True Dota 2 - Is there any reason to buy bottle anymore?

Is there any reason to buy bottle anymore?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 09:48 AM PST

Watching pro players I notice that most don't buy bottles on mids anymore. After trying it myself I find the bottle-less builds to feel a lot better to play in lane. Getting another null or an early want really helps you lane with all the extra stats. And in the mid game ferrying yourself clarities the whole time makes me not miss bottle at all, if anything I have more mana and they don't take up a slot. (I actually think clarities are super broken atm and should be nerfed).

What are your thoughts on bottle right now?

submitted by /u/videogamefool11
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I might be a bit late, but isn't offlane pulling nerfed now?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 06:17 AM PST

With the new change so that boots is 500 and starting gold is now 600, is it going to be non existent or we're just going to barely experience it now. As of now, I haven't really followed any pro dota games and I haven't played or even opened dota 2 in a couple of months now. Would like to here everyone's thoughts or experiences

submitted by /u/XaeVius31
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Ok, I want some thoughts: I've been spamming Venge.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 06:51 AM PST

Title, but:

I've been spamming Venge, as a support. Build goes as:

Wand > Tranquils > Aether 99% of the times > Force staff.

Reasoning on tranquils: Speed and HP regen. I truly feel safe to swap someone who's under a tower, stun, tank a few hits/tower hits and still survive the gank.

From there, I truly have no idea on what else to get.

Some games I go blink, some games I go Lotus.

I want ideas on that. What are good items for a ultra-late game Venge?

I tried Aghs, but the idea of swapping creeps is weird for me. Gives the "option" for a lot of fucked-up swaps.

Venge incredible hero, I've finished many games with more kills/assists than the actual cores.

Thank you for your ideas :)

submitted by /u/_Wastrel
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How will you buff Support sven to be viable?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 02:48 AM PST

Last patch (7.10) Icefrog cleary want support sven to be some what viable (more SH talent and earlier dispel)

But with the nerf to SH and Warcry this is not enough

sven is really weak as support early game due to low ms/ melee/ mana/ weak presence in lane.

and without farm sven is just big creep.

so what will you buff sven to be viable as support?

for me is

  • faster projectile of Storm hammer

  • Storm Hammer mana cost to 110/120/130/140

  • Health regeneration rate of 1.5 to 2.5 (for early harass and compete in lane)

  • Improve his support talent (especially lv25 +.75 sec is nothing)

submitted by /u/knightxlll
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NCN Inhouse League Looking for New Members! <3.5k Needed!

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 01:23 PM PST

[NA] No Courier Needed IHL

About NCN IHL:

Hello! No Courier Needed In-house League is where Dota 2 players can seek better practice for any role in a more competitive scene than PUBs. We have two different leagues for different skill levels so you are best matched up with the correct players. We have a nice community that only helps you improve as a player or drafter. If you do not want to play inhouse matches, I suggest you still join as you can find great players to form a team or even look for a team for yourself. Our league is hosted on FACEIT and has strict rules on smurfs to insure your gameplay is the best experience. Our servers are hosted on USEast in the North American region although every country is allowed.

Why Play?

You will be experiencing matches that are more competitive, maybe something you arent used to and you want the opportunity to play competitively. Players will gain better knowledge about the game and grow to a higher MMR. Most players who play in the lower league after one season rank out of the lower season. You are also playing for FACEIT points which you can redeem at the end of each season for Dota 2 skins and IRL equipment. Also as stated previously, you will meet new people and make new friends to play Dota with.

How to Join?

  1. Create an FACEIT account if you dont have an account linked with your current steam. You cannot change the steam account linked with your FACEIT. If you do not have an account, you can sign up here:
  2. Determine your league. Note each league is for different skill levels.
  3. Join the league and the discord.
  4. Read #welcome on the discord to find rules and info on how to play. You can always message me on discord: Poggey#0762 or DM me on twitter @Poggey1 if you have any questions.

Discord: Herald 0 - Legend 3: Archon 5 - Divine 5:

If you are unable to join the league and you are sure your MMR is qualified for the league, follow this post: If that does not sort the issue, create a support ticket or message me on discord: Poggey#0762 or DM me on twitter @Poggey1.

All of us at NCN wish to see you there!

submitted by /u/thepogchampion
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Picking Sand King as a roamer

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:15 AM PST

When should I be picking SK as a 4? I understand he's useful because he has a somewhat ranged stun and a pseudo slow with his passive, but at what times should I priming him over other 4's who also offer a stun and a closing ability?
Are their certain team compositions that make him much more valuable, and what are they?

submitted by /u/Wowuranerd
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Medallion on Clinkz

Posted: 05 Mar 2018 11:44 PM PST

Hi, When do you guys go for medallion on Clinkz? I usually rush deso into linkens/orchid but I'm not sure when I should be getting a medal first. I guess right click heavy games? When else? Thanks

submitted by /u/ODoggerino
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Sharing some Techies tricks: farming both offlane camps with one Proximity Mine etc.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:01 AM PST

Here are the videos:

Killing two stacked offlane camps is one of the methods you can use to keep up during the harsh early game as Techies.

These videos are not mine, but I promised to share them with you guys.

submitted by /u/Licheus
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What's a good hero to spam (in each role)?

Posted: 05 Mar 2018 07:19 PM PST

I feel that I stunt my personal growth in dota by picking too many heroes. I can never focus on the game ahead. I'm currently 3230, and have been staggered there for about a month.

In your guys opinion, What's a good hero to spam? There can be one in all roles or a good all rounder.

Personally I was thinking about really grinding enigma because he offers push, disable, some utility, and sustain through grieves (psod from that pma post)

Personally I feel that a good hero has the ability to gank and then take towers. I'll be mainly focusing on those

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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700 GPM hard-carry not table to kill a 500 GPM tank at 50 minutes into the game?

Posted: 05 Mar 2018 08:42 PM PST

This is a consistent theme for me, if I build tanky enough to be useful in fights, I don't have the damage to do anything to things like Axe, Pudge, Bristle etc they can literally manfight me lol....

submitted by /u/wreathe_everyst
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