ARMA Going through my dad's old stuff looking for something when I found this. Can't believe he kept it

Going through my dad's old stuff looking for something when I found this. Can't believe he kept it

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:49 AM PDT

Buddy putting the “Arma” in Armageddon.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:39 PM PDT

My Unit had it's most extensive Operation yet and I decided to make an After Action Report. The Mission took over 6h to complete.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 05:36 PM PDT

Marching into the sunset

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 04:18 PM PDT

A CSAT rifleman leads a patrol on Stratis as counterinsurgency operations against the FIA intensify.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:24 PM PDT

Just if you're interested these are all of the vehicles in Arma: Cold War Assault

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 05:57 AM PDT

I've always loved the AAF Flag's Rampant Lion, so I mocked up my own version. (album of variants in comments)

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 01:53 PM PDT

[PSA] All (vanilla) KotH Profiles are going to be wiped

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:29 PM PDT


"We have also chosen to not carry over old profile data from v9 to v10 (vanilla). The reason for this is that we wanted to rework the progression system before a wipe, we will have this ready all at the same time."

submitted by /u/LionHenry
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Add a Patch to a modded uniform

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:48 PM PDT

So I have sort of an odd problem. I am using the VSM Uniform pack. It is absolutely amazing and has the best M81 camo of any mod I have found. The problem is the uniforms have no country flags.This is obviously not a big deal but its just one of those things that bothers me. I want them darn stars and stripes with me in battle!

The insignia system works on these uniforms but I have the 82nd insignia on the left arm. My first solution was to make a squad at armaSquads and make the logo a patch of the American flag, so it would show up on my right arm. This worked, but like 50% of the time. I host LAN servers using a virtual LAN service for a few of my buddies and I to play missions I have created. 50% of the time when I load into our server the logo appears, the other 50% it does not. After trying to diagnose that problem all night I have pretty much given up on that solution.

So is there a way for me to unpack a modded uniform, open the damn thing in photoshop and just slap the American flag on the shoulder?

submitted by /u/codywar11
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Tips for Making Very Large Missions (90+ Players)

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:01 AM PDT

These are guidelines that I follow when making very large missions for events at my community. These were some hard-won lessons that were only learned after a couple of server crashes, so I thought it might be good to share them here for anyone trying to make very large missions themself. These are somewhat tailored to the modpack my community uses, but there are also useful lessons for vanilla optimization in here too. These are also primarily intended to increase server performance, so they aren't applicable to single-player scenarios.

I primarily use the Olsen Framework, so some of the guidelines are influenced by the inner workings of that.


To optimize server performance in large missions, you want to make sure you place as few props as possible. No building cool bases or placing props for atmosphere.

You also want to make sure that as many props as possible have simulation disabled and are simple objects. You won't be able to disable simulation for some props that players interact with, though. Barbed wire, custom-placed buildings, static weapons, and containers should all have simulation enabled and not be simple. Sandbags, bunkers, and trenches can all have simulation disabled as long as they don't have any parts that can be interacted with, like a ladder.


If you are using ACE and have ACE ballistics enabled, avoid miniguns. When there are lots of players on the server and ACE ballistics is running, you can literally see a performance drop whenever a minigun fires.

Second, if you are using ACE or RHS vehicles, make sure to totally disable cookoff. This is possibly the most important guideline as I have seen ACE cookoff kill servers multiple times and even on lower count missions. Simply unchecking the ACE cookoff box in the attributes menu on a vehicle won't be enough, you have to run a code snippet on the server telling it to disable cookoff. The code snippet below should be run on the server to disable cookoff totally.

ace_cookoff_enable = false; ace_cookoff_ammoCookoffDuration = 0; 


Simply put, disable as many unnecessary scripts as possible. If you are using a mission framework that has lots of automatic features that say, end the mission once some conditions have been fulfilled or create a capture zone that one side has to hold, disable it. For anything in a mission that would normally be automated, let a GM do it. The GM can end the mission when one side has accomplished its objective and perform any other normally automated duties. A mission this big will likely be part of some event so a GM should be available.

That being said, you can still use some scripts, such as a radio scramble script so that one team can't hear the other's communications if you are playing a TVT with ACRE enabled. Scripts that only trigger once per mission such as automatic team color assignment or custom gear scripts are fine, too. This is more about trimming the fat and making sure that there are not any unnecessary scripts that will eat up processing power.


If you are using ACRE or TFAR make sure that all of the players do not spawn close together. If you do not, it puts a massive load on the Teamspeak server and, at around 80 players, the voice quality of players drops massively. If you get many more players than that the TS server will crash. If you spawn the players far enough away from each other in small groups of a couple squads at most, then the server won't have nearly as heavy a load on it and you can have more than 100 players in the same mission without issues. Also, try to prevent too much bunching up during the mission, but if you have 80+ players close enough to all hear each other during a mission then the CO deserves to go to spacing hell.


If you are running a mission with around 100 players I recommend that you make it a TVT and not a COOP. Unless you are able to write a custom script that spawns AI while the mission is in progress or have multiple very skilled Zeuses working together to spawn the AI on the fly, then I'd say the limit for having a mission with enough AI to challenge the players but not crash the server is about 80 players. I'd also make sure that you are running some sort of headless client to help lessen the impact of the AI on server performance.

/u/Imperator-TFD pointed out that I should have included Dynamic Simulation and unit caching, so I'll go over them briefly here.

Dynamic Simulation reduces server load by not simulating units outside of a certain distance set by the mission maker. This is an excellent way to save on server performance on maps such as Tanoa where there aren't wide open fields, but it doesn't work quite as well on maps like Altis unless the distance where units are no longer simulated is very large. Make sure if you have players with scopes or vehicles with high-powered optics that you set the simulation distance to be very high. I would avoid enabling Dynamic Simulation entirely if you have aircraft in your mission because pilots need to be able to see enemy units at an extreme distance.

Unit caching basically makes it so that all units except for a group leader do not actually spawn in until players get within a set distance. Yet again, it is very good for maps without open fields and long sightlines, but on more open maps where players have magnified optics or aircraft at their disposal, it does not work as well.

That about covers what I do to make sure that large missions run well and don't crash the server. Hope it can help some mission makers out there!

EDIT: Slight changes based on feedback.

submitted by /u/sgtdeadly12
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Figuring out how to find an IED in Hearts and Minds

Posted: 03 Apr 2018 01:33 AM PDT

ArmAKoth levels are getting wiped with the implementation of V10

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 03:39 PM PDT

Arma 3 Antistasi :: Facing a roadblock :: This is how we roll

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 03:53 AM PDT

Just a few of the reasons why our group is considered the clowns of the server...

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 08:32 PM PDT

Is there any mods for a better lock on for aircraft weapons?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 07:00 PM PDT

I like to play solo editor missions and i am struggling to be able to use aircraft to their full potential as i cannot lock on

Anyone have any mods or advice to help?

submitted by /u/tvise
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The Average Skill Of Arma Pilots?

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 06:28 PM PDT

Do you guys usually see more shitty pilots or more skilled pilots on public servers? Also, what makes a good pilot in your opinion?

submitted by /u/TheHaxyl
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The Gothenburg Gaming Survey

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 12:29 PM PDT

Dear r/arma,

My name is Theo Toresson and I am a student of Science in Psychology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden - currently writing my master's thesis. The survey aims to gain understanding of the different aspects of gaming that affects psychological well-being. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. At the moment of writing, the survey has around 5000 replies, but I am lacking your community. I hope that as many of you (from the ARMA-community) as possible want to help me by doing this survey, because in order to make something out of this I hope to get data from a broad variety of gamers. That means that even if you have a different game that you currently play more, I am interested in you anyway. Also, you should feel free to post this survey anywhere there might be gamers - to friends or on forums, twitch, twitter facebook etc. So if you have a few minutes to spare in between games, use it for this survey - it's for (actual) science. Thank you for your time!


All the best, Theo Toresson, Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.



I have received a few questions and comments on the survey. I can't change anything in the survey due to the fact that it would corrupt the data. Please refer to the FAQ below should any confusion occur during or after the survey.

What counts as "my most played game" in the survey?

It's the game you chose on the first question, your most played game in the last month.

I live in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Hong Kong, Faroe Islands or United Kingdom – where is my country?

The list is lacking a few countries. You can choose any country on the list as long as you make sure to specify the correct country in the very last question of the survey. If you live in England, Scotland or Wales, please select Great Britain.

What kind of device is Nintendo Switch? And what if I play my most played game on both console and computer?

Choose the way you play the game the most. Switch can count as either portable device or console, answer according to your most frequent type of usage.

You ask for streaming, but what about Youtube and other sites for non-streaming video content related to gaming?

Use the "other"-alternative on the question about gaming related activities and fill in your preferred alternative in the corresponding box. For the content to count as "streaming" in the other questions of the survey however it has to be live (e.g. live on Twitch, Mixer or Youtube LIVE).

Some genres are unrepresented, for example fighting games, what can I do?

Use the "other"-alternative and fill in your favorite genre in the corresponding box if it's missing.

You ask for money spent on games each week, but I only buy one game each month, is my spending 0?

No. Calculate your weekly expenditure by dividing your monthly by four, for example.

How can you know that my mental and physical health is related in any way to my gaming?

I can't. Your hand injury might be because of an accident you had yesterday. You should still fill in the box, because even if I can't see the underlying causes of your health (as an individual), I can analyze it on a group level and look for patterns among thousands of replies. If there is no connection between a particular way of gaming and a particular mental or physical state, I won't find any connection. There is no need to worry that you're messing up the data! So try to be as honest as possible in the survey, even if you know that your state is not related to your gaming.

The questions in the end seem focused on the negative side of gaming. What is your motive?

I am a gamer myself, and have been for all my life. I have had several amazing experiences with games, and also a few bad ones. Gaming has many positive effects, there is research to support that. For a minority of people, gaming can have negative effects (just like alcohol, work, sex, candy, exercise, therapy, TV, horseback riding or really anything that can be enjoyable). This particular study is done to explore correlations (not causality) between different kinds of gaming, social and mental health problems (I myself work as a therapist, therefore my focus). Neither I (the author) nor the institution is biased towards gaming in general in an either positive or negative way.

Will I get to see the results?

Yes. The thesis will be in Swedish, but I will post a summary of the results in all subreddits that have been participating in the study, most likely sometime in June 2018.

What is your favorite game?

No one has actually asked me this, but for the record it's Super Smash Bros. Melee!

I have more questions!

Feel free to send an email to and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

submitted by /u/FiddleOnTheRoof
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Normandy 1944

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 10:53 AM PDT

Operation Flashpoint Remastered

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 12:14 PM PDT

Arma 3 KOTH - The luckiest shot ever.

Posted: 02 Apr 2018 04:55 PM PDT

So I was sniping with my Lynx APDS and aiming at tower 4 when the game ended. I randomly pressed left click during the loading, before the Defeat! screen, and this happened. I actually killed someone at 1560m while shooting blind ! (You can see on the screen that I got the end game bonus before getting the reward from the kill).

submitted by /u/MontyLeGueux
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