Dead by Daylight Twitch stream #93 - But wait... there's more!

Twitch stream #93 - But wait... there's more!

Posted: 22 Mar 2018 07:32 AM PDT

Customer Support maintenance

Posted: 19 Mar 2018 10:25 AM PDT

Attention, our Customer Support service will be down for maintenance for 48 hours. Thank you for your patience.

Player Test Build | Emblems #2

Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:33 AM PDT

PTB Patch Notes | Emblems #2


Play as much as you want
We want to gather data from a wide range of players and skill levels to assess our balancing.

Answer the survey
DEAD BY DAYLIGHT | Emblem #2 PTB Feedback Survey
The survey is open from the start of the PTB to March 23rd 5:00PM EST.

When you are done with the PTB
Do not forget to come back on the live game!


Note: This will download an update over the normal build. There is no way to have both builds available at the same time unfortunately.
1. Right-Click the Dead by Daylight Application in your Steam Library
2. Access Properties
3. Access the "Beta" Tab
4. Enter the password "DbdPublicTest" (without quotes) in the Text Field
5. Click Check Code
6. Select "public-test" from the dropdown
7. Restart Steam

The new features included in the Public Test Build aren't final. Based on the analysis of its results and on the player's feedbacks, further changes will be brought to the Emblems before they're released in the live version of Dead by Daylight.


The Emblems System evaluates your performance during a match. There are 4 Emblems to work towards in every match that each come in 4 qualities. The total amount of Emblems won, as well as their quality, determines your overall match rating and progress toward your next rank.


The Emblems come in 4 qualities: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Iridescent. The quality of all Emblems won determines your overall progress toward your next Rank.


The Killer and Survivor Emblems are opposed to create competition. Performing well in one Emblem may impact your opponent's Emblem quality!


Lightbringer: Evaluates how much you participated in generators repair. Every progress is counted.

Gatekeeper: Each second brings points based on amount of generators non-repaired on the map. Uncompleted generators bring bonus points.


Unbroken: Only awarded upon escaping alive. Quality depends on the number of times you got downed.

Devout: Rewards sacrifices and moris. Death from bleeding out do not grant points.


Benevolent: Everyone loses points when a teammate is injured/hooked and get them back when saved. Performing the altruistic action grants bonus points.

Malicious: Win points by injuring and downing Survivors. Those points are lost if Survivors get healed. Win points by hooking Survivors. Those points are never lost.


Evader: Be stealthy! Being close from the Killer while remaining unseen grants points. Escaping a chase without getting hit grants points. The longer the chase, the higher the points.

Chaser: Starting a chase and landing a hit during the chase grants points. Additional points are won based on the chase's length if the chase is successful.

Live stream and PTB announcement

Posted: 13 Mar 2018 01:05 PM PDT

Attention People of the Fog!

This week, we are skipping the Live stream as we are very busy preparing a significant announcement to the Community!
Fear not, we will be back next week!

Note that you will be able to access the 2nd Emblems PTB (on PC) from March 15th to March 19th. Stay tuned for what's next!

Howling Grounds Event Community Feedback survey

Posted: 08 Mar 2018 10:47 AM PST

Give us feedback on the Howling Grounds event!
Fill in the survey:

Twitch stream #91 - Who doesn't like hats!?!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:45 AM PST


Join us on Twitch at 2PM EST!

Community Vote | Howling Grounds Screenshot Contest

Posted: 27 Feb 2018 02:56 PM PST

Select your 10 favorite screenshots!
The Howling Grounds Screenshot Contest vote is open until March 1st 6AM EST!

To vote:

Kill your friend mode issue

Posted: 26 Feb 2018 02:13 PM PST

People of the fog! Please refrain from using the Kill Your Friends mode until further notice. We have identified an issue that would cause crashes, long or infinite loads upon launching the game or transitioning to a lobby. We are fixing this issue and will patch it as quickly as possible.

On my comments in today's stream

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:32 PM PST

I'd like to start by apologizing to the amazing Dead by Daylight community for my comment during the Twitch stream this week. I reacted poorly to a very valid concern with a flippant remark and that was not appropriate. It's not easy to maneuver through these live shows, to always keep the proper line of communication and on this occasion, I failed. I preach respect, I need to show a better behavior.

What I was trying to express is that I care deeply about the fact that Dead by Daylight should be a pleasant, exciting and rewarding experience for players. All of us on the dev team are doing our best to give you a game free of frustrations and pain. We will keep at it, and it will continue to get better. I know a lot of us have been playing it intensely for a long time now and sometimes, if playing the game makes you stressed or angry to the extent that you're not enjoying it, it's ok to take a break, for a moment. That's all.

The whole team here is committed to keeping this game alive for years to come. We strive, every single day, to improve it and to make your experience in it as fun and satisfying as it can be. And we want you to be back, again and again, for as long as possible. We'll be here, working hard to bring you a more solid and healthy game that will be able to support more and more new content that will, hopefully blow your minds over and over again.

Mathieu Cote

Twitch stream #90 - Soooooooo many coins!

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:27 AM PST

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