Learn Dota 2 - Meteor Hammer Centaur

Meteor Hammer Centaur

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:24 PM PDT

It's Perfect after tranquil boots and blink because you can blink stomp and then follow up with meteor hammer. It lets you push even better while you're soaking up tower return damage. It gives centaur more than enough mana regen. 12 strength. 12 int. HoD is for nerds

Somebody tell me why meteor hammer center is a bad idea I feel wrong for doing it but hey it works

submitted by /u/thesammanila
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1k mmr support strat.

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:14 PM PDT

Feels like there is no need for support? Why do people flame if they don't get one?

No point of pulling cuz the dual lane will kill the fool in the safe lane the second I leave.

No point of stacking he will hunt kills rather than farm stacks.

No point of roaming since there are 4 carries there is 0 kill potential(think snipe Medusa who cannot maintain equilibrium near them, offlane antimage, etc)

What to play minute by minute(I can't focus on last hit perfectly after a long day) Getting runes and warding us fine but tgey get killed under wards and then howl

submitted by /u/BrennendKryzel
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Performing offlane creep pull as dire

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 08:57 AM PDT

Hey guys. Im an offlane spammer in trash tier mmr who has been having mixed results experimenting with offlane pull.

I have noticed I have more success with this technique when on radiant. With this post I''m hoping to learn how to better pull when on dire.

I think a factor is map geography. On radiant I can cross the river at mid by the rosh pit, head up by the ancients, and hide until the battle horn. This approach keeps me out of enemy vision unless supports go mid to place a ward.

On the other hand, on dire I seldom cross the river without being spotted. Radiant mid tower is placed in such a way that I cannot avoid its gaze. If I try crossing at dire rune, ancients, or even in the off lane itself, there is likely a hero in the path.

I find if I'm spotted early I have much less time to run the creeps in circles before I have two supports in my face. This is fine if I'm on pango, omni, or any other offlaner that has a free escape. However it can mean my death if im on brew or doom.

Avoiding early vision is crucial to surviving the off-lane pull in my MMR. Supports dont understand or expect this technique. If they don't see you coming, they generally don't react to it effectively.

When on dire, how can i get into position for the offlane pull without being spotted?? Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/jiffypop69
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How should I be playing Broodmother

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:58 AM PDT

While I don't spam brood every game I can I do really enjoy playing her when I can and usually play offlane or mid, had a few questions about her I wasn't sure about any other info would be appreciated, thanks!

  • Should I be prioritizing offlane or mid lane more or is this just dependent on who I'm against?

  • How should I be using my webs i.e continuously placing them as I push or should I still be moving around off of my webs and not isolating myself to them.

  • Is it beneficial to go hand of Midas on brood and should I look to farm enemy jungle whenever possible?

  • Should I be rotating to separate lanes if I'm being yanked heavily or continue to pressure the same lane?

submitted by /u/_paradis
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Can I dodge viper strike using meld?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 06:00 PM PDT

If so I could probably win a viper mid with TA.

submitted by /u/earthkira
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hi guys teach me how to draft

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:03 AM PDT

hi guys im horrible at drafting, i made a video with a few of my games, tell me what i did wrong what i should have done help me out.


submitted by /u/sulemankhan22
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Let's talk about Nullifier

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 12:39 AM PDT


I did some testing and these are results that I've found along with info from Wiki.

Cost: 4700

Components: Sacred Relic (+60 DMG), Helm of Iron will (+3 Hp regen, +5 Armor)

Bonus:+65 DMG (~5 DMG), +5 HP regen (~2 HP regen), +5 Armor.

Dispels the target and mutes them for 5 seconds.

Things it can dispel/mute after or during item usage:

  • Removes the Buckler (+2 Armor) active.
  • Removes active Urn & Spirit Vessel.
  • Removes Medallion and Solar crest buff.
  • Removes the active Drum buff from one's ally.
  • Stops Glimmer. (can be used during delay/ during invis)
  • Stops Euls. (can be used while in air)
  • Can remove Crimson guard active buff.
  • Can also dispel active Aeon disk.
  • Stops Teleportation channeling.
  • Stops Meteor Hammer channeling.
  • Removes E-Blade/ Ghost active.
  • Removes Mask of Madness active buff. (caution: the enemy won't be silenced anymore)
  • Removes Satanic active buff.
  • Removes Mjolnir active buff.
  • Cannot use active items during muted.
  • Cannot toggle items like RoB, RoA, Armlet, Radiance during muted.

Things it cannot do / useless against:

  • Cannot remove active buffs of Hood/Pipe.
  • Cannot remove Radiance/Shivas/HoD/Vlad/Mek/Greaves/AC passive aura.
  • Will not affect the bonus cast range of Aether lens.
  • Will not reveal SB/SE active users.
  • Will not dispel Lotus.Instead, it will be thrown back at you.
  • Can be Manta dodged and be disjointed by Blink Dagger.
  • Will not affect Tranquil regen/MS bonus.
  • Will not remove active Phase boots buff.

The projectile travels at a speed of 900. Disjointable projectiles

  • Projectiles at 1000 speed : Sven's stun, Bounty's Shuriken, CK's stun, WK's stun, PL's lance. Nullifier is slower than these skills so I think it is better to be at meele range to avoid enemy disjointing it.

Anytime the muted target is attacked, it will be slowed by 100% for 0.4 seconds. (From Wikia)

  • The slow immediately triggers on the target upon projectile hit as well, so that it gets slowed on hit.
  • When the target already has the Nullify debuff, refreshing it with a new cast does not trigger the slow.
  • After that, the slow triggers on every successful attack hitting the target. This means missed attacks do not trigger it.

So, apart from the ones suggested in the Wiki what kind of heroes/situations did you find Nullifier useful in? I personally like it on Jugg & PA (mostly right click meele carries)

submitted by /u/_DVDBoy_
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Questions on the Day[9] learns DotA series w/purge

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 01:28 PM PDT

I'm about halfway through EP.3, and I usually play Shadow Shaman or Lina in Turbo.

  1. How do I decide what starting items to buy to trade better when the game hasn't even started yet? Is it purely predicting the enemy?

  2. When I zone, I tend to be incredibly underleveled and underfarmed, even for a support, and I never catch up. (Usually pos4 SS/Lina) where should I be getting the levels that I miss while zoning?

  3. How do I zone a double lane? Obviously the carry should be focused on cs, and I can't trade 2v1.

submitted by /u/DefNotBetter
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Edge pan vs middle mouse drag? Which one should I be using, and which one do most of the pros use?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:58 PM PDT

What do you think? Will my edge panning deter my skills in any manner? Should I just start using the scrollwheel dragging movement, or stick to edge panning that i've been doing and growing used to ever since playing my first rts games, about 10 years ago?

submitted by /u/waffeli
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How should i learn Meepo

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 10:03 AM PDT

Im just confused as i what i should be doing as meepo and especially what i should do with the first clone

submitted by /u/OpeeyDopy
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why cant u dodge glimpse with an EUL?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:19 AM PDT

shouldnt u be able to do that?

submitted by /u/PsychoMUCH
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How do you deal with agressive trilane as Offlane Nyx?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:19 AM PDT

me Nyx vs AM,Lich and Naga, eventhough i only die 2 times in my lane,AM got a very free farm and got Battlefury at 13 min.

Link to Match Overview:https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3810923830

submitted by /u/DifferentAnswer
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I have trouble justifying upgrading Wraith Band into a Ring of Aquila on ranged heroes, when I can keep the band for a Hurricane Pike. Am I doing it wrong?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:40 AM PDT

Ring of Aquila has always seemed like a dead end to me, with no upgrade path available. I suppose it can be good on melee carries, but I can't see why you'd get it on ranged heroes when you can upgrade a Wraith band into Hurricane Pike.

submitted by /u/TomHicks
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Ultimate Bristleback build?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:40 AM PDT

Yesterday I had a game with Bristleback and in the end I had more gold than I could spend. Maybe I could have gained some advantage if I only know what to buy.

I ended up using Treads, Assault Cuirasse, Hood (stupid me forgot to upgrade to Pipe), Blade Mail, Octarine Core and Abyssal Blade. I also got Radiance in backback but couldn't find a slot for it without compromizing my durability or speed.

I was against Drow, Pudge, Techies, Sniper and Witch Doc.

Any ideas how to itemize better in such case?

submitted by /u/VeGe-
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Since Focus Fire's attack speed boost was reduced in 7.07, how much attack speed does Windranger need to reach the AS cap with her ult?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:33 AM PDT

How come a 700gpm TA loses such a game?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 03:29 AM PDT

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3810844244 (MatchID: 3810844244) 700 gpm TA let's WK (and OD, I guess) make her suffer and lose the game. What could TA do to win this game? Are 2-3 ideas possible as a starting point to improve the future games?

In this game, Templar Assassin experiments with Travel Boots as a core item. Setting traps in different lanes, helps her net worth explode, since traps now clear creep waves easily after talent level 15. In fact, it might even be better to get BoT before blink.

submitted by /u/looking4party
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