Factorio Preparing our booth at PAX East

Preparing our booth at PAX East

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 12:38 PM PDT

Making Nuclear More Dangerous (But Without Meltdowns)

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 09:04 AM PDT

I was watching video of expeditions inside the Chernobyl sarcophagus when i had this thought: what if factorio nuclear reactors didn't come with shielding?

There are two changes. First:

Any functioning nuclear reactor, heat pipe, or heat exchanger does constant damage to players, bots, and biters within a certain distance, scaling up as the distance decreases. If line of sight is blocked by walls or closed gates, the damage is cancelled.

This emulates the interesting set of problems that engineers face in real life: you have to build the reactor in such a way that, once sealed, it cannot be entered again except in case of emergency (think the movie K-19: Widowmaker). Refueling and throttling systems have to be constructed thoughtfully beforehand and it would make sense to build a smaller testbed reactor design that would be abandoned and sealed once it's time to scale up to full production (think of current sites like Oak Ridge and Hanford where cleanup is still ongoing).

Second change:

Any active reactor, heat pipe, and heat exchanger accumulates radioactivity over time. When inactive, radioactivity decreases instead. The big change: while radioactive, the entity cannot be deconstructed by the player or by bots.

This emulates the time that we have to wait for reactor vessels and other equipment to "cool off" before we can disassemble them in real life. It also keep the player from trivializing the radiation damage from change 1 by simply deconstructing the reactor when they want to go inside the enclosure. We really can't do that in real life.

Bonus change three:

Any radioactive entity destroyed by players or biters is replaced with a destroyed version of itself that inherits the accumulated radioactivity of the destroyed item and does twice as much radiation damage until cool.

This could create interesting situations for the player when biters or accidents destroy parts of the reactor system. Do they lose bots to build a temporary wall to contain the damage, as the USSR tried to do with robots? Do they risk their own health to do so, as the USSR also did with people?

submitted by /u/nospacebar14
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A new Concept [Twitch vs Factorio]

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 11:10 AM PDT

Hey guys, So I recently had this idea of twitch viewers playing against people who play factorio. The people in the chat can use commands to attack the people ingame.

This works as follows, people in chat get points as their currency, they can either invest those points to gain more points per minute or attack immediately. This usually results in raids where a bunch of people attack at the same time to try to overwhelm our defenses and kill us. The basic goal for the people ingame is to build up defenses and build a rocket, at which point twitch is considered beaten.

We had 2 takes at this so far and it has been quite fun. If you want to join in on the fun I am going live now at https://twitch.tv/nexusnul


1: "small-biter", 70: "medium-biter", 500: "big-biter", 1000: "behemoth-biter", 5:"small-spitter", 25:"medium-spitter ", 300:"big-spitter", 700:"behemoth-spitter", 

[] : optional parameters
<> : required parameters

  • !raid [points to spend] raid the game with the given amount of points.
  • !stats : tells you how many points you have right now and how many you get per minute.
  • !invest [points to spend] : invest those points to increase your points per minute.

i = invested points Gain function Math.floor(logOf(1.8,i) + i*0.02)+2

As of now my twitch is the only place this mod is being deployed, I will add other people as they start using this plugin.

submitted by /u/NexusNull
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I just had a minor car accident and I'm glad for it, because I can stay at home tonight and play some more Factorio. I might have a problem.

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 01:02 PM PDT

Was playing till about 7PM and had to leave for a half-hour drive to meet with some friends and my girlfriend afterwards. Wouldn't be home at least until 1-2AM. A few kilometers down the road from home I cut my car tire(tyre?) on a huge ass rock in a hole, and smashed my wheel a bit. Luckily, my brother brought a spare wheel, and we changed it quickly. Couldn't really continue the drive, had to go back home, and replace the tire in the morning.

The fun part?

I get to stay home tonight and play more Factorio. My friends and girlfriend think I'm devastated that I couldn't be with them tonight, and here I am, happy as hell. I might have a problem.

submitted by /u/gr4ndm4st3rbl4ck
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Green Circuits takes a lot of copper.

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 04:33 PM PDT

Slight Graphical Thing: that I wish would be adjusted with new graphical updates.

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 03:39 PM PDT

My beaconed science setup

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 02:23 PM PDT

I found an amazing uranium ore patch. This will surely power my base for at least 2 minutes!

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 06:12 AM PDT

What if the biters could compete with the player for resources?

Posted: 03 Apr 2018 11:33 PM PDT

The aliens, in my opinion, are one of the most interesting, but underused dynamics of the game.

I think it would be a really interesting mechanic to have the aliens harvest or "eat" metal with little worker aliens, taking the resources back to their base to potentially create a boss alien that would become a force multiplier for the alien's offensive, or defensive, goals. A "queen" biter, so to speak.

The worker aliens could evolve with the other species over time, starting by harvesting a negligible amount of resources to fuel the growth of "tiny" boss aliens that the player should keep a mental note to look out for, gradually building up to a work force of aliens that consume a large patch of iron in a few hours to build massive boss mobs that should make the player panic or focus their attention on.

Or there could be no evolution, and the worker aliens would appear in the late game so the game knows a player is prepared for a potential boss alien.

The boss aliens could have different stages too, and serve both an offensive purpose by healing aliens and giving them extra armor, or spawning more aliens right at your walls! They could serve a defensive purpose too by creating a powerful fortress that the player would have to put serious resources into cracking, or spend the rest of the game holding off even stronger attacks than what exists in the current end-game.

This would be something on the rarer side, maybe controller by having the worker aliens, which are necessary for the entire thing to work, spawning in a very rare building that can't appear by the starting location.

At any rate, I've always found the aliens somewhat lacking in the end game. I feel this is a good way to add more to their arsenal without raising HP/armor/damage and adding more of them. I see this as an organic way to give more opportunity for complex player choice, and add more variety to the game making for some interesting stories to tell.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/MaximusPaxmusJaximus
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My first main bus, how is it and what can I fix?

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 04:17 PM PDT

[PSA] Don't forget to arm yourself against RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 06:33 AM PDT

We all know factorio can be a huge time sink and easily distract you for several hours straight. This may cause unwanted injury like RSI, which can be prevented! Take some breaks in between, do some stretching and sit in the right manner.

I used to ignore these warnings when I was younger, but now at 24 (so old, cough cough) I am starting to feel the RSI. Which is a shame :(. So do yourself a favor and combat the silent killer (not to be confused with the silent fart).

submitted by /u/noutaz
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Looking for a specific mod

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 07:32 PM PDT

I just searched through the Mod Portal and came up dry. I'm looking for a mod that reverses the vanilla evolution mechanic when you destroy biter nests. In other words, the evolution factor decreases as you kill them off. I haven't seen the mod personally, but one of the people I play with says it exists. Any help?

submitted by /u/salttotart
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10 hours in, how did I do?

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 02:26 PM PDT

Make player stand in front of Alt Veiw

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 07:11 PM PDT

I have 5 weeks of free time till my new IT job starts Goodbye sunlight hello Factorio

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 07:11 PM PDT

So yeah i have 5 weeks with litteraly nothing to do I curently have 550 hours I expect it to be double or more, see you all on the other side. (Note: for anyone whose concerned don't worry I'll still take breaks every few days or So;)

submitted by /u/Nova_nanite
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Doing things weirdly: Trainless 2k spm megabase !

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 08:02 AM PDT

Sooo, tl;dr: trains arn't very good and are easily replaced by long distance belts for fun & profit. Try it.



  • 16.5 GW power usage
  • 2k spm constant, no military science.
  • Constant 150 ups on my i5-6600k @ 3.89 ghz, so 5k ups "wall clock"
  • All of 8 splitters in the entire map, 7 of which arn't very useful.
  • 180k blue belts crafted.

Mods used:

  • Advanced Electric because: I hate huge solar farms.

  • RSO + angel's infinite ore: Moving the entire factory 50k tiles to the side was too much of a hassle.

  • Advanced radar, waterfill: really should be in vanilla by now.

  • Belt immunity, auto research, custom power armor, fewer trees, ore eraser, squeak through: QOL

  • Teleportation: no taxi trains for me, so teleport mod instead.

  • Time Control: oh so useful for testing performance and reducing waiting times.

  • Void Chest +: Late addition, the ability to void plates & ores when rebuilding smelters is amazing.

Now, lets talk:

Ok, WHY ?

Well, I was reading FFF, as we tend to do in this subreddit, and FFF #176 in particular struck me as potentially interesting. See, if stacks of items on a belt act as one, and there is no limit, a fully compressed belt will act as one single item stack per line. Which is an awful lot like a chest.

And trains are like chests too, except the need a) pathfinding b) more inserters to unload due to time spent entering & exiting the station.

So, based on this idea, fully saturated long belt seemed strictly better than trains in all circumstances. Also, the constant output of belts compared to the bursty output of trains would allow for lower number of required bots.

That needed testing of course, so I took my 650 spm base and started sacrificing trains & wagons in the name of science.

I eventually settled on bot/belt mixed base, belts for mining & smelting everything (+ red science as a test), bot based setups for everything else.

Lessons learned

  • It works ! It actually works surprisingly well considering. I was afraid I'd end up with 3k wall clock, but it smoothed out nicely towards the end of the build.
  • Non compressed belts tank ups hard. Especially long belts.
  • Need a few % of production margin on all things, otherwise it's a pain :/ (learned that too late)
  • Full unload of a belt needs 5 stack inserters, not 4. 4 works out to about 98% unload capacity, so if your margins are super tight, use 5.
  • Likewise full loading of a long belt from chests require 3 inserters for each side. 2 is "good enough" if you don't need more than 90% load.
  • Lesson learned too late: Yellow & red belts are still a thing, so are half belts, which give us 6 possible throuhput for fully compressed belts.
  • Balancers are of course useless on fully compressed belts. Which is nice since splitters & lane merging costs ups (FFF-176 again).
  • Since 0.16 is still new and was experimental for a long time, very few people have built interesting things on it. As a result, pretty much no publically available belt based blueprints are actually optimised for the new constraints of 0.16. So I had to design everything myself.
  • Void chests are a lifesaver when testing designs.
  • The is an "ultimate belt" mod that adds higher tier belts with much higher speed. Completly useless without loaders since inserters can't keep up, requiring splitters or staggered belt slow down zones, either of which cost as much ups as just using long blue belts, negating most of the point in the first place.
  • The integrated belt debug tools are super useful. (F4 -> show transport lines & show transport line gaps. Everything in white is bad, screenshot in the album).
  • Oh god devs please finally activate loaders in vanilla. That saves like 20-30% ups on this map :/
  • Really should have organised my mall better. Waiting 4 hours for 200k solar panels + accu due to brownouts isn't fun.
  • The screenshot commands are pretty neat.

Things to improve:

  • Need to work on the designs more. I'm a fan of the plate smelter unit, but the steel smelting is still horrible. Math works out really badly, a full blue belt of steel requires 166.667 iron plates per second, which is 4 blue belts + half a yellow :/. So you can have a 95% blue belt, or do something horrible and add a tiny bit on top. Not a fan.

  • Split things more. The parts that are bot driven tend to be too big and too badly organised, I'd need to redo all of that with proper designs (exception being the clean green circuits on the north west).

  • Plastic & rocket fuel would really work better if split in 3+ so I could have much more compact designs for them.

  • My main base still has purple and yellow science, that really should be moved elsewhere someday. Likewise for the rocket pads.

  • I've heard of circuit controlled inserters for smelters, might need to try that someday.

In the future:

Got another base to finish & write about, then I might do a quick creative mode 6k spm base with loaders this time, just to see how clean I can make it compared to this one. We'll see.

submitted by /u/Kujara
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What unique designs do you swear by that no one else seems to use?

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 12:26 PM PDT

I have two,

Buffers: I put buffers on tons of stuff because they're super easy to add and have numerous benefits. Far less production loss, temporary output boost during high demand, and provide an easy warning system that will alert you when your input fall below demand long before you actually run out of the item.

Mixed Belts: I started experimenting with mixed belts just for the fun of learning to do stuff with the circuit network, and I've found them to be extremely useful. It allows you to dump all that stuff you need for construction in a single easy to grab place, as well as makes producing a new item super easy. I go so far as to create a dedicated two belt loop that included iron, copper, steel, gears, coal, stone, bricks, green/red/purple circuits, plastic, batteries, engines, electric engines, and robot frames. I fill it with blank assemblers and you can instantly start automating new techs and only occasionally have to feed it a new intermediate. What it lacks in throughput it more than makes up for in convenience.

submitted by /u/Cracktorio69
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After 2000+ hrs, I launched my first missile(s).

Posted: 03 Apr 2018 07:18 PM PDT

Is there a mod that automatically puts map icons on resource patches?

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 04:06 PM PDT

I know it's a niche question, but sometimes biters are so densely packed that it's hard to notice ore patches below them. Is there any mod that either puts icons on or makes those patches more visible in map view?


submitted by /u/TheGreaterFool_88
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Please help us document our builds

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 03:30 AM PDT

A Factorio build doesn't need to be very big before the player starts losing track of what's going on where, or why something insane-seeming actually makes all sorts of sense and he shouldn't change it. The game doesn't currently give you a good way to document what you're doing and why you did it, the closest it has is the ability to put labels on the world map. While that is both nice and useful I should like to see something more fit for writing detailed descriptions, or comments that don't get shoved in my face every time I look at the map etc.

I have three suggestions for new features that I hope would be easy enough to implement, and which I think would massively help players work with their factory rather than against it.

  1. Allow us to write freetext comments that we can attach to tiles in the terrain or to entities. These could be available within the popup-box you get when you click on entities, or by clicking on a small "this tile has a comment" icon that is shown on any map tile that has a comment. This will let us document to ourselves in some detail why an entity is doing what it's doing, what we meant by some particular type of spaghetti, what we are intending to do on some piece of undeveloped land, etc.

  2. Make belt segments remember what the last item was that passed through on each of its lanes. Show this information in the mouse-over information box, even when the belt segment is currently empty ("Last left lane transport: X; Last right lane transport: Y"). This way when a belt is empty then instead of needing to investigate what it was supposed to be carrying by checking on its source and destination spots (a frustratingly error prone procedure, in my experience) we can simply mouse-over and easily see what it used to be carrying and therefore probably should be carrying. This would be useful to anyone who isn't going over the top on the mixed sushi belts.

  3. Likewise, make pipes, pipes-to-ground, storage tanks, etc., remember what the last fluid was that was contained in it, even if the container is currently empty. Again when we're looking at an empty pipeline this will let us easily see what it once used to / soon again probably will / desperately needs to carry without tedious investigations of attached entities.

If these were implemented I think they would substantially contribute to cutting away some of the more tedious aspects of the game and letting us get on with the more interesting parts of gameplay.

submitted by /u/Bsod2049er
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Let's Build a Giant Pyramid (Info Inside!)

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 03:00 AM PDT


So I've been thinking of crazy Easter egg stuff to do late game. I had this pyramid idea a long time ago a bit inspired by the Monuments in AOE. One of the things I thought of is being able to make books (using wood planks) to write some stuff on and leave them scattered around.

But anyway PYRAMIDS.

What about being able to build a giant pyramid that would do nothing besides being giant and magnificent? I thought that perhaps it could be like a giant chest that stores a lot of things like x10 steel chests worth and have massive hits, so basically undestroyable. 1 million hits, why not? Even.. Why do SILO destruction PVP when you can do Pyramid destruction PVP?

So anyway I did some quick math after reading this article (random google search): https://www.cheops-pyramide.ch/khufu-pyramid/khufu-numbers.html

And the pyramid is about 150x150 meters which I will translate in factorio to tiles. It has 210 levels of bricks.


150x150x210 is roughly 5 million bricks. Which is a shit load of bricks but not so much in fact I saw this today in the MP game I host (Redmew) and got inspired: https://i.imgur.com/HOBQhVB.png

Obviously thats a lot of bricks but it could work like the silo. You insert bricks and a special pyramid silo thing has a percentage of completion. Once is done it outputs the pyramid.

You place the pyramid which will also require a lot of work removing trees and stones (surface should be completely clean) and landfill if needed.

Voila! You have your place to store your candy bars so your flatmate does not steal them and also to sacrifice virgins.. And since we are talking Factorio, there will be plenty of them ;) (OH, WAIT..)

submitted by /u/booomhorses
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Looking to join a group of 2-5 intermediate to advanced players. Vanilla or Modded.

Posted: 04 Apr 2018 02:01 PM PDT

Title. Asked on the discord a few times but didn't really get replies. Looking to create larger scale megabases with other people of similar skill level, but amateurs are fine. As long as you play regularly, I don't care how experienced you are. I have experience with belt bases and bot networks, a bit lacking with trains and circuits. If you want to play vanilla or with some QOL mods, I don't have a preference. I don't have experience with angel's but have played with bob's mods before.

If you have a group, send me a DM on reddit or reply directly to the thread, I'll send you my discord tag.

submitted by /u/Antarlia
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