Rainbow Six Animated Kapkan Badge!

Animated Kapkan Badge!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Ying Illustration

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:38 AM PDT

Found this on an old saved vid on my PS4

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:48 AM PDT

When your gun decides it just doesn't like you anymore.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:49 AM PDT

As requested I modelled Yokai, Vote using link in comments for the next one.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:18 AM PDT

When Ubisoft really wants you to play Terrorist Hunt

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:17 AM PDT

Overtime is actually under time...

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:22 AM PDT

I almost feel bad for lesion. He was so close to being freeeee

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:36 AM PDT

Russia day challenge.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:01 AM PDT

Driving a drone through Alibi's hologram shouldn't reveal the player's position

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:05 AM PDT

This is actually a thing that happens. Why? It makes no sense. I know Siege doesnt care about ultra realism anymore, but being pinged just because your drone, which could be hundreds of meters away, came in contact with a hologram, makes no sense and is just annoying and stupid.

This also happens when throwing grenades, although that makes a bit more sense.

If this is a bug, it should be fixed. If it's intentional, I really want someone to explain the logic behind it (balance-wise)

submitted by /u/Floppuh
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Meant to destroy an alibi. Destroyed Alibi.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:01 AM PDT

I witnessed a miracle (we later won the game)

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:58 AM PDT

TIL the defuser still spawns even if there are no attackers.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:46 AM PDT

All the recoil patters for every single weapon, and every barrel in Operation Para Bellum.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:26 PM PDT

So I have tested every single weapon in game with all the barrel attachments that change recoil. I have been working on this for the past 5 days and it was the most boring thing i have ever done. I will share with you what I think are the best barrels for every single weapon in the game, and I will give you a link to check them out yourself if you want to.

First things first. All the weapons were tested with vertical grip, when available. After I tried Silencers and Extended Barrels for some weapons and I concluded after a few hours of testing, that both of this barrels DO NO AFFECT RECOIL. So i tested only Muzzle Brake, Flash Hider and Compensator for all the weapons. All recoil patterns are from 14m distance. This is done for 2 reasons. 1. The white wall on Coastline is amazing for testing recoil and 2. This seems like an average distance in a siege gun-fights. Here is the link to the position i tested the recoils from. https://i.imgur.com/d0MKjqW.png

On top of that i tested every weapon and barrel in T-Hunt.

BUG: MK17 (Blackbeard) has no vertical variation between shoots. You can check this in the images I'll post below. https://i.imgur.com/IFNkRSQ.png

Method used: I started shooting from the same spot every time until the recoil was high enough and hit the wood, then i would stop and wait for the recoil to come down to the X0Y0 position (the spot i started shooting in the first place). And I continued to shoot until i ran out of bullets on each weapon. So let's finally start with the recoil patterns.


Best barrel for every weapon:

Every pistol - Muzzle Brake

Every DMR (Twitch, Glaz, Buck, Blackbeard, Dokkaebi, Lion) - Muzzle Brake

6P41 (Fuze, Finka) - Flash Hider (no other barrel that improves recoil)

9x19VSN (Kapkan, Tachanka) - Compensator

416-C Carbine (Jager) - Compensator

552 Commando (IQ) - Compensator

556XI (Thermite) - Flash Hider

AK-12 (Fuze) - Muzzle Brake (this weapon has horrible recoil with any barrel, but the vertical climb is impossible to control with anything other than Muzzle Brake. On top of that since, it has horrible recoil you can tap fire much faster with Muzzle Brake.

ALDA 5.56 (Maestro) - Muzzle Brake (since this weapon has almost no horizontal recoil there is no point in using anything other than Muzzle Brake)

AR33 (Thatcher) - Flash Hider (too much muzzle climb for compensator)

AUG A2 (IQ) - Compensator (for some reason not only is it better for horizontal recoil, but it's better for vertical recoil too)

BEARING 9 (Hibana) - Compensator

C7E (Jackal) - Compensator (sooooo much better than the other 2)

C8-SFW (Buck) - Flash Hider

F2 (Twitch) - Muzzle Brake (the horizontal recoil is too small to worry about it, so there is no need for Flash Hider or Compensator)

FMG-9 (Somoke) - Flash Hider

G8A1 (IQ) - Compensator

G36C (Ash) - Compensator

K1A (Vigil) - Compensator

L85A2 (Sledge, Thatcher) - Flash Hider

LMG-E (Zofia) - Muzzle Brake

M12 (Caveira) - Flash Hider

M249 (Capitao) - Compensator

M762 (Zofia) - Compensator (it's mind blowing how good this is compared to Muzzle Brake and Flash Hider)

MK17 CQB (Blackbeard) - Muzzle Brake

MP5 (Doc, Rook) - Flash Hider

MP5K (Mute) - Compensator

MP7 (Bandit) - Compensator

MPX (Valkyrie) - Compensator

Mx4 Storm (Alibi) - Compensator

PARA-308 (Caipitao) - Muzzle Brake (no horizontal recoil, so there is no need for anything else)

PDW9 (Jackal) - Compensator

R4-C (Ash) - Flash Hider (both the Flash Hider and Compensator work very good, however, it much easier to get head shots with flash hider since the distance from the first to second bullet it's much smaller)

Scorpion Evo 3 A1 (Ela) - Compensator (Compensator it's the only one that "works". As in, it is only horrible, while the Flash Hider and Muzzle Break are an abomination)

SMG-11 (Smoke) - Compensator (it should be illegal to use anything else on SMG-11 since it's light years better then all of the other barrels combined)

SPEAR .308 (Finka) - Muzzle Brake (same as Twitch and Capitao)

T-5 SMG (Lesion) - Flash Hider (the gap between the first bullet and the second is waaaaaaay to big to use Compensator)

T95-LSW (Ying) - Compensator

TYPE-89 (Hibana) - Compensator (off topic: somehow Muzzle Brake works 100x better than Flash Hider on this gun, but they are both inferior to the Compensator)

UMP45 (Castle, Pulse) - Compensator (this weapon as almost no vertical recoil, so there is no point in using anything other than Compensator)

V308 (Lion) - Muzzle Brake (same as Twitch, Finka, Capitao)

Vector .45 ACP (Mira) - Compensator



submitted by /u/Syrius-Wormwood
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Hi guys ! Here's the 4K remaster of the first wallpaper i made !

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 07:11 PM PDT

Lots of people wanted the same wallpaper I had, in my last post.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:57 AM PDT

Pro League Season 7 Finals Infographic | SiegeGG

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:46 PM PDT

Spooky Campfire stories turned too spooky... (Old clip)

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:57 AM PDT

Hidden Fuze Buff: Stupidly bouncy and high-velocity grenade.

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 09:27 PM PDT

I updated the (printable) Operator guide to include the new GIS operators, upon request. - Rainbow Six Siege Organization Guide

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:51 AM PDT

A friend of mine (new to the game) got black ice in his first alpha pack. He asked me what operators get black ice, here's a reference for any of you who don't know or are also new.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:19 AM PDT

Ash Artwork

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:37 PM PDT

Maestro is Fun!

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 04:39 PM PDT

Only the OGs will remember thermite with nades

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 10:52 PM PDT


Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:27 AM PDT

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