Pokémon GO - Norbert ran away, but I’m glad I got the chance to meet him.

Norbert ran away, but I’m glad I got the chance to meet him.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:53 PM PST

[Art] Remember to be alert at all times, stay aware of your surroundings, and above all, watch out for creepy figures.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 03:15 PM PST

I would have been amazed as a kid playing Pokemon on my GBA if I knew that 10 years later I would be riding my bike up and down my street to hatch eggs irl.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 12:43 PM PST

This crossed my mind earlier when I was clearing out my eggs for the event and it made me chuckle.

I love how Pokemon Go is quickly becoming the exact thing I dreamed about as a kid, and I like the direction Niantic is going with the recent community events. Keep up the awesome work!

submitted by /u/xxKumquat
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Pokemon Go at Xiamen New Media Exhibition Event: Catching a pikachu at Xiamen, China

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 12:28 AM PST

When you take over a gym, then do it again the next day

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:26 PM PST

Quick chart of current shinies

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 10:02 AM PST

[screenshot] My first wood spirit

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:43 PM PST

Fastest Legit Trainers to 40

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 06:25 PM PST

I started playing Pokemon Go on April 17, 2017 and earlier today (March 6, 2018), reached level 40. Throughout the course of the past 46 weeks, in Pokemon Go, I gained 20,110,324 XP, captured every pokemon available to me, including 14 Shinies, and 16 Perfect IV Pokemon. I've captured over 31,000 Pokemon and completed 474 Raids, including 188 Legendary and 2 EX Raids (with a third EX scheduled this Friday). Other notable accomplishments are: reached level 30 in 30 days, defended gyms for over 15,550 hours, traveled over 3,325 km, evolved over 5,900 Pokemon and hatched over 3,000 more. Some people I know call all I've accomplished as "legendary". I don't see it like that. I just see it as grinding hard, day in n day out. Truthfully, I'm actually relieved that I finally reached 40 because I look forward to taking my foot off the gas... I started playing, randomly, one day last spring, shortly after being released from prison and desperately needing a new "hobby" to fill the void in my life and occupy the slow and drawn out days in my rural area. Addiction had ruled my world for years prior to me finally deciding my life was not worth wasting. I just needed something to sink my negative obsession for substance abuse into, and redirect it into something positive. For me, Pokemon Go has played a huge role on my road to recovery, although not by itself. A well rounded and structured program of recovery was my foundation, and Pokemon Go became an outlet designated to turn the negative in me into something positive. In my story, Pokemon Go is a big piece of the puzzle, and without it, I don't know if my recovery takes the path its taken. Anyway, my goal here isn't to brag about various accomplishments in a mobile AR game, nor to pat my own back about personal growth I've made in recovery. The reason I posted this discussion is to see how rare reaching level 40 is. Are there others who've done it, legitimately, in 46 weeks? Are there others who've done it faster? As I said, some people I know have described my journey as "legendary," and so my question to the Pokemon Go and Reddit universe is: Is it? I'd love to hear about others journeys, who've reached level 40 in a similar fashion.

submitted by /u/Boweazie
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Is PTC down again?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:36 AM PST

I came to town for grinding etc just for PTC to crash as soon as I got here. Is anyone else having this problem? It started 15 mins ago now.

submitted by /u/Phantomknitter
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Pokémon GO Ver 0.93.1 Datamine

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 12:41 PM PST

Do you guys think that Salamence and Metagross will end up being raid bosses?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 07:09 PM PST

I feel like they're about the same as Dragonite, Tyranitar, and Aggron, so why not have them as a raod boss. Why did they choose Aggron as a raid boss, instead of Salamence or Metagross. I think they fit with Dragonite and Tyranitar a lot more than Aggron.

submitted by /u/HSMorg
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Where do I find Corsola and heracross in Orlando?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 08:28 PM PST

Hello Orlando players! So we will be traveling to the city tomorrow from Atlanta and are staying for a conference which will last 3 days. Also be going to Disney I wanted to know how rare both of the regionals are and is 3 days enough time to find and hunt them or not. It won't be downtown Orlando a little outside of it not many pokestops. Do I need to make a detour anywhere they spawn frequently or is 3 days I should see them no doubt?

submitted by /u/iRT2018
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T1 - T5 Current Raid Boss CP & Boosted CP chart!

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:02 AM PST

Oddly happy to see Doduo again!

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 10:26 AM PST

I don't recall which Gen release caused them to completely disappear from the SF Bay Area (at least where I was) but it's nice to see them again.

submitted by /u/xenobuzz
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[discussion] buddy Pokémon

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:58 PM PST

What Pokémon would you like to be a shoulder Pokémon? It would be funny if I could have a pidgeotto on your shoulder. Or have a pidgeote carry you in its claws. Or be on a charizards back! They could do so much with the buddy screen. Any other ideas?

submitted by /u/Gnostic28
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What have you hatched from 10km eggs so far during this windy event?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 06:14 PM PST

Title says it all. Please share what you've hatched in your 10km eggs during this windy event. Is everyone getting a good variety? Or more useless mons like skarmory?

submitted by /u/fashioncriminal
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[Bug] Niantic, please release a hotfix for the berry feeding freeze bug on iOS

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 01:51 AM PST

Really... What are they doing? This bug is IMHO gamebreaking. It's almost impossible to play for your faction, because whenever you try to feed berries to 'mons there is a high chance that the whole client freeze and you have to manually kill the process and restart the client. It is very tedious and time consuming. We had this bug too on Android, but it was fixed with the update 2 weeks ago. On the other hand on iOS the bug is still alive and kicking.

And yes I get it Niantic, you want to release new content. But you also have to focus on those real nasty bugs. So get to it!!!!

submitted by /u/smackup4u
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My fav Pokémon

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 02:08 PM PST

[Idea] Pikachu with Detective Hat in Pokemon Go to tie-in with the release of the 3DS game!

Posted: 05 Mar 2018 10:17 PM PST

Logging in issue.

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:55 AM PST

I have a PTC account. Unable to login from past hour. I didn't see any post on Reddit as well. Wanted to confirm whether it's just my account or anyone else facing the same issue.

submitted by /u/vishwasjayaram
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Where does salamance fit into the meta now?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 06:35 AM PST

Basically title, in the wake of community day trainers are sporting multiple dragonites, some of which are outfitted with salamances signature dragon charge move, and while I know that a case can be made for salamance to be better than Dragonite, both are inferior to rayquaza which trainers are also building large stocks of. So where does salamance fit in? It has access to some fire and water type moves but is there a dedicated role it can take now beyond being kinda like a rarer version of the very common Dragonite?

submitted by /u/destuctir
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Proud of myself , finally able to get all 9/9 eggs as 10km eggs. Took me a long time

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 09:56 PM PST

Shiny Swablu Conundrum

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 04:47 AM PST

So I have a Shiny Swablu and just got 400 candies. The shiny is only 78% perfect and I have at least five other 90+% Swablu, I haven't figured their exact stats. If it were less candies to evolve I wouldn't think about it as much, but it's 400. What do you guys think? Edit: popular opinion was just evolve it, so here it is

submitted by /u/TuckHolladay
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Ideas for how to implement Rotom?

Posted: 06 Mar 2018 08:51 PM PST

Was reminding myself rather far in advance of the stuff to look forward to in Gen 4, and remembered that there is, of course, Rotom. I was wondering how exactly Niantic might implement Rotom's different forms.

It's similar to Castform in many ways, but I don't think it works as well to use weather as the defining factor in a Rotom's form (partially because I can't figure out what weather would do what for heat and mow and partially because Rotom isn't weather-based in the originals.)

Any ideas for mechanics they could use for Rotom's forms? The two I had were either using the biome in which they spawn (e.g. park for Mow, residential for Frost, water for Wash, idk.) or like, nearby types of establishment (e.g. laundrette for Wash, restaurant for Heat, salon for Fan, etc.). Neither of these ideas are perfect but they're all I have so I'd like to hear other people's.

submitted by /u/AGWbobdave
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