Heroes of the Storm - So our Muradin leaves to take a sh*t...

So our Muradin leaves to take a sh*t...

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:16 PM PDT

Lost Caverns Brawl

Right after we finish drafting, Mura goes:

"Crap, I need to take a poop"

Muradin has left the game

Team: Are you serious?

Fast forward 12 minutes later

Muradin is attempting to reconnect

We somehow still overwhelmed them (I was playing kt and finished combustion convection at ~2 min so that helped. Clocked 120k hero damage total).

At the core, ending the game (40%)

Muradin has rejoined the game

We win. Mura basically spent the whole time taking care of his business and reconnected just in time for the win

Score screen




TL;DR: Muradin got MVP in the brawl by disconnecting to take a dump, and reconnecting at the last minute.

Edited note: Just realized this might come off as an upset post. It's not. I'm laughing my ass off.

submitted by /u/Qzhuo
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The voice actor behind the Luchihuahua

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:17 AM PDT

If Blizz ever makes a wow map with a wow event, there should be another two quests to choose from (Horde vs Alliance)

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:28 PM PDT

Much like they did with this event, I think this would really fit!

Wow is one of Blizz's most popular games, and many people seem to pref one side over another. I myself like the Alliance better (I can't stand Sylvanas, team Greymane all the way).

I was surprised to see not too long ago, posts on why you pick Lunara over Sonya, and vice versa. Imagine how "heated" people would get over Horde vs Alliance :0

Are you For the Horde, or for the Alliance?

submitted by /u/Mistykat
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[Fanart] I drew a La Catrina Lunara wallpaper - At least she looks cool while she's slowly murdering you

Posted: 28 May 2018 02:16 PM PDT

The fix Chen really needs.

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:20 PM PDT

While playing our favorite rotund hero, I noticed a major problem.

You can't use sprays while using Wandering Keg. This means drive by spraying is not a possibility. We need to be able to spray while pinning an opponent to a tower and he's dying. If we have to wait until Keg has expired the moment is over. The magic is gone.

Please fix, Blizzard.

submitted by /u/Duerfian
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Blizzard, Please Remove Orbital BFG from ARAM Brawls

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:57 AM PDT

Last night I played some ARAM brawls with a streamer, and we had the (dis)pleasure of facing a Hammer comp with limited ways to engage upon her. The game dragged on long enough for Orbital BFG to solo the core.

For those unfamiliar with the brawl, there's no regenerating Core Shield in ARAM, so it's a guaranteed win if Hammer's team stalls out the game long enough.

Orbital BFG is definitely more oppressive than Lava Wave, which isn't pickable in Brawl, therefore Orbital BFG should not be allowed either.

submitted by /u/ChartaBona
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Playing HotS almost killed me

Posted: 28 May 2018 03:13 AM PDT

I lose track of time in here, but last week Tuesday, maybe around 9:30 pm or so, I was just trying to get a few Ranked games in for the night. The last one on Cursed Hollow didn't look so great, me solo tanking on Anub with a Murky on my team split pushing through us losing the first curse in the game, but whatever it's mid-Gold and not like I'm a superstar. I couldn't tell you how now, but we managed to come back in the late game and win somehow. But that's not really the point of the story.

What I remember with crystal clarity is everyone starting to GG in chat with the win. I start typing mine in....and my chest starts to squeeze. And it didn't stop. In the space of a few seconds the squeeze became a vice grip. A few seconds more and that became the worst and most terrifying pain I ever felt in my life. And it wouldn't stop.

Right when it started, my animal brain told me whatever was happening was REALLY bad, and right away it flashed in my head that I was having a heart attack. But then my rational brain took over and pointed out that this isn't possible, you just turned 40, no family heart history, you are being treated for mild GERD, you have anxiety, so this is just acid reflux and your brain twisting it all up.

I suffered through pain for the next few hours trying to convince myself to call the ambulance out. I mean, I didn't clutch my chest and fall over face first like you see people doing on TV. I could still walk and talk, blood wasnt frothing out of mouth or anywhere else. And I thought that if an ambulance came out, said it's reflux, here's an antacid, then I just killed someone who really needed it.

So instead of calling 999 for the ambulance, I kept trying to get through on 111, the nonemergency number. When I finally did, the person on the line went through the the list of all the symptoms and said, "I'm getting an ambulance to come to your home."

Paramedics got there, did an ECG which they said looked fairly normal, but given all the other circumstances they wanted to take me in. So after a short, very nauseating ride to A and E, I was admitted somewhere around 12:30am Wednesday.

After going through more ECGs and lots of blood work, I finally made my sleepless way all they through to a bed in Resusc, I think. Still in tons of pain, for which the doctor gave me one or two full vials of morphine? My memory of that night is really shot to hell. But around 5:30 or 6:00 am, the doctor finally gave me some results.

He said that my ECGs all along the way had been mostly normal, but there were still some small abnormalities. He also told me that one of the blood tests looking for a specific protein indicative of a heart attack was over 5000. Given the other events and symptoms, there was no doubt that I'd had a heart attack.

I had him say it again just to be sure, but I knew it the first time as I started crying then. It was a mix of shock but also utter relief that I wasn't making this all up in my head.

Admitted to HCU not long after that. Had an echocardiogram the next day that showed damage to two arteries and one of my valves. Had an angioplasty the next day to put two stents into my circumflex artery to clear a blockage, and finally pain free in my chest the last two days tho still running a fever that's keeping me here, typing this in the very tranquil Dementia Garden space.

In the end all, wtf does this really have to do with HotS you ask? In part, it's just strangely cathartic to write about all of this. But mostly, I just want to ask players who might be like me to be careful and watch for the symptoms and get treated before you become me.

I've played since Alpha, totally new to Mobas. Made every stupid mistake possible when learning, but managed to get my EU account to Rank 1 solo queuing. Never been Master, in fact my ranks have probably gone down consistently every season, and been banned loads of time for bad chat. I'm just a typical player, not special.

But I love the game. And I hate the game. But it had me hooked. And when I played, I did in fact try hard. And looking back now, I realize I was in fact stressing my body while playing. I'd have my jaw clenched for 20 minutes. I'd grind ranked during a losing streak to keep from launching the laptop. I'd type bad things and be mad and stressed when my teammates didn't put in the same effort. My wrist and shoulders would ache. And even after wins, I didn't feel good, it was more just relief that I didn't lose.

All of this is my fault by the way, I own it. I also know the odds of me changing that intensity in ranked games are slim to none. Tougher to keep up with the kids' reflexes and all that as an old man at 40. I mean, like Coach Edwards said, "You play to win the game....hello?!? You play to win the game. You don't play to just play it."

If any of that sounds familiar to you while playing, I just ask you to take care. It wasn't until doctors asked me to think about it that I realized ordinary tasks had indeed been tougher for me to do and that I'd been getting tired far more easily than usual. I just thought it was because I was 40 and out of shape. The signs were there all along that trouble was possible. The game just put me over the top. If any parts of my story ring true with you, just take a moment and think about your health, please. Especially if you're a gamer closer or over my age

HotS, when I had games where both teams were highly skilled players and all played hard, was the best gaming experience I've ever had. I've always treated it like a version of 5v5 battlegrounds from WoW refined rather than a Moba. Maybe the Devs always have too, who knows. But HotS is also the most stressful game I've ever played, and after this, I know I can't play it ever again.

So no rage quit this time, can't afford those physically anymore. More like retirement I guess. Would have loved to see if PBMMR ever fixed matchmaking. But off to greener and healthier pastures for me now. And please do take care of yourselves if any of this rings true with you.

Thanks for your time today. :-)

submitted by /u/Sinamax
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AI's have seemingly broken. They refuse to follow and are often in the most inconvenient spaces. If they do respond, its by spamming hearth without completing it a few times, mounting once, attempting to hearth once more for good measure, and then screwing off to wherever else they shouldnt be

Posted: 28 May 2018 08:54 PM PDT

Pretty frustrating, games with AI are becoming unplayable. They used to at least land skillshots real well and attempt to be with the team and soak. Now they're just paranoid all over the map.

submitted by /u/zammybars
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As a QM main, I've been having some serious tilt issues lately and this video has done wonders to help.

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:22 PM PDT

Heroes Lounge Season 7 Signups Have Now Opened!

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:31 PM PDT

The European amateur league for Heroes of the Storm opens its doors for its 7th season! To sign up, just head on over to the Heroes Lounge Website. Whether you are a full team, a partial team, or just a free agent, players of all level are welcome to sign up.

Last season was our largest yet with over 170 teams competing for title of Heroes Lounge playoff winner, currently still underway! We are hoping for season 7 to be even bigger.

If you have never heard about us, or what we do, we are a league for anyone who wants to experience Heroes of the Storm in a competetive setting. If you don't have a full team, or are just an individual who wants to participate, we find a team of players for you that match your ability as best as possible. All of our teams are then seeded into 5 divisions in order to give everyone involved the best possible experience. Each week, each team is given a Bo3 match to play at a time that best suits you. This means that even the busiest schedules can have the chance to play.

If you have never experienced Heroes of the Storm in a team based, competitive setting, I truly recommend you give it a go. As u/khaldor put it, its "Heroes of the Storm, the way its meant to be played".

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask, and feel free to head on over to our discord for discussions, nice people, and of course Endless. Sloth. Memes.

Hope to see you in season 7!

gl, hf

submitted by /u/HeroesLounge
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Varian OP Boys!

Posted: 28 May 2018 08:08 PM PDT

Server issues for the past few months and nothing's changed

Posted: 28 May 2018 11:49 AM PDT

Playing ranked now and again the servers are lagging unbelievably hard for like the 100th time in the last couple of months. It's okay for the servers to have issues every once in a while but this is just ridiculous at this point.

Has Blizzard even addressed it ?


submitted by /u/ciliumlol
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[Hero Concept] Winston, Gorilla Genius

Posted: 28 May 2018 07:22 PM PDT

This is my attempt at adding Winston to HotS as a Warrior class. It's a work-in-progress, so feel free to suggest stuff.

Winston, Gorilla Genius

(not my artwork, credit to Nesskain)

General Design
Winston is a highly mobile Warrior who excels at initiating fights and disrupting enemy formations. His high number of knockbacks let him easily force enemies out of position and mess up their movements.


  • High mobility
  • Highly disruptive
  • Decent waveclear
  • Excellent against area damage attacks
  • Good at peeling


  • Low single-target damage
  • Risky and predictable playstyle
  • Slightly lower health than other Warriors
  • Mana inefficient
  • No innate sustain (requires talents)


(expect changes)

Trait - Primal Punch
Every X seconds, Winston's next basic attack against Heroes will deal bonus damage and knock them back a short distance. Basic attacks against enemy Heroes reduce the cooldown.

Q - Tesla Cannon
Winston fires his Tesla Cannon over 3 seconds, dealing continuous damage to enemies caught in a cone in front of him. Winston can move while firing Tesla Cannon, but cannot use basic attacks. This ability can be canceled early.

W - Barrier Projector
Winston places down a shield projector that reduces incoming damage to all allied Heroes within its radius. This can only absorb up to a set amount of damage, and lasts a short time.

E - Jump Jets
Winston leaps to a target location, dealing light damage and knocking back all enemies around his point of impact. Short knockback distance.

R1 - Primal Rage
Winston enrages, gaining bonus health and causing his basic attacks to cleave, damaging and knocking back enemies he hits. Winston cannot use Tesla Cannon or Barrier Projector while using Primal Rage, but can still use Jump Jets. Hitting an enemy Hero during Primal Rage reduces the cooldown of Jump Jets by 1 second.

R2 - (need ideas)

Hero Synergy
Winston works great with teammates who like to dive enemy teams, especially those who can provide the damage that Winston lacks while Winston provides disruption. Heroes like Illidan, Kerrigan, and Sonya can all benefit a lot from Barrier Projector, which excels against area damage attacks. Heroes who can provide Winston with extra survivability for his dives are also a big help, such as Uther and Medivh. Rehgar can also be of help to Winston thanks to Lightning Shield, giving Winston some extra impact during his dives.

Hero Counters
Winston lacks enough damage to burst enemies down, allowing his enemies plenty of time to punish him if he dives too recklessly. Crowd controls, in particular, can leave Winston stranded in a bad spot if he's not careful. Heroes like Stitches, Garrosh and Uther can all peel him off priority targets if they are properly positioned. Being a tank, Winston is also weak against any Heroes who deal a percentage of his health as damage, such as Malthael or Tychus. Duelists like Artanis and Rexxar will also tend to beat Winston in single combat easily.

Anybody want to contribute?

submitted by /u/darkdill
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Love goddes tyrande cosplay i found on da

Posted: 28 May 2018 09:12 PM PDT

MINION WAVE MANAGEMENT – A Heroes of the Storm guide by Tempo Storm Glaurung

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:07 AM PDT

Cassia gets deleted from 100 to 0 in 0,1 sec

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:19 PM PDT

Have a Tilt Problem That's Affecting Your Gameplay? Block all Communication at the Start of the Game.

Posted: 28 May 2018 09:04 AM PDT

I have a tilt problem. I don't know if it's related to mental illness, attitude, or my current ranking, but it's there and it's very disruptive to my game. I try to start every draft in a positive space, with a "hi team" and an offer to fill, but inevitably, the first time someone instalocks, afks in base, is over aggressive/defensive or ignores macro play, I start to rage.

I'll spam ping, start flaming in chat, b-stepping... just ugliness that leads to a shitty game. I recognize that this is my problem, as I am the only constant in this equation. Still, recognition hasn't helped me towards preventing this behavior. It's genuinely a "I have issues with self-control" sort of thing that I am a taking the long road on working through it in therapy. I am making improvements but the problem still dogs me.

This weekend, I've found a practical solution to stop raging. I have teamchat disabled and as soon as draft starts, I click through my teammates and block ALL communication. It sounds extreme, but this way I don't see draft chat, team chat, or even pings.

Suddenly, I don't have anybody to single out or blame. Sure, I'm still annoyed by poor play, but instead of directing my malcontent towards another player for a perceived slight, I focus that energy inwards towards my own play.

My illidan just fed 1v2... could I have helped them? How can I mitigate the feed? My thoughts are constructive towards winning instead of destructive towards others, who in all likelihood, are just learning the game.

If you're like me and prone to rage, consider this measure. Try it for a while at least and you will notice a change. Your micro improves without wasting energy on typing, and your macro improves because you're thinking strategically instead of finding the right words to really hurt with the flame. Most importantly, you're making HOTS a better place by cutting out the toxicity and engaging directly with your gameplay.

Some memorial day ramblings. Much love to all my try-hards out there in wooden league going through the same thing. Play Hard. Don't Rage. <3

submitted by /u/rhajii
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E.T.C. Mariachi Mosh Pit

Posted: 28 May 2018 01:22 AM PDT

It seriously needs to be louder. The default mosh pit is loud and overshadows everything else going on. The country mosh pit is a bit softer and harder to hear, but makes sense with the music genre. Mariachi has no excuses though. Have you heard what is sounds like? You probably haven't as it gets overshadowed by everything. In fact, most people don't even know it has new sounds as they are so quiet. In fact, when implementing in game they probably didn't know as it doesn't get a new sound or ability effects when viewing the skin in the menu. Although this is not important, I just hate how unlike the other skins, I can never hear Mariachi's sound in game.

submitted by /u/Stombro
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Baited. /s. Kudos to my team for pulling this off!

Posted: 28 May 2018 09:35 AM PDT

[Hero Concept] Cairne Bloodhoof, Tauren Chieftain (WIP)

Posted: 28 May 2018 08:21 PM PDT

ETC can't be the only Tauren in Heroes of the Storm. We have to show respect for the first elderly Tauren we ever met: Cairne.

General Design

Cairne is a defensive Warrior designed to more-or-less shepherd an ally, peeling dangerous enemies away from them and even redirecting damage an ally would take onto Cairne himself. Cairne is not well-suited to being an initiator, however, as he lacks the mobility and/or agency to dive an enemy team. In essence, Cairne is the ultimate "bodyguard" hero.


Trait - Reincarnate
Upon taking fatal damage, Cairne enters stasis for a few seconds and then reincarnates with a portion of his health and mana. Reincarnate has a long cooldown (i.e. 3-4 minutes), but this cooldown can be reduced by picking a Storm talent (which also improves the amount of health and mana restored by Reincarnate). When an enemy forces Cairne to Reincarnate, they still receive 1/4 of a takedown in experience.

Q - Shockwave
Cairne sends a shockwave in a target direction that damages and slows all enemies in a line.

W - War Stomp
After a moderate delay, Cairne stomps the ground, damaging and stunning all nearby enemies.

E - Spirit Link
Cairne links himself to target allied Hero. As long as the link holds, a large percentage of any damage dealt to the target ally is redirected to Cairne. The link will break if Cairne is too far away from his ally.

R1 - Ancestral Spirit (credit to DJjukebox)
Cairne summons a Tauren Spirit that follows around allied heroes and periodically heals them. Cairne can reactivate the ability to redirect the Tauren Spirit.


(expect changes)

Endurance Aura - Cairne and nearby allies receive bonus attack speed. Cairne also receives an activated ability that temporarily provides bonus movement speed to him and nearby allies. (level 13 or 16)

Hero Synergy

Cairne would synergize well with high-priority allies who need someone to peel for them. Good examples would be Sgt. Hammer, Raynor, or Zul'jin. However, Cairne doesn't synergize all too well with highly-mobile allies like Tracer or Genji, as they can easily get too far away from him for his Spirit Link to do any good. Cairne also shouldn't be counted on to initiate fights for his team, as his lack of mobility would greatly hinder his ability to do so.

Hero Counters

Cairne is vulnerable to being separated from his team, as he can't rejoin them that quickly and his Spirit Link requires that he remain close enough to an ally for it to work. Stukov, Stitches, and Garrosh can all make things difficult for Cairne by displacing him or his teammate. Being a health-centric tank, he'd also be vulnerable to attacks that deal a percentage of his health. As such, Malthael and Tychus would be very effective against him. Finally, any hero who can trap Cairne while he's Reincarnating can doom him after he revives. Nazeebo, Malfurion and Chromie can all use their CC's to trap Cairne upon finishing his Reincarnate.

I still need ideas for a second Heroic ability, so feel free to suggest some.

submitted by /u/darkdill
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Why You Should Try Speedrunning HotS

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:39 AM PDT

Gabriel Tosh Hero Concept with Talents

Posted: 28 May 2018 09:25 AM PDT

Talents and design notes in comments.

Gabriel Tosh - Ranged Assassin

Tosh's basic attacks are fast, damaging, and hit at the standard 5.5 range.

D - Psionic Barrier - Tosh gains shields equal to 100% of the damage he deals for the next two seconds, doubled against heroes. This shield rapidly decays, and Psionic Barrier's duration is reset whenever Tosh damages an enemy hero. 45s cooldown.

Q - Crack Shot - Fire a bullet in a straight line, dealing damage to the first enemy hit. 8s cooldown.

W - Psychic Blast - Place a large circular area of effect within range that detonates after one second. The blast deals massive damage and stuns for two seconds. The damage and stun duration are divided between all targets within the blast. 13s cooldown.

E - Flicker - Tosh becomes invisible, gains 80% movespeed, and can ignore unit collision for 1.5 seconds. 15s cooldown.

R1 - Spectre's Reach - Point and click on an enemy hero within range. For four seconds, Tosh gains 6.5 additional attack range, only against that enemy. 80s cooldown.

R2 - Overwhelm - Point and click on an enemy hero within range. That hero treats Tosh as invulnerable for six seconds. 50s cooldown.

EDIT 1: Clarified Spectre's reach.

EDIT 2: Psionic Shield renamed to Psionic Barrier and clarified.

submitted by /u/equalsnil
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Free-to-Play Hero Rotation: May 29 - June 4, 2018 - Deckard’s first Free Week!

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:15 AM PDT

  • Li Li
  • E.T.C.
  • Zagara
  • The Butcher
  • Kael'thas
  • Artanis
  • Xul
  • Auriel
  • Hanzo
  • Arthas
  • Kel'thuzad (Slot unlocked at Player Level 5)
  • Alarak (Slot unlocked at Player Level 10)
  • Rexxar (Slot unlocked at Player Level 15)
  • Deckard (Slot unlocked at Player Level 20)

Source: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/topic/13604571130?page=9#post-174

Heroic Deals: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/8m1f0j/heroic_deals_may_29_june_4_2018_with_great/

Reset times on May 29nd:


  • Great Razorgrin — Will become purchasable for 10,000 gold until June 25.
  • Diablo's Doubloon — Will no longer be purchasable in the Collection.
submitted by /u/Gnueless
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Anyone else having REALLY bad lag/ freezes lately?

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:37 PM PDT

My PC runs all other games perfectly fine, but 3 times in just this past week, my game froze and forced me to close it out, and by the time I reconnect, the games were already over (fuck the reconnect system). My games had a little bit of lag here and there as well.

Anyone else notice that people on the team (usually 1-3) just DC out of no where, at the same time?

Whatever is going on, this HAS to be a priority for Blizzard to fix.

submitted by /u/Mistykat
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Looking for insights in playing Lt. Morales

Posted: 28 May 2018 07:52 PM PDT

Hi, I like to play as Lt. Morales, but I don't really see much active discussion revolving her gameplay/playstyle. I have a few topics that I'd like to get other players' view on, to try and see if I can't improve my own gameplay!

  1. At critical times, I find myself strapped for energy in a team fight. Any advice for managing her energy?

  2. How should I handle the use of Safeguard? For example, if more than 1 person are taking damage, should I place it on whoever I'm healing, or give it to someone else?

  3. Is there any method you'd recommend I use to practice landing helpful Displacement Grenades? Or is it something that comes with experience?

  4. My impressions of heal order are: Low-health and in danger > In danger > Low Health and will leave you first (ie, is going to rotate) > Low Health > Other

What other factors are there to consider? What is the best method to save someone getting bursted down?

Any criticism/responses are greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/CaptainLemner
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