Destiny - Focused Feedback: Escalation Protocol

Focused Feedback: Escalation Protocol

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:52 AM PDT

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'Escalation Protocol' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-05-28]

Posted: 28 May 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Daily Milestone

Daily: Iron Banner: Complete 3 challenges in the Iron Banner.

  • Two For One - Defeat 2 opponents in rapid succession, 3 times.
  • Death Averse - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0.
  • Objectively Awesome - Capture 15 zones with your team during a match of Control.

Also live: Trials.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: The Gulch - Loot a Lost Sector in the Gulch. Fallen Raider - Loot 3 Fallen supply caches. Decimation - Defeat 5 Cabal Centurions.
Titan Arcology Reclaimer - Kill 40 enemies in the New Pacific Arcology. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Chain of Command - Defeat 5 Fallen Captains.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Glade of Echoes - Loot a Lost Sector in the Glade of Echoes. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Vex or Fallen supply caches. Into the Labyrinth - Defeat 5 Vex Minotaurs.
Io Pyramidion Raider - Defeat 40 enemies around the entrance to the Vex Pyramidion. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Taken - Defeat 75 Taken enemies.
Mercury beep boop failed to fetch
Mars beep boop failed to fetch

Heroic Strikes


  • Arc Singe: Arc damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
  • Grenadier: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.
Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trigger Discipline - Defeat 2 enemies without reloading, 10 times. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Null and Void - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Void attacks. Ricochet - As a Sentinel, defeat multiple enemies by throwing your shield, 5 times. Concealment - As a Nightstalker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your smoke grenade. Devouring Void - As a Voidwalker, defeat an enemy using Bloom.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. The Professional - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Iron Banner Control Two For One - Defeat 2 opponents in rapid succession, 3 times. Death Averse - Complete a match with a personal efficiency rating greater than 1.0. Objectively Awesome - Capture 15 zones with your team during a match of Control.
Trials of the Nine Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 10 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Heroic Adventure Modifiers

  • Momentum: Health and shield regeneration stop when you're not moving. Sprint to speed up regeneration.
  • Brawler: Faster melee recharge and health regeneration. Increased Power weapon damage. Slower Super recharge.

Gunsmith Inventory

  • Arc Damage Mod
  • Chest Power Bracket Mod
  • Arms Arc Impact Mod
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Iron Banner Should Really Award Valor Progression

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:48 AM PDT

Like cmon, iron banner is the only fun in pvp I'm having atm and it doesn't even award valor. I feel a certain sinking feeling whenever i realize that I'm not progressing towards that sweet sweet ghost shell after every match.

Sincerely, a guy who wants to grind 4v4 pvp as little as possible.

submitted by /u/FirmMango
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Superblack shader. For Dead Orbit. Please.

Posted: 28 May 2018 03:41 AM PDT

It is just black.

Easiest way to win against New Monarchy.

Just add it for the new Faction Rally.

Bungie, please!

submitted by /u/OneMythicalMan
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So we are over 3 years in and the melee system in Crucible is still totally broken.

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:25 AM PDT

Bungie, why in the absolute frickity frack do half of my melees do the animation that connects, lunges, hits the enemy, and does 0 damage? It's absolutely insane that this is still an issue considering how huge melee is in finishing off players in PVP. I don't understand it, how could something so important be neglected so badly. I could understand if it was something that happened rarely, lag, bad ping, but no, this happens so consistently that I'm surprised when it DOESN'T happen.

I'm beyond tired of whiffing these obvious melees that should have connected and just sitting there like a dumbass getting killed time and time again over it. How did we go from Halo to this? I feel like this game gives me Stockholm syndrome because I keep coming back despite how abusive it is.

submitted by /u/foxxsoxx
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Bungie make the postmaster actually give anouncments and detailed reasons as to why something has happened

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:00 AM PDT

I'm not talking about making the postmaster talk more, I want the messages section to be made useful. (For those that don't know pretty much once a year the post master has a special message for players, guided games tickets came from here for example) they could pretty easily put some kind of message in here with a notification when you land in the tower.

For example, when the rat king was disabled a few weeks ago, the average player who doesn't watch youtube or come to this sub wouldn't know about it, so put a little thing in game that says "due to a glitch allowing players to break the game, the rat king has been temporarily disabled" and then when it is re enabled "rat king is now back and glitch free, gather your crew and try it out."

It could also put about world firsts for raids and prestige nightfall highscores, or patch notes or notices for anything in game like faction rallies coming next week ect.

I realise this won't help alot of people on this sub but there are quite a few people who wouldn't know this stuff otherwise, so I think it would be good for most people and would probably take minimal effort. I also realise this should not be very high up the list of priorities. Any thoughts on something like this?

submitted by /u/LocatedLizard1
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The Titan bubble should suppress abilities when they enter it.

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:56 AM PDT

I really think this would make the bubble more viable, at least in PvP. It would play into the idea of locking down a point. No Weapons of light or anything like that anymore, just suppression.

There are still supers that could take it out (Nova, and Golden Gun). But you can't just enter and kill everything with a roaming super. It still leaves the bubble with a good use, but doesn't cause anyone to have an advantage over anyone else.


Note: I fully expect down votes from those Hunters who can't understand why tether doesn't kill on direct hit. Which I agree should be a thing.

submitted by /u/wikiweak
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Just make mods decrease grenade, melee and ability cooldowns instead of specific elements. This would make it easier to make the load out you want and free up inventory space.

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:43 PM PDT

I have one set of armour that I really like but I feel like I'm punished for playing more than one subclass.

submitted by /u/PeculiarPete
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The sad reason I need more solo content: all my friends are gone.

Posted: 27 May 2018 03:54 PM PDT

I've noticed an uprising in posts regarding solo queueing in Crucible, and the need for improved matchmaking and other measures for solo PvE content. I think something that needs to be talked about, that has so far been left out of the conversation, is why solo content is becoming so important.

I used to have an amazing raid group. We formed at the start of TTK and we would reset raid every week. We got to know each other really well and had a blast doing it. There were plenty of shenanigans but we still managed to blast out 3x Oryx/Aksis in about 3-4 hours. The rest of the week we'd hang out and play Crucible, Nightfalls, etc. They were legitimate friends, even though it was over the online medium.

They're all gone now, all of them. My friends list (for people playing Destiny) is a barren wasteland. When I ask if they want to play, most are so jaded the response is something like "screw that shitty game." Or, they ask me, "why are you still playing Destiny?" with complete incredulity.

This has left me with 2 main feelings about group play in D2. First, I am less interested in joining a new clan or making a whole new set of friends, for the few times I have tried, those people have ended up disappearing too, and it totally sucks. Second, as the population drops, LFG has become more toxic and I just don't have the time to grind prestige Calus 50x just to be invited into a group.

So, I need solo content. I need matchmaking. I want to play the game just to relax and get some stress out, and get some decent loot in the process. But it seems like Bungie is still designing activities around the old population numbers and player base. Escalation Protocol is a perfect example - with my old group I'd be happy to team up with 2 others and discuss tactics and coordinate weapons/roles and all that. Now, I just would like to load into a zone and be able to complete it with a group of randoms, because it's just not as fun to try to mesh play styles with an LFG stranger.

So, the point of this, is that if anyone from Bungie sees this, I would appreciate if you started to develop more content towards solo players, because that seems to be the majority of who are left at this point. I think people will return for the fall DLC, but I fear so many parts of the game are fundamentally broken (atmosphere, tone, abilities, the feel of weapons, loot, etc) that we'll never be at D1 levels of engagement. That isn't necessarily a terrible thing, it just means Bungie needs to know who their audience is, instead of who they should be.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/walktall
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The lack of new & exciting armor design is what is finally turning me off Destiny.

Posted: 28 May 2018 03:29 AM PDT

I have not played Destiny 1, but immediately loved Destiny 2 on PC. Even throughout the content drought after CoO I stuck with the game and grinded tokens or helped people through raids. I love finding new weapons and gear and try them out, but honestly, all armor sets have issues, are lackluster, and most new ones are just blatant reskins.

Shaders leave some colors untouched, capes and marks clip through certain pieces, new armor like the Iron Banner armor has a weird bottom layer that looks like a knights underpants and vanguard / crucible ornaments are just reskins, worse than Season 2.

I have been wearing the same assortment of pieces since I got to 305 at launch, pieces that fit together, look rugged and I am happy with. I'm getting tired of not having new armor to experiment with, and everything just seems lackluster and not really futuristic and fitting into the universe.

Not to mention the lack of perks or stats on gear, which makes farming for something other than fashion completely useless.

submitted by /u/iahangir
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One change that would dramatically improve the Exodus Crash boss fight; alter Thaviks' teleport so that he doesn't disappear. Instead, his teleport should reset his invisibility and place him somewhere within the playable space. This way, the fight never stops.

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:06 AM PDT

[Spoiler] Spire Of Stars Secret Chest - No Checkpoints

Posted: 28 May 2018 11:46 AM PDT

6 dudes, 1 ball, 0 checkpoints

This took a few hours to get going, figuring out throwing angles and everything as well as getting across the puzzle without activating the checkpoints. Pretty satisfying to pull it off!

Extra: my full POV to show this wasn't just spliced together from multiple attempts

Also extra: Got approved on the Creations page!

submitted by /u/A_DVS_NTT
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According to the latest roadmap, Crucible labs and faction rallies come tommorow but there's no word from bungie yet.. Can anyone explain what is going on?

Posted: 28 May 2018 07:43 AM PDT

Correction: Faction Rallies Improvements go live tommorow but not the actual faction rallies (?). What about the Labs though?

submitted by /u/Serenist
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Don’t see anyone talking about this and it worries me. What about melee registration Bungie?

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:41 AM PDT

The melee registration is atrocious in this game. Even compared to D1! It seems like every game it happens at least once. If the opponent is not perfectly in front of you, then there are high chances of whiffing a melee. It seems it might be position related? I'm not sure but whatever it is, needs working on.

submitted by /u/ricdvs
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Why is most of each map unused?

Posted: 28 May 2018 02:28 AM PDT

Everyone's talking about a content drought, but there's so much already created that's nearly entirely unused. It feels like nearly half of each map is technically explorable but contains absolutely zero content outside of a few random enemies and the collectibles. Why don't we have chests, random elite enemy spawns, or public events in these already existent but unused areas?

Though Titan is the worst offender for this by far with almost no content despite a map similar in size to all the other areas, it happens on every planet save for possibly Mercury (just because Mercury is tiny and bare to begin with) and maybe Mars (due to the collectibles, though this still leaves no reason to revisit these areas outside of random collection). These areas are usually indoors and some have one or two scannables (mostly parts of Io) though most do not. They're generally used to walk through on your way to the end of a single adventure and then left barren.

99% of these rooms seem to tell really interesting stories and are really well crafted. This feels like the kind of stuff I'd see in a Metroid Prime game (interesting and memorable areas with plenty of reasons to backtrack). Between the lack of scannables/lore info, lack of gameplay, and lack of player population, we're left with an amazing world to explore but no reason to explore it. I want to have a reason to scour every inch of these areas and to keep coming back to the most unique and interesting of areas, but at the moment, it's pretty much just a way to kill time and receive no reward at any point in progression for doing so. I love Destiny, but D2 is really breaking my heart with how much it squanders every single interesting thing it creates.

Can we please get any sort of reason of any variety to revisit the unused halves of the maps? Literally anything; I don't care if it's just weekly region chests, random elite mobs that spawn, or even just a couple throwaway scannables. We have a content drought at the same time we have a ton of already created content that's just sitting there unused; I see no reason that this should continue. I'm not asking for anything to be created from scratch, just a bit of copy paste to encourage players to explore a bit more.

submitted by /u/TeganGibby
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With Exotic Armor on the chopping block next I thought of a concept to make Celestial Nighthawk more versatile in PVE and greatly increase its Power Fantasy.

Posted: 28 May 2018 11:05 AM PDT

So we all know Nighthawk is fantastic at boss DPS, but that's all its really useful for. This is the reason why I normally just go Orpheus Rigs Nightstalker because I can use my super on trash mobs and never feel like I am wasting my super and I can still use it on a boss for good DPS. Using your super is fun! and I feel bad using my Nighthawk super on anything less than a mini-boss.

So how to fix it? I think its pretty simple if you have Nighthawk equipped and you pop your super you will use your golden gun as normal (3 shot or 6 shot) however if you want to use the single super strong shot you would have to hold the trigger to charge up the golden gun. Functionally this charge would work a lot like fallen cannons from HoW or the Wrath of the machine Raid, but the charge time would be much faster (maybe like 1 or 1/2 a sec). I think this will also make that single shot feel more powerful and make Nighthawk feel more exotic. Right now a Nighthawk shot feels exactly like any normal Golden Gun shot. I don't feel powerful using it even if I'm doing insane damage, because that power shot functions exactly like a normal shot. Having to charge it will make it feel powerful, unique, and most importantly EXOTIC. Just image charging up your shot and your flames on your Golden Gun change from burning gold to start to burn white hot (or maybe turn into blue flames)! That sounds like a super sexy power fantasy for me!

Now yes technically this change would slightly decrease your DPS when damaging a boss because of the charge up time, but I think you could add other things to the exotic to make up for that. Some ideas I had were...

  • When you are charging your Golden Gun for that single shot maybe you zoom in a little or your aim slows down a little bit to help with aiming (just a thought).

  • Another idea was what if you could fire off a single normal shot and then charge up the Golden Gun for a less powerful but still strong shot using your other 2 remaining shots? Just to add some versatility.

  • Last idea, if you have forgotten Nighthawk has a second effect outside of the single power shot. Nighthawk also causes enemies to explode when killed by Golden Gun. You probably forgot about this because you only use NightHawk on bosses so it never activates. So the change would be that this perk could also activate if you decide to use the normal 3/6 shot Golden Gun making the super actually somewhat viable at killing trash mobs!

  • If you have other ideas then share them below!

I think these changes also might make Nighthawk somewhat viable in PvP (shocking I know). In 6v6 explosive Golden Gun shots might be worth running with people clumped up more, and if Bungie is not going to make it so Golden Gun can one-shot people in their supers then with Nighthawk you have the versatility to charge your shot to kill that Fist of Havoc Titan in one go or use the super normally to clean up his team behind him. I don't think it will ever be a meta PvP exotic but I do think it could be somewhat useful and that's more then we can say about it now in PvP.

Let me know your thoughts on this and if you have other exotic armor rework ideas leave them below i would love to read them!

submitted by /u/peterdozal
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Dear Bungie: Please make power ammo drop like Heavyweight is applied all the time

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:58 AM PDT

Power ammo still doesn't drop nearly enough in all activities. Bungie should just apply Heavyweight to everything and call it a day.

I'm not referring to the damage boost Heavyweight gives, just the ammo drops.

submitted by /u/Geebasaurus_Rex
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The Tower may not be as safe as we thought.

Posted: 28 May 2018 03:13 AM PDT

I realize Iron Banner is the only time I play crucible for fun rather than the minimum to get the weekly milestone

Posted: 28 May 2018 12:41 PM PDT

not a salt post

Its not a conscious effort on my part but I just find myself playing crucible for just enough for the weekly call to arms powerful engram. but then I don't play it after that.

When Iron Banner is on, I don't play it for the loot, I genuinely want to play it more than other things. Bonus when I have a group of friends that want to IB as well. There is just an element missing with a 4 man group.

submitted by /u/nateblack
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Change the Transversive Steps back to how they were in Destiny 1

Posted: 28 May 2018 04:35 AM PDT

Transversive Steps are (currently) just not good, lets be honest.

The perk for the original Transversive Steps was "Gain faster movement speed while crouching. Picking up ammo automatically reloads the weapon matching that ammo's type". The Transversive Steps were a quality of life exotic; always working in the background to the point that you forgot Destiny didn't auto reload weapons (until you took them off or played another class). It was a nice to have exotic that didn't do anything powerful; you sacrificed a powerful exotic for a quality of life change, and it was wonderful.

What do we have now? "While sprinting, movement speed is increased and energy weapons are automatically reloaded". Well, the movement speed is still there, but the thing that made the Transversive Steps usable is just gone. To add to it, Energy weapons are reloaded only a small amount of ammo over a short period of sprinting. So, if your energy weapon is empty and you print for a few second, you will only have a small portion of your mag reloaded. Remember how I said in Destiny 1 I would forget I had the Steps on until I swapped classes? Well, I still forget I have them on, only now I never notice when I don't have them on; the perk is hot trash and it is currently a waste of an exotic slot.

I want to revisit something I stated earlier, "you sacrificed a powerful exotic for a quality of life change". This is true, but only kind of. I have a hunch that Bungie changed them because of a high usage rate in PvE activities, making them look over powered. Lets look at the powerful warlock exotics - Just to list them off: Obsidian Mind, Ophidian Aspects, Purifier Robes, The Ram, Nothing Manacles, The Stag. These are the best of the best warlock exotics, but theres something specific about their strength; its (nearly) all PvP exotics. The best exotics the warlock has are great for PvP, but not PvE.

In that list, we can pick out The Ram (neutral, we'll say), Obsidian Mind, Ophidians, and Purifier Robes as potential PvE exotics. Two of these are great for Voidwalker (The Ram and Obsidian Mind), but we all know sunsinger was almost exclusively used, so those are thrown out. Blinding trash mobs isn't really useful, so Purifier Robes is out as well. Ophidians are great, I'm sure they were used a lot. They are less useful in PvE, but they'll work. We're left with one decent PvE exotic. Of the powerful exotics for warlock, one was passable as a decent PvE exotic. Of course Transversive Steps would have high usage rates in PvE, there was nothing good for PvE.

Why was the Transversive Steps changed? I don't know. Maybe because Bungie hates fun, maybe it just had really high usage rate so they're clearly overpowered and thats just not allowed (or maybe there weren't any good exotics for PvE so people used the Steps)? All I know, is they gutted a quality of life exotic, the only useful PvE exotic the warlock has ever had, and made it a waste of an exotic slot.

TL;DR - The Transversive Steps were a quality of life change that came at the expense of your exotic slot. They were the only warlock exotic that was useful in PvE, while the rest of them thrived in PvP (while being terrible in PvP). Warlock had only one PvE exotic and Bungie pooped on them.

submitted by /u/HysteriaVG
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I'm running out of PlayStation Plus in 2 weeks. But unlike D1, I can do something to progress forward.

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:30 AM PDT

I've had Playstation Plus for over 3 years, and now it's about to run out. I didn't save myself enough money to purchase it again, so I'm gonna be out from raids and strikes for a while. But hey, one thing that Bungie did to make it a better experience for non-Plus owners is that we can still play and progress. I can do meditations, adventures, exotic catalyst grinding, mod farming, public event hunting, escalation protocol, and even quests.

I just want to thank Bungie for giving non-Plus owners an opportunity to still have fun with a variety of activities, whereas in D1 all you can do is play story missions and Court of Oryx/Archon's Forge.

submitted by /u/TheWokeHive_
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Bungie, literally the ONLY reason I have not bought D2 on PC, is because I dont want to lose all my progress from PS4

Posted: 27 May 2018 06:13 PM PDT

Please Bungie, for the love of the Traveler. Make cross -save possible. I know that MANY will buy the pc version if you add cross-save. You will only gain money by doing so.

submitted by /u/Chickeneater68
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If you spawn into the Lake of Shadow strike outside the boss room, please do this.

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:08 AM PDT

There is a chance that you will be spawn just outside the boss room but you can't join.

If you are willing, please do not leave. Just stay there, eat your pop corn or dance.

This is because there might be a poor and lone Guardian fighting the boss. If you do not leave and even if he died, it will not be a wipe. He will re-spawn and continue the fight.

If he killed the boss, you will also get the loot.

Edit - please remember to run around a little to prevent you from being boot for inactivity.


submitted by /u/turtlexpress
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Destiny PLAYERS need to stop lowering their expectations.

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:42 AM PDT

If you have been around this sub for long enough you'll see what I'm talking about. Going from spam posts about EP match making, strike rewards, and DDOSing in trials to clipping hunter cloaks and inventory management.

Im not saying those things dont need to be fixed. Im saying Bungi waits out the clock on issues they really dropped the all on and we as the player base should keep the pressure on. Bungi asked for more feedback. They said they would communicate i say we demand changes to core gameplay and rewards before we start talking about anything else.

Just my 2 cents

submitted by /u/TheLuo
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Booting people from activities to prevent completion is still a thing, and it needs to be addressed.

Posted: 27 May 2018 10:15 PM PDT

I'm partially deaf in both ears after a car accident so it's hard to hear communication some of the time when I occasionally raid.

None of my friends were on so I used Xbox LFG and found a group. The leader was kind of toxic but he was good at the game and knew all the secret pathways and challenges to Leviathan (which I didn't know until now) so I stuck with it. We fucked up multiple times on gauntlet and Calus; mostly because I couldn't distinguish the runners voice until a few wipes in as well as I didn't know you had to cross-shoot the psions in the void on Calus CP (which I thought was kind of dumb because i always shot my own psion). But we got through and managed to one phase Calus but before I could get the completion he told his friend to boot me so I wouldn't get a completion. I asked why and he responded through a few messages.

"We don't carry trash" and "maybe if you were something useful like a mute youd be fine"

I have tough skin so the insults didn't bother me but the fact that you can boot fireteam members to prevent completion is a total oversight and needs to be addressed if it hasn't already.

submitted by /u/MEGAjizz
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Bungie- Make the raid chests each offer a reward type like Kings Fall to avoid dupelicate drops

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:19 AM PDT

I just ran the raid last night and 3 of us each received duplicate drops. It's unrewarding, not to mention, harder to level up when you receive 2 mob justices from 2 of the 4 chests. Two of my clanmates both got 2 snipers.

I suggest a return to Kings Fall for guidance, where EVERY chest drops items from a specific category loot pool. Or some other option that would fix the current reward system where I've received dupes from the raid chests only to have Benedict laugh as he pours on the salt with a trifecta dupe drop.

submitted by /u/KidRed
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Please make Wings of Sacred Dawn into a pre-nerfed Twilight Garrison

Posted: 28 May 2018 11:27 AM PDT

I remember being able to pull off crazy plays like this. If you don't bring back Garrison please have something as unique as it in game.

Edit: here are the Wings of Sacred Dawn. these are incredible looking exotics that are vastly underutilized.

submitted by /u/Gunnar_Optik
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