Learn Dota 2 - Why do high skill players usually only buy 1 TP-scroll?

Why do high skill players usually only buy 1 TP-scroll?

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:39 PM PDT


i am wondering why do high level players only get one tp scroll each time, then they use it and have zero. So they have to run to the side-shop and get another one when they need it again thus waisting some time.

I usually always buy 2 Scrolls before i tp out of base so i have the next one ready when the cd runs out.

Is this wrong? What is the concept behind buying only one? I dont get it =)

submitted by /u/sal696969
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A Spectre Spammer's Confession (1200+ games Spectre Guide)

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:35 PM PDT

This post is a cross-post from r/dota2

Five years ago, I wrote a somewhat well received guide to 6.7x Medusa (https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1ayywm/drfluffys_pub_favorites_medusa/), with over 200k subscribers. (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=133944460)

Before updating that dusa guide, I must admit, that in the past five years, I've found a new love! A new spam, SPECTRE! 1200 games later, it's time for a new pub-favorite.

Behold, a somewhat comprehensive guide to Spectre, actually longer in word counts than a scientific paper describing randomized clinical trial in cancer patients I've recently submitted. After you read this, you'll become so cancerous that even chemocopter cannot stop you.

For reference, I am playing in the Divine 2-3 bracket, currently at 5050 MMR.

Subscribed to the shortened guide here. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1387505832

1. Why Play Spectre

Spectre is a GREAT hero to learn and grow with Dota. I've been playing spectre for the past 5 years and I still learn something new everyday! She is a great hero for beginners as she rewards patience and careful play and punishes enemy hubris and careless positioning. She is somewhat mechanically demanding than other heroes to achieve a comparable MMR with, yet more demanding on cognitive skills/strategies to play well. She is an "old man's" hero in my opinion as playing her well is often more mental than reflex.

Spectre is the quintessential Dota hard carry. She is THE weakest laner in all of DOTA but is the strongest late game carry. In 7.15, it outcarries ALL other heroes under normal game conditions, 1v1 or team fight. She has a very low skill floor as position 1 play with spectre is mechanically easier than the other role, yet has a vast skill ceiling that extends beyond Divine 5. A spectre player can be impactful from level 6 to 3 hours in.

And then...there is THE RUSH. The feeling of overcoming incredible odds and in. The feeling of standing tall and achieve victory, from a humble beginning. The feeling of peace and comfort even with 10k gold deficit, knowing that your victory is just right around the corner. A spectre game is never lost as long as the player chose not to give up.

If you are choosing a hero to spam, look no further than Spectre.

2. Characteristics of a Good Spectre Player

A great spectre player must be a great carry player. The MOST important thing when playing spectre is a healthy state of mind that can be summed up by ONE word: RESILIENCE. Spectre players are masochists, because their hero is so weak, and often misunderstood. They will be berated early game. They will be dived upon, they will be called out by their enemy for being weak. Spectre is such a weak laner, that even the very best players can expect to lose laning stage for their team roughly 50% of the time. A won lane definitively translate into won game. In fact, if you won lane as a spectre but lost the game, YOU have thrown.

As a result, a good spectre player will never give up. She will continue to play to her best until the throne is down. She will not sell items, walk down mid, or abandon. She will not be tempted to buyback unnecessarily or rage in all chat because early game disadvantage.

A good spectre player is an appreciative, positive player. Spectre is NOTHING with her supports and her utility heroes. They will be thankful for each pull, each tp their supports provide early game, and they will be humble for each haunt used to save their support once they have grown into the unstoppable force they deserve to be.

Lastly, a good spectre player is a cerebral player. They may be older, or just not the twitchiest player, but they plan each and every step, and put themselves first. While one must be self-less in teamwork, a spectre player MUST be greedy in game play. Take all the farm you can take. Take all the kills you can take. Spectre is one of the MOST effective hero in translating gold to useful hero damage.

Mechanically, a beginner spectre player should be familiar with the following techniques

- Last hitting: Player should be able to last hit every single creep and deny some of the creeps in the last hit trainer

- Familiarity with terrain: Player should be able to abuse elevation and cliffs with spectral dagger.

- Minimap usage: Player should check the minimap at least once every 10 seconds, more frequently if teams are about to fight.

- Spell usage: appropriate use of dagger to farm.

- Usage of quick-buy: Buy components if you are certainly to die to use up unreliable gold.

Mechanically, an advanced spectre player should be familiar with the following techniques

- dodging spells with unobstructed movement: each 300 damage spell dodged is equivalent to a 2000 to 3000 gold HP item, not to mention to break their stun.

- familiarity with the limitation of a spectral-chase: spectre can chase harder than many heroes, but understanding how far you can chase without being out of position is vital. Comes with experience.

- Manta style based micro control: using manta style to farm as well as using manta to dodge spells. Remember you can assign control groups to your manta-illusions by control plus a numerical key of your choice. I recommend a group for spectre + illusions, a group for spectre herself, and a group for just her illusions.

- Juke spots and vision abuse: learn those spots to escape ganks while farming.

- Predict farming location by awareness of enemy locations.

- DO NOT DIE WITHOUT BUYBACK LATE GAME: It's vital to play conservatively when you don't know where the enemies are. Don't try to solo push if you have no idea where they are. Don't get caught by smoke.

- Haunt to escape ganks.

3. Drafting

Laning is the hardest part of playing spectre. In a way, she's the hardest of all heroes to play from level 1 to 6 and the easiest of all heroes to play at level 25 (Just press R). Before going into the laning phase, there is the drafting phase.

First, you must quickly figure out who is playing carry. I always roll, but I let my teammates know about my history with spectre (dotabuff profile and a high win rate helps). Spectre CAN BE played in the offlane but require specific setup and everyone must be on board with that. If people are tilted by spectre carry or offlane, don't pick her.

Announce your intention early about your pick. If your support is kind enough to ask for pick suggestions, support with strong spell damage spam and ability to push lane is useful in a dual lane. Examples include

- Jakaro

- Shadow Shaman

- Skywraith mage

- Silencer

In the safe lane, spectre maybe dual-laned or tri-laned. I personally prefer a dual lane in pubs. Trilanes are seen in higher bracket and pro games and can be very useful to secure spectre's farm. In my opinion however, a pub trilane can often create a "lose all lane" scenario if enemy counter with another trilane. Almost other trilanes are stronger than spectre based trilane. If they pick good laners vs. your other lanes that are now forced to solo, you can easily lose all lanes.

Spectre should be picked as 4th or 5th unless the metagame picks up and she becomes second or third pick. As of mid-May 2018, Spectre is just "sleeper OP" and does not need to be picked early. In the current patch, spectre should be picked after enemy offlane pick is revealed.

4. Dual laning

I prefer dual lane. As mentioned above, support with strong damage spam and ability to push lane is useful. As I mentioned above, picking trilane for a spectre create a draft disadvantage. A strong spectre player, through the virtue of their strong laning skill, survive, and even thrive in a dual lane. This is INCREDIBLY powerful, because ANY lane with a spectre in it that is not UTTERLY lost is a won lane. Lane involving even trade, even against enemy carries, is a won lane. For example, say you are an offlane spectre with lich. You did not die at all, got your levels and 60% of safelaner last hits while the enemy gyrocopter free farmed. I can tell you right now that you have utterly won this lane.

As the weakest laner of all DOTA, Spectre does not have great follow up damage for early kills. She does, however, have a great slow/utility spell in the form of dagger. Coupled with strong damage from support, spectre can potentially kill. I find heroes that offer strong stun but weak damage less effective in laning stage due to inability for spectre to output enough damage to kill during the stun duration. Basically, spectre slows, and support do the damage, and spectre last hit in an early kill scenario.

More commonly however, spectre dual cannot even kill. Your hope, is then, to outlast the enemy. This is where incredible amount of regen come in. I go to lane with THREE set of tangos and buy regen as necessary. Spectre dagger can also remotely interrupt healing salves. This is where your spammy dual lane come in. By utilizing the power of attrition, you turn your weak lane into a survivable lane where you can stay to get XP and gold. If you are even with the offlaner, you won.

Playing aggressive to a degree is important. Just like a cat positioning herself to seem more intimating, if you aggressively trade with offlaner (backed by your ample regen), you can often win a psychological edge. Spectre loses in trades with most offlane Heros due to her poor stats, but if they are not familiar with that fact or show weakness and leave the safety of the creep, desolate levels can really wear them down. However, do not get into unnecessary fights. Gold and levels are the most important.

A good spectre player MUST be incredibly good at controlling the creep equilibrium and last hitting. You want it to be as close to your tower as possible. I do not like supports like lich in the safelane due to the creeps constantly pushing in, which create risk for her to be dove upon.

In summary, the crux of laning a spectre in a dual lane is to do what it takes to get as many last hits possible. Aim to disrupt and wear down the offlaner to get them out of your lane, get them frustrated. Laning as a spectre is a game of survival and small chip damage to the enemy, while watch carefully about potential dives.

5. What if my lane is utterly lost?

First, let's define lost lane. As I mentioned earlier, any lane where spectre farmed more than 60% available creep score and did not die more than once before level 6 can be considered a won lane if the spectre player is a competent carry. But you can expect to lose lane worse than that roughly 50% of the time, depends on the current offlane Meta.

All won lanes look the same, but lost lanes can look a bit different. There are few varieties of lost lanes, and here are some common ways to deal with it.

- The tri-on-dual (or tri-on-tri): typically made up by two strong support and one strong carry such as razor. Problem solve this lane by keeping the creep equilibrium close to the friendly tower and focus on farming as well as attrition. In general, if spectre is able to secure some farm, it would not be a lost lane. Alternatively, it may be beneficial to rotate the offlaner up early and dual or trilane their safelaner. The anatomy of this particular lost lane is a fed semi-carry or carry plus one support bully spectre out of lane (who probably died a few times) and another support harassing a different lane. At this point I often ask support to help the other lane in order to untilt my other lanes while I survive on offlane mode somewhere. It can be useful to give up T1 tower so you can safely farm in front of T2 tower.

- The lich-on-dual: typically involve lich or enigma by themselves or plus one, abusing denies. The anatomy of this lost lane is underleveled and slightly under-economied spectre and support. This is frustrating to play but not as utterly lost. In the early stage of this situation it can be useful to turn on the lich/enigma aggressively and try to go for kill by pushing the lane to their tower and enable dives. Later on, the spectre may just have to simply deal with the reduced gold available in this lane until the game progress further.

- The fed solo: one of the worst possibility. A trademark of this type of lost-lane is Timbersaw. I simply ban Timbersaw every game because the numbers of stars that need to align to deal with timber in a spectre lane. In a typical lost lane versus timber, a few ineffective attempts were made to zone him out, but he manage to gain levels and farm. Due to reactive armor he cannot be effectively damaged, and once level 6 hits he just absolutely bully spectre and her support off the lane. Meanwhile, the other lanes are won by the enemy due to the numerical advantage. If you had the misfortune of having Timbersaw picked, the job of surviving the lane is honestly dependent upon your support to spam him out. If he won the lane, it's appropriate to give up T1 early in order to secure safe farming in front of T2 by holding the creep equilibrium there.

In all lost-lane scenario, there are two schools of thoughts. One school rely on teammate to survive through mid-game via a 4 versus 5 approach while farm up extremely greedy item to survive, including the "come back Midas" and straight to radiance. In my opinion, this approach tilts your teammate and often do not have a good outcome. The other school of thoughts, which I subscribe to, rely on being in fights frequently in addition to farming as well as buying small items with good build up using quick buy, in order to catch up by AOE gold mechanic. It's often very effective. Spectres found themselves in this situation should build simple but useful items such as blade mail and diffusal blades. Take care not to be too aggressive when weak, otherwise you'll be straight feeding.

5. Offlaning the Spectre?

Yes, Spectre can be played in the offlane. It often tilts people because pro-players don't do it, but this is something I have personally attempted often. I personally have played 121 ranked match as spectre on the offlane with a 61.1% win rate. This is actually higher than my life time win rate of 60.6% overall over more than 1200 spectre games.

To explore why offlane as a spectre is viable, we must go back to the anatomy of a typical Dota lane again. The dominant Dota lane setup is 2-1-2 over time. Typically, this is made up by a safelane with support, an offaner plus/minus support and a midlaner. Focusing on the offlane, most offlaner are chosen for their superb laning ability.

Now, look at spectre. In a way, ANY lane the spectre goes to is the offlane because she is such a weak laner. Again, the goal of spectre laning is to SURVIVE. Given equal skill, an offlaner with bristleback or Brewmaster will ALWAYS beat a spectre. As we know, whenever spectre is picked, the enemy offlaner often pick extremely strong laner to bully. This instantly cause a disadvantage.

Meanwhile, as an offlaner, spectre absolutely cannot threaten the enemy carry, nor can she threaten the support. She does shine (weakly) in one thing: survival. She can dagger into trees to obtain levels, which allow her to fight early. She is level dependent and even small amount of gold translate well into hero damage due to design of her hero. She can survive moderately well.

And this is the heart of why spectre offlane, one of the greediest approach in Dota, can actually work. I first ask my teammates to see if they are fine with me taking her offlane, and once I made sure that no one will be tilted, I will pick spectre as early as possible, creating the illusion of a greedy first pick carry player. Enemies often respond with Heroes counters such as necrophos that may not be even meta. Subsequently, our other lanes, completely normal and strong, are revealed.

At this time the enemy is faced with a problem. They can devote a trilane to shut down my carry, but this allow myself and plus/minus 1 support to face their solo offlaner and turn their offlane into my safelane, while their trilane face a harder than expected proper dual or trilane. Even if I have to solo versus a hero, it's often their carry rather than their offlaner, which allow me to get away with more than expected amount of farm as the proper way to play for enemy carry is to mutually farm with me. Shall their carry try to zone me out solo, they are losing out in their position 1 farm. Shall they take their carry to the aggro-tri, they are often faced with a stronger aggro trilane, especially because people tend to pick late game carries to counter spectre in pubs, creating a weak trilane versus my own. Shall they pit their offlane against me, I still often come out better than facing a trilane.

If they chose to dual or trilane their own carry against me, depends on skill level, I am often able to get away with moderate to low farm and decent levels and transition into a spectre full of smaller, fight now items like Urn or blade mail to help surviving through the mid game. The late game becomes easy as spectre becomes a position 1.5 or even position 1, completely outshine the enemy composition through greed.

What can make this setup extremely strong is Lich. A Lich plus spectre dual lane, focusing on creep equilibrium and denies in the offlane, is extremely punishing to an enemy safelane dual or trilane. Most offlaner cannot reliably deal with this lane as well.

6. Mid Game

Blade mail is key to the mid game spectre. While many items like radiance and butterfly are "win-more" items, blade mail can potentially allow a heavily behind spectre to come back. It is especially good against heros that have unavoidable damage such as Luna. The key to use blade mail is either to activate it when unavoidable damage occurs (such as during Eclipse) or early in the 1 vs. 1 just after you haunt onto an enemy, making them hesitant to damage you while you damage them, creating an unfair exchange.

Spectre has two major power spikes. The first one occurs shortly after level 6, when you have two or three chances to snowball via haunt. My item build is designed to help you take advantage of this timing with smaller, fight now items like Ring of Aquila and Urn of Shadows, as well as blade mail. Those items also have great build up and help you not to lose money if ganked. Weave in and out of fights using dagger and urn heals.

The first weak period after laning stage is mid game, when much of your net worth is being saved up for radiance. I am of the philosophy that "If you are dying from ganks and losing gold, you need this gold". Basically, if the game is in such a state that you are actually dying, even dying once will make radiance rush impractical as enemy will try to gank you again and again and you will fall further. If I am about to die once in the mid game, I will purchase diffusal or Yasha to prevent gold loss. I keep purchasing non-radiance items until I save up enough to get relic in one go without dying or the game goes beyond 50 minutes and radiance is no longer appropriate.

Conversely, if you find yourself having 3800 gold before smaller items like Aquila or blade mail, get the relic! The earlier, the better.

Contrary to popular belief, getting a radiance itself is not a major power spike in my opinion. Actually, this is a perilous time as most spectre games are lost during this time. Spectre players often relax a little and play a little careless after obtaining such a landmark item. Buyback, by definition, is not available. Most of your net worth at this point is in an item that does meager magical AOE damage and offer no HP or magical resist. If a spectre is caught out at this time, a team with comparable farm and high ground siege oriented items can simply take the game. As a result, while it's fine to try to take a team fight immediately after getting radiance, take care to not overcommit, especially not to die, as radiance only spectre is weak.

The second major powerspike, with spectre dominating the game after, is after achieving two big items (manta + radiance, manta + abyssal or manta + heart). At this time, simply press R.

7. Late Game

Press R.

8. Carry one versus one

Ah, the 1v1, the most blood pumping situation of them all. When I first started to play Dota, spectre, medusa and faceless void pre-rework were the holy trinity of hard carries. Faceless void was considered to be "the 1v1" hero. After many, many changes, I believe that now spectre late game is not only the best AOE team fight hero, but also the best one versus one hero as well. She has the best late game steroids: massive effective HP, ability to reflect damage and INSTANT gap closer. She has an edge of Medusa during 1v1 simply due to her ability to utilize melee version of the abyssal blade.

Core of late game 1v1 is the abyssal blade. It's truly a game winning item. After its recent buff in stun duration, 3 seconds of unreliable stun (random stun followed by active) and at least 1.5 seconds of reliable stun can be achieved, not to mention the damage, increase health as well as damage block. Did I mention that the damage block is calculated after dispersion, making it especially effective on spectre?

Most late game team fight begin with spectre haunting on support while enemy carry also cutting into the backline. So 1v1 scenario typically start as either a haunt based gank or team fight scenario.

A haunt based gank can be useful if the hero in question is clearly isolated and has low HP, making the first reveal of abyssal blade a certain death. Example include haunt gank on sniper or ember spirit. Simply haunt, abyssal, and hope your damage and luck hold out. Don't haunt onto them if you are being jebaited, obviously.

In a more team fight scenario, you are fighting against their carries one vs. one somehow while the supports are dead or off dueling to the side. One or both of you may be low in health. Unless you have buy back, I do not recommend 1v1 the enemy carry with no vision (that's how you lose games!). If you are reasonably sure that no one else is around can hurt you and you can take them (which needs experience that this guide cannot provide), you may want to use dagger to approach from an odd angle, giving you pathing to pull out over cliff if need be. I do not recommend 1v1 if you don't have at least one of the following: blade mail / manta active ready / abyssal.

The rest is easy, just get on them, use manta. If they BKB, use abyssal. If they try to hit you, use blade mail.

6. Useful Tips and Pearls

- If you can, always try to dagger more than one hero.

- Spectre + Keeper of the light is actually a really nasty lane. The key for that is Chakra magic powered dagger spam. The spectre dagger, if spammed, is an immensely powerful laning tool that most offlaner cannot withstand. Just simply spam them out of lane from 2000 units away.

submitted by /u/DrfluffyMD
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A few tips for people trying to improve in general - Part 3

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:35 PM PDT

link to part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/comments/8k02gj/a_few_tips_for_people_trying_to_improve_in/

  1. If you have backpacked ur extra tp scroll and is on cooldown longer than the regular tp cd , there is a way to refresh it . go to the shop , drop the tp in ur inventory(which is on cd) on the ground and buy a new one and pick the old one up and now u should have 2 tp scroll off cd ready to use. While we are talking about tp scrolls , remember there is extra tp durations added to places where ur allies have tped to recently(except base). so when u are mass tping (2/3 tps) to a respond to a gank , try to tp to shrine nearby if possible so that u guys will reach faster and maybe u can cut some people off trying to escape.When you TP to a tower, don't tp to enemy vision ,try to aim towards the woods, outside their vision.

  2. About Glyphs & Scans. Glyph of fortification cooldown refreshes when an allied tier 1 tower is destroyed so be sure to use it on ur tier 1s even if u are not gonna defend/deny it to waste more of enemy's time and make more space for ur team. Sometimes its not worth it to glyph ur tier 2 , if u know there is a big push coming to ur tier 3/high ground soon after , so in that case, please let the tier 2 fall, and don't commit any resources to defending it. Scans can be used to scout out smoke ganks. That kind of intuition on when the enemies are smoking comes with map awareness and more experience in reading the map and guessing where the enemies could be ,derived from the state of map in the last 30 seconds (where the enemies where spotted, what they were doing, objectives up,etc). You will get better at these kind of stuff as u play more and is real important in climbing high mmr brackets. One very important thing! Scans DO NOT REVEAL ENEMIES INSIDE ROSH PIT. so please stop using it to check whether the enemy ursa is soloing rosh at minute 15. It won't work and u'll be wasting a valuable resource for ur teamachka.

  3. While using smokes , its is often a very good idea to drop a sentry down (at the place of smoking) to check whether enemy has vision of the place, so that u dont waste time/get Jebaited into a trap. Also the order of heroes going into the enemy jungle is very important. Someone with an instantaneous stun should always be leading the gank party(say slardar/sandking).While smoking always try to take the path with the higher ground and try not walk up a ramp where enemies might be present, it gives you less time to react to the situation. Illusions dont cancel smoke of deceit. So if ur smoke doesnt pop, dont attack that PL illusion :( Invis heroes reveal ur smokes, so please carry a dust/sentry when the enemy has any forms of invisibility and pop it as soon as ur smoke breaks.Also smoking as 4, while ur carry pushes aggressively can be a really good stratergy. Solo smoking as a support to get deep wards in behind their line of vision is also really good. Smoking in the fountain once u load in , helps ur offlaner get to his lane faster to ward/ helps u plant a great ward on the enemy mid's high ground.

  4. Respect the fog of war. Don't run up hills if you don't have vision of the enemies. I think this point is REALLY REALLY important so im gonna leave it at that.

  5. As u climb mmr, people will be playing better and therefore lesser and lesser heroes will be viable. You will be moving closer to the meta and therefore non-meta items/heroes/heroes in non-meta roles will be punisher harder. I've tried to explain this in my amazing paint masterpiece Krappa. So, as u go higher in mmr brackets, its time to invest more time into learning meta heroes and meta items(battlefury cough) and how to execute them.

  6. Make urself familiar with exp range and day/night vision range in game. I can type numbers like 1500 exp range and 1800 day vision but those dont mean anything if u dont get used to those numbers in games. so go to a private lobby with cheats on and type dota_range_display 1500 in the console and u will see a circle of 1500 radius following ur hero. Now u can see how far u can stand from the dying unit while getting exp. This is very important for playing support,mid and offlane. You generally dont wanna be soaking ur carry's exp so beware of where u stand in respect to the dying creep wave. In offlane , if u are having a hard lane u can hide in tree in exp range for some ez levels. In mid, if you have aggroed melee creeps onto ur range creep (usual creep aggro trick to get a good creep equilibrium) make sure u atleast get exp for the dying range creep on the enemy hill (if u can't contest the gold). Carry players BrokeBack.

  7. Dont forget about new items. while i was playing at low mmr, i see people not buying nullifiers/ aeon disk,etc. Make sure u get familiar with these items and learn when to buy them. Nullifier is a really good item and its sad to see people ignore it and going for old item builds.

  8. Allied heroes within 1300 radius of a killed enemy, including the killer, receive experience and reliable gold if they assisted in the kill. To qualify for an assist, the allied hero merely has to be within the given radius of the dying enemy hero . Quoted from dota wiki. So if u see a kill happening and u are playing support make sure to get in the 1300 range even u are not gonna contribute to the kill , it will give u a ward or 2 and one of the main sources of income for supports.

  9. If u plan on playing support, watch this video and implement in ur games. U can't be playing support without these basics and one of the main videoes that helped me learn how to support back in the day.

  10. Have fun guys! Remember dota is a brilliant game with so much complexity. While playing solo queue ranked can be really stressful at the end of the day , remember its just a game and try to chill out and have fun. It is also really important to improving in this game.

  11. If u wanna practice ur shooting skills, land at Tilted towers and try to frag out. If u wanna practice building, land at Wailing woods/Lonely Lodge and farm up and make urself familiar with building.

Joke aside guys, i had a alot of fun writing these posts and learnt alot myself(thanks to all those who corrected my mistakes :) ) .Hope you learnt something from these posts. Let me know. Im actually planning on making Hero-specific tips which are really important and don't get mentioned often. So, If you'd like guides/tip& tricks post on any specific hero, tell me in the comments. I'm a support main, so i'm more familiar with most support heroes. This post marks the end of the 'General tips to improve' posts. I'll make more of these in the future if i get enough material/content. Also hit me up if u wanna play some chill games together or have any more questions. Peace!

submitted by /u/prabh94
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Where am I going wrong?

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:06 AM PDT

Hey guys.

First of all thanks for taking the time to view this post.

I am a carry player, 1.8K MMR and I'm having some real trouble winning games lately.

I have gotten to around 2.4K MMR in the past, however spammed Brood in an attempt to learn the hero and dropped down to 1.8K.

I cannot climb back up to 2K, and 1.8K seems a lot harder than 2K for reasons I can't quite articulate.


That is my Dotabuff and I am looking for some feedback from you guys on anything I may be doing wrong, where I can improve etc.

Any feedback is very much appreciated.

I am playing out of the EU West server if anyone has any interest in coaching a noobie like me.

submitted by /u/Braxtapose
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The affects of armor reduction on damage (infographic)

Posted: 17 May 2018 09:00 PM PDT

Please, please buy hex as a support in the lategame.

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:24 PM PDT

I always see sub 4k MMR supports buying some useless trash in the lategame such as shivas, octarine, kaya and so on. Hex is a very strong item, especially in the lategame since hex is a very long disable and cannot be dispelled.

submitted by /u/mkzmch
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Rubick hotkeys

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:24 PM PDT

As someone who is a legacy hotkeys user, I never liked the way Rubick's DotA2 hotkeys worked. I started picking him a lot since the cavern update hit and realised his hotkeys still don't function the way they did back in wc3.

For those unfamiliar, the way it used to work is when you stole a spell, the legacy hotkey was automatically assigned to the stolen spell from the hero you got it from.

For example, AM's Blink would be "B", Gondar's Shadow Walk "W", Enigma's BH "B" , ES Echo Slam "C" and so on.

This is especially annoying versus heroes who have spells on "D" which is the default legacy hotkey for stolen spells, but you steal their spell with another hotkey.
Notable examples are Pudge, Rhasta, Mortred...

The worst situation is Pudge for sure, where I keep spamming "T" after a stolen Hook and not "D" which would be his ult.

Is there a way to fix this, or is it just me with this issue?

submitted by /u/eyelezz
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How in the jesus do I counter windranger??

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:27 AM PDT

I'm 3-4k on any given day, Ive got 2000 odd games, and windranger really never hit my radar as a fuck this hero kind of hero, but sweet mother of mercy, I keep getting absolutley pounded by winder ranger. Like, I know to time thing up to counter wind run, I know to get dust when she gets the invis, I know blademail is legit, but I can't kill her in lane, she gets fat, then I cant kill late cause she's faaaaaattt.

submitted by /u/edm_ostrich
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What to do when support auto attacks and draw aggro while" harassing" till the point you don't get a single hit on the first wave?

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:40 PM PDT

It tilts me like hell. I'd much rather they didn't play support. The second I don't get a single last hit there and the fact its because of a " support" is like this poison. In fact I've lost two games just because of this tilt. I play really stupid and if i lag even a little bit the effect just compounds.

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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If the enemy has debuffs on them, does using eul's on the enemy remove the debuffs?

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:39 PM PDT

If the enemy has debuffs on them, does using eul's on the enemy remove the debuffs? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/silly321
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Does feast damage get reflected back on Lifestealer if you call & blademail him as Axe?

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:31 PM PDT

Does feast damage get reflected back on Lifestealer if you call & blademail him as Axe? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/silly321
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Why kunkka core picks in pros meta recently?

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:05 PM PDT

Best way to watch high level replays of heros i want to learn?

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:35 PM PDT

Im trying to learn pudge, and one of the thins i want to do is watch replays from high MMR players.

I try the watch tab, but most of the games are in progress? is there a way to just see replays from the start of heros i want?

edit: also if i use the filter: Pudge on watch, theres a ton of games with just..no pudge? ??

also sometimes when you load into a game that says theres a pudge, there isnt..

submitted by /u/Wolfe244
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Learning Heroes

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:45 PM PDT

I'm looking around for resources to learn the general way to play various heroes, but I can't really find a good place with their general game plan. Any places you guys recommend?

submitted by /u/suspectzz
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Beast Master Aura Lv2 & 4?

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:33 AM PDT

Couldn't find an answer anywhere else.

Why does everyone, including professional players, learn this at lv2 and 4? As off lane also so it pushes the wave/alerts the supports you are in EXP range.

I'm coming back from pre 7.00 when hawk was invisible and wild axes and call of the wild were very different.

Still though, the summons don't get any stronger, they're pretty weak to begin with and they can be used to stack camps/deny runes/etc.

submitted by /u/saviourQQ
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How to reduce ping?

Posted: 17 May 2018 11:40 PM PDT

Hi r/learndota2,

Battle pass recently came out and I've been grinding for at least 3 days now (Cavern Crawl). Currently, I have this one very annoying problem. Lag.

Because of lag, I'm having a problem playing games with heroes that teamfight a lot (already finished the carry route and struggling in utility and support route). How can one reduce lag without spending anything? (I'm connected to an ethernet cable btw)

Btw an additional question: My sister is binge-watching some K-drama series on KissAsian. Does that contribute to the lag? (Considering kiss sites are notorious for having lots of ads)

Help would be appreciated! :)

submitted by /u/axl2468
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Decision making early-mid game

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:10 AM PDT

Hi all,

Was looking for some advice on knowing when I should be farming and when I should be with my team. It often happens when I am carry that I end up being left alone in the safe lane free farming whilst everyone else in the game is fighting on the opposite side of the map. Should I be taking this opportunity to free farm or should I be joining my team and helping them, to avoid them losing 4v5s? It's often around 12-22 mins this happens

I understand it depends. On Clinkz (one of my favs) I lean more towards a solo game of split pushing, but if I am playing someone like CK and WK what should I do?

submitted by /u/ODoggerino
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Last hit trainer

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:04 AM PDT

See idk why but whatever I do range creep ends up on the hill. This makes the equilibrium wonky. I seriously can't figure out how to get 3200+.

With low damage heroes like meepo I'm struggling to get a good score since I can't balance the wave...

Trying to do all the cookie challenges and explode into ranked with meepo haha.

On Meepo I have got 2700 as my max....that's gold but...

Alternatively I would like to aggressively deny that's pretty easy but can't really pull it off always in that damn lh trainer

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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Shift q'ing courier is slower than pressing the 1 hotkey. Am I doing it correctly?

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:56 AM PDT

whenever I press the 1 hotkey that picks up the stash items, delivers it to me and goes back to base automatically its quick.
However recently I have been trying to shift q the courier and I find that when it delivers it to me while my hero moving, it lingers for a little bit before it goes back AFTER i already received my items. Forcing me to stand for a split second.

Does anybody know how to stop this small delay?

submitted by /u/Forchina4
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Would HotD be viable on all safelane carries?

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:32 AM PDT

The regen is insane to get you through the laning stage and creeps can add so much to your hero.

submitted by /u/SexualFetishForToast
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Does death prophet take damage if you have blade mail active while her ghosts are hitting you from her ultimate?

Posted: 17 May 2018 11:37 PM PDT

Does death prophet take damage if you have blade mail active while her ghosts are hitting you from her ultimate? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/silly321
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Help: Forgot what website showed SHORT tips for playing a hero and how to play against them

Posted: 17 May 2018 08:41 PM PDT

Do you guys know of this? It had like hero icons that you just click and the tips would pop up (they were very concise, you hardly need to scroll much).

It had mostly a white background. I've been trying to remember what it is because I think it's so handy for learning to how play (as and against) different heroes without info overload.

Hope y'all know what I'm talking about.

Edit: this has been answered. Thank you!

submitted by /u/cervesista
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Who SHOULS still buys battlefury and who CAN still buy it?

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:00 AM PDT

Title. Obviously Am should buy it, but who else should? Jugg? Is there any replacement item for it currently? Can you still buy it on fringe bf heroes like lifestealer or slark?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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