A17 Release the Kraken!!! 7 Days To Die

A17 Release the Kraken!!!

Posted: 28 May 2018 01:34 PM PDT

Im terrified

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:06 PM PDT

It's my first night, I'm hiding at a football field, in some announcer room. I can hear them clawing and moaning outside. I've never felt this scared in a video game, ever.

submitted by /u/TardedRail
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What does the description of Can of Peas mean?

Posted: 28 May 2018 07:42 AM PDT

An English question from an non-native speaker.

Can of Peas description says:

You and your can of peas will be like two peas in a pod and you'll get your daily vegetables.

I know what "like two peas in a pod" means, but I don't get the meaning of the whole sentence. Is there any hidden metaphor or irony like something in this sentence? Is there any reason that the both verbs are future tense?

submitted by /u/wada314
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I was bored and made this

Posted: 28 May 2018 02:14 AM PDT

Does anyone know of a server hosting site that allows custom config files?

Posted: 28 May 2018 06:22 PM PDT

I have reworked recipies, damage, loot, spawns, etc. And I am looking for a site that will allow me to copy paste or upload the config folder files but I'm not having any luck.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/-Armality-
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Base design - 50 pillar, spike traps, electric fence, dart trap, blade traps

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:26 PM PDT

My latest design that I've been pondering for a while. yet to be built in game since I haven't found a good place to build a new base.

Comments and tips appreciated!

Thinking process:

Electric fence - I'm really proud of this one. the maximum range for distance of the fence is 13 units, so I've place them vertically, one underground and one on second floor. that way, the fence posts are protected from melee and cop explosion. The videos online that I've seen only have the fence horizontally, exposing the fence poles.

50 pillar - I play with loot spawn off, so looting the corpses is essential. Also, I want to be in melee range of the Zs so that it feels challenging, since I have a chance to be hit from melee if I judge the distance wrong, and I'm in the firing line if I fail to repair the pillars in time and there's a breach.

Yes, 50 pillar is considered a cheese, but I it's more risky than standing on top of a wall and shooting arrows/guns from afar.

Reverse spike traps - passive damage

Dart trap - just on top of the front of the 50 pillars, where the Zs would be, facing down.

All activated by motion sensor, since plate sensor and trip wire can be destroyed by cop explosion.


submitted by /u/kyungky
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Posted: 28 May 2018 01:20 PM PDT

so im looking for a server that uses the valmor mod pack and only valmor mod pack ... a friendly group noob friendly also

submitted by /u/shadowguardian91
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And here I thought Zombies were immune to (other) diseases...

Posted: 28 May 2018 05:59 AM PDT

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