Dead by Daylight Friday Bug Report Thread - May 18, 2018

Friday Bug Report Thread - May 18, 2018

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:14 AM PDT

Welcome people of the fog! Here you can report bugs about the game.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top-level comments must contain a bug report.
  • No tech support questions; wait for Tech Support Weekend.
  • Specify your platform (PC, PS4, XBOX) in the report and make your report as detailed as possible.
  • Don't spam the thread with reports; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure the bug you are detailing hasn't been reported already.

A list of known issues being worked on by the devs can be found here.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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"Don't cross the beams!"

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:12 AM PDT

When you get tired of survivors cleansing your totems so you need to hire security

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:26 AM PDT

PSA: you can pull people off chests over the fence

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:06 AM PDT

Feng, I don’t feel so good...

Posted: 17 May 2018 09:21 PM PDT

That's a nice totem you got there, it would be a shame...

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:28 AM PDT

To the pizza Dwight squad

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:12 AM PDT

You came into my lobby yesterday evening all dressed as pizza delivery Dwight, I thought it was funny, so I was like:'Why not?' Then a second before the timer ran out you all magically morphed into P3 Claudettes with flashlights and toolboxes. If you do this, shame on you.

And yes, I lobby dodged them the game after.

submitted by /u/I-invented-PostIts
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World's saddest image

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:02 AM PDT

This Generator is Lit

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:04 AM PDT

Interesting re-design of the Generators

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:02 AM PDT

I made a shitpost montage of Trappyboi, hope you enjoy!

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:29 AM PDT

I LOVE dead by daylight.

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:17 PM PDT

'Looks like Don't Starve' p.5 - Doctor's Visit (DBD and DS Crossover)

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:56 AM PDT

Killer theory: The next chapter will be set in China, the killer based on Chinese Folklore (Long)

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:01 AM PDT

This might seem a bit crazy, but hear me out. I think our next killer is not a Circus killer, but a killer from China inspired by their version of the Vampire and other Chinese myths. There are many clues that could strongly point in that direction.

1) BH8R partners with Chinese Company. Recently Behavior announced they were partnering with the Chinese game company NetEase to make a mobile DBD game. Youtuber The King has a Kill Theory video pointing out two killers in the mobile game that aren't in DBD proper. The killers have powers that kinda sorta could be from other DBD kilelrs, but my point here is that Behavior and a Chinese company are in partnership.

2) Clothing Imagery from Chinese Mythology. We've all seen the image that spawned the Ringmaster predictions, but I want to point to the clothes for a second. Now check out the clothes of this guy. That is a Jiangshi, or Hopping Ghost, China's version of a vampire. They're blind, but sense your breath, and suck it out of you. The hopping ghosts are often depicted wearing those purple/blue robes with the gold stuff because it's Qing Dynasty funeral robes and other relations to the Qing Dynasty.

But that's not all. The DBD killer picture has white hands, so does the hopping ghost. And notice the golden lion on the button. That's similar to the Chinese celestial lion statues you might have seen outside fancy Chinese restaurants or that theater in LA.

3) The Fingers. Another youtuber Paulie Esther pointed out in a theory video that the fingers on the ring seem to be torn off others, but also we can't see the killer's ring finger. I looked into Chinese myths abotu ring fingers:

"The Chinese believe that each finger is a representation of the past, present and future generations of you and your family members. The thumb represents your parents, the index finger represents your siblings, the middle finger represents you, the ring finger represents your partner and the pinky represents your children."

The Chinese have another myth about fated pairings/partners. They believe an invisible red string links two soulmates who are destined to wed. That doesn't seem relevant--except in Japanese/Korean myth, the string is tied to the little finger. So here we have a Chinese/Japanese myth about people linked by their fingers, and the killer is carrying around fingers. Bonus: hopping ghosts can be repelled with red thread; it hurts if they cross them, like a vampire touching holy water.

4) BHVR's own statements. A few weeks ago on a Dev stream, MCotes said that when it comes to killers, they are now looking at other countries and seeing "what's hiding under their bed", what scares people around the world; he mentioned the Huntress's lullaby as an example of creepy stuff from Russia.

On the Dev stream last week, one of the devs said "It is not The Ringmaster". Granted, he could have just meant semantics, the Carnival Barker or the Magician or whatever, but I think this may have been a bigger hint that we are looking in the wrong direction.

Speculation: I don't think the killer will be a hopping ghost sucking breath out, per se, because sucking out the last breath is the Nurse's schtick. The killer simply looks like a hopping ghost, but the finger thing suggests some sort of link between partners. That's the literal explanation for the Obsession perks. So I think the killer is going to have something related to being linked ot each person he hits/steals the finger from, and perks that relate to obsessions.

TL;DR: BHVR is doing a game partnership with a Chinese company, so doing a Chinese chapter makes sense. They have said they are looking into other cultures' scary things. The pic of the Ringmaster looks like the outfit Chinese vampires wear, and the finger can relate to folklore about fingers and fates.

submitted by /u/Rechan
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Excellent quality bait.

Posted: 17 May 2018 03:03 PM PDT

So, free weekend?

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:27 AM PDT

I've seen posts regarding a free weekend coming up this weekend. Does anybody know when exactly it starts?

submitted by /u/mike_steele
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Everyone's reaction to the dedicated server answer.

Posted: 17 May 2018 06:24 PM PDT

Nice Killer?

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:56 AM PDT

Last night, I was playing solo against a Michael Myers. All of my teammates were downed except myself. Long story short, we all escaped. I get a message from the Killer expecting hate, but he said GG and said we were really good and he just wanted he daily to stalk people. My life has been forever changed since...

submitted by /u/DBD_boi
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Little sister made a mini Huntress and Trapper’s mask while I was playing. Thought they were cute so I wanted to post!

Posted: 17 May 2018 04:56 PM PDT

Developer Q&A Session #1 - Summary

Posted: 17 May 2018 09:24 PM PDT

Video Summary for Dead By Daylight Q&A Session #1 (The First of Its Kind)

Link to Video on YouTube [34min]

Things that are in-quotes are taken directly from the video.

If there are any formatting issues, please let me know.

On the Show Today

  • Not_Queen - Community Manager
  • Louis McLean - Gameplay Programmer
  • Stefan Horvath - Game Designer


The Wraith Quality of Life adjustments in winter were nice, but not enough to make his gameplay suited for high ranks. These buff suggestions have been posted before, would you consider them:

  • Remove lightborn, and change the related add-ons.
  • Built in windstorm that stacks with add-ons.
  • Decreasing his uncloak time.
  • Lesson/Remove the shimmer.

Stefan - "These are all things, when we did the actual Wraith Cube, that we considered. The built-in windstorm was something that was asked for for a long period of time."

Not_Queen - "Why did we not go with this?"

Stefan - "In terms of the cube itself, we couldn't do everything that we wanted to do, and we wanted to cite certain things to improve over others (such as the uncloak time)."

Louis - "I think it requires a lot more iteration on that particular mechanic. We had an interesting concept for the new curve. We didn't just make it so he takes longer to uncloak—"

Not_Queen - "It's just the feeling you have when you play it."

Louis - "We adjusted the speed that he's moving at the various points. There was a curve that was kinda like straight, and then we made it like a parabola; and I think where the parabola dips, it just doesn't have a very good control feel—like you're moving through molasses."


Not_Queen - "Are those suggestions we're going to relook at...?"

Stefan - "One of the great things about the opportunity of being developers of a live product is that we can constantly look at these things. Nothing is necessarily set in stone, and we can always look to adapt or change depending on the reaction we get from the public. For things such as decreasing the cloak time or having less of an imposing uncloak, I think that's completely true and we should definitely look at."

Stefan - "With the new roadmap and system in place, these things should be revisitable a lot easier. Some changes here or there as time goes on."

Stefan - "As much as The Wraith is a character that we love, we also need to give attention to our other Killers—Freddy, at the moment. I know you guys have been asking for changes and whatnot. We have a ton of ideas. We're not going to just focus on singularly Killers. The love is to be spread around for everyone."


Stefan - "Recently, we noticed there's a bug where it takes a while for his terror radius to go away [when cloaking]. A lot of Wraith players who were running down for the denial of Borrowed Time and your terror radius is actually starting to fade at the end of the cloak, which means they're still in your terror radius."

Not_Queen - "So basically: they get Borrowed Time and you're frustrated."

Louis - "We took a look at terror radius, and there are things that change your terror radius (add-ons, abilities, etc.). And when we would decrease the terror radius fast, it was very obvious to Survivors. We had an idea where the terror radius fades so it's much harder to tell if it's because somebody activated an ability or because they walked away."

Stefan - "With that being said, the change we are aiming to do would be to start fading the terror radius at about halfway through the cloak."


When will the huge Perk Rework come out?

Stefan - "We were looking for Christmas [of this year]... To do all the perks in one balance patch would be quite interesting. I don't think every perk needs to be adjusted; would be a little overkill. What we should expect is smaller groupings of perks that are fixed, perhaps with certain thematic aspects—"

Not_Queen - "For example, all the Hex perks."

Stefan - "It could be all the Obsession perks; it could be just Laurie and her perks; Laurie and Myers'."


Not_Queen - "So what we showed a few weeks ago with Decisive Strike [is] not coming right now?"

Stefan - "That is not coming the PTB or in June. We will be looking to do that in the next PTB. Whether it's gonna be in the form of 'Broken' where you'll be unable to heal yourself [once you use it], like No Mither, or another completely different thing."

Not_Queen - "Some people like the idea of [having] to use it on first pickup and [being 'Broken' for the rest of the match] so if you get caught early you use it 'now or not.' "


Not-Queen - "Back to the Perk Rework. The idea would be to have a few changes to specific perks in every patch."

Louis - "That would be great. I think that would be ideal."

Not_Queen - "[Maybe] a larger Perk Rework, but it's not gonna be all of them at the same time."


Louis - "Speaking of 'themed' perk reworks, characters will be starting with their own perks unlocked?"

Not_Queen - "I'm not sure we already said that..."

Louis - "So [it's] very interesting because it essentially turns characters that you haven't leveled up into a whole bunch of different loadouts that you can try. So it would be great if each character had a default loadout that had some kind of synergy. For example, if we could adjust all the perks such that 'I wanna play healer, I'm gonna play Claudette; I wanna play a teamplayer, and [I] go to Dwight."


Any plans on reworking Totem Perks and Totem mechanics in general?

Stefan - "Biggest thing for me for Totems right now is that a Survivor can spawn with a Totem right in front of them; definitely something we want to fix. We'd like to look at the model itself—maybe it's too bright? The noise that it's making as well."

Louis - "How would you guys feel if the Hex Totems didn't look any different from the Dull Totems, and you would only find out what you broke after?"

Stefan - "The fact that Hexes don't work like other actions in the game because they don't have skillchecks. Hexes might actually have skillchecks at some point? There's people talking about a Totem that acts as like a decoy or an aura reader."


Not_Queen - "There's a lot of questions about warning the Survivors about the Hex Totems. When you get your first skillcheck on a generator, you're aware that there is Lullaby even though it's not affecting you yet."

Stefan - "The whole thing needs to be ironed out and made clear and consistent."


Will it be possible to get rid of items / add-ons we do not want?

Stefan - "If we were to let you break down your items and then everyone comes into games with Mori's and Tombstones, I feel like it might get a little unfun."

Not_Queen - "So when we were talking about [the] Bloodpoint Economy which we want to be careful with because we don't want people to have too much good stuff, that is something you guys are a bit scared about a crafting system?"

Stefan - "It's gonna be one of our conditions when we make this. [Maybe] modifying add-ons, different abilities, and problematic perks would help alleviate the situation?"

Louis - "Maybe instead of crafting, the answer is going back and finding all those things that you want to destroy and making them a little more fun so you don't want to wreck them."

Not_Queen - "Are we even close to starting on this?"

Louis - "No."

Stefan - "No."

Not_Queen - "So don't get your hopes up. This is something we're considering way down the line. We know you want it; it's something we want to look into, but it's totally not in the plans right now."


What are the plans to improve lobby functionality? Filters? Hiding Survivors?

Stefan - "We were looking into [showing] perks and add-ons to all Survivors. In a handshake effect: after you go into game, we would like to hide the Killer's add-ons and whatnot until everyone's dead."

Louis - "That's a bit of a trade-off there, because when I finish the match, I like to check what it is that I just played against. On the other hand, Survive With Friends absolutely do take advantage of that."


There is a lot of matchmaking issues right now. What's up with that?

Louis - "It doesn't happen all the time; it's not an easily reproducible problem on our end. This probably means it has to do with the location and population rather than just a general matchmaking problem. We have QA investigating it. We don't have anything to announce at the moment."

Not_Queen - "Do you think that's the same thing that's happening on every platform?"

Louis - "What happened around the time these issues started cropping up? Reports of this started happening after the Emblems System, which may have changed the distribution of ranks compared to what we had before. I can't confirm that's the problem, it just seems like the most-likely culprit (or it's part of a more-complicated problem)."


Will the Emblems System be adjusted further, and if so will it be included in the Anniversary update in June?

Louis - "I can confirm that there have been lots of adjustments to the Emblems—numerical tweaks. [They] all still work they used to work, but the numbers required to reach the various specials have been adjusted. I believe that is going to be included in the June patch. You'll be able to play with it on the PTB, so keep an eye out for that."

Not_Queen - "What should it change in the gameplay perspective?"

Louis - "Absolutely nothing. Your gameplay will remain unchanged. This is just a change to what Emblems you can expect to see in the tally screen."

Stefan - "As a Survivor, it seems we've made it a little easier to achieve certain Emblems. It was mostly adjustments to make some things a little easier to achieve, as I believe there was complaints about Lightbringer."

Not_Quene - I know everyone was like, 'I escaped, so I should have Iridescent [Unbroken].' "

Louis - "That's not gonna change. The design of the Emblems hasn't changed. There were a couple of bugs that did get fixed: in Evader, there was an unintended cap on the number of points you could get in a single chase. I believe it has been fixed."


Do you have any plans on new game modes?

Stefan - "We've done a brainstorm of new game modes. I believe we're gonna be doing them for events, mostly."

Not_Queen - "So how would it work? I started the game, and I can only start the event game-mode..."

Stefan - "I don't believe so. You probably have an option to play both of them, but it could be subject to change. We haven't done the full design on that just yet, that I'm aware. As for the modes themselves, it can range anywhere from having no cooldowns whatsoever to having a Dwight Basement Party and you can't leave the basement except on a hook."

Louis - "I wanna four Dwights trying to deliver pizza, and the Killer has to try to stop them from getting into the basement."

Not_Queen - "So it would be like an optional game-mode for events."

Stefan - "Yeah, and it would be a tweak on our current mechanics in the game. We're looking for things that aren't grand changing things with new scoreboards and whatnot."


Dedicated servers when?

Not_Queen - " 'It is something we are definitely considering, but it is not on the timeline yet because transferring peer-to-peer to dedicated servers is a huge deal. It takes resources, money, and time. We're scoping this, and we'll see (what the future brings)."


With the new shop system, we can unlock things with playtime, right? Do we start with shop release at zero or count my actual in-game time?

Not_Queen - "Everyone's going to start with the shop release with zero. We're gonna have a player level system that's gonna allow you to level up in the game by playing games. You play games, you level up. Every time you level up, you get in-game currency you can buy stuff in the store."

Louis - "Is that different from you rank and Bloodweb level?"

Not_Queen - "It is. It's kind of like a player account level."

End of Video

"Join us Thursday May 24th at 2PM EST"


Edit: "Meyer's" and "Meyers'" are now, properly, "Myers' ". :3

submitted by /u/Spoiled_Soul
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The moto of DBD devs

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:05 PM PDT

Yoonz playing Freddy; Chat loved this, but man.. the poor poor Laurie.

Posted: 17 May 2018 11:53 PM PDT

Which killers attract the nicest/ the most toxic people?

Posted: 18 May 2018 11:41 AM PDT

Is it any correlation between Killers and players? Like in League of Legends - Master Yi is usually toxic as fuck, while Braum is almost always chill. It's a popular opinion that Myers attracts the calmest players. Is it right?

submitted by /u/Falcon3x3
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Why did i just lose all my progress? (Xbox1)

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:11 AM PDT

Ended a game then tried to load another and then it glitched or something now all my progress is gone. Everything. Am i fucked?

submitted by /u/WEsellFAKEdoors
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