Destiny - Two Tokens And A Blue: The Aftermath And The Data

Two Tokens And A Blue: The Aftermath And The Data

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 04:45 PM PDT

So this past weekend for April Fool's Day we introduced a new bot, /u/2TAAB. As promised we are providing a full data dump in case you wanted to do your own analysis. If you're too lazy I'll break down some of the highlights. If you just want to see the final leaderboard, you can see that here.

What was it and why

We wanted to do something different that hopefully would be a lot of fun. Something we could use to gently poke and make jokes about various aspects of Destiny. A currency bot seemed to hit that nail on the head. Since Destiny already offers a currency in the form of Tokens it worked out perfect. So we gave the bot the name of /u/2TAAB which is short for Two Tokens And A Blue. It was named this due to Destiny's Curse of Osiris reveal event.

The data

The data was gathered using a new reddit account running on a Python bot using the PRAW library. The data was stored in a Postgresql database. Here's the two tables we used and the raw data.

  • token_log
    • Includes all data relating to tokens awarded and removed.
  • features_log
    • Includes all data relating to the special features and if they were activated. Prevents someone from gaming the system.
  • the triggers
    • List of all the triggers and what they do.

How it worked

There were various triggers setup which could include you ether saying something, doing something, or even having your username match something. All the triggers are listed above, but some common ones are follows:

Trigger Action Amount
Make comment Add tokens 3
Make post Add tokens 7
Say "Happy Birthday /u/NorseFenrir" Add tokens 743
Say "fuck" Reset Tokens Sets you back to 0
Say "Two tokens and a blue" Add tokens 50
Username starts with 'N' Token Buff 33% gain to all tokens earned

There was one trigger you guys didn't figure out (and I'm glad you didn't), however only one person figured out that saying the full name the Gjallarhorn event ("Gjallarhorn Freedom Wolfpack Pew Pew Boom Day") would net you 500 tokens, and he said it twice. None of you picked up on that. The last trigger of note is the 'Press F to pay respects' where if you fell into /u/Hawkmoona_Matata's trap and depending on when you commented you could have lost 60 tokens just for saying F.

Data breakdown

We only manually reset the tokens for users twice, which was due to them spamming and wishing /u/NorseFenrir a happy birthday over 70 times. They only got credit once each.

  • Total tokens earned: 138,400
  • Total tokens removed: 30,676
  • # of times Norse was wished a Happy Birthday: 120
  • Total special features: 5
  • # of special features community discovered: 5
  • Total triggers: 19
  • # of triggers community discovered: 18
  • # of times the word "fuck" was said: 383

Tokens earned by the Bungie Community Managers;

Username Tokens Earned
/u/cozmo23 62
/u/dmg04 20
/u/deej_bng 0

What I've learned and where to go from here

I've learned that some things I/we thought were fun were not always fun for you guys. In reference to a joke in our modteam we set that if you say the word fuck it would reset your tokens. We thought this would be pretty funny (and to be honest, I am laughing a lot at it) but to the outside it just caused frustration which wasn't realized at the time of making the bot. We also didn't balance the economy out which put those who didn't trigger any of the special phrases or had their tokens reset at a severe disadvantage and made it very difficult if not near impossible to come back. I imagine this is part of how Bungie feels at times where they think they get something right in testing just for things to completely change when testing with a larger group or pushed to production.

Despite all that we're glad that you were all able to join us for some fun this weekend. We've got a special subreddit flair for the /u/blue_13 who came out of this with the most tokens still in the vault with 2,078 tokens total. In a close second was /u/titan3845 with 1,968 tokens. You can pick up your special flairs from the postmaster soonTM.

For now the bot is being retired and we don't have any plans for bringing it back but things could change in the future. If we do bring it back we'll be making many changes to address the shortfalls of the current version, potentially introduce a way for you to redeem some of the tokens (think rank up packages), see a larger leaderboard, and maybe keep it running for a longer period of time.

See you starside Guardians!

submitted by /u/D0cR3d
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[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-04-02]

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:05 AM PDT

Daily Milestone

none, bugged, Bungie knows

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
EDZ Lost Sectors: Firebase Hades - Loot a Lost Sector near Firebase Hades. Event Horizon - Successfully complete a public event. Scourge of the Fallen - Defeat 75 Fallen enemies.
Titan Arcology Reclaimer - Kill 40 enemies in the New Pacific Arcology. Treasure Hunter - Loot 3 Fallen or Hive supply caches. Maleus Maleficarum - Defeat 3 Hive Wizards.
Nessus Lost Sectors: Artifact's Edge - Loot a Lost Sector in Artifact's Edge. Walking the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Into the Labyrinth - Defeat 5 Vex Minotaurs.
IO Lost Sectors: Lost Oasis - Loot a Lost Sector in the Lost Oasis. Walk the Beat - Complete 3 patrols. Scourge of the Taken - Defeat 75 Taken enemies.
Mercury Lost Sector 3 Treasure Chests Kill 75 Vex

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Trigger Discipline - Defeat 2 enemies without reloading, 10 times. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Heroic Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3 Titan Challenge 3 Hunter Challenge 3 Warlock
Point Blank - Defeat 20 enemies with precision attacks at close range. Ride the Lightning - As a fireteam, defeat 100 enemies using Arc attacks. Tactical Clear - As a Striker, defeat 10 enemies blinded by your Flashbang Grenade. Skullduggery - As an Arcstrider, defeat 5 enemies afflicted with Disorienting Blow. Arc Automaton - As a Stormcaller, defeat 5 enemies using your Arc Soul.

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
Quickplay High Voltage - Defeat 15 opponents with Arc final blows. Shutdown Artist - Defeat an opponent while their Super is active. The Big Guns - Defeat 5 opponents with Power weapon final blows.
Osiris Quickplay Child of the Sun - Defeat 15 opponents with Solar final blows. Double Play - Rapidly defeat 2 opponents, 3 times. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Competitive Rocket Beats Everything - As a team, defeat 20 opponents using Power weapons. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Deny Their Supply - As a team, load Power ammo 3 times before the opposing team loads any.
Osiris Competitive Pack Hunting - Defeat 20 opponents with two or more participating players. On A Roll - Win back-to-back rounds 3 times. Hold My Light - As a team, rapidly defeat 4 opponents.
Mayhem The Hunger - Defeat 15 opponents with Void final blows. Moment of Glory - Defeat 5 opponents in a single life. Deadeye - Defeat 10 opponents with Precision final blows.
Trials of Osiris Tribute - As a fireteam, defeat 150 opponents. Fulfillment - Win 10 rounds. Judgment - Win 5 matches.

Heroic Adventure Modifiers

  • Momentum: Health and shield regeneration stop when you're not moving. Sprint to speed up regeneration.
  • Elementalist: Energy weapon damage increased. Grenades deal more damage and recharge faster. Melee damage decreased.



  • Arms Acceleration Mod
  • Legs Solar Impact Mod
  • Void Damage Mod

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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To the guy who decided that 2 Taken Goblins can make each other invincible, how do you live with yourself?

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 09:25 PM PDT

I'm so much happier with D2 lately but, for fuck's sake, I have NO idea why this change happened in the transition from D1 to D2.

In D1 you absolutely never saw 2 Taken Goblins making each other unkillable, in an infinite loop of boredom.

It just brings everything to a screeching halt. You're going ham, you kill everything else in the room, and then you have to stop, stand there, and wait politely for the Goblins to decide to let you proceed.

The next area won't open until you kill everything and you're just standing there with a metaphorical thumb in your ass until one of them decides it wants to attack you instead, breaking their perfect protection.

Seriously, there should be a safeguard in place so that a Taken Goblin that is invincible can not make something else invincible too. And especially not the very same Taken Goblin that made it invincible to begin with.

EDIT: Apparently this was a thing in D1...maybe I was just lucky but I do NOT recall it ever happening to me. But damn this seems to happen every Taken Pyramidion Strike or Taken Public Event or Taken Lost Sector.

submitted by /u/Faust_8
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r/DTG now 500k guardians strong again, what now?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 09:05 AM PDT

Do we celebrate 500k again?

submitted by /u/GN-z11
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A serious question: If enemies don’t have levels anymore, why do we?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 04:26 AM PDT

After subclasses are fixed, I still want more subclasses.

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 11:49 PM PDT

Arguably one of the best things of the Taken King was that it introduced a new subclass. I want more subclasses. More choice is always better and having only three subclasses for the next 3 years, of which 2 are nearly identical to the ones we had in Destiny 1, is a sad outlook.

There are several ways to go about this. One is a 'Dark' subclass for each class. Another is introducing new elements, such as air.

But perhaps the easiest would be to just add subclasses to the existing elements. Bring back Defender, Sunsinger and Bladedancer and change them in necessary ways. Then add two more for the other elements.

The possibilities are endless. Arc Titan can kick-dash, Void Hunter that can traverse an alternate plane, Arc Warlock that can lash enemies etc.

Destiny 2 can be great. I want it to try and be great. I am tired of people aiming for subpar goals of 'maybe they will add a new perk cluster, eventually?'

Give us new subclasses. You can do it.

submitted by /u/Zevvion
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I would still like some actual strike specific loot

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:26 AM PDT

Let me start by saying the point of this post isn't to get into the quality of the rewards, but rather how they are earned.

I've seen people here referring to the new drops as "strike specific loot" but it's actually not that, it's Nightfall specific loot. Nightfall specific rewards are a nice addition to the game but they're not filling the role that strike specific gear did in D1. Strike loot was great because it gave us something to do on those occasions where we didn't feel like putting together a fireteam and just wanted to casually boot up and solo queue in heroics. If I wanted to play but didn't have any friends online I would just load up for a shot at an Imago Loop or Grasp of Malok. I understand wanting to put rewards behind endgame content but there's also got to be some incentive to jump into the other playlists, too.

Ideally, they would add more weapons/armor as strike specific loot, but at minimum I think the new loot should have a chance to drop in heroic strikes with an increased drop rate when it's the Nightfall.

submitted by /u/_StickyFingrs
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Im not trying to be a contrarian, I sincerely want to know... why do so many people think that decreasing TTK will be a magic bullet for this game?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 04:50 AM PDT

ELI5 if you need to. As a Destiny veteran who left D2 behind a few months ago I'm curious to know about why TTK is the hot topic that's floated to the top of the dead sea here

EDIT: Thanks for the input All! I have learned much this day.

submitted by /u/Pervavore
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I just realized this game is in such a bad state that we haven't seen anyone complaining about console exclusives for a while.

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 02:36 PM PDT

The two reasons I love the Vigilance Wing

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 12:42 AM PDT

  1. It's fun, great TTK, can effectively challenge power weapons, etc etc...

  2. As everybody is using it, they can't equip Legend of Acrius too

submitted by /u/TheWolfXCIX
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Hey Bungie, instead of bringing forward D1 exotics, how about making enemy race weapons available as exotics?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:43 AM PDT

I don't know if it's my love for Halo's Covenant weapons or my longing to use the Fallen's weapons we received in the House of Wolves expansion -- but I'd love destroy some Hobgoblins with their own Line Rifle's.


EDIT: Apparently, some Guardians don't understand the concept of enemy weapons. Enemy weapons are the weapons enemies "pew pew" you with. Not the Vex Mythoclast or Outbreak Prime.

submitted by /u/HiddnAce
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Focused Feedback: The Destiny Sandbox. Current, Future and Updates

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 05:53 AM PDT

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower.

We do this in order to consolidate Feedback, to get out all your ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding 'The Destiny Sandbox' following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this thread

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

A Wiki page - Focused Feedback - has also been created for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Prestige nightfall (Pyramidion) boss spawn killed with Snipers (and supers)

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:00 AM PDT

After the march update, snipers are...not so useless for boss fights anymore. Similar to Linear Fusions, they have a nice damage increase but have the potential to shoot faster and gain additional shots with Extended Mag and Triple Tap without the need of a barricade.

However the one draw back is that you need a steady hand with snipers to get crits where as linears are easier to him even without scoping in and has a wide hit box for the crit.

In any case, snipers are worth using now. Took 7-8 snipe shots in combination with supers to spawn kill brakion.

Considering how that would never happen pre-march patch, i'd say that's a step in the right direction.

I'll be taking up Raid bosses next for Snipers and Linears and see just how much i can get out of them.

EDIT - GIF Version

submitted by /u/RegisterVexOffender
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Actually had fun playing D2 this weekend

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:44 AM PDT

Not a sarcastic thread, picked D2 back up this weekend after about a 4-5 month break, and I had a really good time playing.

Pushed my hunter and titan up to 325 LL and it felt great. The characters feel way more mobile, I got more super a decent amount of the time, and most importantly I actually had fun.

Who knows if that will last cause fixed rolls and all, but at least I got a have a few days of that old Destiny feeling.

submitted by /u/whoistoddjones
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Time to kill explained. What happens when you raise it, lower it and where it should be in D2.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:40 AM PDT

0.0 (zero) time to kill:

This is like the classic N64 Golden Eye game mode "golden gun only," which the Destiny Hunter sub class reefers to. One shot, one kill. With a zero TTK, team shooting is pointless because it only takes one bullet. As a result you see a shift in player behavior. Everyone just runs around and frantically tries to shoot each other as quickly as possible to secure the kill for themselves. Strategy is foregone because you can't react to being shot. It's pretty much just chaos. But, you only see golden gun kills, no grenades, abilities, no shotguns. Why would you? With zero TTK your hand cannon is more effective than a shotgun at much greater range.

Fast TTK:

We'll call this sub (below) .5 seconds TTK. For reference think Call of Duty, TitanFall, Battlefield etc. The TTK between those games may vary but, they are all considered "twitchy" shooters because of how quick the combat is. This takes a little more effort to secure your kill but, not much. Team shooting is overkill on damage so it's rarely seen.

At this TTK, you find most average skilled players are capable of lone wolfing and flanking. As a result, most of these games are quick 1v1 skrimishs all over the map. A lot of "run and gun" plays are made and strategy is less important unless the game mode demands it. Abilities or grenades are used but, their effectiveness is often over shadowed by how effective your primary weapon is.

Medium TTK:

We'll say this is sub (below) 1.0 second but, above .5 time to kill. This is where guns like The Last Word and the new Vigilance Wing live. Infact, a lot D1's armory was capable of sub 1.0. At this TTK your enemies feel a bit more slippery and you find that the upper minority can maintain that optimal TTK but, the average player starts to struggle. As a result you start to see more ability use because it can help finish a kill.

Overall optimal TTK is team shooting if you're under pressure but, you should be able to survive with your primary for most engagements. This is why we often saw team shooting in Trials where the stakes we're high but, rarely in Control where the stakes were low.

Slow TTK:

This would be more than 1.0 second time to kill. This is where we are with most D2 guns. I'm sure you're starting to see a trend by now but, I digress. With this speed you find that your enemies are now very slippery and the average player struggles to secure kills on there own. Even the upper echelon of players starts to struggle with taking on multiple targets and the whole skill spectrum starts to fall back on sticking together as a team.

Team shooting brings the TTK back down to a "simulated" Fast TTK (sub .5) and the average player feels like they can secure kills again. This means, if the most skilled players in the game attempt to flank, they find themselves shooting at "Target A" with an optimal average TTK of 1.0 (pre new Vigilance Wing). However, "Target A and B" are shooting at the flanking skilled player with a combined optimal TTK of sub .5 (Call of Duty speeds). Which makes the skilled player feel cheated.

This turns pro players away and forces the less skilled players to hunt as a pack just to survive against the skilled players. Eventually making the player base nothing but less skilled players team shooting each other. Which, ironically, if all of the higher skilled players left the game, the less skilled players wouldn't need to team shoot anymore... Until they come back, and rinse, repeat.

The effect of increasing or decreasing TTKs:

Let's assume that team shooting isn't an option. Let's say this is a cage match, a 1v1. The longer the TTK gets, the wider the skill gap gets. At a very long TTK, the margin for error is much greater. A skilled player typically won't make those errors, however, a less skilled player will.

As the TTK gets longer and longer, the less skilled player starts looking for alternatives to shooting, because they can't keep up with the skill players accuracy. This is when we get Grenade spam, shoulder charge, wombo combo, primary bound secondaries, Thorn, firebolt etc. Pretty much everything that bungie played "wack a mole" with in D1 was a result of trying to beat the TTK.

Furthermore, once the more skilled players pick up on a trend the less skilled players either look for a new work around or run to the forms and cry nerf.

For perspective, think back to the beginning of post and that classic N64 Golden Eye game mode. For the sake of this community let's just imagine a game mode of only golden gun Hunters with infinite super. How often do you throw a grenade? How often do you go for a sniper? Do you run around with a buddy? You don't, because the time to kill is zero. In this game mode nothing needs balance because nothing is more effective then your primary weapon (golden gun).


So, should D2 just be mayhem all the time? No, mayhem is fun but there's a balance to TTK and player behavior. Unfortunately D2 tipped the scales too far in one direction and we're seeing the fallout from that now. In my opinion D2's average TTK should be above .5 but, always below 1.0. Anything below .5 and Destiny starts to lose it's identity among the other first person shooters. Anything above 1.0 ( or .8 really) and players don't feel empowered to fight battles on their own.

One final thought. Just think about this for a moment, please. In order for you to be happy in the crucible, someone else has to be unhappy. When you're unhappy in the crucible, someone else is laughing. A perfectly balanced crucible is a game of happily players who feel like they at least had the opportunity to shine on their own, even of they didn't cease it.


A slower TTK ruins the skill gap for all skill levels. D2 TTK should be .6 to .8 seconds, never 1.0 or greater.

submitted by /u/Fareo
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Bungie, embrace the RPG side of Destiny

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 11:18 AM PDT

If youve played games like Zelda, Witcher, Skyrim etc it's easier to tell that Destiny's campaign is quite shallow in comparison and is more comparable to a Call of Duty story.

We all love to grind for light levels, cool items and cosmetics in the Destiny universe when new content is out but the grind feels so boring after completing the same Strike for the 10th time or doing Public events for hours for a chance at a reward with barely any progression. Completing quests, defeating bosses, solving puzzles and finding hidden stuff feels so much more rewarding.

The point I'm trying to make is that the story of Destiny is so separated from the grind that everything feels pointless. Put a bigger part of the grind into the story, make us grind before we can defeat Dominus weaker-than-every-strike-boss-in-the-game Ghaul ruler of the Cabal Empire. Let us use cool gear we've grinded for to defeat him.

The game is so easy that you can mindlessly play through the story without caring. Look at the games I mentioned earlier, it's a grind to just a complete those games. A story boss in Destiny is just a regular yellow-bar enemy with more health and you don't feel threatened at all. Compared to a boss in Zelda where dying a few times is normal, they have hidden mechanics you need to figure out and execute. Which boss would feel more rewarding to defeat? There's a reason Raids are so popular.

submitted by /u/Dire_Zenith
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[FAN ART] Ace of Spades Hand Cannon

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:34 AM PDT

Short sketch of Cayde's Ace of Spades hand cannon.

Used the mangastudio EX program to line and color. Wanted to work on Thorn and/or the Last Word next. Pretty much most of the exotic weapons from D1 and D2 if I get more free time.

submitted by /u/fallerion
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Aksis Challenge PDF Guide

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 05:12 AM PDT

I made a PDF guide for positioning your empowerments to easily complete Aksis Challenge. Contains several scenarios with pictures and detailed descriptions with added reasoning. It's mainly for newer players or teams that struggle. And yeah there are still new players, met one the other day who played D2 first and wanted to see what the D1 raids were like. Turns out he's not alone either. PDF Guide shameless plug for my youtube channel Kevronominon

submitted by /u/Ganjatronicals
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If you're not going to bring back D1 time-to-kill, please at least buff everything to match the Vigilance Wing rather than nerf it.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:18 AM PDT

I know that people (myself included) really want TTK closer to D1 than what we have now, but right now Bungie seem pretty adamant on keeping the TTK similar to how it currently is...

Vigilance Wing is probably the best and easiest weapon to use right now and is taking over PVP, because it actually feels relatively powerful if you hit your shots. If you didn't know, it's optimal TTK is 0.83 seconds (all crits), and it's bodyshot TTK is 1.33... not many weapon can compete with that at medium/longer ranges. Last Hope archetype (0.80s optimal) and Antiope archetype (0.90s optimal) are still dominant in their effective range, but unless you can get the drop on them they will gun you down pretty quick.

Again I would much prefer the D1 level of TTK, but I do understand that Bungie like the crucible they've created and want to keep it consistent for this game... even if we don't like it lol

submitted by /u/itsPeLLi
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Really miss the racial themed weapons

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 09:56 PM PDT

mostly Queenbreakers Bow. id love it if we got more of that. also alien* armor. hoo boy i wanna run around dressed as a fallen captain!

*Edit: sorry guys, forgot about them actually being aliens. Don't mean to be racist or anything.

submitted by /u/Antigenius18
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First step on subclass diversity in d2, let us hand pick our nodes in the skill tree. Example: Six-Shooter with Line'em Up, Crowd pleaser, and Deadshot selected at the same time.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:37 AM PDT

Hand picking 4 out of the 8 nodes in the skill tree by choosing what you desire. I don't think there will be a set up too powerful anyways and will add a lot of diversity. Imagine running six-shooter, you get a headshot to make orbs and make the super last longer. Or have Daybreak tracking dawnblades, a melee that causes an explosion and perfect in air accuracy. It'd be a great way to utilize the subclass in various ways and feel refreshing. Having your own unique setup that can play more to your style, most perks were from d1 anyways and you could have them all at the same time. Just my 2€

submitted by /u/Bakengangsta
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Tower though: If masterworks Exotic weapons grant orbs on double kills Telesto will be just like D1.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:46 AM PDT

Has Bungie mentioned what masterwork exotics are going to get? I don't bother reading that circle jerk TWAB.

submitted by /u/HAYABUSA_DCLXVI
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Is Destiny 1 still alive and well on Xbox One?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:26 AM PDT

When I heard Destiny 2 was coming to PC before the game launched I sold my Xbox One as I had never used it for anything anymore. As I'm sure you can guess why I would want to go back and experience Destiny in its.. better form, I want to know if it's still worth getting.

submitted by /u/Aimzy
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Rumble | 7 guardians in 30 seconds

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 04:00 AM PDT

7 guardians in 30 seconds

I'm not the best at pvp or video making but I thought 7 kills in 30 seconds made a change from the usual 30 deaths in 7 seconds lol.


submitted by /u/Onlyillz
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Veteran Ornaments for D1 Exotics

Posted: 01 Apr 2018 07:55 PM PDT

A fair number of D1 Exotics have been brought forward, I think it's safe to say we'll see some more in future updates.

I think Veteran Ornaments would be a simple, yet effective way to allow D1 players to further show off their Guardian's history in game.

Visually striking, themed ornaments available only to D1 players that can either be automatically granted or done in the style of the current seasonal ornaments with specific unlock conditions.

Ideally, this would be an excellent opportunity to selectively bring forward some D1 lore by giving these ornaments the D1 Grimoire text of their respective Exotic on inspection.

DISCLAIMER: I know that further investment in pure cosmetics regarding gear is not in line with our current community feedback. We need more gear options that have an actual effect on our gameplay. I still think this would be cool as well.

submitted by /u/angeleus09
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