Heroes of the Storm - HGC Horizon Clash :: Luna Meow vs Resurgence :: Discussion thread

HGC Horizon Clash :: Luna Meow vs Resurgence :: Discussion thread

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:00 AM PDT

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!


4:00 PDT / 7:00 EDT / 11:00 UTC / 13:00 CEST / 60 minutes from this post


English (Asurai, Riku) | Chinese

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HGC Horizon Clash

After a series of qualifiers, the best teams in Taiwan and Southeast Asia have been determined. One top team from each region has qualified to the Horizon Clash, and the winner of this best-of-7 series played in the Blizzard Arena Taipei will qualify to the HGC Mid-Season Brawl in Sweden.

HGC website | Horizon Clash Details | Resurgence - team spotlight (scroll down for English) | Team Liquid's Horizon Clash Survival Guide

Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer


Luna Meow vs Resurgence
booy005 flex - - cwCwCW
GarnetDevil melee - - Pizzasiao
kim support - - Yewyeng
ktfor tank - - ZaPpy
Virgil ranged - - Zeys

Game version

I don't know what patch is used at the Horizon Clash. Deckard Cain is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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[Fan Art] The skin I've always wanted to see

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:50 AM PDT

[Fan Art] Brightwing mech skin idea

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:17 PM PDT

Japanese man gets stuck in a box and is spooked to death [00:16]

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:42 AM PDT

Can we please be able to craft skins like felreaver blaze with shards?

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:53 AM PDT

or atleast be able to "purchase" them individually with crystals, instead of a bundle, I don't want 8 different shades of the same skin when I only want just a certain one

submitted by /u/iRunnerd
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The biggest learning curve: accepting you made a mistake.

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:42 AM PDT

So I was playing a game on volskaya the other day, and we had 2 team members about to respawn, whilst the enemy team were on the control point at about 30%. We didn't want to run into a 3v5, and decided to wait for the other two... or at least I thought we did.

So naturally our Jaina who was waiting ran straight in, died instantly and started flaming us for not going in. I was our tank, and told them about waiting for the team, and that they shouldn't engage before the tank. So they get mad. Start saying stuff like 'oh don't you want me to do damage?' 'I guess I won't then' and proceeded to throw the game, feeding and going AFK.

I know this is an extreme example, but if they just said 'mb' and learned we could have won the game, I mean we were ahead in levels and kills anyway!

All I'm saying is that people might want to start leaning from mistakes, and realising THEY are the problem. I mean if you team calls you out on something, learn from it don't just immediately think they're against you!

Personally it took me a while to get used to good positioning, and knowing when to stop chasing - but I played with a few higher lvl people and they taught me ~ the way ~ If people just looked at the games that went wrong and thought 'what could I have done better?' The level of gameplay would be so much better! But of course people just instantly jump to flaming their team and stay in bronze.

submitted by /u/epulari
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Destination: Sweden

Posted: 18 May 2018 11:09 AM PDT

QoL updates for Clutch heals?

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:05 AM PDT

If you get clutch healed, it should decrease the sound a bit, and add an unique line for each hero - with a bit increased sound -, depending who healed you. Most of these lines always send chills down my spine, I would 100% love it in these situations.

"The light abandons no man" for Uther

"There is always hope" for Auriel

"Life itself is with you." for Alextrasza

"...I will keep you alive!..." for Stukov

"Learn from the pain." for Ana

"Friends be healed!" for Brightwing

"I shall aid you." for Kharazim

"You're not dying on me!" for Rehgar

"Hey! Here's the good stuff!" for Lili

submitted by /u/Enconhun
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Fight Night: A 3v3 Tournament of HGC Pros and Community Streamers for Charity

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:31 AM PDT

Just in time for Nexomania is Fight Night(or Day) in Heroes of the Storm! Two years after the 1v1 event was held comes the 3v3 event that has to be seen to be believed. 2 years means 2 more players per side, right? HGC pro players and community streamers have come together for an awesome 3v3 event on Lost Caverns with a few quirks in the rules for drafting(see rules below). We hope to provide you with a bit of entertainment during the HGC downtime and have some fun with the rules along the way. A few elbow drops off the top rope, some devastating charges, or body slams are in store for this event on May 26th at 12PST/3EST/9CET.

A bit of glory is to be obtained as a prize for each member. It will be Best of 3's in a 4-team single elimination tournament, but the ultimate prize will go to the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital to help continued support of children in need. Additional information on St. Jude's can be obtained at the following: https://www.stjude.org/about-st-jude.html.

The donation link will be active from May 19th through May 27th. https://tiltify.com/@jhow4444/heroes-for-charity.

Since this is a community event we'd like to hear from you, the community, on some additional rules you might like or some milestone goals to unlock certain rewards you'd like to see. Please leave any comments for suggestions on what you'd like to see included… or excluded… from the upcoming event.
As an added bonus, those who show up for the event will also have an opportunity for potential rewards and giveaways during the course of the event. Additional information will soon follow with more specific information.

8 HGC Pro Players
- Prismat
- Khroen
- Lutano
- Hosty
- Tomster
- Kure
- Kzn
- McIntyre

4 Community streamers
- Tim - Heroes of Fitness
- Marche
- AliciaWins
- JHow
- Halorin
- ARAM on Lost Caverns

  • Each Community streamer will be a "Captain". Each streamer will draft a pro player in a snake draft. 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1.

  • Teams may not pick a Hero they had last game unless unavoidable (Honor System is in play here)

  • If a team does not have a support to choose from they may elect to remake if they want.

  • Series are Bo3

  • The first team to take down a KEEP wins the round.
    Abathur: MULE
    Sgt. Hammer: Orbital BFG
    Zagara: Nydus Network
    Ragnaros: Lava Wave
    Junkrat: Rocket Ride
    (Suggestions for others?)


May 26th at 12PST/3EST/9CET
Work in progress of poster for the event

submitted by /u/JHow4
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US Military Gaming Community and Esport League!

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:41 AM PDT

Hey everyone! I'd like to take some time to talk about a United States military and veteran organization I created and am spreading the word about. I left active duty in 2017 and always wanted to find a way to continue serving our Armed Forces and vets as well as keeping the military family together. I took the two things I love; gaming and the military, and created the Military Gaming League. MGL is a gaming community and esport league exclusively for United States veterans and active duty military. While we just launched this March, we are growing every day. We are kicking off our tournaments with a free to enter Heroes of the Storm Branch Battle coming up on June 9th, and are trying to create teams based on which branch each service member was associated with. The entire tournament will be streamed on twitch, and will start at 1PM PDT and will last until completion unless we end up getting a lot of teams together, at which point the tournament may last two days. Even if you do not want to compete, we would love for you to join our military community. If you have any questions feel free to ask and you can hit up our website: militarygamingleague.com. Thanks guys! See you in the Nexus!

submitted by /u/MGL-ShamShield
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Level 100+ Lili recommends taking Free Drinks at Level 1

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:46 PM PDT

When the major changes to Lili's kit came out a few months ago which added Eager Adventurer at Level 1, I spent many weeks taking Eager Adventurer at Level 1. I want to preface this by saying, I mostly play in QM so Hero League may or may not change the thinking on this. I'm just sharing my experiences on Lili which is significant at 2k plus games on her over the years.

I found Eager Adventurer to be nice and a solid pick. However, on a lark I decided to try Free Drinks. Boy was I shocked! Free Drinks is far superior in my view and here's why:

  1. Saving 1 second on low health heals cooldown with zero mana costs makes Lili incredibly more sustainable in low mana situations.
  2. Free Drinks allows Lili to escape dicey situations much more frequently. Since changing to Free Drinks, engagements that would have killed me with Eager Adventurer, now make it possible to escape and live. 1 second cooldown reduction is HUGE on Q.
  3. Lili is much much tankier with Free Drinks because even with low mana, she can back out of lane for 2 or 3 cooldowns and she's right back in your face. It's ridiculous how tanky she can be with Free Drinks.
  4. Her increased tankiness allows her to bait oppenents into chasing her down and most of the time, Lili lives and they die. It is a real fun factor increase to the Lili kit.
  5. She just simply dies less while being able to be more aggressive.
  6. Picking Free Drinks allows the Level 16 talent "Pick Me Up" (Increases healing by 33% for targets below 50 percent) to be incredibly powerful. AND if you do go with "Two for One" (Healing 2 allies), the Free Drinks will proc if one of the two is below 50 percent so Free Drinks also gives "Two For One" a 1 second cooldown. (I frequently pick "Pick Me Up" when I notice the opponents are very good at focus firing our team) and this makes "Pick Me UP" the go to talent choice with Free Drinks. I only pick Two For One if we are up on talents and our team is good at not taking focus fire)
  7. Lili heals for much more over the course of the game.

If you haven't tried it, or tried it once or twice. Please revisit this talent. It's so often overlooked and it's kind of great that it is because when you take it, your opponents will underestimate you, which leads to more kills.

submitted by /u/kbanksLV
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[BUG] Ana´s lvl 7 talent doesn´t reduce ability power from lvl 4 sleep dark talent

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:32 PM PDT

As the title says, [[Mind-Numbing Agent]] and [[Overdose]] don´t function together. You only reduce the ability power of enemy heroes who you have basic attacked.

submitted by /u/Boogy444
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[Discussion] Older heroes, and their mana; Should Blizzard do a resource pass?

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:24 PM PDT

Seems like a LOT of older heroes are constrained heavily by mana, in particular ranged casters. Should offensive casters like Valla, Jaina, KT have to devote a lot of their talents just to stay in fight? More and more in this melee heavy, double tank meta, it feels like casters are doubly punished by mana and thier lower HP pools. Maybe Blizzard should do a resource pass on mana regen, or perhaps targeted changes like removing the mana cost of Valla's Vault, or Jaina's Frostbolt, or other small tweaks to improve mages being able to stay in the fight/lane longer but still fulfill the fantasy of using mana?

Just feels to me like older heroes are unfairly penalized compared to new ones. Maybe a small mana regen buff to certain heroes who struggle unnecessarily hard with mana might improve the state of the game. What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/TheAscentic
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I'm very Happy! I climbed from Silver 4 to Platinum 1 1k Points through persistency and learning. Feel free to ask me anything about the climb

Posted: 18 May 2018 11:04 AM PDT

Disclaimer: Guys, I had to remake the post because your can't have AMA written on the title aparently. Sorry for anyone that already commented. I'll be happy to answer anything related to my climb

Hi guys! Warning: Long post

TL;DR: I've climbed from Silver 4 to Platinum 1 1k Points (Promotion to Diamond League) after 1783 HL games since Preaseason days, through cheer persistency and self-improvment. On the body of the text there are Print Screen of my seasons winrates,

Promotion Game proof - https://imgur.com/a/wB141bf

I play HotS since Beta, I've played DotA and DotA 2 before playing HotS, but only casually, not really trying to be great at the game. I've always loved Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft and Diablo 2, games I played nonstop as a kid and teenager, so HotS was everything I could hope for as a DotA entusiast. And man, HotS was fun. Me and my IRL friends played it nonstop, but always at a casual level, not really trying to learn. This kind of attitude made my MMR get pretty low on the early days, resulting on low ranks in Preseason and 2016 season, I didn't care tho.

After 2016 season 1 I stopped playing Ranked for a while and focused only in QM with my friends, and a little after I stopped playing due to focusing on MTG and HS (I love cardgames too), and getting Legend on HS is pretty time consuming. But then Blizzard announces HotS 2.0 and the 20-Heroes Bundles and that seemed like a great deal, so why not check how this awesome game is doing? And I got hooked again, but now I wanted to improve. I wanted to learn the game and climb the ladder, and I knew I was bad at the game. So I started watching streams (chu8, Mewnfare, DunkTrain, Grubby) and tried to understand what was happening and why it was happening. And as a person who loved watching WC3 replays from tourneys (4K.ToD, as a Human Main, 4K.Grubby, MaDFroG, Moon, Sky) imagine my happiness discovering Grubby was also a HotS player!

Those streamers and the great content I could sometimes find here on Reddit helped me A LOT.

I think one of the biggest obstacles on lower ranks is the toxicity and tilt factor. What I mean by that is the fact that people in Low Ranks don't rly know what they are doing, but some people think they know and start trying to micro-manage the whole team, and when visions start to conflict the toxicity starts, people start flaming, and flamed people start responding, suddenly everyone is typing in the middle of an objective and things get worse because you start dying even more. I always try to not respond to someone when I realize that person is tilted or trying to start an argument, if needed I just mute the person and keep playing. I also try to always be with my team, and warn them when I'm not if I need to soak a distant lane for example, sometimes the team makes a bad decision but I try to go with it if I can't convince them that the decision is bad, but if I'm 100% sure that nothing good is coming from that plan, I just make clear that I'll be getting value somewhere else, some people tilt from this tho, but this also increases your chance of winning.

Also, do not tilt over draft. No good can come from that. "OMG WE HAVE GAZLOWE + NOVA + TASSADAR + TYRAEL + TLV FK THIS GAME". If you go into the game with this mentality you already set yourself pretty nicely for a Loss, but even when the odds don't look into your favor there is always a chance, so the best course of action is to try to play your best and find out what is your team win condition.

Other thing I find very important is to realise that NO ONE can win every game, it's ok to lose some games. Even proplayers go into a 6 games losing streak followed for another bad losing streak. If you think some conspiracy is trying to make you lose your games, stand up off of your chair and go get a glass of water, chill for some minutes, and try to play again if you are less stressed.

I'm now going to try to describe each one of the seasons I played. You guys feel free to ask me ANYTHING about them and I'll be more than happy to answer.

Preseason - https://imgur.com/a/qF8AO0E

This was a lot of fun, the game was really similar and entirely diferent from DotA at the same time. I didn't care too much, I just wanted to try out heroes and have fun trying to do my best with what I knew.

2016 Season 1 - https://imgur.com/a/RsmDx7l

I think I ended this season at Silver 4, even tho I reached Silver 2 at some point. After this I realized I rly sucked at this game, but it was fine. I was there for the cool fights. I also remember people being REALLY chill back then, toxicity was really rare. Fun newb times.

2017 Season 1 - https://imgur.com/a/KJFcZwg - MOST WIN AS: https://imgur.com/a/mn1bn4L

That was when 2.0 hit and I really tried to play more seriously, I really grinded my way up to Gold 3, always trying to improve. Tilting a lot out of frustration, but always trying to chill out. I loved to play Tracer. I like to fill and play all he roles, but I REALLY like to play Assassin even tho I know it's my weakest whole, but I just can't help it. Why is Assassin so fun?

One fun thing about this season was Hanamura. I think on the start I was like 1-9 on it at some point, but then it just clicked and suddenly I knew how to play the map and it turned out to be one of my best maps. I miss Hanamura, such a gorgeous map. You guys you'll also see how much I suck on Sky Temple.

2017 Season 2 - https://imgur.com/a/Fa29Ohc - MOST WIN AS: https://imgur.com/a/FOsQb1d

This season was actually a 49,8% season on 313 games. I think my biggest problem here was playing too much non-meta heroes and heroes I didn't really knew how to play. Still managed to improve my mark to Gold 2 tho, which was nice.

2017 Season 3 - https://imgur.com/a/zlOS8h2 - MOST WIN AS: https://imgur.com/a/78GNBST

That season made me rly happy. I made it into Platinum League!!! I spammed A LOT of Rehgar this season, I love the hero and Lighitning Bond was broooken. I still kept my stubborn behavior of playing too much Assassin when my Tank and Support play are better. Also, I love Dragon Shire and was lucky to play a lot on that map on that season.

2018 Season 1 - https://imgur.com/a/KVdVyVD - MOST WIN AS: https://imgur.com/a/ajJMEzH

So, last season was the one I think I improved the most. I kept spamming Rehgar for good success and Dehaka was great in there too. I made it into Platinum 3. Still played too much Assassin, I need to stop playing it.

Raynor 100% Winrate tho Kappa.

2018 Season 2 aka This Season - https://imgur.com/a/iYHLGnd - MOST WIN AS: https://imgur.com/a/w2tw35k

So close - https://imgur.com/a/wB141bf - https://imgur.com/a/XBK3cHN

This season still didn't finish, and maybe I'll be able to get Diamond. I got pretty unlucky this season with my Internet Connection tho, I got dc'ed on the draft screen 3 times during this season, losing 1,8k points this way (you lose 600 points for draft dodge). This frustrated me a lot and I know I played worse than I could have played because of this. I also suffer from Anxiety, nothing too serious, but I'm 100% sure it hold me back on my 5 promotion games to Diamond so far, the last one got me on a losing streak and at this very moment I'm on Platinum 2. But I'll recover! This season I spammed Diablo A LOT, he is my most played hero and I managed to get a solid 61,5% winrate with it so far. Honorable Mention to Malfurion (10-3; 76,9% so far), Blaze and Raynor Kappa

Lifetime Most Wins As: https://imgur.com/a/43zG1T6

So guys, don't give up! Try to learn, study the game, be open-minded and patient and you'll climb. The only constant factor on your climb is yourself, so focus on improving your own gameplay.

Ask Me Anything.

Edit: Included MOST WIN AS screenshots on the seasons

submitted by /u/jhacksondiego
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Unranked is awesome!

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:55 AM PDT

I randomly decided to play unranked instead of quick match and oh my god it was such an amazing experience. No toxicity in my team in 4 games. People knew what they were doing (hero and map objectives) and i learned some things about drafting! I cant wait to come home and play more (while i was almost getting tired of the game because of QM)

submitted by /u/turdyberry
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Hero League Explained by ishb00 2 Out

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:33 PM PDT

Steal This Strat: Fromage de Nexus, a cooking video by Kyle Fergusson

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:43 PM PDT

Is this game worth seriously getting into it?

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:04 PM PDT

im not a troll or anything, i understand people here like the game, and i want to hear from people who like the game - what they think. it seems like blizzard really invest in this game as time goes on and i don't understand why, as it's not very popular. kind of afraid getting into it because of the small community, although it seems fun.

why do you think the game never really took flight and went popular? is there some basic flaw in it? is it worth getting into?

submitted by /u/JustMJ
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Can we change the ping when you are in a vehicle?

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:02 AM PDT

I consistently ping where I am going, which causes the little icon that says "Stukov is on the way". But when you are in a vehicle (Dragon, Garden Terror) Is still says Stukov is on the way, not Dragon is on the way. I just think it would be a small QOL change to the game.

submitted by /u/Delta-Sniper
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Feature Interview: Equinox on HotS, HGC, and His Transition to Coaching - by TBKzord

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:13 PM PDT

Heroes of the Dorm 2018 Recap

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:32 AM PDT

Alarakanoth (Rakanoth from D3 skin for Alarak)

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:46 PM PDT

Rakanoth and Alarak are two pees in a sadistic pod and I'd love to see another Diablo character make an appearance in HOTS even if only in skin form.


submitted by /u/masterflinter
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Abathur level 300.

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:38 PM PDT

I am an Abathur main and tonight I got him to hero level 300. I have played over 1,400 games with him.

Here it is

submitted by /u/sellyberry
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Please. Never give up in this game.

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:54 AM PDT

Even if your entire team dies at level 22 and the enemy team comes for a 5-man core push. Even if mechanically, you're not performing well that game. Even if you're tilted to the high heavens. Give it your all.

For those that can be bothered watching, yesterday I had 4 minutes of sheer intensity yesterday as I successfully annoyed a 5-man core push solo, enough that my team could come in and clean up. They then went on to win the game in a wild fight while I defended a late game punisher (somewhat badly).

While not my most mechanically sound moment, we still took the game, had I given up, it probably would have been a different story. (Pre-warning, I know everyone made mistakes on both teams, but that's the way of hero league)

My perspective: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/262706198

My teams perspective(had to go back and watch the replay for myself!): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/262707149

EU Low Master League.

submitted by /u/Chump2412
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Detailed Post about Rehgar

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:06 AM PDT

Idk if I just don't understand reddit but I wrote this for the AMA and nobody saw it, then posted after and nobody saw it, so am trying again because it is important to me!

I guess it is too long since it won't let me make the post if a paste it here, so it will be just below in a comment.

Thank you for your input -

submitted by /u/Gerganon
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