Smite - Beekeeper Zhong Skin Concept

Beekeeper Zhong Skin Concept

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:39 PM PST

Achilles comic thing

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:00 AM PST

Bakasura Skin Concept - Patches

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 10:00 AM PST

Just a fun little drawing I did for a few hours, C&C is welcomed, tell me what you think!

submitted by /u/Shaye95
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Soul Geb - Possible way to break a game

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:19 AM PST

NuWa deals damage from soul gem to every single target.
Morrigan transforming into NuWa does the same .
That's possibly around 1100-1400 to everyone late game

But add Fafnir on top of that who also has a soul gem (which is probably little troll) and if he buffs NuWa with coerce (since coerce triggers item passives)...

I don't even want to know what happens , smite probably crashes by itself.


Edit: Coerce proc on abilities, downvote all you want.
EDIT 2: I wrote soul Geb, and it is 100% mistake, I am so sorry... I meant to say Soul GEM

submitted by /u/Atfdatm
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All of my odyssey 2018 items are gone and hirez won’t respond to any of my support tickets

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:56 PM PST

So near the end of the 2018 odyssey I bought everything in order to get the ullr skin and I had to stop playing games for 2 months since my parents were going through a nasty divorce and a lot of stuff was going on with moving and getting used to switching houses. And i started playing again a week ago and noticed I had none of the odyssey 2018 items that I've payed for. Tried contacting hirez reddit accounts, submitted two tickets and I've heard nothing PLEASE someone help me

submitted by /u/LoSTonPC
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Achilles looks like Prince Charming from Shrek.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:31 PM PST

I've noticed that when ice mage Agni kills minions with his basics, they burn like if it was fire attacks

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:58 PM PST

That's weird to see him burning minions with snowballs. Maybe HiRez could change this, there is already the Ullr T5 which have ice effects on the minions he kill in ice stance. They could add the same effects.

By the way, I spent 4000 gems on the winter athletics chest,was hoping to get that skin but it didn't drop,I'm upset because I had already 29/60 items so there was like 80% chance for me to get it. I didn't even get snow day Scylla or playmaker Ne Zha :'(

submitted by /u/Potatoes1056
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I would have rather been playing Smite for 18 hours than grinding out the new Adventure. I have a solution!

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:34 AM PST

Over the course of the past week, I grinded out the 10 Fox chests I needed to get the first Ratatoskr skin (because, of course, I wasn't lucky enough to get it earlier). That's at least 18-19 hours of gaming (16 mins per match, 7 matches per chest). And, believe me, I'm not looking forward to repeating this next week when the new skin is released.

Same thing happened with the last adventure. And that one was more egregious because you could grind out every item and kill Loki a bunch of times and never get lucky enough to get the trinkets for the Awesome and Enigma chests (I got zero trinkets, by the way). I felt sufficiently cheated out of the Awesome chest that I submitted a ticket, but HR responded saying that there was nothing that they could do. Basically, I was SOL.

You know what I would have liked to be doing with all that time?

Playing Smite, that's what. I'd rather be earning worshipers and fantasy points than earning a roll of imaginary, digital dice hoping to get lucky enough to be able to stop feeling like I'm wasting my time.

But HR folks gotta eat, yo! They need those 900 gems every two months, right?


I'll give you a solution: quests. Give us a set of quests.

For 900 gems every two months, I'd like a set of quests that will make me log in every day and actually play some Smite (just don't force us to play Conquest - I think HR should have learned that lesson by now).

So, for those 900 gems, I'll be playing Smite, earning worshipers, earning fantasy points, and working towards completing the quests which will in turn earn me rewards like Enigma chests, an Awesome chest, and Limited skin if you complete all the quests.

Keep the Vault - I think that was a brilliant idea - so that there's motivation to buy all the set of quests to earn that last Vault skin.

There's no down side, really. People will buy into the event and pay the 900 gems for the rewards. You'll get more people playing the existing game modes rather than making queue times longer because they have to grind out this new, temporary game mode that, more times than not, is only fun the first couple of times you play it. And, as a bonus, there's no need for an Adventures team and they could be working on making Smite even better!

So, what do you guys think?

submitted by /u/DeviantBoi
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Did our boy stealth wreck some kids at wrestling back in the day?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:32 PM PST

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this or ask this but i found this on youtube. Can anyone confirm if this is our champion pre smite years??? Also i don't mean to bring in his personal life or anything.... just wondering. Also, the second video is RIP stealth (if true)

edit: just want to stress i don't mean to invade your personal life stealth, feel free to either deny or simply ignore be it you see fit or have me remove this no problem. I am just curious :) edit 2: I don't think i crossed any lines since these were just on youtube and in a youtube link someone else commented it was a video by st3alth himself talking about some private matters. And i know its an old video with issues from a long time ago but i just want to say that we have your back Brett, we love you, and we are always here for you.

submitted by /u/ApolloBiff16
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So Hi-Rez no longer has a contract with LevelUp for LATAM/Brazil...

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 11:11 AM PST

Yesterday, both Hi-Rez and LevelUp posted an official announcement about the ending of their partnership to manage Smite and Paladins communities in LATAM and Brazil.

Back in season 2, Hi-Rez created Brazilian and Latin American servers for Smite, managed by LevelUp in both regions. This provided latin american players new dubbings in their home language, local servers with very low ping and special events, sales and content for our community.

Since the unification of all servers into the global server, LevelUp is taking care of eSports and social media for Smite and Paladins. We no longer have new dubbings (since patch 3.13) or any kind of special attention to our community.

With this contract ending, I think Hi-Rez should give us some official answers about the future of the Latin American community for Smite, and how it's gonna be managed from now on. It seems like we're kind of abandoned, and the ending of the partnership with LevelUp has created lots of doubts about the future.

submitted by /u/saefi
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How I got Diamond: Tips and Tricks v.2

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:59 PM PST

In Smite, there are a mechanics that serperate good players from bad: aim, economic knowledge, movement and last but not least, gamesense. Smite requires equal parts technical skill and intuition. Gamesense is a direct extension of the latter. "But Mr.Jungle, what is gamesense?". What is gamesense?

Gamesense is really just a another word for instinct. It's the knowledge of how your game is progressing and how your teammates and your opponents are playing. Gamesense allows you to make a judgement about where your opponents are on the map and what their current build intention is. If your gamesense is good enough, you'll have a much easier time clearing camps, ganking, taking towers, and intatiating teamfights and winning teamfights. In addition, gamesense isn't an isolated mechanic. Rather, it is a combination of economic knowledge and map knowledge.


Economic knowledge is easy to obtain in smite. (TIP Hold Tab) Understanding what the Tab menu shows you requires some practice to make correct assumptions. If your opponents just lost a fight against your team, ask yourself questions such as:

What allowed you to win the fight?

What abilities were used?

What ultimate are down? (Your teams and their teams)

Who initiated the fight? (specifically what God, why, and how)

What Relics are up?

What Build path are enemies taking (i.e what is their itemization)

Who did the enemy team target? (and vice versa)

[This is a short list of only a few thoughts you should have after a single teamfight, and their are many more situations i will elaborate on in future posts]

The best way to get a feel for how the Smite Economy works is memorizing Meta build Paths and their subsequent item costs, as well as the overall cost of Items and how Items relate to cost vs item effects (Why soul reader costs more than winged blade (hi-rez messes this ups sometimes though)). For example, if the enemy carry is five hundred gold ahead of your carry and your carry has more items, then there is a finite amount of reasons as to why this disparity exists, letting you know certain facts on what the enemies current actions could be in this hypothetical situation you know he has not backed yet else he would have more items, or he is saving for a more expensive item that your carry did not choose to go for. Therefore your carry's power spike will most likely happen sooner and in contrast the enemie's carry power spike will happen later and hit harder (most likely!) The tab menu will also tell you about where the enemies mindset is, just by showing you how your opponents tend to spend their money. When you reach a higher rank you'll notice that your opponents and your teammates follow the unwritten economy rules a lot more closely, increasing the accuracy with which you can estimate your opponent's gear. Quick tip: buy wards, and pay attention who on the opposing team has sentries and when those sentries disappear from the enemies inventory.

Map knowledge

Map knowledge is a little harder to develop due to the amount of gods and possible movement options as well as current timers and jungle rotations. Another reason why Map Knowledge isn't learned as quickly as economic knowledge is the fact that you have to learn where enemies SHOULD be based on camp timers/ game time vs where they were last seen. This type of knowledge is expressed when a Solo learner knew you, as a jungle, were ganking them even though he had no wards on his Close jungle entrances. You not showing up after entering jungle from mid meant you could only go so many places, and knows his blue buff and his opponents buff is down, and he knows hes been dumping on your solo Sylvanus, so he expected you and got away. But don't worry when things like this happen. Take the time to go through the learning process map for map and don't worry about losing a couple games while you learn. Smite is quite a forgiving Moba and season 5 even more so. Quick tip: buy wards, and pay attention who on the opposing team has sentries and when those sentries disappear from the enemies inventory.


There's a good reason why I believe Ranked Replays are such an invaluable part of refining your skillset. It's impossible to give you one way to improve your gamesense that will work for every player at every rank. Playstyles simply differ too much to write one guide that covers all the bases. If you've ever seen a high-ranked player fail horribly at smurfing on the lower ranks, you'll know what I'm talking about. High-ranked players expect their opponents to adopt a playstyle they know how to counter because nearly everyone on their rank is playing that style. When those players then play against people of a lower rank, it takes them time to get used to their opponents not taking Gold fury after four people ganked them in Solo lane, making it hard to preempt enemy movement and predict rotations.

The only truly reliable way to get a real understanding of how people at your rank are playing is by watching your own ranked Replays. Who better to show you how your opponents play than your opponents?

If this is your first time attempting to improve by watching your Replays, here's some advice. You'll want to start by finding a Replay of a close game. You're not going to learn anything from watching a game where you were on fire the entire time, dropping 50 kills as loki solo. You'll also have a hard time finding flaws in your game when your opponents were much better than you and you lost without downing a single Tower. A game where you barely lost is great for learning purposes. You were matched against a team of nearly equal skill and were just unable to pull out the victory. Watching the replay will let you understand why. Quick tip: buy wards, and pay attention who on the opposing team has sentries and when those sentries disappear from the enemies inventory.

Professionals and you

Find a role. Stick to that role. find a pro who plays that role. watch that pro. Imitate that pro. Understand why that pro makes the decision they make, and begin to apply this logic to this game. Couple this with Replays, look at what you did, look at what the enemy team did. Then Look at what the Pro's do. Use this to correct your play to the most optimal play, and refine your play to the people in the ranks around you. Because you can be the best player on your team doing everything that Barracuda does, but if your team isn't together and the enemy team is, your still going to lose. Smite is a team game. You win and lose as a team. No one wins a game as an individual. No amount of kills makes your titan come back to life. And this is the final point as phrase your plays like this: "What did I do, what did my team do, and what can i do to better myself through helping my team." The best Solo players are those who come in clutch for their team. Winning lane is not winning the game. A common misconception in Smite is that if you win your lane, then you've done everything for your team that you can. This is wrong. You need to be just as dominate in team fights as you are in lane. Thats what separates Pros from the Ranked Pros. The actual pros are just as effective in lane as they are teamfights. Remember that. Quick tip: buy wards, and pay attention who on the opposing team has sentries and when those sentries disappear from the enemies inventory.

this is the first in a series i will be doing talking about smite mechanics. i may do videos on youtube on the same subject showing example replays. We'll see

p.s. thank you to everyone who commented on the salty first post i made on this topic. I wanted to make a statement and I got helpful advice on how I should tone these little guides.

submitted by /u/SimplyJungle
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Invalid ID or other similar issue

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:40 PM PST

A friend and I are both getting this error while trying to log in to smite on Xbox. It shows on the server status page that there are no issues with the servers, and they are operational. Is this a known issue, or is this an isolated incident for only us?

Edit: Apparently the issue is now resolved. I was able to log in.

submitted by /u/G00biz
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So now that we have Playful Bunny Nu Wa

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:39 AM PST

Can Nox get her old taunt back?

submitted by /u/tragiikx
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Can the lore be put back into the god reveal video?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:59 AM PST

I like it better watching the lore right before the abilities were shown all in one video.

submitted by /u/hurshy
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Change [QoL] Let her rabbit refill Chalices.

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:05 PM PST

He is basically going to base in her stead. I don't see why not. It could be a nice improvement and help her sustain.

submitted by /u/Rahcooun
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Odyssey's "Greatest hits" chest and the actual situation with chests rant

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:02 AM PST

Chests are going too far.

It really baffles me that you can call this chest "Odyssey's Greatest Hits" when it has literally everything that got released from day 1 to today. If it really is the "Greatest hits of the Odyssey", you wouldn't include ward skins, avatar and everything that isn't worth 400 gems in that same chest. I haven't played for more than 2 years and I own less than half of the missing content (And I own both Thanatos and Thor's T5 skins), what the hell happened?

I cannot stress enough how the chest are ridiculous today. What's wrong with releasing skins for everyone to buy whenever they want? I don't mind when it's seasonal or any smite related event (Like the Odyssey or the Smite Summer) but when you release completely standard skins (Like the Chang'e and Sun Wukong in the most recent patch for example) in chests when they have no reason except "why not lol", It makes the whole deal really scummy and it's super anti-consumer.

I want to buy your skins, but you're not letting me do it. I don't want to play expansive lottery, I want to buy your skins. It would cost me $25 CND for 4 attempts on the Oddysey "Greatest Hits" and I don't want those irrelevant items in it simply because I've decided to not play Smite because Season 3/4 were so freaking awful to me...

Thank you for reading this and I really hope Hi-Rez do something about it because it's really not fun anymore.

TL;DR : Chests are awful, fix your shit. While we're at it, Draft unranked for Conquest would be nice.

submitted by /u/Mugifi
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MsPaint Zhong qui

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 08:45 PM PST

Judging Gods based on their Titles

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 01:29 PM PST

So I figured I would look at gods and their titles and see how fitting they are.

Achilles - Hero of the Trojan War:

Ok, he fought in the Trojan War (and died). Personally find the guy who came up with the Horse strategy to be the real hero though.

Agni - God of Fire:

He sure is

Ah Muzen Cab - God of Bees

I don't disagree. Although it is also possible he could've been the god of Honey... or who knows some of those Mayan gods are a little hard to figure out exactly who they are.

Ah Puch - Horrific God of Decay

Probably would've went with Lord of the Nine Hells, feels a little stronger

Amaterasu - The Shining Light:

So in her myth when she hides in the cave and the Sun goes away... Does that necessarily mean that her body itself radiates sunlight though? Is this Sun goddess herself Radiant? Does she shine light? could've gone with "Mother of the Emperors" or "Not a Samurai"

Anhur - Slayer of Enemies:

Out of all the gods here who doesn't slay their enemies? Well Amaterasu should be one most of the time... Cupid sorta... In Lore I'm not sure Fenrir has actually killed anyone yet. Ganesha, Khepri, Jing Wei, Serqet (actually a healer), and Vamana depending on how you define "slay" (Does stomping someone into the underworld without killing them count as Slay?).

More than I thought really, but slayer of enemies tends to be a title that anyone can do.

Anubis - God of the Dead:

Thought he was the Judger of the Dead , but I guess being their god is fine.

Ao Kuang - Dragon King of the Eastern Seas


Aphrodite - Goddess of Beauty

Pretty sure she's mostly known as the goddess of love with Cupid/Eros mostly being the embodiment of love, but I suppose she is Beautiful.

Apollo - God of Music

Along with Medicine, Disease, etc.

Arachne - The Weaver:

She is a spider, and her whole myth was about her being really good at Weaving in most all versions of the myth

Ares - God of War

yep, that's his thing. Although I think it would be more accurate to say God of Battle considering Athena also is a god of war, but more tactics part.

Artemis - Goddess of the Hunt

As the premier Hunter I would've gone with Goddess of Archery.

Artio - The Bear Goddess

Is she the goddess of bears? or is she a goddess who is a bear? unclear

Athena - Goddess of Wisdom

Awilix - Goddess of the Moon

Well I think we still aren't completely sure about the Goddess part, but I would've preferred Goddess of Jaguars to differentiate her from the other gods

Bacchus - God of Wine

Yep, Wine is something Bacchus is very much known for along with madness and Dolphins.

Bakasura - The Great Devourer

I mean compared to what Fenrir will do Bakasura's pathetic. I suppose though he is mostly known for fighting some heroes and eating so... what you gonna do?

Bastet - Goddess of Cats:

What not going to go with Fighter of Apophis? Funny how they use Apophis for the Clash map but Apep for Bastet's Lore.

Bellona - Goddess of War

Hi girl Ares

Cabrakan - Destroyer of Mountains

Cause Earthquakes are Poseidon's thing

Camazotz - Deadly God of Bats

I'm pretty sure Camazotz wasn't a god, he was a monster xbalanque and his brother slew, so Deadly Bat is probably the right title

Cerberus - Warden of the Underworld

I guess he does guard the underworld. but Pet of Hades sounds kinda funny

Cernunnos - The Horned God

I mean besides Khepri Cernunnos is the only one with a horn

Chaac - God of Rain

Chang'e - Faerie of the Moon

I think she just lives on the moon. "Dancer on the Moon" or "Faerie of the Dance" probably makes more sense

Chiron - The Great Teacher

So he isn't the god of centaurs? I guess he was mostly known for training heroes... You know "Trainer of Heroes" sounds better than "The Great Teacher" in a combat sense

Chronos - Keeper of Time

I wouldn't call Chronos someone who Keeps time. God of Time is enough or you could just shorten it to "Time"

Cu Chulainn - Hound of Ulster

You forgot the "The"

Cupid - God of Love

or embodiment of love... or potentially just the specific part of love known as lust or something.

Da Ji - The Nine-Tailed Fox

She was A Nine-Tailed Fox and i'm not entirely sure of Da Ji herself was actually the Nine-Tailed Fox

Discordia - Goddess of Strife

probably would've went with Goddess of Discord. Funny enough despite the coin flip deciding Discordia was the Roman version of herself her Lore talks about her Greek Eris self so...

Erlang Shen - The Illustrious Sage

Sure he was a sage.

Fafnir - The Lord of Glittering Gold

I would've went with "The Dwarf of Avarice" considering I don't think he was a Lord with any power over gold

Fenrir - The Unbound

I guess currently in game he is unbound from his Ribbon shackles

Freya - Queen of the Valkyries

Considering I thought that the Valkyries worked for Odin bringing people to Valhalla and not Sessrumnir and Freya wasn't an Acer the title feels weird when she could've been known as "The Lady of Sessrumnir"

Ganesha - God of Success

The Elephant god who is known more for his interactions with obstacles (putting them in the way for the corrupt, and removing them for the pure), and who has two elements of his kit about obstacles... Then you give his title Success?

Geb - God of Earth

or as it probably should be "Geb - The Earth"

Guan Yu - Saint of War

I guess so? I mean he helped a lot with Liu Bei and worshiped like a Saint. I remember Him more as "The one with the Long Lush Beard."

Hachiman - Lord of the Eight Banners

Sure, sounds about right.

Hades - King of the Underworld

that he indeed is

He Bo - God of the Yellow River

Question is He Bo the god of the river or is he the river?

Hel - Goddess of the Underworld

What is Hel now fused with Persephone? Helheim is similar to the underworld but very different.

Hercules - Champion of Rome

Sure, I prefer something like "Conqueror of the Seven Trials" but Champion of Rome is fine.

Hou Yi - Defender of the Earth

K... I think a lot of gods here can be considered Defending the Earth In some form. I think "Slayer of Suns" is more personalized.

Hun Batz - The Howler Monkey God

I really wish the title was The Howler Monkey King considering I'm not entirely sure he's a god and instead could just be a monster worshiped like a god.

Isis - Goddess of Magic

Sure, she is a rather magical goddess.

Izanami - Matron of the Dead

for those unsure who a matron is... "A woman in charge of domestic and medical arrangements at a boarding school or other establishment." or "A married woman, especially a dignified and sober middle-aged one."

I doubt you'd consider Yomi a place in need of domestic or medical arrangements, and I don't think she is married to the dead. Like she just kills a thousand or so people a day, she doesn't marry herself to them. I kinda prefer the title "The Dead Creator"

Janus - God of Portals and Transitions

How come Janus gets to be the only god of two things?

Jing Wei - The Oathkeeper

She's kept her Oath to fill up the sea I guess... Except that in the game she seems to have forgotten about that dropping 0 rocks and being no where near the Sea (anymore) maybe "The Reincarnated" or "Daughter of the Flame Emperor"

Kali - Goddess of Destruction

Among other things

Khepri - The Dawn Bringer

sorta the dawn bringer, I think in some parts he revives Ra so it's sort of him and Ra fused together to bring the dawn.

Kukulkan - Serpent of the Nine Winds

I guess he did create the Nine Winds and is a Snek

Kumbhakarna - The Sleeping Giant

Is giant, Does sleep for almost the entire year.

Kuzenbo - King Kappa

Sure Kappa Kappa /s :)

Loki - The Trickster God

Sure, he always did love playing tricks. Would it be a bit erroneous to call him "Father of Ragnarok" considering his children play a giant part in Ragnarok.

Medusa - The Gorgon

Instead of what? Medusa - The Human? I mean it's kind of like calling Jing Wei - The Bird. She wasn't the only Gorgon and could probably be known as "The Foe of Perseus" or "The Mortal Gorgon" (according to some out of all the Gorgons Medusa was the only one who could actually be killed)

Mercury - Messenger of the Gods

He's fast, and known for delivering messages between gods. Also known for thievery and the like but "God of Thieves" isn't something he looks like.

Ne Zha - The Third Lotus Prince

So long as they didn't miscount the amount of Princes of The Lotus it's fine... Besides the fact she's a princess

Neith - Weaver of Fate

I'm pretty sure she wove the world, not fate. Slightly completely different things

Nemesis - Goddess of Vengeance

Yeah Nemesis was always about Vengeance and Revene

Nike - Goddess of Victory

This is a Winner

Nox - Goddess of Night

I feel like this would be like calling Chronos the god of clocks. I feel pretty sure she's the primordial Goddess of Darkness and while Night and Darkness go hand in hand they aren't exactly the same thing.

Nu Wa - Guardian of Heaven

If she guards Heaven then where was she when Sun Wukong fought against the big army of Heaven... Kinda sorta single handed... He had clones. I think "Creator of the World Pillar"

Odin - "The AllFather"

Yep he was known as the AllFather

Osiris - Broken God of the Afterlife

Thought he was just the king of the underworld.

Poseidon - God of the Oceans

More of a king of the Oceans, an also is the god of earthquakes so you could've went with the title "EarthShaker"

Ra - Sun God

Perks of being one of the first gods I suppose

Raijin - Master of Thunder

Player of Thunder maybe? Something about it feels a little off

Rama - Seventh Avatar of Vishnu

He indeed was the Seventh Avatar of Vishnu

Ratatoskr - The Sly Messenger

I think "The Insultor" or "Menace of Yggdrasil" fits him better. Especially since he tends to only bring messages to two beings.

Ravana - Demon King of Lanka

Or "One with Ten Heads" would work as well

Scylla - Horror of the Sea

... of monsters.

Serqet - Goddess of Venom

Wasn't she the healer and more had domain of Poisonous/Venomous creatures? I think it would be more fair to call her the Goddess of Scorpions

Skadi - Goddess of Winter

I thought she was just a giant. Not a goddess of anything in particular.

Sobek - God of the Nile

Was he the god of the Nile or just lived in it? Woulda called him "God of Crocodiles" or "Crocodile of the Nile"

Sol - Goddess of the Sun

Easily could've been abbreviated to "The Sun"

Sun Wukong - "The Monkey King"

Personally enjoy "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven" or "Victorious Fighting Buddha" better but Monkey King is also good

Susano - God of the Summer Storm

Could've sworn he was just a god of storms in general.

Sylvanus - Keeper of the Wild

Sure he isn't "Rider of Grover" considering most of his kit is just Grover doing things Sylvanus orders him to do?

Terra - The Earth Mother

Terra didn't birth the Earth. Could've just been "The Earth" like Geb

Thanatos - Hand of Death

I don't think Thanatos is the Hand of death and is just Deah incarnate

The Morrigan - Phantom Queen

Forgot to put an S at the end considering she's kind of 3 in 1

Thor - God of Thunder

But he's no Master of Thunder So I suppose Raijin can take him in a fight. I mean he could also be "Champion of Asgard", "Defender of Midgard", "Slayer of Jotunn", or "Hero of Ragnarok"

Thoth - Arbiter of the Damned

Coulda sworn he was more about knowledge and wisdom but I guess Athena already called dibs.

Tyr - The Lawgiver

Tyr Ace Attorney. I mean is "God of Justice" too tame?

Ullr - The Glorious One

Also very beautiful for a man, but no one has a more Glorious beard than Guan Yu

Vamana - Fifth Avatar of Vishnu

He was indeed the Fifth Avatar of Vishnu

Vulcan - Smith of the Gods

He does indeed Smith a lot of things for the gods

Xbalanque - Hidden Jaguar Sun

Apparently Xbalanque is actually a Sun that is a Hidden Jaguar... Even though Sol isn't actually a Sun herself.

Xing Tian - The Relentless

He is filled with determination. You just can't stop him.

Ymir - Father of the Frost Giants

Possible the last god here that could be labeled as "The Earth". Not entirely sure he's a father in the way you would think though.

Zeus - God of the Sky

That's the part you take. Not "God of Lightning", "King of the Gods", or "AllFather" /s.

Zhong Kui - The Demon Queller

or "Ghost Buster", "The Scholarly Exorcist", or 'The Ugly"

Edit: Small word corrections. Keyboard currently using isn't the best.

submitted by /u/water2770
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The chest that pays YOU to open it

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 05:31 PM PST

Can newer players have a tutorial to help them learn the basics of how to build?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 03:22 PM PST

I don't mind newer players in my games, if I take a loss because the MM is garbage I've come to accept that and not get angry.

My biggest gripe is there's nothing to help new players with building their gods. And please don't say "Build the popular tab" because if you've seen it, then you wouldn't go near those items.

Make a decent god building tutorial please Hi Rez, when I was a newer player looking at all the items in the shop was daunting. I wish I had more help then.

submitted by /u/Rossandliz
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I wanna talk about Mastery Skins for a minute

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 09:29 AM PST

Now I know most people will say "We don't have time for this, Achilles is OP, Chest still suck, and Zhong Kui don't got any more skins." And I get that, but I want to talk about something that's kinda irritated me Since 3.17 Patch Notes

In said Patch Notes Chuk stated that their system would be focused on giving mastery updates when a god gets a new skin.

"But he said it wouldn't be 100% on point and accurate"

Yes, you are correct, but the main issue here is that we've had patches where this could be possible, but wasn't pushed, or just patches without these updates

"You don't understand how difficult it is to make skins"

Yes, I am not a designer nor someone who knows how to texture models, but I in my lack of knowledge on this subject am pretty sure that it's easier to put gold and blue/gold and black/diamond and blue textures on a default model than it is to make another tier 3 chest exclusive skin.

But I should probably have some evidence of this, shouldn't I? the patches since 3.17 that haven't had any mastery skins updates in them/Had characters that lacked updated skins are:

4.1 (Nemesis)

4.2 (Ah Muzen Cab)

4.4 (Chronos, Kukulkan)

4.6 (Ratatoskr)

4.7 (Janus)

4.8 (Sol)

4.10 (Hercules)

4.11 (Odin (Kinda giving this one a pass due to their being 2 updates and Da Ji getting hers)

4.15 (Kukulkan AGAIN)

4.17 (Ah Muzen Cab AGAIN, Chaac)

4.18 (Ymir, Fenrir)

4.21 (Nemesis AGAIN)

4.22 (Agni AGAIN, Geb)

4.25 (Sol AGAIN)

5.2 (Ratatoskr)

5.3 (Ratatoskr AGAIN)

Notes: Not including any god that got their mastery skins updated in a later patch & List may not be 100% accurate

I'm currently assuming Hi-Rez Mastery skin limit per patch is 3 (Generally 2 updates and ones for the newest god), and with these patches 6 had 0 skin updates/new god bring ins, 7 had 1, 2 had 2, and 2 had 3.

And finally, the gods that currently don't have updated mastery skins are:


Ah Muzen Cab*




Fenrir* **

Geb* **


Janus* **

Khepri(?)* **

Kukulkan* **




Ratatoskr* ** (No seriosly come on Hi-rez by next patch he'll have 6 skins since this announcement, give him the updates)


Sol* **

Ymir* **

Zhong Kui

*God has had more than 1 skin since announcement

**God may seem like not requiring of update, explained below

For the gods labelled ** It is more in vain of updated textures to make it less... Obnoxiously reflective? Compare Hades' recently updated ones to Ratatoskr's not updated ones for an example of what I mean.

So, in the end, I don't really got much to say. I guess in a tl;dr summary, Mastery Skins should be consistently updated so Hi-Rez can hopefully focus on other things like hopefully tier 2 skins, or maybe direct purchase tier 3 skins, or maybe not making every other skin an exclusive. Please

submitted by /u/NYA0NO
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Roster Breakdown - O B E Y

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 12:28 PM PST

Are we really going to have to grind this adventure this much for 8+ weeks?

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 06:33 PM PST

Im only like 6 chests in with the bundle and i'm already dreading this mode... i want to play regular matches but i want to get the rat skins so i want to keep up each week but at this rate i spend all my time mindlessly fighting minions and dying to godzillenbo. Like damn i thought the bundle is supposed to make it quicker lol i don't mind playing the adventure but BOY this is a grind. If anyone out there acquired 10 chests without the bundle i send my condolences. You are a dedicated individual.

submitted by /u/ScrubCasual
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Invalid ID or similar issue

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 04:34 PM PST

Keep getting this message when I try to sign into smite on Xbox.

submitted by /u/prestoncollins
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JeffHindla is not to be messed with

Posted: 01 Mar 2018 07:28 PM PST

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