[1.2.23] Patch Notes Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:06 AM PDT [FIXES] - The third objective (Bullet) of "The Gunfather" quest is now unlockable if the player possesses non custom Riftborn
- The quest fleet from the "Flight of Eyder" can no longer travel in warp mode, to prevent the quest from failing due to the time it took it to reach another system
- Fixed an issue in chapter 2 part 2 of the Lumeris main quest with the Ecologist choice. The Ecologist law now validates properly
- Fixed Singularity notification not telling which empire deployed it
- Cravers Quest no longer gives a system (Infinite Factory) which is invisible and unreachable by other players, preventing an elimination of the Cravers player
- "To do, or not to do..."
- The quest can now be completed when having a custom faction with Riftborn or Continuum Sculptors affinity
- Objectives from the part 2 now display a progress tracker
- One of the choices from part 2 has been temporarily locked pending a fix
- Fixed a warning generated when quickly switching from a notification with one objective to another with two objectives
- Fixed Sowers assimilation bonus applying only for one population unit per system
[BALANCE] - Removed Science resource reward: it is difficult to balance and players used to lose a part of their gain which was unfair
- Added a cap on all buyout costs reductions (capped to 95% reduction)
[1.2.20] Patch Notes Posted: 21 Mar 2018 09:06 AM PDT 1.2.20 - 21/03/2018 Fixes- Fixed the "Preserve" reward of the "Ghoul or Gourmand" quest.
- Fixed the completion prerequisites of "The Gunfather" quest.
- Fixed the second part of the "To do, or not to do" quest trigger.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Sefaloros to appear in-game.
- Fixed a bug preventing the "Developer of Talent" quest of being validated.
- Fixed a bug where the "Take arms" objective of the "To do, or not to do" quest was able to target unique planets.
- Fixed a bug generating an error message after completing the "Take arms" objective from the "To do or not to do" quest.
- Fixed the "To do or not to do... (Part 2)" quest progress counter.
Balancing- Adjusted trade buff; trade companies should start with a higher initial income while still being reasonable in late-game
Miscellaneous- Sower pop quest artwork has been flipped left for a better view.
Lost Symphony, Untold Tales, & patch 1.2.18! Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:58 AM PDT Hey everyone, We are very happy to be releasing two new content packs, Untold Tales, & Lost Symphony. Aimed at increasing immersion, and modeled after Endless Legend's The Lost Tales & Echoes of Auriga, these two new pieces are aimed at players who love Endless Space 2's rich universe, and want to fill their eyes and ears with MORE of it. Both content packs are priced at $2.99 / 2.99€ / £2.49, with a 10% discount until March 19th! At the same time, Endless Space 2 is a whopping 50% off for the same duration, so if you've been looking for an occasion to rope your friends in, now's a great time! Here is a breakdown of both content packs: Untold TalesThe Endless galaxy might be governed by a few powerful forces, but it is still inhabited by masses of minority species, with their own history, heroes and purpose. In Endless Space 2: Untold Tales, uncover hidden secrets, intriguing stories and endearing characters scattered across your Empire with 21 exclusive Quests, 4 new Minor Factions and 4 new Heroes. - 21 new Minor Faction Quests
- 4 new Minor factions:
- Galvrans : Hailing from a strange planet with extreme day/night cycles, the Galvrans are courteous but often withdrawn.
- Kal'Tik'Mas : The Kal'Tik'Mas are a hardy race of scavengers whose gruff exterior hides a grievous past.
- Sowers : The Sowers are intelligent terraforming machines who follow an ancient order of the Virtual Endless.
- Sefaloros : Aquatic geniuses at industry and construction, the Sefaloros often use engineered life forms to aid their work.
- 4 new Heroes:
- G0d3I Builder.v87 (Sower)
- En Pas Leba (Kal'Tik'Ma)
- Ooblart Essacius (Sefaloros)
- Chancellor Alazne Matul (Galvran)
Lost Symphony - 7 new tracks:
- Boltzmann Brains
- Light Curve
- Forgotten Moon
- Flat Geometry
- Digital Minds
- Unstable Molecule
- Lost Cities
- 1 new Minor Faction: Harmony
The Harmony work diligently to improve resource production, as exposure to resources acts as a form of nourishment. Patch 1.2.18 One of our main goals with this patch was to rebalance weapon & support modules following your feedback. Energy weapons should now be on par with their projectile counterparts, and Blast Effect Batteries will no longer be able to one-shot bigger ships. We also gave some much needed buffs to some supports modules that were seeing little use while imposing some limitations to those that were too prominent in combat or could stack too high. The other main aspect was to rebalance governments, also following player feedback. Republic was king and the idea was to bring the other governments to its level, by increasing their strengths and make them able to fit different playstyles. Along with the purely numerical changes on political event values (building many military ships will no longer force you to become militarist!), we feel this brings new stakes to the political game of Endless Space 2! BALANCEVaulters: - Material Expertise: Strategic resources costs multiplier in Modernization upgrades increased from 25% to 50%
- Probe vision range bonus from Vaulters-specific tech decreased from +40% to +25%
- Golden Age does not scale on Game Speed anymore
- Hero skill Geniocrat I: Science bonus reduced from +20% to +15%
- Vaulter populations bonus damage to attacker in ground battle increased from +20 to +25
- Increased cooldown before next free colonization by 2 turns
Space Battle: - Rebalanced Laser & beam DPS values
- Blast Effect battery will now do only 50% damage against medium and large ships
- Energy and Projectile enhancer strategic cost brought from 2 to 3
- Lenser module will grant repair per phase bonus instead of HP bonus
- Jammer module will now grant an evasion boost in addition to its usual bonuses
- Antipersonnel Defense drone now grant 150 manpower in addition to its usual bonuses
- Hardened Shield Generators now grant 100 energy defense in addition to its usual bonuses
- Turret Recovery Fields now grant +10% critical damage in addition to its usual bonuses
- Globally reduced evasion boost on Engine modules
- Antimatter Laser and Beam will now have a superior hull penetration rate instead of a damage boost against shields
- Beams have been boosted back to 75% of their former value
- Energy & Projectile Enhancer Damage boost can now only be equipped once per ship
Politics: - Made Autocracy available for Custom factions
- It is now possible to add governments in mods and they will appear in the interface of the game
- Reworked political event effects:
- Reduced power for numerous militarist events
- Reduced power for some pacifist events
- Increased power for some religious and ecologists events
- Building a Wonder now always increases the religious ideology
- Governments revamp:
- Federation now gives +1 System before over-colonization per Hero on Empire
- Federation now has -20% Luxury cost on System Development Upgrades
- Democracy now has -5% Influence upkeep cost reduction per active law from different political parties
- Dictatorship now has the strongest forced laws in the game
- Dictatorship now grants +50% Effect to Senator skills
- Dictatorship's propaganda now provides an additional System effect as well as boosting party experience
- Dictatorship now has two additional law slots unlocked on stage 3 and 5 of Empire Development respectively
Economy - Increased growth upkeep overall for population
- Early game food star system improvements have had their gains reduced
FIXES - Fixed an issue where an unknown Battle Card with placeholder text was displayed in the Battle Tactics screen
- Added Show Location Buttons to Argosy-related notifications
- Fixed critical error when a Vodyani Ark has less than 60% HP, and tries and fails to retreat, resulting in its destruction and causing the game to remain stuck
- Fixed an issue where ships could appear rotated after using the Skip to Action button
- Quest planets no longer remain highlighted after the Pacifist path of the "Guardians and the galaxy" quest has failed
- Fixed some traits filed under the wrong category which caused their description not to appear
- Vaulters Fleet Names are now implemented
- Fixed the Meta-Entactogen Luxury not being impacted by cost reductions
- Fixed Need to Breed Bill not appearing for Republics
We hope you guys are excited by the added immersive content we're offering! Once you've given Lost Symphony a listen, tell us what your favorite track is! |
[FOR YOUR EYES ONLY] THE NEXT MAJOR FACTION WILL BE... Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:44 AM PST [www.games2gether.com]Click the picture to vote Date: REDACTEDClearance level: TOP SECRETTo the attention of REDACTED Dear REDACTED, We have received critical intel on the Endless Space 2 project. Based on our findings, it seems likely that an upcoming major faction will be created through community votes. Our agents monitored the creation of the Eyder[wiki.endless-space.com] minor faction in late 2015, and you might be familiar with the process. A series of votes progressively shapes various aspects of the faction, until its personality and looks emerge. We suspect the methods employed will be similar. Here are the critical facts we have gathered, based on reliable sources: - This new major faction will be included in a major expansion for Endless Space 2. Our leads on the Vaulters had been accurate and these were released in January, 2018, but this mentions of a new faction confirms our earlier intel that lent the rumors. A secondary investigation has been launched to dig up the sources of these rumors and see if they can be flipped to join our network.
- This major faction appears to be espionage-oriented. There are many different ways this could play out, and within the parameters of this contest, the end result will be entirely up to the community.
- We have seen a roadmap of the event which, although limited, gives us a solid understanding of the process ahead. It is reproduced below for your benefit:
SPECIES TYPE => ORIGIN => HOME PLANET => CIVILIAN DESIGN => SHIP DESIGNIt is our belief that influencing the outcome of this process is of paramount importance to the well-being of our society. We recommend proceeding to the Votes section[www.games2gether.com] and throwing our weight behind our preferred option, starting with [Species Type]. We remain confident that final victory will be ours. Sincerely, REDACTED |
Update 1.2.11 -- Guardians & the Galaxy Posted: 19 Feb 2018 03:31 AM PST Update 1.2.11 -- Guardians & the Galaxy [ADDITIONS & IMPROVEMENTS] - Added Unfallen population quest: Guardians & The Galaxy, created by community member StormAngel!
- Added Make War Not Love Hero Reward, Karv Jezet, from the upcoming Unfallen comic!
- Added an ingame clock over the End Turn button so you remember to sleep!
- Added side panel in the Diplomacy Screen that lists all ongoing contextual effects on your empire
- Guardian Guides Traits have been added
- Polished Event Notification visuals and animations
- Added link to the Economy Screen when clicking the System Level in the System Management View
- Added the option to click anywhere in the notification during the animation of the Curiosity Discovered and Empire Introduction Notifications to skip it
- Added feedback for shield and weapon deactivation on ships affected by enemy EMP in the Battle Scan View
- Reworked Happiness from System level for Vodyani into a trait, "Utopian Infrastructure" (also available in custom factions)
- Added the battle tactics mini-cards in side panel of the military screen + polished and refined play cards
- Added descriptions for the Empire improvements unlocked by the Victory technologies
- Clarified effect of Zelevas Incarnate
[QUESTS] - The Stars Their Destination part 1 and 2 now both have the right Political Event feedback
- Vodyani are now able to complete the Vaulters Chapter 4 Science Version
- Fixed errors related to "Slingshot" quest
[PERFORMANCE] - Improved game loading time. Empire Chronicles will now be loaded over time when opening the Empire chronicles window, instead of during startup loading
[MODDING] - Horatio gameplay gene splicing no longer depends on the name of the AffinityGameplay, it checks instead if Empire property HasAffinityGeneHunter
- Fixed custom (modded) planets not having a Scanview map
- Fixed issues with custom (modded) unique planets not overriding their types visual
[FIXES] - Fixed error in "Suggested Technology" algorithm
- "Halt Attacks" diplomatic term is no longer unavailable when there is one turn left to use it
- Fixed errors related to "Scienceganza" Unique Improvement and Population Events
- Fixed quest notification causing errors if there are several hidden choices
- "Attack fleet" button tooltip now properly explains why Privateers cannot attack empires that are allied with the Pirates
- The Entwined Celestial Vine progress now also appears on Special Nodes tooltips
- Fixed an issue blocking access to DLC-specific notification pop up options when playing a game with shared access to the DLC
- Fixed some anomalies appearing greyed out for no reason in the System Management View
- Fixed Hero being shown as resurrected in space battle despite the entire fleet being destroyed/captured via boarding pod
- "Crew killed per hit" effect is no longer displayed in the combat scan view when attacked ships have no manpower left
- Fixed system blockade with privateers not working as intended
- Fixed game failing to restart when it failed to start once (due to mods or other issues)
- Fixed error caused by AI accepting to join an alliance and creating a new one at the same time
- Fixed rare critical error on trading companies
- Fixed saves getting stuck because of AI alliance issues
- Becoming ally (peace/alliance) with an Empire whos blockading a players systems now un-blockades them without needing them to disable/re-enable the action
- Unfallen ships no longer receive movement speed bonus on lanes which are covered by a partially finished vine (no change when the vine is fully finished)
- Fixed error caused by fleets being attack-able while colonizing a system
- Fixed Vaulters not receiving the law effect "+X happiness on systems for Y turns after colonizing a system"
- Fixed Argosy "Create Portal" action not interrupting "Auto Explore" action
- Fixed rare error occuring when a planet is destroyed, the system lost, and then recolonized
- Fixed camera not reaching the farthest systems in the corners when playing on an exceptional twin elliptic galaxy
- Fixed Pirate not always talking when the button "support" is clicked
- Fixed Argosy colonization cost being improperly rounded in colonization tooltip
- Fixed "Boarding pods extreme" module not being received upon completion of the Deed which rewards it
- Fixed rare cases of game saves not being loadable
- Fixed Manpower refund value not being shown in the tooltip of the "Scrap Ship" button
- Fixed tooltip of the golden age icon in the Star system label displaying false information regarding its effects
- "Peace and Prayer Act" now correctly prevents Arks from being peacefully converted
- "Peace and Prayer Act" effect increased from +25 to +50 Essence per System under influence zone
- Fixed custom factions with Vaulters gameplay not unlocking boarding pods properly
- Fighters and bombers now appear in the modules list in the ship design view only when designing a compatible ship (large or carrier)
- Adamantian Bombers icon is now properly colored
- Fixed "Obelisk of All Space-Time" FIDSI effect not working properly
- Fixed some minor faction actions not resulting in political effects on populations
Make War Not Love 5 Posted: 13 Feb 2018 01:55 AM PST Hey everyone! This week is Valentine's day. Again. To combat the existential dread brought on by this commercial holiday, we've decided that once again and in a spirit of camaraderie, it would be much more preferable to make war, not love. Make War, Not Love is a SEGA event that gathers all strategy studios (that's us, Creative Assembly, and Relic) for a long week-end of events, challenges and giveaways. Starting on the 14th at 9AM GMT, we'll need you to play our games ( Endless Space 2, Total War Warhammer 2, Dawn of War 3 or Company of Heroes 2) for as long as possible to unlock rewards for everyone! We'll also be streaming our games[www.twitch.tv] several times this week, one of which might even pit us against the community... and you? On top of that, we have some solid discounts going on on all these games for the duration of the event (until the 18th). Make sure you check out the Make War Not Love website[www.makewarnotlove.com] for all info and to register as a participant. Cancel all your plans, sharpen your guns, we're staying in and we're having fun! |
[1.2.8] Patch Notes Posted: 08 Feb 2018 09:03 AM PST [1.2.8] Patch Notes [FIXES] - Fixed an issue where system scan view did not display production after loading a session
- Fixed an issue where editing ship design multiple times in a row resulted in warning screens following a recent improvement in ship slot UI
- Fixed an issue where the "Immune to Pacific Conversion" tooltip information displayed by "Celestial Vines" empires was confusing for players
- Fixed an issue where The Celestial Vines "immune to Pacific Conversion" icon and tooltip are displayed for empires which lack the Pacific Conversion technology
- Fixed an issue where the bonus from allied Unfallen vines displays debug text in the food production tooltip
- Fixed an issue where failed deeds did not display the icon of the winning empire in the Technology Screen
- Fixed an issue where attack module slots appear active after a Core Cracker module was put on a ship
- Fixed an issue where The Argosy ship design can be deleted, leaving the player unable to edit the Argosy anymore
- Fixed an issue where opponents could identify a pirate fleet on their system as privateers from another major empire because of an icon on the Fleet line
- Replaced "Coming Soon" by "This content pack is not installed" in the Content screen
- Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when assigning a hero to a fleet in the Military Status screen
- Fixed Vodyani not brainwashing minor factions when they complete a minor faction quest while they have less than 100 relation points
- Fixed an error related to achievements and the Archivist hero
- Fixed an error when decolonizing a Vaulters system while the Argosy is docked and the camera is zoomed in on the system
- Fixed Vaulters being able to decolonize their home system
- Fixed custom Vaulters Argosy not having the Argosy wireframe model in galaxy view
- Fixed some situations where an empire could be in two alliances at once and cause critical errors
- Fixed the "join alliance" term tooltip being incorrectly displayed when the alliance is full
- Fixed auto-explore button being clickable for Argosy while it is setting up a portal
- Fixed a rare issue in space battle between AIs causing the game to get stuck
- Fixed an error when colonizing home as a custom faction with both Involuntary Nomads and Extreme Foremen
- Fixed players being able to decolonize all of their systems at once
- Fixed active trade route blockades not being updated when the Lumeris population collection bonus is gained/lost
- Fixed custom factions with Involuntary nomads trait being defeated if they do not own a system for 3 turns in a row, even if they still have the Argosy
- Fixed Vaulters not knowing the empires they have spawned next to
- Fixed quest "The lost expedition" being able to permanently destroy the Argosy
- Fixed rare error in diplomatic contracts
- Fixed population not appearing in Senate screen if it has been received via migration only
- Fixed civilian fleets being attackable by allies
- Fixed Argosy having a messed up visual if owned by a Cravers Prime custom faction
- Fixed empires keeping the Constellation control bonus on their systems when they leave an alliance which owned a constellation
- The politics representative hero is now the one with the most "On Senate" skills, instead of the oldest one
- Fixed United Empire not having a voice after if turned into Mezari or Sheredyn
- Fixed the color of the guard feedback for privateer fleets
- Fix guard feedback color remaining the same when having both normal and privateer fleets on a system, and moving all privateers out of the system
- Quests can now prevent a system from being converted
- Fixed an error on the technology helper when starting a game with a custom Riftborn faction with the "Involuntary Nomads" trait
- Privateers can now siege systems
- Fixed Argosy not being able to colonize Pirate Hunting Grounds
- Fix for Minor Factions keeping their Development Grants bonuses after being declared war upon
[QUESTS] - Vaulters Chapter 4 quest, "Reunification": it is now impossible to use Cultural Conversion to Capture Auriga 2.0
- Vaulters Chapter 4 quest, "Reunification": the reward has been improved with new anomalies and deposits on Auriga 2.0 System
- The lost expedition: Rescue path quest now fails if the quest planet is destroyed
- Ice Age: Empires with Riftborn affinity are no longer allowed to launch the quest
- The Founders Keepers. quest now also completes upon colonizing the targeted planet with the Argosy
- Horatio quest Chapter 3 Part 2 "Reason to disbelieve" can now be completed
[1.2.6] Patch Notes Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:31 AM PST [1.2.6] Patch Notes [FIXES] - Fixed an issue where stock value "(0)" was displayed after the name of the
- Economic Tribute term was offered in a demand, even when not a quantified resource
- Fixed an issue where heroes couldn't be assigned or unassigned from the military status screen
- Fixed an issue where the production per turn symbol was not displayed for luxury resources
- Fixed an issue where module tooltips erroneously multiplied the module slot cost in the ship design screen
- Fixed an issue where the technology unlock notification could only show up to 3 unlocks
- Fixed an issue where faction-specific unlocks were displayed in the technology unlock notification even if the player didn't meet the prerequisites
- Fixed an issue where the Argosy readiness timer did not display after loading the session
- Fixed an issue where the over-colonization warning did not appear when assimilating a minor faction
- Fixed an issue where debug text was displayed in the Riftborn "Machine
- Embodiment" population improvement tool tip after completing the "Ecologist" and "Pacifist" paths of the Chapter 3 quest
- Fixed an issue where user received no confirmation message when cancelling a Non-Aggression pact
- Fixed an issue where wrong icons were displayed for the Chapter 1 part 2 rewards of the Vaulter questline
- Fixed an issue where modders couldn't add new factions because of animated portraits defaulting to bright white when no model was assigned
- Fixed some cases where splitting a privateers fleet would result in some privateers and some not. This bug may still occur still if a part of the fleet is merged with another one which cannot be privateers
- Privateers status can now be toggled off even when not in friendly influence
- Fixed an issue where Vodyani and Lumeris methods of colonization do not feature the over-colonization warning message
- Fixed the competitor slots in the new game screen reverting back to Sophons after playing a game with the Vaulters
- War instances are no longer destroyed more than once when forming multiple alliances simultaneously
- The pirate hero "Fluffpetal Gurk'Zvark" no longer displays the number "2" in his name when obtained
- The colonization cutscene now plays each time the Argosy colonizes a system
- Fixed wrecked ark labels sometimes being displayed in system orbital view when there were no wrecked arks
- Fixed an error on wrecked ark tooltip in rare situations
- Fixed an error when a fleet finished moving exactly when its owner accepted to remove all their fleets from another player's influence
- Fixed population collection bonuses not being updated when an ark was destroyed
- Fixed population collection bonuses not being lost when populations were lost on Vodyani arks
- Fixed "Covert sabotage" pirate action not working properly when pirates have low reinforcements
- Fixed inability to compliment/bribe minor empires that were being leeched by a Vodyani, instead of only the Vodyani being able to do so
- Fixed Vaulters assets being exportable when the DLC was disabled
- Add-Ons can now be activated in the Content Screen in the Mac version
- Fixed error + desync generated when an Argosy was destroyed in multiplayer
- Fixed skippable assert generated in GUI when relation was maxed with pirates
- Fixed end-turn freezing due to quests
- Module slot no longer displayed near the "Close" button for the Argosy II in the Ship Design screen
- Pirate lairs now allow trading routes to pass when in a friendly status with them
- Added feedback on hovering module items to make clear which slots are compatible
- Increased the cost in Dust to remove a Pirate Mark on a System
- Added Special section to Fighters and Bombers module descriptions (hull requirements were previously unspecified)
- Added special indication to AoE weapon modules
- Restored growth generation value to pre-Vaulters level
- Fixed pre-emptive strike issue with limitation of Manpower authorized in ground battle (was not functioning previously)
- Ship without at least one weapon or siege module will now be unable to siege a system
- Added special informative section to energy squadron module description
- Projectile and kinetic enhancer will now have the right effect on large weapon
- Fixed two overlapping techs in the case of a custom Vodyani/Vaulters faction
- Made sure all Diplomatic Requests terms had at least a 1 turn cooldown
- Pressure values are now capped:
--- From Score at 5 / turn --- From Border friction at 5 / turn --- From Covered Systems at 12 / turn - Fixed Happiness Bonus on Modernization levels for Vodyani not working and not being shown properly
- Fixed Horatio Population Collection Bonus III missing from System Influence tooltip
- Fixed Peace/Forced Peace issues with Eternal War trait: Cravers can now only make Peace if they have the Pacifists in the Senate
- Fixed Subatomic Disruption technology mistakenly displaying as faction specific for Riftborn
- Fixed Planets with multiple anomalies not counting more than once for Anomaly-based bonuses
- Balanced trait cost for Core Worlds (reduced from 10 to 5)
- Improved Contextual diplomacy performance
- Enhanced speed-up in AI synchronization with gameplay
- "The Lost Expedition" Rescue path quest now fails if the quest planet is destroyed
- "Pirate Quest DLC1" Add Military effect on its objectives
- The "Hoard" objective of the "Vital Statistics" quest now asks for a normal amount of Dust, even if the Treasure's incomes are negatives
- The "Vital Statistics" exploration quest now offers a compelling choice
- "Ice Age" exploration quest did not fail if the quest planet was destroyed
- False information displayed in the tutorial when discovering a new constellation as the Vaulters
- Custom Vaulters can now finish their quests
- An error message that sometimes appeared in the Pilgrim's quest has been fixed
- Metaplot now has locked systems in order to avoid asset caused by Archivist Quest
- The AI will now better handle offering strategic and luxury resources in
diplomatic contracts - AI empires will now attack pirates more often
- Fixed AI interception behavior
- Fixed AI understanding of system importance
The Endless Day Sales are up and running! Posted: 29 Jan 2018 05:27 AM PST |
[1.2.4] Patch Notes Posted: 25 Jan 2018 09:20 AM PST [1.2.4] Patch Notes [FIXES] - "Random tech" rewards from quests and events can no longer grant weapons using strategic resources
- Fixed an issue where The Core Cracker module was displayed as "available" in the Ship Design screen for level 1 and 2 Arks
- The Coordination Request panel in the end turn window now automatically shows when joining an alliance
- Fixed heroes gaining too many levels when received too much experience at once
- Fixed an issue where Military Stage IV unlock notification only shows 4 of its 6 unlocks
- Fixed an issue where the Ark image in the System Management screen control banner and fleet unit image does not display the upgraded hulls
- Fixed an issue where the fleet Action Point icon was not properly displayed
- Removed Counter-Offer button in the Diplomatic Interaction Notification when against AI
- Fixed an issue where Ark Improvements in the Constructed Improvement Panel were not displaying correct images
- Fixed heroes surviving a battle although they've been defeated if they were with a Vodyani Ark which was destroyed as well
- Fixed a situation where a fleet with 0 ships could appear on AI players
- Fixed a rare crash when exiting the game
- Fixed AI sometimes spamming other empires with Contextual diplomacy exchanges
- Fixed Chroma restrictions to be available and working only with recent Razer SDK versions: 2.7.5 and up. This fixed blocking errors about Message Box
- Fixed an issue where the Start Negotiation button in the Minor Faction notification was available even if the minor had been assimilated/killed
- Locus of swarm no longer bugs out if the player destroys the fleet and if the battle is considered a draw
- Fixed Civilians being able to turn into Privateers
- Fixed an issue with the value the Mysterious plague ship quest required for its first objectives
[BALANCE] - Manpower production is now impacted by game speed
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