Pokémon GO - Can we please have the 8-bit sprites as a setting?

Can we please have the 8-bit sprites as a setting?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:29 AM PDT

I'm talking about this April Fool's "joke" that changes your sprites to 8-Bit. I know it was supposed to be a joke, but for me it just makes me feel very happy and nostalgic. Plus it's just plain cool.

I would love if Niantic put this in as a setting, maybe one for 'Enable 8-Bit Sprites in storage' and one for 'Enable 8-Bit Sprites on nearby' because I'm not a huge fan of it on the nearby, but damn it looks awesome in The Pokémon storage and the Dex.

TL;DR: Please make an 8-Bit sprite option in settings. (you already did all the work of putting em into the game)

Edit: Seems like a lot of people are really digging the sprites, and for those that don't, they don't need to turn the setting on. Please Niantic

There is also a petition that's gaining some good traction maybe think about signing to help the chance of Niantic seeing it.

submitted by /u/TerryB2HQ
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I don't want to set the world on Quagsire

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:14 AM PDT

[Discussion] PSA: Before you complete the Mythical quest.....

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 05:21 PM PDT

When you get to stage 7, and complete the tasks. Stop!! Do not claim the reward...yet! Go to your items and activate a Star piece. Go back to your quest, then claim your reward. The stage 7 quest rewards 8,000 stardust. You then go capture Mew. Afterwards, you get an additional 10,000 stardust. That is 18,000 stardust within 10 minutes. Wait a minute. We are in a double stardust event. So a star piece adds to a triple stardust bonus. 18,000 x 3 = 54,000 stardust! That's from simply activating a star piece. Good luck and have fun!

submitted by /u/terravolt2000
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Ditto made this helpful infographic to help you out on your Research.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:18 PM PDT

Gotta catch 'em all! The full 151 Kanto living Pokédex.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:54 AM PDT

I’m starting to like Niantic’s “humor”.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:20 AM PDT

These 8-bit sprites made me remember my childhood teams in the Gameboy/DS games. So much nostalgia :')

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 04:00 PM PDT

A Shiny Swablu in Hand is Worth Two in the Bush

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:11 PM PDT

After a long 10 hour day, it was worth it.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 12:58 AM PDT

[Idea] Show Ditto with a Ditto-face

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:30 AM PDT

Shiny wild venusaur! /s

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 02:24 PM PDT

Is this normal?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:46 AM PDT

Trainers, GO Hub has created a petition urging Niantic to provide an option to use 8-bit Pokémon sprites in Pokémon GO! Help us by signing it and sharing it with your friends!

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:02 AM PDT

Niantic, these quests are fantastic

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:22 AM PDT

Personally I think these new quests to find Mew is the best thing they have ever added to this game. I love the idea of having to grind and do certain things in game in order to obtain rewards, in this case Mew.

However, why just stop at these quests? Build on this, bring daily and weekly quests for similar base rewards, 2k XP, 5 Great balls etc.

Imagine being able to catch 50 Pokémon a day and getting an egg incubator as a reward. This would be so fun and so refreshing to play.

submitted by /u/Josh2807
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Me just the other day when I got my first ex pass

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:26 PM PDT

Non-city life

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 01:16 PM PDT

My mom plays too.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 03:32 PM PDT

[Photo] They looked so cute together, until i caught them and sent them to the gr... i mean, to Willow's wonderful laboratory...

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 07:19 PM PDT

For the love of Arceus, can you PLEASE just look at the other posts about sprites before posting?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 09:05 AM PDT

So I did some counting. At the time of writing, I have counted SIXTY posts asking what's going on with the sprites and wondering if it's a bug or something, or if other people are getting it. Not to mention the countless others that I didn't count that are just announcing that it's here and whatever. Before you post, can you PLEASE CHECK THE SUB BEFORE DOING SO. It only takes a second guys.

submitted by /u/nintendude1229
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When they told you to go easy on the Tabasco sauce but you didn’t listen

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 05:57 PM PDT

First time hatching a shiny and didn’t know this Pokémon had a shiny version.

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 06:02 PM PDT

Hey guys I think there's something under that truck...

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 08:46 PM PDT

Does anybody else actually LOVE the 8-bit sprites?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 10:34 AM PDT

I know it's a joke, but they're super adorable. They give me a bit of nostalgia every time I see them. Their bright colors are so fun!

submitted by /u/TheQueenOfNeckbeards
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[HUMOR] Is anyone else having trouble with this or am I just that bad at great throws?

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 11:46 AM PDT

Niantic.. please notice this major issue. With the most recent banwave, me and loads of other LEGIT players have been banned. I just got on vacation, and it broke my heart to see that red message. I haven’t ever cheated, and now I’m banned for 1-3 weeks. ��

Posted: 31 Mar 2018 06:50 PM PDT

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