Diablo - Free boosting for the next 6-10 hours. NA

Free boosting for the next 6-10 hours. NA

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:21 PM PDT

Hey all, I streamed nearly 10 hours yesterday and boosted several people and multiple character to 70. I get bored playing alone so if you want a nice and easy head start, feel free to join me at www.twitch.tv/danderlinger

You do not need to follow or even watch the stream. I just have more fun when I'm not playing alone. I hope to see you around.

I'm an Aussie dude playing Monk on NA and 1-70 takes no more than 10 minutes.

EDIT: 6 hours minimum now I think. This will take this post to 12 hours old! Boosted 41 people so far and there's rarely a queue.

submitted by /u/BOOMandwhat
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Diablo 3 Tools and Websites Guide

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:47 PM PDT

Are certain attributes on items more heavily weighted when rerolling?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:26 PM PDT

I thought everything had a pretty even shot of being rolled and then the value for those attributes would be rolled but I've tried to get chance to stun on gloves and rerolled at least 70 times and never seen it. Considering how it's 1/7, it shouldn't be this hard to get.

submitted by /u/OnyxKnight
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Diablo 3 Challenge Rift 53 NA Guide

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 04:45 PM PDT

Any good guides for returning players?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 06:57 AM PDT

Played alot of D3 when it launched, but left because launch was a trainwreck. Returned for Act 5 and crusader and played till I got bored. Back again for necromancer, I've reached level 70 again, recompleted all the acts, and started a little adventure mode. Super lost atm, but certainly not bored yet.

How do you tell if you are on the right difficulty? I managed to aggro 3 elite packs on Torment 1 in a rift and survive, so I probably need to go up, but not sure how far.

Seems like greater rifts are the place to be? What should I be focusing on? Should I do normal rifts, bounties, or farm legendaries to feed the cube? Also that cube is confusing as hell, but it saved me from using my level 41 ring with a cool power at 70.

submitted by /u/Collegenoob
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Posted: 25 Jun 2018 07:00 AM PDT




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Where to go from here? Friendly advice would be appreciated

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:27 PM PDT

So I've been going hard and can solo GR 90, and do 100+ rat runs with groups. However where do I go from here? Ideally I wish my build was a little tankier because I die soooo easily.

submitted by /u/Vbomb1337
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Challenge 53 - Explosive Bathroom Wiz - Map/Path/Elite Locations & Guide

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 05:05 PM PDT

Bug with set plans?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 01:21 PM PDT

I somehow still haven't gotten born set plans at almost p700. I run a ton of bounties to reforge legendaries and plans at this point have stopped dropping, but I still don't have Born Set plans. Am I doing something wrong? I've never had an issue with this in past seasons.

submitted by /u/Jaytron
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WALLPAPER: Season 14 - Season of Greed

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:01 AM PDT

Long time no see guys. It's been a few months since my last wallpaper. A couple weeks late but still here:


Season 14: Season of Greed


Featuring Art by Samuel PIRLOT - PETROFF

Seamless coins stock by Bartalon


Enjoy and I'll see you guys next wallpaper.



submitted by /u/Holyknight3000
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Returning player with some (basic?) questions

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:46 AM PDT

Hey there,

didnt play Diablo III for several seasons. Allthough not an awful lot has changed, still some things appear new to me.

So I've heared there are primal items now.

  1. Do they drop everywhere or from a certain difficulty onwards?
  2. Do I have the chance to gamble primals with Kadala?
  3. And is it possible to get primals with the reforging of the cube?
  4. Are there still no bonuses of playing with friends / clanmembers?
  5. My last question is a bit more necromancer specific. The offhand "Lost Time" has a passive to slow enemies and buff move speed everytime you hit with ice. Does it work with the Inarius set? Does the swirling tornado deal ice damage if I use an ice rune on my bone armor?

Thats all from me.

Thanks guys

submitted by /u/Rooksone
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Need help to improve my ratrun build

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:56 AM PDT

So, i started playing necro a week ago, discovered the ratrun meta, i play mostly as rathma dps but switch to zbarb when necessary, and basically i'd like to know what gear i should grind most to improve my damage, and I also am looking for advices on how to improve survivability/toughness because i'm feeling really squishy (i allready rerolled AD on shoulders to VIT, helps a bit but meh..), i try to position myself correctly (behind the znec and also keeping track of the zbarb to get close to him when IP is close to coming off) and stand in the oculus, as damage = survival, i also am carefull and try to never let the 4-piece set bonus go down as it offers 50% dmg reduction.

Currently running 90's with pubs in 2-3mins, but i can't level up my main gems by doing 90's anymore so i need to step up..Any advices/opinions are welcome! :)

D3planner : https://www.d3planner.com/335314554

submitted by /u/Zoog1
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Finding Meta groups as a wiz

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 09:39 AM PDT

Most people are running rat runs etc for exp, is there a way to find meta groups or should I just spend the time building a zbarb or znec?

Rat nec seems to need too much gear for me to build one quickly and people seem to have high standards for the sheet dps needed.

submitted by /u/Jaytron
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I’m calling it right now.

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:57 PM PDT

The "new diablo project" is exclusive dungeons for the Nintendo Switch.

submitted by /u/PCav1138
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waiting for the next one....

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 03:41 PM PDT

D3 is dead. Jay Wilson botched it and the team has done a good job reverting the failed record breaking launch. However, they are already working on another Diablo title (probably for good reasons). Hope they make it just as revolutionary as D1 and D2 was; D3 was/is lack luster.

-needs pvp

-needs more than 4 players

-needs better item design not dependent on stagnant sets

-needs a darker theme

-needs tradable items

-would be cool if it wasn't third person... thinking over the shoulder gameplay like Dark Souls. Would also like it if the game play was toned down so it was a harder grind... maybe.

submitted by /u/Skillville
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Rolled the dice with DMO this season to start with....

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:29 AM PDT

Any other Wizards regret this decision, enjoy playing DMO, or did you just swap over to Firebird? I've managed to get pretty far with my DMO build but I've had to Modify some parts of it to work well with public groups. Had to use wormhole in order to keep up with all these flippin DH's and Mountees racing through rifts like they are Usain Bolt or something.

Had to drop Combustion for teleport and swap my lightning tune (can't remember the name) for the fire one to fill in the last element, and I'm currently using a RoRG in my cube so I can wear a Primus. Works out well for me though. The m able to hold my own against elites that aren't completely removed from existence whenever one of these Thanos's enters the room and I'm able to survive fairly well with my in-geom giving my teleport a near 100% uptime.

submitted by /u/hate436
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[Question] Is it still necessary to farm Keywardens?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 09:25 AM PDT

A couple of years ago, when I still played, people would farm Keywardens nonstop. I havn't played in 3-4 years and am currently rolling a Raekor's Barbarian. Do I still need to farm those or just once for the Season Journey Chapter 4?

submitted by /u/_KS15YXM_
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Nonsense or an interesting theory in D3 logo?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 07:59 AM PDT

(Remake with better info) Question about Torment difficulties

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 02:03 AM PDT

Sorry if this is against the rules. Anyways.

https://www.d3planner.com/330883264 Here's my WD build as it stands. It's fairly fresh, as I only recently got the Zuni set. In my last post, someone pointed out that the 6-piece Zuni + 2-piece Jade won't work in the long run. I'm aware of that. I'm only using it currently because I have nothing else that can go in those slots, and it lets me speed things up a bit by not relying on my pets to do everything for me.

Also, I play on console, which modifies some values. (Xephirian Amulet seems to have about 50% of the +damage stat than it does on PC. This also happens with some rares and legendary values, where PC's values are about 20% higher comparitively).

I know people will mention I don't have anything socketed, but that's because I don't really know what to socket. At T8, I'm killing things very quickly, so it seems like more Int would be redundant when I'm having an issue surviving. Idk how much of a difference Str/Dex would make for armor. As for the helm socket, dunno what to put there either. Elites die quickly, WD doesn't need CDR due to Grave Injustice. So... Life % I guess?

In the last post, someone asked me how fast I'm clearing normal rifts. I'd say about 4-5 minutes. GRs are about 6-8 minutes. I know that the ideal speed (according to Icy Veins) is 2-3 for normals, 5-6 for GRs. The reason it takes longer is because of two reasons. 1) I'm on console, and console has annoying aiming issues so sometimes Piranhado hits things I never want it to hit. I also hear that enemy density is quite weird on console as well compared to PC. 2) I don't know the optimal way to clear things. I assume it's to kill everything, which I do. But I don't go out of my way to explore paths or anything, or waste time on stragglers. But I also don't know if I should just be killing things quickly on the way to elite pack to elite pack. Since they seem to give a lot of % progress + the orbs they drop.

I've been using the Zunimassa build posted on Icy Veins, but I just don't have any of the key items yet outside of the 6-piece set. So I'm lacking Mantle of Channeling, Lakumba, Belt of Transcendence, Endless walk set, The Furnace, Mask of Jeram.

I have the legendary gems listed on the guide (Bane of the Trapped, Bane of the Stricken, Enforcer), but I only have Enforcer socketed as my other two pieces of jewelry lack sockets.

As for people that mentioned gems, this is a relatively new character, lacking the money to upgrade to Flawless Royals to socket into things as well.

Edit: just to be safe. Before people jump on me for not having much of anything besides the 6-piece, this is a relatively fresh character (and my first seasonal character). I just haven't landed any of the legendaries needed to boost my survivability so far. Just want to point that out. Been doing T8 NRs and GR40s (the most I can handle before I get eaten alive by everything instantly) to farm legendaries and blood shards.

Another note: since I play on console, I read that console players do half damage and thus need Nephalem Glory to match the dps of PC players. If that's true, then me keeping the buff active also slows down my rift times. Sigh. :( Console gets the short stick in so many ways.

submitted by /u/Raisylvan
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[Question] How do monks survive?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 08:34 AM PDT

I mainly play a necro, I'm pushing GR85 solo on HC. While thats not anything special, it does show I have somewhat of a competence while playing.

I decide to try monk, I get a full set of items, with decent roll's, nothing exceptional. But I have all the items in a popular online guide. I fire up a GR50 and 1 shot everything except the Rift guardian. I bump it to 55, and walk in and get 1 shot, My second life pops and I try to run away only to get 1 shot again and die.

This was my 3rd attempt at making a monk, I tried all 3 sets.

They just die sooo damn fast. And there really isnt anything left defensively I could get other than ancient gear. I followed the guides to a T, and had good rolls on everything.

In comparison, my necro if he died could go do a GR60 the moment he got his 6 piece, Even without the supporting legendaries needed to push higher GR's. Where my monks with full set items, and every legendary requested in the guide could not do 55. (I tried all 3 sets.)

Is this normal for monks?

submitted by /u/Jesta23
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Favorite fun builds?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 12:13 AM PDT

What are you favorite builds that, while not great are still fun to use. Ex: Phalanx Sader is my personal fav.

submitted by /u/MrRodesney
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