Dota 2 - Hero Discussion of the Day: Raigor Stonehoof, the Earthshaker (June 26th, 2018)

Hero Discussion of the Day: Raigor Stonehoof, the Earthshaker (June 26th, 2018)

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:10 PM PDT

Raigor Stonehoof, the Earthshaker

Earthshaker is a melee strength hero with several area of effect (AoE) disables, commonly played as a ganker or initiator. Good usage of his spells allow him to damage and chainstun multiple enemies at once, making him very disruptive in skirmishes and teamfights. His Fissure is a versatile long-ranged spell that affects enemies in a line, used to stun, inflict moderate damage, and create an impassable wall of earth for a significant duration. Proper usage of this can allows him to cut off chokepoints, leaving enemies with no escape routes or preventing them from chasing after endangered allies. Enchant Totem massively boosts his attack damage for one attack, and has a very short cooldown. Aftershock lets the Earthshaker deal additional damage and stun in a small area around him every time he uses one of his spells, and combos particularly well with Enchant Totem, given the former's very low cooldown. Earthshaker's heavy AoE-centric kit is most powerful when his enemies are in large numbers and in close proximity. With his Echo Slam, he can deal heavy damage to clusters of enemies. All of Earthshaker's spells (with the exception of his ultimate) have a long casting animation, but with proper positioning, an adept Earthshaker can wreak havoc. Blink Dagger is an essential item for him to be able to properly land Echo Slam within a cluster of enemies. At the same time, because of the high mana costs of his spells, he needs some form of mana sustenance. With his tremendous seismic power, the Earthshaker is never one that should be taken lightly even when he is heavily outnumbered.


Like a golem or gargoyle, Earthshaker was one with the earth but now walks freely upon it. Unlike those other entities, he created himself through an act of will, and serves no other master. In restless slumbers, encased in a deep seam of stone, he became aware of the life drifting freely above him. He grew curious. During a season of tremors, the peaks of Nishai shook themselves loose of avalanches, shifting the course of rivers and turning shallow valleys into bottomless chasms. When the land finally ceased quaking, Earthshaker stepped from the settling dust, tossing aside massive boulders as if throwing off a light blanket. He had shaped himself in the image of a mortal beast, and named himself Raigor Stonehoof. He bleeds now, and breathes, and therefore he can die. But his spirit is still that of the earth; he carries its power in the magical totem that never leaves him. And on the day he returns to dust, the earth will greet him as a prodigal son.

Roles: Support, Initiator, Disabler, Nuker

Strength: 22 + 3.2

Agility: 12 + 1.4

Intelligence: 16 + 1.8


Damage: 49-59

Armor: 2.92

Movement Speed: 310

Attack Range: 150

Missile Speed: Instant

Base Attack Time: 1.7

Sight Range: 1800 (Day) / 800 (Night)

Turn Rate: 0.9



Slams the ground with a mighty totem, creating an impassable ridge of stone while stunning and damaging enemy units along its line.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 125 18s 1400 225 (width) 8s Causes an impassable wall to erect dealing 110 damage and stunning whoever it hits (or is in the AoE) for 1 seconds
2 140 17s 1400 225 (width) 8s Causes an impassable wall to erect dealing 160 damage and stunning whoever it hits (or is in the AoE) for 1.25 seconds
3 155 16s 1400 225 (width) 8s Causes an impassable wall to erect dealing 210 damage and stunning whoever it hits (or is in the AoE) for 1.5 seconds
4 170 15s 1400 225 (width) 8s Causes an impassable wall to erect dealing 260 damage and stunning whoever it hits (or is in the AoE) for 1.75 seconds
  • Dispellable

  • Fissure's effects are instantly applied within its whole area. There is no travel time.

  • The Fissure consists of 24 (with talent 31) segments, which are placed in a straight line in front of Earthshaker.

    • The segments have a collision size of 24 and a distance of 8.25 between each other, with the first one being placed 8.25 range in front of Earthshaker.
    • This means the Fissure's effective blocking area is 1350 (with talent 1743.75) range long and 24 range wide.
    • Every unit (except wards and buildings) which is within that area upon cast is pushed aside.
  • The stun and damage are applied in a circular shape around each segment. This means the total damage/stun area consists of multiple overlapping circles, and not a smooth line.

    • A unit can only be hit by one instance per cast, even when within the damage/stun radius of multiple segments.
    • Can hit units up to 1575 (with talent 1968.75) range in front and 216.75 range behind Earthshaker.
  • Fissure first applies the debuff, then the damage.

  • Flying units and units with free pathing (Spectral Dagger, Charge of Darkness, Spin Web) are not blocked by Fissure.

    • They still are fully affected by it otherwise when hit. They are pushed aside, stunned and damaged.
  • Units not controlled by any player do not try to path around the Fissure, but simply walk against it as if it is not there.

    • This effectively causes them to get stuck, until they change directions (e.g. when aggro-ing them), or until the Fissure dissipates.

The Nishian totem splits the world to its core with tectonic force.


Enchant Totem

Empowers Earthshaker's totem, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 35 5s N/A N/A 14s Enchants Earthshaker's totem to deal 100% extra damage
2 40 5s N/A N/A 14s Enchants Earthshaker's totem to deal 200% extra damage
3 45 5s N/A N/A 14s Enchants Earthshaker's totem to deal 300% extra damage
4 50 5s N/A N/A 14s Enchants Earthshaker's totem to deal 400% extra damage
  • Dispellable

  • Only increases base damage and that given by the primary attribute of Earthshaker. Raw bonus damage is not increased.

  • The Enchant Totem buff grants True Strike, so the attack cannot miss.

  • Aghanim Scepter upgrade: Enchant Totem becomes a 900 range ground target ability, causing Earthshaker to jump in the air and land at the target spot, casting Enchant Totem there. Self-casting the ability will behave in the original form, without jumping.

  • When upgraded, the spell turns into an area targeted spell. It may only target the ground or self.

    • Double-clicking the ability automatically targets self.
    • When targeting self, the ability behaves like the unupgraded version, using the 0.69 + 0.57 second cast animation and not leaping.
    • When targeting ground, it uses a 0 second cast time and a 0.2 second cast backswing, during which Earthshaker is disabled.
    • The leap duration is always the same, so the speed adapts based on the targeted distance. The leap height is always 562 range.
    • During the leap, Earthshaker is fully disabled, unable to move, turn, attack or cast spells or items.
    • The spell counts as cast as soon as the leap starts. However, Aftershock and the totem buff are applied upon landing.
    • Aftershock and the totem buff are applied even when Earthshaker gets disabled or dies during the leap.
    • Getting hit by other sources of forced movement causes the leap's trajectory to change, but it is not interrupted.
    • However, getting hit by forced movement causes the ability to not apply Aftershock or the totem buff upon landing.
    • The spell is fully and immediately canceled when getting moved upwards or teleported by other spells.
    • While in the air, other units may pass below Earthshaker.
    • The targeting reticule shows the radius of Aftershock, even when it hasn't been learned yet.

Raigor's gorilla strength can destroy mountains.




Causes the earth to shake underfoot, adding additional damage and stuns to nearby enemy units when Earthshaker casts his abilities.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 N/A N/A N/A 300 0.6s After every spell Earthshaker casts, enemies around him are stunned for 0.6 seconds and dealt 75 damage
2 N/A N/A N/A 300 0.9s After every spell Earthshaker casts, enemies around him are stunned for 0.9 seconds and dealt 100 damage
3 N/A N/A N/A 300 1.2s After every spell Earthshaker casts, enemies around him are stunned for 1.2 seconds and dealt 125 damage
4 N/A N/A N/A 300 1.5s After every spell Earthshaker casts, enemies around him are stunned for 1.5 seconds and dealt 150 damage
  • Dispellable with strong dispels

  • Aftershock does not trigger upon using items.

  • Aftershock first applies the debuff, then the damage.

  • Applies its own effects before the effects of the triggering spell are applied.

  • The stun does not stack with the stun of Fissure. It follows the regular rule of stuns – the longer stun overrides the shorter one.

  • Applies damage after stun.

The earth trembles beneath the mighty footsteps of Raigor.


Echo Slam


Shockwaves travel through the ground, damaging enemy units. Each enemy hit causes an echo to damage nearby units. Real heroes cause two echoes.

Level Mana Cost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 145 150s N/A 600 N/A Causes massive damage in an area around him, each unit gets damaged by 100 initial damage and then each unit hit initially causes 70 echo damage per unit to hit all other units nearby (real heroes echo twice)
2 205 130s N/A 600 N/A Causes massive damage in an area around him, each unit gets damaged by 100 initial damage and then each unit hit initially causes 90 echo damage per unit to hit all other units nearby (real heroes echo twice)
3 265 110s N/A 600 N/A Causes massive damage in an area around him, each unit gets damaged by 100 initial damage and then each unit hit initially causes 110 echo damage per unit to hit all other units nearby (real heroes echo twice)
  • Echo Slam interrupts Earthshaker's channeling spells upon cast.

  • Each enemy within the initial search radius sends echo waves towards enemies within the echo search radius.

  • The echo waves travel at a speed of 600.

  • The echo search radius are centered around each unit hit by the initial damage.

    • Echo waves are sent out to every enemy unit within the search radius, except to the unit itself.
    • This means the echo waves targets can be up to 1200 range away from Earthshaker upon cast.
    • This also means when only one enemy is within the radius, it takes no damage, since it cannot send echoes to itself.
  • Hit enemy heroes send two echoes to every valid target within the radius, and not only to other heroes.

  • Wards and buildings are completely ignored, meaning they do not release and are not targeted by echoes.

  • Fully affects invisible units and units in the Fog of War.

  • Total damage when hitting a certain amount of heroes, with no other units nearby (before reductions):

    • 1 Hero: 100 (with talent 100) total damage to the hero, since echoes do not deal damage to their source.
    • 2 Heroes: 240/280/320 (with talent 340/380/420) damage to each hero, 480/560/640 (with talent 680/760/840) total damage.
    • 3 Heroes: 380/460/540 (with talent 580/660/740) damage to each hero, 1140/1380/1620 (with talent 1740/1980/2220) total damage.
    • 4 Heroes: 520/640/760 (with talent 820/940/1060) damage to each hero, 2080/2560/3040 (with talent 3280/3760/4240) total damage.
    • 5 Heroes: 660/820/980 (with talent 1060/1220/1380) damage to each hero, 3300/4100/4900 (with talent 5300/6100/6900) total damage.

Tectonic plates crack, mountains fold, and foes are crushed by the Echo Slam.

Talent Tree

Level Option 1 Option 2
25 -2s Enchant Totem Cooldown OR +50% Magic Resistance (+0.1%)
20 +400 Fissure Range (+1.5%) OR +50 Echo Slam Damage
15 +7 Armor OR +30 Movement Speed (+2.7%)
10 +250 Mana (+1.9%) OR +30 Damage


Best against

Opponent hero Advantage
Meepo 6.06%
Broodmother 5.78%
Phantom Lancer 4.12%
Chaos Knight 3.06%
Visage 1.97%

Worst against

Opponent hero Advantage
Tiny -2.76%
Viper -2.57%
Lifestealer -2.44%
Techies -2.12%
Spectre -2.12%

Recent Changelog


  • Increased health regeneration from 2 to 2.5.

  • Increased movement speed from 305 to 310.

  • Increased Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Enchant Totem cast range from 900 to 1100.

  • Echo Slam

    • Echo waves can no longer be disjointed.
    • Increased echo damage from 60/85/110 to 70/90/110.


  • Echo Slam now deals 100 initial damage on cast instantly to all units within its area.


  • Increased base armor from 0 to 1.


  • Increased base attack damage from 24-34 to 27-37.


  • Reduced movement speed from 310 to 305.

  • Reduced base armor from 1 to 0.


  • Increased base health regeneration from 0.5 to 2.

  • Increased base mana regeneration from 0.01 to 0.9.

  • Echo Slam

    • No longer deals 160/210/270 initial damage to everyone within the radius.
    • Units no longer send echoes to themselves.
    • Hit enemy heroes now release two echoes to units around them.
    • Increased echo damage from 40/55/70 to 60/85/110.
  • Reworked talents

    • Level 10: +250 mana or +30 attack damage
    • Level 15: +7 armor or +30 movement speed
    • Level 20: +400 Fissure cast range/length or +50 Echo Slam echo damage
    • Level 25: -2s Enchant Totem cooldown or 50% magic resistance


  • Increased Fissure cooldown from 15 on each level to 18/17/16/15.

  • Increased Enchant Totem mana cost from 20/30/40/50 to 35/40/45/50.


  • Increased strength gain from 2.9 to 3.2.

  • Reduced base health regeneration from 0.75 to 0.5.

  • Enchant Totem now has True Strike.

  • Level 20 left talent: Replaced 35 seconds respawn time reduction with 350 Fissure range bonus.

Previous hero related threads

Hero discussion of the day, 05.11.2011

Hero discussion of the day, 24.02.2012

Hero discussion of the day, 20.12.2012

Hero discussion of the day, 30.03.2014

Hero tips for Earthshaker

Previous hero discussion

Earth Spirit (June 12th, 2018)

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submitted by /u/Laccnow
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All Standard Hero Builds updated for Patch 7.18 (117 changes)

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:19 AM PDT

"Can I copy your homework?" WK Edition

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:44 AM PDT

Good luck to the players with less than 4 letters and without any vowels in their Dota 2 name that will attend TI 8!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:28 AM PDT

*Congrats to*

- fy

- Pyw

- Q

- Srf

- Xxs


- DJ

- Zyd




- hFn

- s4

- 33

- Fly

- ddc

- GH

- w33

Congratz to these unique players that will attend the international 8! looking forward to it.

submitted by /u/FunnyTerrorist
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With less than 60 days until TI8, I made a Web App that will show you all your options around the Rogers Arena in Vancouver

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:22 AM PDT

Happy Wednesday boys

I made a website that will show you all accommodations around the venue like Airbnbs, Hotels, Hostels, hell even RV and camping if you're into that. All based on a nice volvo approved map UI so you know how far your stay is and how much calories you're about to burn ;)

This year I'm also testing special discounts for hotels. These private rates are only available through us and get compared to the best public rate.

Book now while some cheap rooms are still available! Vancouver is expensive as shit and I know some of you mothafuckas planning to be homeless during the event hoping to shower when your back home or a local gym. Don't do this pls

Alright, let me know what you tink!

submitted by /u/wololo_
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My internet penis is working

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:30 AM PDT

To the people who voted for Riki..... why?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:05 AM PDT

"Look at my amazing Arcana" - says the little bastard who is invisible for 85% of the game -_-

Suppose his ult could look pretty cool though.

submitted by /u/stopstealingmynames1
[link] [comments]

Edge of the Lost Order (Jugg's immo) Blade Dance animation is back

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:20 AM PDT

Bill Gates speaks about Dota and OpenAI

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:28 PM PDT

solo matchmaking is broken in all brackets and games as a result are +5 mmr -50 +11 -37 and huge badge/mmr disparity valve needs to act upon this

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:11 AM PDT

submitted by /u/khonsrighttesticle
[link] [comments]

TI7 bracket prediction guy

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:16 AM PDT

Do you all remember the only guy who predicted the bracket correctly. He was going to get invited to TI8? Any info/update on that or was that a jebait by volvo?

submitted by /u/7Zlatan
[link] [comments]

Greetings fellow heroes!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:47 AM PDT

This is a message from Davion, the Dragon Knight. I see there is an election occurring to see who will receive the might of an arcana grade weapon. I've stayed quiet on the matter after easily surpassing Aurel, the Gyrocopter in the first phase thanks to my loyal followers. However, just over this bridge is Kardel Sharpeye. While I know we can easily overcome the pushover of a Keen, I'm asking to rally my followers to not only beat Kardel, but to crush him all the way back to the Mountainous Valleys of Knollen. That's all for now my loyal followers, the election begins in precisely 6 days from now, do not forget to vote or you may face the sword. And finally remember, in strength, is victory!

submitted by /u/DragonKnight_Davion
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Meepo clone gets no gold when ult is levelled up by another player whilst disconnected

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:53 AM PDT


Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:13 AM PDT

Stranded in the Underhollow

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:26 AM PDT

"We're going on vacation" they said...

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:15 AM PDT

Competitive Hero Tier List June 2018

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:24 AM PDT

Get a free video highlight of your game

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:40 AM PDT

Hey, here!

Right now we are testing our highlight maker based on AI. We will make the free highlight of your game

• Send in the comments link to your match, which can be found in your GOSU profile. (Example:
• Our bot will send you a link to the highlight within a few hours

The example of GOSU highlight. RTZ on Morphling

submitted by /u/klovinup
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Vega Squadron prematurely terminate the contract with Kips

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:39 AM PDT

Grrr Icefrog

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:35 PM PDT

With all these Pudge picks lately I found a way to help my teammates from getting hooked

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:53 AM PDT

Rallying y'all for EMBER ARCANA

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:32 PM PDT


submitted by /u/JDW3
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Valve please ignore slot for qualifier predictions!

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:44 PM PDT

Since Qualification slot sequence does not matter, Valve should award points for guessing the correct qualified teams irrespective of slot.

submitted by /u/DotaFrog
[link] [comments]

I mean , why not

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:03 PM PDT

Here is some advertising tips for icefrog

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:16 PM PDT

If you say "Night Stalker's void now deals half damage during day" people can react to it in a bad way. But if you reduce void damage to half, then say "Night Stalker's void now x2 damage during nights" people will applaud you.

submitted by /u/Nepravda
[link] [comments]

Immortal Treasure 3 2018 - Heroes without immortals

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:39 PM PDT

Let's hope all heroes can get immortals. These are the heroes who were left behind:

Arc Warden




Naga Siren

Techies (Has Arcana)

Io (Has Arcana)

submitted by /u/shotiso
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