Smite - /r/Smite's New Look |
- /r/Smite's New Look
- SMITE - God Reveal - Fenrir, The Next God
- Witch Aphro Greyscale Warmup Doodle ��
- 1 year anniversary of Smite on r/place
- Infographic | 2018 SPL Spring Split Week 2 Recap
- Mixer Code Megathread
- Spacestation gaming exposed?
- Very funny, HiRez.
- Props to everyone that kept pushing for chef vulcan to be a thing!
- I just played the Zeus Redesign and here's what happened...
- Is there a cap on percentage damage mitigation?
- Pro Tip: Terra and Discordia interaction
- Anyone else noticing an influx of extremely low levels in their games?
- Zhong Kui needs a polish/remodel more than he needs a skin
- Cerberus stun lasting full duration through Tyr's passive
- Hi-Rez needs to take a look at the suggested builds for characters
- Fun Fact: Amaterasu's third hit of her ultimate still stuns enemy gods even if just minions are hit on the first two hits
- The biggest problem I have with this game is when more than one player quits early on you're trapped for ten minutes.
- Anyone willing to teach me conquest?
- Can we fix Hel's shit face on her expelled skin?
- Rama: Balanced, Broken, or Below (God Review)
- Still would be nice to adjust Picks/Bans after the planning phase.
- Standard Infinite Assault Game
- Give your favorite God a first April buff/nerf
- The Hebo Ult to end all Hebo Ults
- Official SMITE Magazine #43 is Live!
Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:12 PM PDT Hello ThereA few months ago NCUltimate completely updated our CSS and improved the subreddit in a number of ways. Today, we've decided to continue our progress and take this subreddit to the next level. First, we've updated every single one of the user flairs so that they better reflect the interests and demands of the community. We know that some people felt that old gods and old skins were getting outdated (we saw that people wanted isis remodels, sobek remodels, cupid remodels, etc. etc.) so we wanted to prepare the entire community for any potential changes to their favorite gods. We've noticed how much the community appreciates the artwork submitted by users like /u/PanSilent, /u/Homelessloki52, and /u/Kittenguin (and plenty of others) so we determined that a more artist banner fit the will of our userbase. And now his watch has endedWe also have some sad announcements to make. First, as we all witnessed a few days ago, our favorite mod got hacked. As a result, the mdoerator team felt that we needed a change of leadership, we need someone who can guide us into a new age of safety and internet security, which is why we plan on replacing TripleCharged with Dmbrandon! Welcome him to the team everyone! He's already on the mod team, as you can see in the mod list on the right and in the comments, so get excited. DM's first action was to remove our no meme rule. Today, memes are allowed, the sub is basically /r/gank. [link] [comments] | ||
SMITE - God Reveal - Fenrir, The Next God Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:34 AM PDT
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Witch Aphro Greyscale Warmup Doodle �� Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:22 PM PDT
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1 year anniversary of Smite on r/place Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:32 PM PDT
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Infographic | 2018 SPL Spring Split Week 2 Recap Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:34 AM PDT
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Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:53 AM PDT After running the poll to see how the community wants /r/Smite to handle the Mixer Codes we've decided to try posting a Megathread. Once we set up /u/Automoderator to handle this task the Megathread should appear roughly 1 hour before the show starts each day and it will simply be a place for people to come and find the mixer codes each day. These threads will not be stickied to the top as we can not guarantee we will have a slot available for them each and every day. These threads will not be updated to have the codes in the original post either, you must search in the comments by sorting "NEW". Once a code is past 30 minutes old it will be expired. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:10 PM PDT
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Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:47 PM PDT
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Props to everyone that kept pushing for chef vulcan to be a thing! Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:27 AM PDT Do i play vulcan? Nope but i sure am happy as hell this skin is gonna be added for everyone that does. I'm gonna end up buying it just to support the people that pushed to get this skin finally in the game so we can maybe get more skins like this added to the game. [link] [comments] | ||
I just played the Zeus Redesign and here's what happened... Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:35 AM PDT We queued for MOTD (which happens to be random god selection) and somehow I got "Zeus [Redesign]". In lobby, the icon that normally appears on the left side of the screen for each god was absent for me and I couldn't select a skin. I thought it was a little off, but hey I've seen weirder. Then, we get into game and I notice that my VGS labels me as Zeus [Redesign]. Now i'm a little worried. After buying my items I realize that my body is stuck in the classic Gary's mod standing position. Okaaaaay, very weird. I auto-attack and see no throwing animation, but the fx for the lightning bolt is still there. I realize that the abilities are listed in the wrong order. I realize that my abilities go on cooldown when I use them but nothing happens. I REALIZE THAT I CAN JUMP BUT HE JUST MOVES UP AND DOWN. THE HORROR! I realize that I am playing a completely useless god :/ (No, I don't mean release Ravana) Long story short, Hirez forgot to remove the Zeus redesign from that available god pool, rip my MOTD game. Here's a Youtube video to clear up any other questions you have. P.S. Don't worry, I plan to report it to the old man. [link] [comments] | ||
Is there a cap on percentage damage mitigation? Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:44 PM PDT It occurred to me that there are so many ways of applying percentage damage mitigation in the game, so is there a cap? Theoretically, could an Osiris stack his passive (16%), get Athena ulted (20%), Khepri 2'd (30%), pop upgraded phantom veil (15%), have a cabrakan near for the passive (5%), and proc oni hunters garb (5%) and spirit robe (20%) for a total of 111% damage mitigation? If there is no cap, could you then survive an execute, given that they work by dealing 9999 damage? I really want to test this. [link] [comments] | ||
Pro Tip: Terra and Discordia interaction Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:09 AM PDT So if you happen to have Terra and discordia ,basically place your walls so Titan, FG, Portal demon or a Gold Fury is in between of walls, and as discordia, try to make your apple of discord bounce off of walls.This will do an insane damage as it does damage every time it bounces and hits the target. [link] [comments] | ||
Anyone else noticing an influx of extremely low levels in their games? Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:06 PM PDT I swear whenever I'm trying to play a few casuals for fun, every other game has at least a couple sub-level 30s on both teams. It's really annoying for both parties because the low levels are getting bmed while they just want to learn and fucking can't, while the high levels want to practice shit and are going against people way below their skill level. Like this happened occasionally before if a high level queue'd with a low level (which shouldn't be allowed in conquest but that's a separate topic) but now it seems to happen constantly. Seriously annoying. [link] [comments] | ||
Zhong Kui needs a polish/remodel more than he needs a skin Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:45 PM PDT I'm sorry, but Zhong's graphics and such are really dated and I think that he should get a remodel or at least a polish before getting a skin. The same can be said with Sobek, Anhur, Chaac, Isis [link] [comments] | ||
Cerberus stun lasting full duration through Tyr's passive Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:19 PM PDT
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Hi-Rez needs to take a look at the suggested builds for characters Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:57 AM PDT I may be beating a dead horse but I seriously don't understand these recommended builds for characters. The idea that you would ever by jotunns wrath on mercury baffles me but it is still in the recommend section for him. I also noticed soul eater was recommend for Osiris and he's probably one of the last people I would build it on. It's like hi-rez doesn't even know how the characters are meant to be played. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:47 PM PDT
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Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:26 PM PDT Last arena game I played two players quit within the first 2 minutes. Then three minutes in the third player quit. We were trapped in base for the whole game. When more than one person quits the game should let you surrender early or something instead of trapping you in a game where all you can do in is jump around. [link] [comments] | ||
Anyone willing to teach me conquest? Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:53 PM PDT I've been playing the game since the end of season 3. I'm level 120-something, don't remember exactly. I've got around 75 gods mastered, 7 diamonds, and quite a few others up there. I have a diamond in one of each class, so I could play any roll, though I've only ever really tried solo/supp in season 5 and adc back in season 3. (I currently play a lot of joust and siege.) I don't play ranked. I watch the SPL when its on, but outside of that I'm not really interested in watching others play. I solo-queue casual conquest once in a blue moon but I always end up either feeding or getting paired with toxic people. Some main things I always have problems with:
I play on PC, from NA, timezone EST. I've just always wanted to get into smite's main gamemode, but I've been too scared to try. Maybe its because the community seems more daunting than inviting when it comes to this. Maybe its also because I don't have an excuse for doing poorly as I've been playing this game for years. PM me if interested. [link] [comments] | ||
Can we fix Hel's shit face on her expelled skin? Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:58 PM PDT | ||
Rama: Balanced, Broken, or Below (God Review) Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:52 PM PDT Previous Post: Isis: Balanced, Broken, or Below? (Smite: Review) Still Looking for a better name. This is a weekly post I'll do. Feel free to post builds, ideas, and any type of discussion you may have. Rama used to get played quite often, in the olden days of SMITE. Though I don't really seem him played often anymore, and when I do see him, he seems to always lose to the other ADC. I would like others opinions on him. [link] [comments] | ||
Still would be nice to adjust Picks/Bans after the planning phase. Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:43 AM PDT Like for example let's say I suggest Serqet as a ban, if she's banned, you should be able to plan another ban as long as it is before the second phase of bans. And I feel planning your pick should also be flexible. I never plan my pick in the planning phase since I base picks on team comp and bans. But it would be nice for players to change who they are planning to pick because as picks/bans go, your pick could change and you wouldn't want to throw off your team.. [link] [comments] | ||
Standard Infinite Assault Game Posted: 30 Mar 2018 08:50 PM PDT
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Give your favorite God a first April buff/nerf Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:55 AM PDT Tomorrow is the First of April, and HiRez always makes a fake patch with bunch of funny changes. These are just my, April fools God balance changes. Terra Terra has been a very contested pick on SPL. Even though her ult gives an entire team movement,sustain and 40% CDR reduction for 10 seconds, we will nerf her Monolith and Crushing Earth. Monolith now does 1/2/3/4/5 damage per tick (+0.15% of your magical power and support tears) Crushing Earth - Removed stun - Added 10% slow for 1 second. Thoth Although being 100% pick ban rate, Thoth has one of the lowest win rates in Wood V and Plastic III. We certainly won't buff him, because in high level of plays, he frags, so we are just changing the name of his second ability.
Ullr With the removal of bluestone, Ullr really suffered. And he is a very weak hunter actually, trust me! His win rate is just above 50% ! Ullr abilities now cost no mana. Terra Again, Terra is a great pick , and she really is one of the best gods in the game. A very contested on SPL. Terra can dash once even if she shatters one of her walls. DaJi Last nerf to DaJi hit her really hard. Although she does lots of damage still, we are buffing her ult. Paolao- DaJi now can select 3 targets (similar like HouYi's crow), without aiming. Terra Terra's ult is insanely good. And yes she as seen little nerfs all over her kit, we are toning down healing. Monolith - Removed healing [link] [comments] | ||
The Hebo Ult to end all Hebo Ults Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:43 AM PDT
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Official SMITE Magazine #43 is Live! Posted: 31 Mar 2018 06:57 AM PDT Hello everyone, The staff at the Official SMITE Magazine are happy to bring you issue #43! Art lovers, this one is for you because this month's issue is completely anime themed! We have plenty of great anime and non-anime art pieces for you as well as a new series going over some SMITE Community Skin Concepts. In addition we have a lore piece inspired by the in-game event, Da Ji and the Legend of the Foxes. If anime is not your thing, don't worry we got you covered. Fanfictioners should make sure to check out the three original SMITE stories we have this month. We also have articles previewing the SMITE Minor League and Console Series, an "In Theory" god concept for the Lithuanian Goddess, "Gabija," and a theory-crafting article for the game mode, Duel. There's plenty more, so sit back and enjoy this month's issue! Thanks to our amazing community members who helped put the issue together, and thanks to all of our readers for checking it out! All Reddit users are welcome to join our brand new Facebook group which will also include all of our staff members: Bill "Gozii" Bouchard Editor, Official SMITE Magazine [link] [comments] |
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