Fallout - I Walked from Sanctuary to Diamond City in Real Life [Album]

I Walked from Sanctuary to Diamond City in Real Life [Album]

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:44 AM PDT

So I actually did it! I walked from Concord to Boston to celebrate the Fallout franchise in anticipation of the Fallout 76 news. It was a 26 mile journey that I wouldn't recommend. It took all day. Attached are the photos I took along the way and their Fallout 4 equivalents.


Thanks everyone for your supportive messages. Special thanks to nahal932 my traveling companion. All photo cred goes to him. Shout out to redditor TRHemeon for giving my companion and I some purified water outside of Lexington.


submitted by /u/nateastronaut
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Let us create our character a few hours from launch and have a real ingame Reclamation Day party inside the Vault before the doors are opened for the first time.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:06 AM PDT

Taking what Todd-sama told us from his interview with IGN, having the possibility to start the game with other people directly inside the Vault, that would be an awesome pre-launch event to put together just prior to the game official release, leading to the opening of Vault 76 for the first time (for those still aboard the hype train).

submitted by /u/Bloodberryjuice
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When you think about it, one of the best parts of the game is being removed

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:35 AM PDT

I'll probably get down-voted, but here goes nothing.

There will be no more NPCS. Which means there will be no more interesting dialogues that we all love.

We like walking up to a random psycho and speaking to him, hearing his crazy ass stories, maybe sometimes being a sarcastic cunt to somebody. It was one of the best things Fallout does and it's kinda sad if it will be gone in this game.

submitted by /u/daneekalt
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According to Pete Hines, PvP is like issuing a challenge to someone. If you don’t want to deal with them they can’t keep killing you over and over.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:49 PM PDT

People are misinterpreting the function of nukes. Their main function is to create HIGH LEVEL RAIDS/AREAS. Proof inside.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:56 AM PDT

Skip to 7:35: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbJ9X496oeY&t=7m35s

Todd states that nukes function is to create high level areas. You need power armour to enter. These will function as high level raids with high level enemies and likely high level loot.

People seem to think we can just nuke peoples bases for fun. It sounds incredibly hard to actually find all the individual nuke codes. It sounds more like an end game / high level player activity.

People are worrying too much and they're worrying about the wrong things! They have misinterpreted the function of nukes completely. It's not designed as a solely PvP thing.

submitted by /u/slingoo
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Love or hate Fallout 76. You cannot deny they revealed it terribly.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:32 AM PDT

"4x the map size!"

"New graphics!"

"New enemies and setting and everything!"

Half hour later: "oh also it's online only"

Next day: "Oh also no NPCS or story"

Like seriously Bethesda, if you'd been upfront from the beginning that this was a multiplayer-only game we wouldn't have gotten so hype thinking this was a normal Fallout game and there wouldn't be nearly as much upset.

submitted by /u/Rybis
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Whether you're excited for 76 or not, at least we can agree on one thing:

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:21 AM PDT

At least Bethesda didn't try to fill the co-op parts of the trailer with shitty, cheesy dialogue between players.

cough The Division 2 cough

submitted by /u/Dirty_USB
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Liking Fallout 76 does not make you any less of fan

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:21 AM PDT

Same thing with if your first game was Fallout 4. I see a lot of comments from people who are borderline gate keeping and claim "You're not a REAL fan if you like this/haven't played this". Just stop, it doesn't matter which Fallout games you have played or want to play if you consider yourself a fan no-one can tell you otherwise. I love the Fallout franchise and have played every game except Tactics and BoS yet I'm still hyped for 76, and whilst i was disappointed by 4 I still loved playing it. Fallout 76 is not a traditional Fallout game but it is still a Fallout game even if you don't like it, same with 4.

EDIT: I should really also clarify you are not less of a fan for hating Fallout 76 either, it might just not be your type of game. However I can't say the same for people who aren't even willing to give 76 a chance to be good, if you really are a "true diehard fan" just have a little hope.

submitted by /u/Shaletto
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Fallout 76 should have dedicated roleplay servers

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:25 AM PDT

I think it's great for us to create our own story as advertised by Todd. I imagine Beth as overseer will protect us for a month to build settlements and apply the rule to prepare things up, and then after that, they release us to do whatever we want for roleplaying.

submitted by /u/famaouz
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IGN's Interview with Todd

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:32 AM PDT

Anyone else surprised / disappointed that Fallout 3 Remastered wasn't announced at E3?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:00 PM PDT

I thought for certain Bethesda would have announced a remastered fallout 3, with it being the 10 year anniversary and everything. I feel like this E3 has been a bit of a let down from Bethesda, I'm sure Fallout 76 will be a fun game but I personally wont be buying it. Was excited for a Fallout 3 remaster but guess that Isnt coming either :(

submitted by /u/CannibalCowboy
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Seriously, what are we supposed to do in Fallout 76 if there are no NPCs?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:26 AM PDT

The players make the game, great. I don't have friends that play Fallout so I have to play this game alone. What do I do? Discover the world, kill monsters and build a base? Wow, sounds like great fun, 5 years ago. I'm done with things like Minecraft and ARK completely.

I always liked the story part of Fallout. Well, Fallout 4 was a bit lame at some point so I stopped playing it but still, the story part of Fallout games was the part I always played the most. Like, in Fallout 4 you could build settlements and so on but I never really did. I played the story.

What am I seriously supposed to do now? Build a base and hope that there won't be a "gang" of 4 teenagers that destroy it and repeatedly kill me?

submitted by /u/Cunide
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Everyone walking around the wasteland

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:23 AM PDT

Nice meme Bethesda

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:48 AM PDT


Finally we can take our revenge XD

submitted by /u/Dodoroch
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TES fan bringing insight to the state of Fallout

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:34 AM PDT

Fallout 5 is coming... 10+ years after FO4 (2025+). Just as Bethesda crushed my soul by turning the best game series (2nd best to you folks), The Elder Scrolls, into a shitty MMO (well made for an MMO but shitty by definition), now the same thing is happening to Fallout. Obviously it's not an MMO but I'm sure you see the similarities. Just as it'll take 10+ years for us to get TES:VI, it'll take that long for a true sequel to come out for Fallout. So:

  • No your series is not ruined. If you're not into FO76, cool, don't buy it. Go back and replay NV.
  • Make yourself heard but be nice. Bethesda has brought us a lot of great games, not every game will cater to you specifically and that's OK. If you're unhappy with the direction they're taking with the game don't buy it.
  • In the meantime, support good game companies that have no microtransactions, let the player decide how they want to play, and listen to their customers (looking at you CDPR!)

Personally I'm worried that Bethesda isn't going to hear the legitimate concerns about FO76 through all the anger/complaining. To me those are the following: 1) Don't tell me how to play your game. If I want to play offline or co-op, make it happen. 2) FO4 lacked good factions/quests. There's no way FO76 will hold my attention without NPCs. Yes, we love bigger map size but if that larger map isn't filled with more story content, I'm not going to be as interested in exploring it.

Honestly those are my main problems with the game. I know these elements won't change for FO76 but I still think it's important to give Bethesda real feedback so they know WHY their main fanbase aren't buying their game. Remember folks, your wallet has the loudest voice. If you think you'll enjoy the game, great. BUT don't just buy it because it's a Fallout game. Wait till it's released and then decide.

submitted by /u/fiddlerontheroof1925
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A Karma system for fallout 76

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:00 AM PDT

It's not my idea, but I agree, A karma system where it shows you on the pip boy, (depending on what perks you have) if a person is nice or mean, what if I want to buy or trade some stuff with them, I don't want to get blasted lol.

submitted by /u/Morty-C-132
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Bethesda: we have a cool new fuzzy boi

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:33 AM PDT

r/fallout: what kind of a dog is it?

Bethesda: it's a cat!

r/fallout: what the fuck this is offensive. How will we play fetch with a cat. This dog is terrible. This single handidly ruined dogs. I don't like it. I deserve a dog. You told me that this will be a dog. I was lied to. This industry is going down hill.

submitted by /u/october73
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Anyone else extra bummed because the idea of a 25 year old wasteland sounded like a really cool idea for a single player Fallout game?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 07:20 PM PDT

Imagine the desperate atmosphere of a fresh wasteland. The cannibal tribals, insane raiders, settlements desperately trying to establish order. Imagine in all the chaos there is one group that is actually doing a good job brining things back to pre war glory - The Enclave.

What a damn shame.

submitted by /u/rafmanbegins
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With the announcement of no offline, I’m getting sea of thieves flashbacks.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:48 AM PDT

Think about the similarities, only 12ish players on a giant map, the quests in 76 will most likely be "Kill this"or "Get that" like in sea of thieves. I really hope 76 does well but my expectations aren't to high. :/

submitted by /u/Aaronsdodos
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The funny thing about Vault 76 being a control vault that I just realized..

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:54 AM PDT

It will show and prove that humanity will always be bloodthirsty bastards to each other, regardless of whether the world has ended or not.

submitted by /u/GodsOlderCousin
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Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:23 AM PDT

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