DayZ - Something I am really glad to see whilst playing .63

Something I am really glad to see whilst playing .63

Posted: 19 May 2018 04:39 AM PDT

Idea for Supermarkets to be treated like Heli Crashes and Police Cars.

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:46 PM PDT

I think 5 supermarkets, at random should have the chance to spawn an abundance of supplies like food, water, batteries, tents, and stuff you will find at your local supermarket with random conditions. Since there is stamina, it would be hard for someone to horde all the supplies from the supermarkets and you will have to choose what you want. All the other supermarkets would just have its normal loot cycles, whatever that is because I swear I only find duct tape in supermarkets and once in a blue moon some rice.

Currently there is 36 - 38 Supermarkets on the map.

You would have a 2.63% chance to find 1 out of 5 of the supermarkets.

submitted by /u/MeowMagafe
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I met a nice guy in Gorka - "I'm going to shoot a zombie" he said. I didn't have time to tell him that was a bad idea...

Posted: 19 May 2018 06:49 AM PDT

.63 is the most fun gaming I've had in a while... and today's session had a pretty good haul.

Posted: 18 May 2018 10:24 PM PDT

My scariest .63 moment by far

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:56 AM PDT

Bloody Hell! 35.5K watching Shroud play Dayz

Posted: 18 May 2018 06:16 PM PDT

"You ain't shit boy" - A .63 boxing lesson.

Posted: 19 May 2018 12:57 AM PDT

Exploring .63

Posted: 19 May 2018 06:47 AM PDT

0.63 made my favorite piece of kit even cooler

Posted: 19 May 2018 05:41 AM PDT

The boonie hat looks fricking amazing now. I liked the old look but looking at my dude on the main screen has got me dropping loads. Honestly the art in this game is top notch. Bohemia, I'm loving this weekend. I'm loving this stress test. And I'm freaking out because we're barely scratching the surface here, when the cars are burning around, choppers in the air, camps in the woods and barricaded bases... Zombies kicking down doors... Fuck. Keep kicking ass.

submitted by /u/_DooM_
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Stuck in a greenhouse

Posted: 18 May 2018 07:15 PM PDT

.63 in one picture

Posted: 18 May 2018 02:08 PM PDT

I would like an option to move the health and status bar to the inventory screen.

Posted: 19 May 2018 12:53 AM PDT

I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes their screen clean and empty when playing. To me, the right bottom corner is just an eyesore. Turning it completely off is not really an option because I'd still like to know when I'm bleeding or hungry. If prefer to have it only show up when you press Tab.

submitted by /u/BogusNL
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Time Survived?

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:12 PM PDT

this is what made the mod fun.

we need a way to see how long you have survived with your character. that is the goal. survival game needs an in game score.

bragging rights for longest time survived will stop the KOS.

submitted by /u/mycatisstinky
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Fight for survival, finally

Posted: 19 May 2018 12:38 AM PDT

While i think that the goal „fight to survive", by now is reached with wrong balancing (you have to eat and drink all 10-15minutes is just too much). I love the feeling that you have a hard time to try to survive again a bit. Especially in a bigger group as we are (4ppl) its very hard to find enough food for all too survive.

Yesterday we had to go hunting for food, but well, due the lack of animals we had to take humans. But at least the two gentleman fed us for at least 1 hour.

Hope they balance it a bit better, so its not annoying, but still you have to farm, hunt, fish, for survival.

submitted by /u/krazisurviva
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.63 - First Sign of Food

Posted: 19 May 2018 06:24 AM PDT

Fun vs Hardcore

Posted: 18 May 2018 09:52 PM PDT

I have seen a lot of comments recently regarding how the game needs to be balanced more to make it fun.

Not enough food, 2 bullets killing you, stamina drains too quickly, etc etc

I remember one of Rocket's early comments in that his intention was never to make DayZ fun (he actually phrased it as an anti game) but to make it so hardcore that the game was literally trying to kill you at every turn.

I was attracted to this concept in that it was totally different from everything else at the time. You could get arcady, insta-health buffs, bullet sponge fights in every other game but DayZ was meant to be different - you could die at any moment

But now it seems there are lots of calls to tone the hardcore element down. I hope vanilla stays as hardcore as possible and through modding we get the lighter, "more fun" servers.

I agree some aspects arent balanced yet (i dont think we should need to eat 15 times a day) but DayZ was initially meant to simulate a hardcore survival, zombie apocalyptic scenario - i hope it stays true to this.

submitted by /u/DemonGroover
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Are the old animals coming back?

Posted: 19 May 2018 06:02 AM PDT

I want piggie back :(

submitted by /u/WebKex
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Anyone else not able to turn your character left or right by using the mouse?

Posted: 19 May 2018 06:01 AM PDT

So I fired up the latest stress test version this morning only to find that once I'm in game I cannot turn my character left or right by moving the mouse left or right. I checked the settings and remapped the keybinds. Tried swapping all sorts of things back and forth, including the mouse look settings and whatnot. Nothing seems to be working. I've uninstalled the game and deleted all of my player profile files in "My Documents" and in "App Data\local". I'm reinstalling now so we will see how that goes. In the meantime, has anyone else experienced this? If a reinstall doesn't fix it I'll add a ticket to the feedback tracker.

submitted by /u/mdswish
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Hiking Trails Map 0.63 (Stress Test)

Posted: 18 May 2018 03:51 PM PDT

[0.63] Given how dark the night can get now I think it's time to spawn again with flashlights

Posted: 19 May 2018 04:56 AM PDT

The new ADS/Firing stances are shitty, clunky and ruin the fluidity of the game.

Posted: 19 May 2018 07:03 AM PDT

Please devs,

I really hope everyone agree's with me here but the mouse/keyboard combination just to shoot is really stupid and clunky. You HAVE to draw the line in a game with how much realism you want, me having to click 2 extra buttons to aim and kill someone isn't gonna stop me from being a bandit. It's just simply going to piss me off and make me want to quit the game.

I've played Arma/DayZ for like 7 years now, these new additions just feel uneccessarily complex

submitted by /u/lostin-the-woods
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I wondered what was weighing me down :P

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:45 PM PDT

Are these new in .63? thought this was pretty cool. Dev's trying to make DayZ new player friendly?

Posted: 18 May 2018 08:29 PM PDT

Why do we start limping when we get too hungry/thirsty? Doesn't make any sense

Posted: 19 May 2018 04:16 AM PDT

I understand it's a mechanic that depends on your "Health" or "blood" level, which can decrease if you get too hungry or thirsty. But it just doesn't make any god damn sense. It happens too often - I am perfectly healthy, but then I am unable to find any food for a while and just start limping, which makes it infinitely harder to get somewhere to find some food.

TL;DR: Shouldn't this limping be a thing of hurting your leg, getting shot in the leg and similar? It doesn't make any sense at all otherwise. "**Everytime I get thirsty or hungry my left leg starts hurting so I need to limp**" :D

submitted by /u/Erik912
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