Fortnite Save the World Development Roadmap (5/18)

Save the World Development Roadmap (5/18)

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:53 AM PDT

Hey folks!


We've got more mapped roads for your review! Since the last update we've released v.4.2 which introduced the Perk Recombobulator, added the option to upgrade Schematics, and introduced the Quad Launcher! We always appreciate your feedback, please keep it coming, and thank you for helping to make Fortnite such an awesome world to play in!


Here's some upcoming things we have planned:


4.2 Content Update (Week of 5/21)

  • Archaeolo-Jess - Outlander
  • Increased Flux in the Weekly store


Patch 4.3 (Week of 5/29)

  • Blockbuster Event Part 2 of this incredible quadrilogy - Spitfire's story comes to an epic conclusion and a new mythic hero is born! (Stay tuned for more Blockbuster adventures in 4.4 and 4.5)
  • New Tiger Assault Rifle in the weekly store
  • Port-a-Fort Utility item
  • More Legendary Flux in the Event Store!
  • More gold for boosting difficulty!
  • Voice Chat on PC


4.3 Content Update

  • New Heroes in the Event Store


We are not a bear,


-FN Team

submitted by /u/PoppinFreshDoze
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How it's like when high level players join your Storm Shield Defense

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:35 PM PDT

Allow us, to use Daily Coins for Perk-UP purchases?

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:00 PM PDT

Are you triggered?

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:55 AM PDT

When a Love Ranger Jonesy see's that you have a Siegebreaker.

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:02 PM PDT

Recycle should give us back perk ups and re-perks which we invested.

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:27 AM PDT

What do u think about my idea?

Sometimes you are just not satisfied with what did u get by upgrading ur weapon, then u could recive like 75% of your perk ups and reperks used to upgrade it

submitted by /u/xohsad
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PSA: Founder's Masamune explosion doesn't just damage player built structures, but objectives too!

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:40 PM PDT

Expeditions should based on the latest area you unlocked

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:32 PM PDT

Add a link to the skill tree to the perk we are missing.

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:35 AM PDT


Posted: 18 May 2018 11:03 AM PDT


submitted by /u/DropTheBoom
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Please make these available for purchase!

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:27 PM PDT

Damn these great rewards!

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:09 PM PDT


Posted: 18 May 2018 08:00 AM PDT

The 'Best' Numbers Weapon

Posted: 18 May 2018 01:35 PM PDT

Hey guys, Whitesushi here. After reading the title, you must be thinking... "what the hell is a 'numbers' weapon?" Well, I define it as the weapon that has either the highest sheet damage/shot or highest sheet damage/second. This means that the weapon is qualified solely by its paper numbers rather than in-game performance. In other words, don't expect it to be the

  • Most accurate weapon
  • Easiest to use weapon
  • Feels good to use weapon
  • Etc..

Essentially, this isn't about the performance of a weapon since there isn't a single metric for measuring that. But wait, why should we care about weapons that just look good on 'paper'? Well we don't really but hey, it's Reddit and I just thought it might interest some of you like how it did interest me. Either way, this is going to be a short post so there will only be 2 sections, the process of determining it and the raw numbers so feel free to skip around.

Before we jump in, I would like to just reiterate that this is more of a "fun" post rather than an information/ min-max sort of post. The "best" as indicated here is merely the weapon with the highest damage/shot and damage per second which may not be the best in terms of in-game performance

So, how do I do it?

Well one way is obviously to plug all the numbers in manually into my somewhat "ready" calculator while constantly switching between different hero loadouts and recording each and every one of them..... That's a lot of work really. Obviously, that's not what I did and I wouldn't recommend any of you doing that either. What I did instead was

  1. Setup a new spreadsheet and port the calculator, ranged table as well as db tabs over
  2. Create a "master" page to sync the calculator values to
  3. Duplicate the calculator tab like 60 times, 1 for each weapon (did this with a script)
  4. Back on the master page, setup a table to read the highest damage values for each weapon
  5. Setup another table to rank the weapons

Basically, the concept is to setup a calculator for every single weapon and have 1 single tab to manage all of them. Besides the 1~2 minutes processing time everytime I change one of my hero/support, I would say the calculator works pretty well (lmao). This spreadsheet wouldn't be incorporated to my main one (obviously, it's too big) and nor would I make it public cause

  • It doesn't look good
  • It doesn't serve a "real" purpose other than feed you with some interesting values
  • It's pretty messy so the average user wouldn't know how to operate it anyway (and I'm not cleaning up something that's for fun)

However if you really want to play around with it, just drop me a message and I will send you a link

The Numbers

This is where the fun comes in. We need to assume a series of values in order to get the accurate results. This includes our hero, support as well as headshot accuracy. I will indicate the assumptions made in bolded titles and place the relevant values into a table. The calculator automatically assumes that the weapon is running the best possible combination of perks (well it's calculated, what do you expect). Ready?

Oh yea I decided to omit fixed perk weapons altogether because.. reasons so while they might be amongst the top 5, you won't see them here

Urban Assault Headhunter + Master Grenadier with 70% Headshots

Rank Weapon Damage/Shot Weapon Damage per Second
1. Hammercrush 588.8 Silenced Specter 2037.3
2. Deathstalker 365.5 Argon AR 2006.3
3. Vacuum Tube Rifle 321.9 Hunter-Killer 2000.0
4. Dragon's Roar 282.6 Buzzcut 2000.0
5. Argon AR 282.6 Hammercrush 1928.8

Special Forces + Master Grenadier with 70% Headshots

Rank Weapon Damage/Shot Weapon Damage per Second
1. Hammercrush 517.3 Silenced Specter 1601.4
2. Deathstalker 317.4 Hammercrush 1534.9
3. Vacuum Tube Rifle 282.8 Hunter-Killer 1533.5
4. Dragon's Roar 248.3 Buzzcut 1533.5
5. Argon AR 248.3 Argon AR 1486

Special Forces + Sergeant/ Warlord with 70% Headshots
(Pretty much same as above but with slightly more damage overall)

Urban Assault + Urban Assault with 80% Headshots (trying harder to land those since you are running headshot in support bonus as well... probably)

Rank Weapon Damage/Shot Weapon Damage per Second
1. Hammercrush 660.1 Argon AR 2230.5
2. Deathstalker 416.2 Silenced Specter 2230.0
3. Vacuum Tube Rifle 360.9 Hunter-Killer 2223.3
4. Dragon's Roar 316.8 Buzzcut 2223.3
5. Argon AR 316.8 Hammercrush 2144.4

I could keep going with all the other soldiers but there isn't really much point. As you can already tell, the same few weapons dominate their category in almost the same way regardless how you change your loadout up.

The "not assault rifle" section

Non-AR weapons are pretty straightforward to be honest. You are either running Ranger with Trail... (can't remember her name but it's the critical damage one) or another Ranger. Likewise for Shotguns, it's almost always going to be Raider + Raider. Without further ado, let's jump right in

Ranger + Ranger with 70% Headshots

Rank Weapon Damage/Shot Weapon Damage per Second
1. Dragon's Breath 1367.6 Viper 1440.1
2. Bald Eagle 1098.1 Monsoon 1426.3
3. Tiny Instrument of Death 777.0 Haywire Storm 1346.8
4. Judge 714.1 Lightning Pistol 1335.0
5. Vacuum Tube Revolver 691.1 Whisper .45 1324.2

Ranger + Trailblaster with 70% Headshots

Rank Weapon Damage/Shot Weapon Damage per Second
1. Dragon's Breath 1417.4 Monsoon 1433.2
2. Bald Eagle 1070.0 Viper 1425.5
3. Tiny Instrument of Death 805.3 Lightning Pistol 1346.0
4. Judge 695.9 Haywire Storm 1320.5
5. Vacuum Tube Revolver 673.4 Whisper .45 1298.4

Raider + Raider with 30% Headshots

Rank Weapon Damage/Shot Weapon Damage per Second
1. The Bear 1314.0 Room Sweeper 1463.8
2. Helium Shotgun 1194.3 Tigerjaw 1376.7
3. Nightclaw 1102.9 Helium Shotgun 1053.5
4. Pummeller 974.0 Stampede 1027.3
5. Longarm Enforcer 898.5 Husk Buster 1027.3

It is worth noting that all these damage values are relative to each other so you can get a rough idea of how the weapons stack up against each other given different loadouts


I was actually talking to someone in Discord when this idea popped into mind and I thought it was "fun" enough so I went ahead and did it. Again, I want to point out that these are just weapons that look good on paper and isn't ranked based on in-game performance. Also if you notice, I didn't include any of the perk combinations for the weapon because again, it wasn't really meaningful to. However if any of the weapons interests you, just leave a comment below and I will reply you with the perk combination that was used in the calculations.

TL;DR Just some weapons ranked by their DMG/Shot and TDPS for fun assuming "perfect" perk combinations

submitted by /u/Whitesushii
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When Level 20 Players attempt Twine Peaks

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:58 PM PDT

These dudes will take you behind an alley for 10 drops of rain.

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:06 PM PDT

[Spoiler/Datamine] Upcoming soldier

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:10 PM PDT

Looks like we're getting another hero from BR - this time the mythic soldier Carbide. I'm missing a couple of new traits, but he seems currently like a mix between Raven and Commando Spitfire and Shock Trooper. Note all abilities may change.



Lefty and Righty: Equips two pistols that fire 6 times per second, dealing 57 base physical damage per shot, for 10 seconds.

Debilitating Shots: Dealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.

Lingering Pain: The Vulnerability effect from Debilitating Shots can now stack up to 5 times. Dual Debilitation: Lefty and Righty now applies Debilitating Shots.

Shockwave: The Soldier emits a shockwave, knocking back enemies within 1 tile range and dealing a base of 75 energy damage.

Power Impact: Increases the radius of Shockwave by 38%.

Corrosive Clips: ???

Doppler Effect: Reduces cooldown of Shockwave to 15 seconds.

Frag Grenade: The Soldier throws a frag grenade detonating after a few seconds, dealing a base of 101 energy damage in a 0.5 tile radius.

Zip and Zap: ???

Keep Out: Frag Grenade explosions leave a residual energy field, doing 15% of the initial grenade blast damage every 1 second, over 10 seconds.

Squad Bonuses

Tactical: Grizzled Veteran: Increases the duration of T.E.D.D.Y by 5 seconds.

Support: Quick Clip: Increases reload speed by 30%.

submitted by /u/nordrasir
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I am SO happy right now! (From a blockbuster llama!)

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:36 PM PDT

Epic, can we get a trap door trap?

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:55 PM PDT

A trap door trap would be awesome!

submitted by /u/MG-ram
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We broke Fortnite

Posted: 18 May 2018 12:59 PM PDT

I am incredibly happy right now

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:13 PM PDT

Epic can we finally get that HUD scaling option now? I can barely see the map

Posted: 18 May 2018 11:01 AM PDT

Loot disappeares on personalized loot chests!

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:06 PM PDT

Hi Folks,


I have addressed this in the BUG thread but I need to adress it seperatly.  

Whenever your inventory is full and you open a loot chest that is personalized (like the stormchets') you WON'T get the loot.  

Before the update it dropped on the floor and you where able to sort out your inventory. That´s a major bug on PS4 (dunno if on other platforms as well).   

Please upvote that post, so that this get´s addressed immediately. I have some videos as evidence. But you can also give it a try and test it :)


submitted by /u/Hullu1989
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Can we get 5 weapon slots next?

Posted: 18 May 2018 04:40 PM PDT

A nice quality of life. 3 for elemental weapons, 1 for our rpg, and another for our physical/energy weapon or sword!

submitted by /u/Duxow
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Make TEDD shot Jess the sniper she’s supposed to be

Posted: 18 May 2018 05:15 PM PDT

It's a simple fix honestly.

Replace reload speed perk and the rate of fire perk with critical hit chance and critical hit damage perks.

Follow the same perks that ranger dead eye has for pistols except for Jess have those same perks apply to sniper rifles.

EPIC you guys are awesome! Cheers

submitted by /u/travywavy623
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mmmm delicious grape flavour caches

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:09 PM PDT

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