does this well is Kerrigan's Queen of Ghosts, every tint has matching ability colours. I know legendary skins are now determined by a cool-factor instead of effort, but it would still be a very neat feature.

submitted by /u/lampwitheyes
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Hots camera grip troubles

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:31 AM PDT

Reaper (Gabriel Reyes) Concept

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:25 PM PDT

Reaper (Heroes of the Storm Concept)

Health: 2100 (+4.00% per level)

HP Regen: 4.38 (+5.00% per level)

Resource: Ammunition

Ammunition: 8

Ammunition Reload Speed: 1.5 seconds

AA Damage: See Q Ability

AA Speed: 2

AA Range: See Q ability

Unit Radius: 1


The Reaping (D)

Description (Official Overwatch): Reaper steals health from his enemies as he damages them.

Healing: 20% of all damage dealt

Basic Abilities

Hellfire Shotguns (Q)

Description: Reaper attacks enemies with twin Hellfire Shotguns that deal increased damage the closer he is to his target and deal spread damage at range. Reaper must reload his Hellfire Shotguns after depleting ammunition but can manually reload at any time using the Hellfire Shotguns active.

Minimum AA Range: 1.5

Maximum AA Range: 5.5

AA Spread Angle: 20 degrees (starting from Minimum AA Range)

Minimum AA Spread: 1.0

Maximum AA Spread: 4.47

Minimum AA Damage: 70.1 (physical)

Maximum AA Damage: 140 (physical)

Damage Falloff Calculation: y = 140 – 100*log10(x - 0.5) where y = damage and x = AA range

Note: The spread damage is similar to a cleave effect. It is calculated by subtracting the unit radius of the target from the spread. Dividing that value by half with give the amount of lateral "cleave" on either side of the enemy.

Wraith Form (W)

Description (Official Overwatch): Reaper becomes a shadow for a short period of time. While in this form, he takes no damage and is able to pass through enemies, but cannot fire his weapons or use other abilities.

Cooldown: 12 seconds

Duration: 3 seconds

MS Increase: 50%

Note: Reloads Hellfire Shotguns ammunition to full.

Shadow Step (E)

Description (Official Overwatch): After marking a destination, Reaper disappears and reappears at that location.

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Maximum Cast Range: 12.75

Cast Time: 2.5 seconds (Note: Reaper takes 1.25 seconds to disappear and 1.25 seconds to reappear. He is invulnerable during the last 0.2 seconds of disappearing and during the first 0.2 seconds of reappearing.)

Note: Shadow Step can be cancelled early but is placed at 50% cooldown.

Ultimate Abilities:

Death Blossom (R)

Description: In a blur of motion, Reaper empties both Hellfire Shotguns at breakneck speed, dealing damage to all nearby enemies that falls off with range.

Cooldown: 110 seconds

Duration: 3 seconds

MS Reduction: 25%

Minimum Range: 0.5 (calculated from center of unit radius)

Maximum Range: 6.0 (calculated from center of unit radius)

Minimum Damage: 117.4 per second (physical)

Maximum Damage: 280 per second (physical)

Damage Falloff Calculation: y = 280 – 200*log10(x + 0.5) where y = damage and x = range (calculated from center of unit radius)

Note: Reloads Hellfire Shotguns ammunition to full.

Shroud of Shadows (R)

Description: Reaper partially dissipates his body, creating a dark mist around him that diminishes nearby enemy vision and blinds them.

Cooldown: 50 seconds

Duration: 6 seconds

AoE: 5

Diminished Vision Radius: 3.5


Lvl 1:

Soul Globes

Passive: Reaper collects Soul Globes dropped by nearby fallen enemies to restore health.

Minion healing: 4% max health

Hero healing: 20% max health

Soul Drop Radius: 12.75

Soul Absorption Radius: 5.5

Action Reload

After the first 0.85 second of Hellfire Shotguns reload animation, Reaper can activate Hellfire Shotguns to finish the reload early. If an enemy is nearby, Reaper will perform an instant melee attack that deals 140 physical damage.

Melee AA Range: 1.5

From the Shadows

Reaper cannot be targeted by direct abilities and basic attacks for 2 seconds after casting Wraith Form or Shadow Step.

Lvl 4:

Frozen in Fear

Passing through enemy heroes while in Wraith Form slows them by 40% for 2 seconds.

Sawed-off Shotguns

Increase the spread angle of Hellfire Shotguns by 35%.

Note: This increases the maximum spread to 5.6.

Deathly Wraith

Deal 26 (+4% per level) damage every 0.5 second to nearby enemies while in wraith form. AoE: 3

Lvl 7:

In Cold Blood

Hellfire Shotguns deal 15% more damage to enemies facing away from Reaper.

Constant Fear

Basic attacks against enemy heroes reduce the cooldown of Wraith Form by 0.75 seconds

Death Comes

Reaper deals 50% more damage with his next two basic attacks after casting Shadow Step.

Lvl 13:

Cellular Acceleration

Heal for 10% health per second while in Wraith Form.

Gluttonous Magazine

Increase Reaper's ammunition by 2.

Fear the Reaper

Increase healing from The Reaping by 10%.

Lvl 16:


Basic attacks against enemy heroes increase Reaper's movement and attack speed by 5% for 5 seconds, up to 25%.

Soldier: 24

Passive: Reaper moves 15% faster and gains 10 armor.


Attacking a hero that is slowed, rooted, blinded, or stunned increases the damage of Hellfire Shotguns by 30% for 3 seconds.

Lvl 20:


Active: Reaper disappears and reappears behind his target. Reaper fires two rounds from his Hellfire Shotguns immediately after reappearing.

Passive: Execution lowers the reappearance cast time of Shadow Step to 0.2 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Maximum Cast Range: 12.75

Cast Time: 1.45 seconds


While below 50% health, stuns, roots, and silences immediately activate Wraith Form. This ability is toggleable.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Hellfire Shot

Basic attacks deal 20% more damage and reduce enemy healing by 30% for 1 second.

submitted by /u/empathetichuman
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HGC Oracle - 2018 Mid-Season Brawl - Episode 2

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:48 AM PDT

HGC KR Broadcaster info

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:41 PM PDT

Kor - King, TheMarine, OPrime, korea_colossus, Sung Kyun Oh, NaSang.


submitted by /u/maze330
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