ArcheAge Trion plz Mondays (June 11, 2018) - Give feedback, suggestions, and conflictions to Trion!

Trion plz Mondays (June 11, 2018) - Give feedback, suggestions, and conflictions to Trion!

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 12:05 AM PDT

Welcome to /r/ArcheAge's Trion plz Mondays scheduled sticky discussion thread!

Testing a minor bug on the Public Test Server (PTS)? Or is it the hatred of a certain skillset, or a certain trade route you wish was valued higher, or maybe it's the mount normalization you are so displeased of; You name it! Send in your feedback and suggestions so that Trion employees can overlook and review the public opinion on!

This thread does not guarantee any personal response by Trion themselves, but instead focuses on all suggestions into one weekly thread for them to glance and possibly review on.

To look back at previous suggestions and feedback, click here!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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An active hero of haranya quits today

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:41 PM PDT

I don't know Wacksmackpow in person actually, but I often see his name poping in nation channel.

He is not a top geared player but probably a mobile honor elixir to most geared players.

He is a typical devoted player we would meet in past days, active and warm-hearted, always ready to help his own regional force, doing a hero's job, grinding his poor gears. That's why I write this post, he doesn't know me at all, I do consider him a real player who enjoys this game.

"I have been banned on forum for asking what TRION would do with hackers, so I decide to leave this game." said Wack.

I do feel sorry for seeing a true Archeage lover leave again. All these players are coming with their love and expectation for a MMO, but all the leavers are gone with displeasure. Players like wack are the main population of Archeage, which makes AA looks thriving and alive.

As you see, XLGames is updating versions of patches recently to make AA more friendly to ppl with low GS, and spent half an year to re-balance the skillsets, they are doing an effort to bring more players back to AA. While in NA, players are leaving for getting upset on forum, randomly banned in game for no reason (my friends get that and I'm sure they do nothing).

After that, you follow the instructions to appeal, when you mail your appeals, usually the forum team would never response (one of my friend's case, and she is still banned on forum), and the in-game team would tell you nothing could be told. :D Sometimes if you are lucky, your ban is lifted, most of time, the innocent would never be looked back into. This is what my guild members getting and they finally decide to move on.

Well, they might lift Wack's forum ban in the future, but this is not what I'm expecting for, I do hope Archeage is crowded with new players.

But the game mechanism is freak, it encourages the evil of human, kicking body to rage ppl cashing more, in-game fraud is allowed by Trion, and toxic trash talk is also allowed. You might have fun with these for a while but you feel this is not a really correct direction when you find less and less greens and reds to play with.

Trion closed their eyes and keep the least responsibility to maintain this game, and telling they need to ask XLGAMES before they applying any changes. Being irresponsible to banned players, they usually offer a NO to the innocent for less e-mail work and investigation work, and drive these low-purchasing players away. Some of my pure potato friends, who usually trade run in safe zone and build houses, and decorate houses with flowers, are driven by this way. One of my guild member, trade run all day for his gear pieces and being banned, with the reason they can't offer, never comes back.

Although I fully understand those top geared players are the main consumers of Archeage's income, it is low GS but main population players should be paid more attention

Remember the day Muzzy came to the community, everyone place an expectation on him, they even offered a black pearl warship for that day. It might be limited to swim in a dry land for muzzy for there are so many rules and limitation, I do believe muzzy could still have his own one inch of enforcement power.

Hope XLGAMES's incoming updates would bring more players to this old MMO and more ppl could have fun here and stay.

submitted by /u/YnystereWanderer
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how to create second character ?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 02:44 AM PDT

well im totally new to this game and there is no way for me to make another character on same server

submitted by /u/Kitysune
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Interesting -.-

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 04:45 PM PDT

It's been out there for quite a while now … was just curious what's inside x)

Is it just me or are there some things mentioned more than once

The \"Mushroom House Crate - Legacy\"

submitted by /u/Osarus
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No cash shop but increased sub price?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:35 AM PDT

So me and some friends were talking about how amazing this game would be if it wasnt so heavy on the cash shop. I mentioned id be willing to pay $30 a month or more for a server without a cash shop at all. We all agreed that we would all do that if it existed. Im wondering if there would be enough people interested in the idea for trion to make a legit request for xl games to do this.

submitted by /u/PudgeHug
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Archer build for mobs farming in 4.5?

Posted: 10 Jun 2018 06:18 AM PDT

Hello everyone. I returned to ArcheAge after some months and I wanted to ask if anyone has any good PvE build for mobs farming, questing etc. Right Now I use Archer/Shadowplay + a third "random" one.

I am level 54 at the moment and I have Celestial Soulforged gear and weapons. Also, what lunagems should I use?

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/geololj
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