PUBG Event Mode #7 - Discussion thread

Event Mode #7 - Discussion thread

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:43 AM PDT

Event Mode #7 - May 17th - May 20th

This is the 7th discussions/suggestions/feedback thread for the recent Event game mode:
Event Mode: War Mode: Desert Knights Returns

Please use this thread to discuss the 7th Event Mode; General discussion, strategy, feedback for the mode and any ideas/modifiers for what you'd like to see in future Event game modes are welcome here. Keep it constructive!

Event Mode Modifiers

  • Miramar Only
  • Care Package Weapons
  • 5 Player Squads
  • War Mode
  • Level 3 Starting Gear

These modifiers are also listed on the sidebar

submitted by /u/YhCHKN
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So I just won a game by default

Posted: 17 May 2018 08:12 PM PDT

I think enough is enough and the Reddit community is really starting to notice that the development of this 2017/2018 Billion Dollar IP is far below standards.

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:40 AM PDT

I remember in April 2017 when this game was released publicly on Steam, one of the big selling points was "The developers are so great at communication, these bugs will be fixed in no time" etc etc.

Over the last year and a bit, we've seen a lot of bugfixes, but we've also seen lots of new bugs introduced.

While that progress is all well and good, very appreciated, there are still fundamental problems with the way the game runs and plays.

Currently, I have a list I've been creating since MONDAY and in that time I have filled in 42 outstanding issues with the game. Look, no game is perfect, but most of the shit in this list has been here since day 1.

In this most recent couple of patches, we've seen the FPS go down the drain for a significant proportion of players, "Buffs" turn into severe "Nerfs" and an undocumented change to a couple guns and most importantly, an undocumented change to the fundamentals of the audio system which has resulted in impacted sound quality immediately noticeable to the majority of players.

What has come to my attention in the last few days on this subreddit is an increasing amount of faithful players who love Battlegrounds starting to really pick up on the fact that development of this game has been under-par for a long time.

When you couple that with the fact that this game has raked in several hundred millions of dollars in sales AFTER STEAM AND EPIC TAKE THEIR CUT and makes tens of millions of dollars in loot crate keys every month, you wonder where is the money going.

Why are they not spending resources on fixing outstanding issues with the game such as object bullet penetration and immovable debris such as cardboard boxes that stop cars dead in their tracks?

While I certainly don't condone a witch-hunt or aggressive behaviour, I am glad that a lot of people are now standing up and saying "I paid for this product and it is not performing to a standard I would expect in 2018" this isn't an Early Access product any more, it still feels like a Beta. It plays like an Alpha, and the devs seem more focused on churning out loot boxes than fixing long-standing issues with the game.

submitted by /u/TNGSystems
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Battle Royal map size comparison

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:18 AM PDT

Girlfriend made me a pretty cute cake for my birthday.

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:57 AM PDT

WTF? Is this Type B sockets in Russia? Game is literally unplayable.

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:00 AM PDT

Half Grip and Light Grip Tested on the VECTOR (Update 13)

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:39 AM PDT

I’m so excited for Black Ops 4 to come out, but not for the reason you think

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:22 AM PDT

I'm excited for all of the whiney people who incessantly complain about PUBG to leave and realize the grass isn't always greener.

This game has improved dramatically since it first came out. The servers have been optimized, FPS has improved, FPP was added, there are new vehicles, new guns, new maps, new modes, map selection, dramatically reduced cheaters (I used to see them ~70% of games in TPP, now it's extremely rare), etc.

Yes the game sometimes will take some steps backwards but the issues are always fixed. A fact that people always seem to forget about.

This game was able to distill DayZ and Arma down to its essential elements. It's the perfect blend of loot time, down time, and gunplay. I strongly believe CoD BR will have trouble capturing those same emotions that PUBG elicits.

But that's all my opinion, I'm sure most will disagree. The game currently runs well for me and I hope PUBG hotfixes the game quickly for others who have issues.

submitted by /u/passionoftheju
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When are we getting weather back for Erangel?

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:09 AM PDT

Fog and rain are missed.

submitted by /u/SyncZinc
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Until major issues are resolved, players need to boycott crate keys and the Steam marketplace

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:28 AM PDT

As a daily visitor to this sub and the official forums, it is clear that there have been major issues piling up for months now. Currently we are staring at:

  • Major FPS issues for a wide swath of players
  • Audio bugs that make playing the game physically painful at times
  • Vehicle bugs that have been a meme for over a year
  • Undocumented or flatly misleading changes to weapons and attachments
  • Desync and tick rate issues
  • Terrain issues
  • A heavy-handed (to non-cheaters) approach to address cheaters
  • No roadmap to modding or custom servers for "the plebs"

Meanwhile, a patch barely passes without the opportunity being taken to add something to the store. We're clearly on the path to having over a half-dozen types of crates and keys with no end in sight. In addition, now PUBG Corp is adding direct sales of cosmetics in the form of the Bengal parachute.

Enough is enough. They have at this point 1B in retail and microtransaction sales. With this massive install base and expected cash on hand, it is possible to find the resources necessary to either patch PUBG into a stable state again, or to engage in a massive parallel buildout of what would effectively be PUBG 2.0.

Until this happens, players need to not buy new keys, and they especially need to stop buying/selling PUBG items on the Steam marketplace. Every nickel you pass through there is validating this model. When the game is in a healthier state, it's fine. But what we are teaching PUBG Corp is that if they drop a new crate/key combo on us with each buggy patch, they make bank.

Boycotts work. No more purchasing keys, and no more selling items until this is resolved. It's the only way to turn this ship around, because patently waiting and trusting isn't getting it done.

submitted by /u/therendal
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This is how we roll in Europe

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:53 AM PDT

Important audio changes in update #13

Posted: 17 May 2018 02:10 PM PDT

A lot of people have been noticing significant changes to PUBG's audio, specifically the way gunshots sound. It turns out that Bluehole finally shipped a partial fix for the longstanding issues with directional sound, which just happens to be unlisted on the official patch notes.

Since day one, certain sounds in PUBG have suffered from broken panning behavior, adversely affecting players' ability to localize important game sounds, particularly gunshots. This defect has been written about in detail by yours truly in this reddit post and this bug report. The gist is that prior to this patch, certain "loud sounds" had no front-back and up-down differentiation, were subject to 90-degree zones of ambiguity directly to the player's left and right, and exhibited erroneous panning behavior relating to the height of these sounds relative to the player.

These defects culminated in a system so broken that panning errors of 90 degrees were frequently observed. If an enemy was positioned directly above or below the player, the player would hear that enemy's gunshots coming from their direct left or right. Smaller errors were more common, and in order to know from exactly which direction a gunshot was coming, players would have to turn and face the source of the gunshot.

Along with gunshots, other loud sounds like breaking glass, explosions, and vehicle engines were (and still are, unfortunately) subject to these issues. Many quieter sounds, like footsteps and car fires, were and are not subject to these defects, and for a long time have had full 3D localization via HRTF.

What this newest patch has done is enable for gunshots the same processing done on footsteps, so that now gunshots are also localized correctly in full 3D. No longer is it necessary to turn and face gunshots to discern their exact direction. Unfortunately, other types of loud sounds like explosions, breaking glass, and vehicle engines still appear to be affected by the above defects.

For your listening pleasure, here are some before & after comparisons for gunshots:

  • Full rotation while gun fires (before, after): Notice how the gunshot not longer gets "stuck" in full-left and full-right pannings, and is now panned continuously for the entire rotation. The direction of rotation is also now clearly evident thanks for front-back differentiation.
  • Looking up and down while gun fires (before, after): Notice how panning no longer errors out to full-left and full-right as the height of the gunshot source relative to the camera becomes more extreme.
  • Demonstration of maximum panning error (before, after): Notice how the gunshots now sound like they're coming from above, rather than jumping instantly between full-left and full-right pannings.
  • Gunshots now have up-down differentiation as well.

As with any significant change to a gameplay critical system, it will take players a little while to understand the change and become acclimated to it before being able to properly evaluate it. This is definitely not an instance of fixing what's not broken; directional audio was clearly and demonstrably broken in ways which sometimes had catastrophic affect on gameplay. I suspect this change will follow the same trajectory as the introduction of HRTF to CSGO, where players vocally resisted the change but eventually warmed up to it over time and as Valve refined the system, to the point where it's now widely understood that not using it puts players at a disadvantage. Chalk it up to growing pains, but this development is definitely a step in the right direction with respect to directional audio in PUBG.

Clearly, there's still some work Bluehole has to do to further refine their audio system. Applying these new effects to gunshots has negatively impacted their timbre, making them sound tinny or hollow. Bluehole should also strive to fix localization for all gameplay critical sounds, just like they have done for gunshots with this patch.

Edit (Fri May 18 2018 09:05:51 GMT-0700): Many are asking if it's still a good idea to use surround virtualization. The compromise at the crux of the matter was that enabling surround virtualization would make loud sounds like gunshots, explosions, and cars easier to localize at the expense of quiet sounds like footsteps. With the sound changes in this newest update, gunshots are now a class of sound which is localizable like footsteps have been. I feel this obviates the need for virtualized surround.

Also, I don't work for Bluehole; I do not represent them in any way.

Edit (Fri May 18 2018 10:32:04 GMT-0700): To people running PUBG through Voicemeeter and noticing dead zones, make sure your speaker configuration for Voicemeeter's virtual playback device is set to stereo. You can find this option in Windows' Sound control panel. If for any reason you insist on keeping Voicemeeter's virtual playback device in a surround sound configuration, but ultimately play with headphones, you can do this but you need to ensure that mixdown is being performed correctly or else you'll end up with dead zones. If Voicemeeter itself is to perform that mixdown, the correct option is MIX down B (MIX down A has phasing issues which result in dead zones between the rear and surround channels). The MIX down B option is only available in Voicemeeter Banana, so you'll have to upgrade if you run regular Voicemeeter.

submitted by /u/goattt-
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What is wrong with this weather?

Posted: 17 May 2018 04:37 PM PDT

Be careful where you boost

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:26 AM PDT

New player here. Did I just pay 1400 bp for a polo shirt?

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:59 AM PDT

I guess I'm not too sure how this crate system works. It says unlock items by getting crates, so I was under the assumption that it would be multiple items.

So... I just spent 1400 bp for some polo shirt I'll never equip?

submitted by /u/moidawg
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Massive wait times for Solo FPP on OC servers since map selection patch.

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:59 AM PDT

It's completely baffling to me. I exclusively play on FPP, and almost never play on international servers (Unless playing with friends, but they more often come to OC) and the day before the Map Select patch I was getting games instantly.

But now, no luck. No matter what maps I pick, massive wait times.

Anybody else have these problems, OC or not?

submitted by /u/Reiku_Johin
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Clearly I'm holding it like that

Posted: 17 May 2018 08:01 PM PDT

I can’t play PUBG anymore until they fix the desync issue.

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:43 AM PDT

War mode servers in europe are flooded by "other regions".

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:04 AM PDT

As title says, i have encountered many asians playing on eu servers basicly flooding voice chat with nonsense. I already mute them as soon as i hear them , but thats not really the problem.

submitted by /u/Spray_nPray
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Is muzzle flash consistent across all Effects settings?

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:18 AM PDT

I know that with the Effects set on medium or higher, there is a reflection off the character from the muzzle flash, but I was wondering if anyone knew if the muzzle flash itself was consistent across all Effects settings? I want to turn up either Effects (if the muzzle flash is actually brighter with it higher) or Post-Processing to medium (for the sharpness filter), but my fps can only handle one. Please let me know if anyone has experience with this!

submitted by /u/seejaycee
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Event Mode - War Mode: Desert Knights Returns

Posted: 17 May 2018 07:21 PM PDT

The floating plane particle is still there!

Posted: 17 May 2018 10:49 AM PDT

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