Heroes of the Storm - Hero Discussion: Li-Ming

Hero Discussion: Li-Ming

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:19 AM PDT

Welcome to the Thursday Hero Discussion, where we feature a rotating hero discussion about popular assassins every Thursday.

Li-Ming Rebellious Wizard

HotS Birthday & Cost (Link): February 2, 2016 & 625 Gems / 7,000 Gold

Li-Ming Wiki Entries Wikia (Link) Gamepedia (Link) Liquipedia (Link)

Balance History (Link)

List of Pro Builds (Link)

Hero Spotlight (Link)

Hero League Match w/Grubby Season 2 - 2018 (Link) Season 1 - 2018 (Link)

Hero League Match w/Nubkeks Season 2 - 2018 (Link)

4 Common Mistakes you are making on Li-Ming w/Notparadox (Link)

Li-Ming Community Coaching w/Kala Silver (Link) Gold (Link) Platnium (Link)

Li-Ming is currently a Tier 2 assassin that had a 35% popularity at the HGC 2018 Midseason Brawl (Link) with a 66% win rate. Li-Ming's popularity on the HotS ladder based on Heroes.report (Link) and HotsLogs (Link) is around 26% with a win rate of about 46% over the past seven days.

  • Li-Ming is classified as Medium difficulty to play, do you agree?
  • What strengths and weaknesses do you think pros consider when choosing an assassin like Li-Ming in HGC 2018 matches, and do those considerations apply to ranked and unranked matches?
  • When do you prioritizing drafting Li-Ming and on what maps?
  • What heroes do you draft to counter a Li-Ming pick?
  • Are there any particular hero synergies to complement a Li-Ming pick?
  • Is Li-Ming an early, mid or late-game hero, and where are the significant power spikes"
  • Is there a particular build you would recommend to someone wanting to learn the basics of Li-Ming?
  • Is there a high skill cap build you favor to optimize Li-Ming's performance and create flashy plays?
  • Do you have any tips or tricks for positioning Li-Ming in team fights and on rotations?
  • Which of Li-Ming's heroics do you favor?
  • Do you use the "On Release" keybind feature for any of Li-Ming's abilities, if so which ones?
  • Do you think Li-Ming is balanced; if not, what abilities or talents should be reworked?

Previous Hero Discussions (Link)
The sidebar for /r/Heroesofthestorm/ is updated to include the Hero Discussions wiki.

Please Upload Your Replays to HotsAPI.net & HotsLogs.com
Uploading your replays to these sites provides better data for the HotS community to analyze and learn from. Stats of the Storm (Link) is a utility that works for both PC and Mac that allows you to view replay stats locally on your computer and automate uploading replays to both HotsAPI and HotsLogs.

submitted by /u/LDAP
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Raynor Rework Spotlight

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:00 AM PDT

Azmodan Rework Spotlight

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:01 AM PDT

When do we get the hamster

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:35 PM PDT

They announced a hamster for Overwatch and I have noticed there are no hamsters in HOTS. People hate the Overwatch heroes but no one can hate a hamster unless it bites you so as long as it doesn't bite you people will love the hamster and love Overwatch heroes so I think the hamster should come to HOTS so we could finally have a hamster.

submitted by /u/DoctorSteve
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I thought I want Malthael... I thought I want Deathwing... But this...

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:20 AM PDT

Azmodan and Raynor full reworked talents and abilities

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:07 AM PDT

The AI is such garbage now and it feels so shitty to have to play out these games when people disconnect early and can't reconnect.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:24 AM PDT

Two games in a row with an early DC, the second game had TWO people DC. As if playing with a bot wasn't bad enough, the AI is now worse than it used to be AND the other team doesn't know who's a bot like they used to be able to. So now I'm doing my best to stay in the game so I don't get reported for throwing with the other team rampages around killing everyone 6 levels ahead while bstepping us.

What the fuck Blizzard?

submitted by /u/HonestAbe109
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On Raynor, Rework Names, and Lore Flavor

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:39 AM PDT

Hey folks,

I posted this in the main thread but I figured it'd be worth a discussion elsewhere.

So Raynor's getting a rework! And by the look of things it's a really solid one mechanically, so I have nothing to really complain about with our favorite Raider in terms of that. I think one thing I found a little lacking though was the naming of the new rework and abilities.

For context with a lot of reworked abilities they'll do a lot to make the new talents/abilities fit more with their universe. Hammer got Neosteel Plating, which fits since siege tanks are made of neosteel. Nova got Ionic Force Field, one of her abilities from Nova Covert Ops (and tech with a long storied SC history). Stuff like that are cool since they make a character feel more like the character, even if it's just the name of something familiar it goes a long way.

With Raynor, I don't really see it. For example the trait name "Acquire Weak Spot." While cool in concept, doesn't super fit Raynor. Even as a sniper he used his rifle to pierce through lines instead of finding weak spots. Plus it doesn't really fit what the talent actually does, does the weak spot make the bullet split into more bullets?

Also, the talent names are pretty generic and not Raynor-like. For example:

  • Veteran Marksman
  • Unstable Compound
  • Weak Spot Acquired

It's not like there isn't a wealth of things to pull from that aren't more flavored to Raynor for those things. My suggestions for example:

  • "Acquire Weak Spot" becomes "HEV Round" or "Penetrator Round" (the Mk. 12 Penetrator Rounds and HEV Rifle he uses in WoL. The Penetrator Round fits the "piercing" fantasy more, though that may be too similar to Penetrating Round, his Q, hence the HEV alternate suggestion)
  • "Veteran Marksman" becomes "Kydd's Marksmanship" (Ryk Kydd was a sniper in Raynor's old platoon and one of his former old friends)
  • "Unstable Compound" becomes either "U-238 Shells" or "Uranium Rounds" (U-238 was an upgrade from SC1 to the marines)
  • "Weak Spot Acquired" becomes "Terran Ingenuity" (one of his quotes from the mission where the Penetrator Rounds show up about bullet, also literally anything is better than that trait worded slightly differently)

EDIT: some others now that the full talent list is out. Some of these are alright already I just figured I'd show there's plenty of lore examples for what are really generic names currently.

  • "Behemoth Armor" becomes "Feek's Engineering" or "Swann's Work" or "Combat Shield" (Hiram Feek was the engineer who designed Raynor's armor, Swann was Raynor's Chief Engineer. Both fit better than Behemoth Armor as Behemoth is a classification of battlecruiser in StarCraft." Combat Shield is an upgrade marines get in SCII)
  • "Fuel The Rush" becomes "Go! Go! Go!" (One of the marine quotes from SC, "rush" in the StarCraft context usually means zerg)
  • "Debilitating Rounds" become "Hollow-Point Rounds" (canonically these rounds were used by the Confederacy to maim rather than kill)
  • "Rallying Cry" becomes "The People's Hero" (Tychus's sarcastic name for Raynor, but Rallying Cry sounds very Warcraft)
  • "Indomitable Resolve" becomes "Uncannily Resourceful" (one of the common statements Kerrigan and the protoss say about Raynor is he's "resourceful," with Kerrigan saying Raynor's "uncannily resourceful" before she betrays him, which fits better with his whole lowering the cooldown of the Hyperion better than him just having resolve)
  • "Execute" becomes "Mar Sara Justice" (Raynor was marshal of Mar Sara, and it fits better than a very generic Warcraft name for a talent)

Those are just my suggestions, I'm sure there's a hundred other angles you can go at it from that fit his character.

Minor and petty complaint, but I think a lot of the interest for people in Heroes is seeing the fantasy of their heroes come alive, and while I think mechanically the rework is great a simple shifting of the names can help Raynor live up to his fantasy better.

submitted by /u/Subsourian
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I just reached Hero Level 400 on Lunara!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:50 PM PDT


Well, here we are again. While I haven't been grinding levels as fast as I had when Heroes 2.0 came out, I've still had a blast playing Lunara over the past few months. Her rework was absolutely amazing and gave her a lot of extra build diversity, allowing me to find success picking her against most team compositions and meta heroes. I've been playing Lunara since she released in 2015, and it's unbelievable how much fun I've had spamming this hero for the last 3 years. Cheers to 400 levels, and cheers to a hundred more!

submitted by /u/Beg_For_Mercy
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Procraft's Azmodan Rework Opinion

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:04 PM PDT

Hey everyone, some of you might already know me. I am the highest ranked Grandmaster Azmodan main in NA. I have over 2,300 games of experience under my belt, and I have made a google doc with all of my opinions of the 'released' talent changes for my Baby.

As I mention in the document, this is just theorycrafting. I'll release my FINAL opinion on him once he's on the PTR, and later on actually released.

-I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


submitted by /u/theprocraft20
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Make Guldan's Rain of Destruction like Alextrasza's Cleansing Flame ult.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:31 PM PDT

What if we made Rain of Destruction like Alex's Cleansing Flame? Use the cursor's movement on the screen to determine where they fall on the map, like say, wherever you put your cursor multiple meteors will fall in that "general" radius. This would reduce rng but not to the point where you could pinpoint where they'd all land, and it would also make it more interactive than just standing there channeling it for x seconds.

submitted by /u/CleganeBowl2017
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Post-MSB Interview with dignitas Snitch: "It was amazing to be a part of it. To be a part of what I personally consider to be the best series in Heroes history"

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:59 AM PDT

POILK: “It depends on how good is early game is because he has some very good talents later on that can be obnoxious to play against.”

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:02 AM PDT

HGC China Welcomes Two New Teams

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:13 PM PDT

McIntyre: “One thing that really worries me is that they got rid of Black Pool.”

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:01 AM PDT

"I'm blind not deaf." COMIC [OC]

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:40 AM PDT

I just have to say: I love the talent icon for 'Catching Fire.'

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:26 AM PDT


Heroes has wonderful art and most of the talent icons looks fantastic. But this little guy just steals my heart. Perhaps it's the nostalgia of the days of the green health globe (Rest in Peace). Or, it could be the contrast of the cool green against the warm orange that catches my (fire) eyes. It may even be the silly theme of everything in Rag's kit being eternally engulfed in flames.

Whatever the reason, this darling icon warms my heart every time I see it.

submitted by /u/Edsabre
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How can I tell what heroes are main tanks and what are off tanks?

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:54 AM PDT

The game classifies all of them as warriors, as a new player how can I know who is what? I know that playing more and more will get me that knowledge, but are there some points to look at to differentiate them?

submitted by /u/fresko69
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I'm awful at this game but I love it.

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:39 AM PDT

Title pretty much says it all. I really love HotS but I am just awful at MOBAs. I only play against bots because I dont want to ruin the game for other people, and while I have fun, even the elite bots are kind of easy. Any advice for how to improve? I bounce around heroes a lot, basically playing whoever is closest to leveling and fulfills the daily. Is this bad? I don't really "main" anyone or any role, because I find most heroes at least somewhat fun. Should I change that before trying QM?

submitted by /u/InertMatter
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I would love Raynor skins where his visor is down

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:16 PM PDT

The skull and crossbones is really cool but it's never seen in game because it's always up. Who goes into battle with their visor up?!

submitted by /u/redditmademeregister
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Interview with Fury of LFM Esports

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:44 AM PDT

Team Dignitas AMA on the official Team Dignitas discord server starting NOW! Come ask your questions to the best EU team and second best team in the world currently!

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:59 AM PDT

Alterac Pass - The Slow Play

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:00 PM PDT

Yrel finally clicked for me last night (she is going to be a monster with the buffs)

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 06:04 AM PDT

It took a lot of figuring out, but I now think she is a very capable hero, and with the incoming buffs, she'll be great.

My go-to talents:

  • Maraad's Insight
  • Aegis of Light or Gift of Naaru
  • Samaara's Light
  • Sacred Ground
  • Repentance or Aldor Peacekeeper
  • Holy Wrath
  • Seraphim

The key to playing her is to basically never fully charge her abilities. It's smart ability spam followed by AA procs of Maraad's Insight and Holy Wrath. You usually save your trait for instant Q cast for the heal and for clutch Peacekeeper debuffs. E charge doesn't scale the damage, so spam no-to-little charged E's for peels and damage. This peeling spam of E makes Aegis of Light a great pick, and I think it will be the absolute go-to pick at 4 after the buffs roll out. Samaara's Light solves a lot of her clunkiness issues, and it also allows you to chase while charging a full E, and it makes the knockback W much easier.

She works best as a peeling bruiser, and is a very capable solo laner with Maraads. In lane, just spam no-charge E's on minion waves followed by traited Q's. Save W for zoning away the enemy. She has great wave clear, superb sustain and can clear camps. In teamfights, stay with your backline; don't dive deep. Peel like crazy and sustain through the fight by properly weaving your autos after every ability. Once you get a feel for her cadence and proper trait use, she becomes a truly fun hero to play.

submitted by /u/tweakerlime
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Heroes Brawl of the Week, June 29, 2018: Booty Coffers

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:18 AM PDT

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