DayZ - Razor Sharp

Razor Sharp

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:14 AM PDT

This small resort with beach near Sosnovka Dam looks amazing.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:26 PM PDT

Rearrange clothes position | Can we have this too?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:17 PM PDT

The Beauty of Chernarus. Love hiking in the Forests

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:21 AM PDT

Ehm, when are the content updates going to be happening

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:30 AM PDT

I mean I'm not gonna be the guy meme-ing the shit out of Eugen's quote, but didn't he say that after EXP is out it was going to be :"Update Update Update".

It's been 2 weeks and the only patch we've had was some minor fixes.

I know they are neck deep in bugfixing and networking atm, but I had the impression they had different parts of the team working on content. Didn't they say they had ~80 people?

To be fair the only thing I'm anxious about is the uncon and community servers.

Uncon has to be in by the time community servers roll out because uncon is such an important part of player interaction on more serious servers, that I can't imagine something like dayzUnderground/DayzRP/DayzVillage without it.

In general uncon is probably the most unique feature dayz has that it's competitors don't. Most games you either kill a guy or you don't, you can't disable him. Sure in pubg and fortnite you can knock them down, but you can't interact with them, you can't tie them up, you can't force feed them the guts of their friend, nor can you stab them, break their legs and make them crawl to the nearest town to find rags.

submitted by /u/yasen400
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Hacker? 3 of my buddies were like 100 meters ahead of me, we all died at the same exact time.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:02 AM PDT

Just played for the first time in almost two years

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:43 PM PDT

I quit the game almost two years ago because of all the bugs, today I started playing again and I fell in love with the game. I met two cool dudes and we ended up going across the entire map together looting and teaching each other things we didn't know.

It was really cool because one of the guys had only one hour in the game when the other had over 1600. The sad thing is I never got their names when we decided to log off for the day.

I wish them two pals the best of luck in the future! If only I'll see them again some day

submitted by /u/JawlessMuffin
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First day, first friendly. I can tell this game is going to be fun!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:33 AM PDT

I'm not even sure where I was, but spawned in, ran the road until I found a town. I did find a fire axe, and came up on a guy standing on the road just outside town. I waved and I walked up and put my axe away, askig if he knew if there was a well in the town, my thirst was getting low. No words, just looking at me. I started to ask again, suddenly his hands raise up, hear as shot for a brief second, and the you are dead screen. I was cracking up. Spawn in again, looks like a little town in the distance. I run in and sneak around a bit, when I see a player in a house. I decided to talk to him as well, and he had a mic too! He answered as many questions as he could, but was badly hurt. We spoke for a bit longer, and he decided that it was best for me to kill him. A zombie agroed as we decided just how we were going to do this, even though I frantically tried to convince him he could make it if we worked together. He bravely ran up to the zombie yelling "you will not hurt my friend!" making it even harder to finish him off. I just wanted to say thank you man, wherever you are, I made it out of the town and found a few more things. I hope to see you again!

submitted by /u/rchip83
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Just found out a river near my town is in dayz

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:02 AM PDT

To be more specific its river topolka, seen as topolka dam in dayz. The villages always have had similiar names but to be actually based off a location is really cool for me :D

submitted by /u/BreaDKatka
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Hacker on experimental .63

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:54 AM PDT

I was minding my own business in a town, looting when my scorpion disappeared from my hands. Now I heard talk of this being a "bug" where your weapon disappears. So I pulled my makarov out and checked the last spot I looted. Before I knew it, my makarov disappeared. I looked up and saw a guy in a military outfit pointing my scorpion at me. He said "are you looking for your scorpion and makarov?" So I started booking it because I had no weapons. Then I heard him say "don't bother running because no matter what, I can kill you" and then the "you are dead" screen popped up. Like come on man. I was walking around offering food and water to new players and you gotta ruin the experience by doing this shit.

submitted by /u/bserikstad
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Experimental down?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:04 AM PDT

"You are here" (or Cyrillic equivalent but that might be weird for a "tourist" trail) marker on trail maps

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:15 PM PDT

Just make a decal or whatever the Enfusion engine's equivalent of that is and place it over the map board's location on the map texture.

It's not too hard to figure out where you are by running from the signpost and back and looking for matching letters, but it's a pain for sure. Especially when you're trying to do it in the dark, or if you're trying to point out where you are to another player if they haven't figured it out yet.

It's not like it would be unrealistic or anything. When was the last time you saw a tourist map that didn't have a "you are here" marker on it. Because as someone who does go hiking a fair bit, I can confidently say most do.

submitted by /u/KyleFinlayson1997
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Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:08 AM PDT

Did they remove vehicles for some reason, or are there just none spawning? Haven't played since 0.60 btw, its kind of annoying having to run all the way back to the shore to meet a friend or something.

submitted by /u/russell2937
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Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:36 AM PDT

When i run DayZ it become fullscreened and i see in right side in middle of screen text DA and half of Y and screen is yellow but text is mix of blue purple yellow black and white and i don't know what to do if i want to get it to normal. PLEASE HELP!

submitted by /u/_s0da4me_
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Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:00 AM PDT

Stable servers are down for scheduled maintenance from 07:00 GMT.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Any help on starting the game?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:02 AM PDT

Hi, I am starting the game, I have played the Original DayZ back in the day but I have little to none experience in Standalone. I tried it, but I never seem to find foor/drinks and I die. Is there a good guide I could watch or could someone give me few points that might help?

submitted by /u/DrTooterino
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Wanderers on the field

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:23 PM PDT

the blue haze needs to be toned down drastically

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:20 AM PDT

we get it, mountains and forest at a distance have a blue haze in front of them on a sunny day.

but the blue haze literally rests about 200 metres away from the player at all times and gives the game a really strange arcadey look, kinda like H1Z1.

next time you play, pay attention to how close the haze is to you, and this isn't even on the coast I'm talking about.

(It's also been made a lot more invasive in .63 compared to .62)

submitted by /u/I_am_Bourke
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New to the game, I just feel bored.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:16 PM PDT

I want to like the game because it's honestly pretty good as far as the actual gameplay. But between just walking for hours not finding loot, and all the players I encounter are either anti-social or bandits, I just don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I've read other posts and watched videos and I'm told to go inland because all the coastal towns are barren but I'm still seeing nothing but trees and trash. it baffles me how I see some posts and videos where people are stacked with guns and armor like an hour in but I hiked inland for 3 hours to just find a couple cans of spaghetti and like 5 shitty rifles with no ammo. The game isn't bad at all but I don't know what to actually do to make it fun. Can anyone enlighten me (I'm on .63 btw)

submitted by /u/Allta
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The Boys are Back in Town

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:54 AM PDT

[QUESTION] [EXPERIMENTAL] Is it possible to create and hide stashes yet?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:04 PM PDT

I have just saw a video posted 1 month ago showing the new stash system. I haven't found any video of Experimental I was wondering whether It is already an in-game feature or not.

Plus I was wondering if stashes are persistent trough the server restarts and/or communicate with other official servers.

Thank you

submitted by /u/KappaTim
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One Punch Kill?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:39 PM PDT

Hi, I was playing on DE 1-5 and I had 100% health and blood, not thirsty or hungry. My friend fought a Zombie, tried to help him, and my friend one punched me and I was dead. How? Why? Bug? Was my stamina down? I don't get it.

submitted by /u/azrailmewto
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Well, either that's zombie John Cena or I've been a bit hard done by...

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 03:44 PM PDT

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