Heroes of the Storm - HGC Eastern Clash :: Day 1 :: Discussion thread |
- HGC Eastern Clash :: Day 1 :: Discussion thread
- Blizzard Tease Next Heroes
- You guys are missing the most important thing we found out about chen
- Lore of Fenix – Character Lore
- 3 Diablo Heroes released in last 24 month.
- Pick Swaps are a necessity if Ranked is going to improve
- Heroes Brawl of the Week, March 16, 2018: Mineral Madness
- Tip: Even when a teammate plays poorly, it’s not a good reason to be toxic towards them
- There was some confusion about Stukov's combo I wanted to clear up so I made a video to show Stukov's perfect combo.
- Fenix's Dream Is Finally Come True
- GillyWeed is going to be hosting the Rocket League Rival Series during HGC Phase 2
- Bakery proposes Chen rework on Twitter
- I love HGC but this is on point
- Good job on Fenix so far
- Map Awareness Wins Games
- Just shotcalled a game where everyone followed my plan perfectly.
- I hope we get the proper death effect for Fenix
- KSV Black Rich: Lord of the Worgen
- Who is Fenix's voice actor?
- Why cant we have random sprays in brawl?
- What happened to Personal Rank Adjustment?
- Overcoming More than the Odds
- With Fenix coming to the Nexus, can Artanis finally get some new skins?
- The Risky Meta Prediction Thread (March 15, 2018)
- Blizzard, please add a "E-Sports" tab in the Bnet App
HGC Eastern Clash :: Day 1 :: Discussion thread Posted: 15 Mar 2018 08:00 PM PDT Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!ScheduleThe first match of today, Tempest vs Loli Meow, will start about 2 hours after this post. Please note that all times in the table below are approximate and matches might actually start earlier or later than planned.
The Eastern Clash will continue tomorrow at 5:20 UTC, 20 minutes later than today. StreamsEnglish (Dreadnaught, JHow, KendricSwissh, Khaldor, Trikslyr, Wolf) HGC Eastern ClashTempest | SPT* | Ballistix | TheOne | KSV Black | CE | Team BlossoM | LM Friday: best-of-3 | Saturday and Sunday: best-of-5 | Grand Final: best-of-7 with one map advantage for the upper bracket winner Game versionHGC Eastern Clash is probably played on patch 2.30.3, before Sonya's and Medivh's reworks, same patch as Western Clash. Maiev is allowed. HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:00 AM PDT
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You guys are missing the most important thing we found out about chen Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:54 AM PDT Blaze's Oil slicks slow, and burn when set on fire Chen's brew slows, and burns when set on fire Chen is drinking motor oil. Thats why they keep nerfing his HP, he is dying from his addiction to drinking motor oil. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lore of Fenix – Character Lore Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:47 AM PDT Hello everyone! Well crap. I wrote my Horner lore up thinking he was a surefire thing and now have egg on my face as I get the Fenix one out. Thankfully the teaser yesterday gave me enough time to finish this. Shows you never put too much stock in leaks. Regardless, Fenix! Without a doubt the most asked for StarCraft character. Fenix was considered one of the most noble protoss praetors and warriors of the Templar Caste to have ever lived. Having fought through the Great War and Brood War, Fenix would befriend the terran Jim Raynor, and his nobility would inspire the heroes of the sector well after his death. So let's dig in! Steward of the Templar(NOTE: A lot of Fenix's early history comes from a portion of Legacy of the Void found by Talandar named the Daelaam Archives. These are mostly movie references, and even Talandar says they may be embellished, however they place Fenix at important events, so until proven otherwise we'll operate as if they are true.) Fenix was a warrior of the Protoss Empire, a great empire of the Khalai protoss that spanned a large portion of the galaxy. He was born into the service of the Templar Caste at an early age, and quickly rose to the rank of praetor, battlefield commander, of the Protoss Defense Forces. During his training, he met many warriors that would become his sworn brothers and allies, including the rising Executor (general-like rank) Tassadar, and later his pupil Artanis. Fenix's battlefield achievements were many, putting down rebellions on Aiur and its colonies, hunting down the renegade Nerazim (Zeratul's people, protoss exiles who refused their mind link, the Khala), and fighting vicious aliens who harassed their colonies. Fenix took part in the aftermath of the Khalath Intercession, where a skirmish ended with the protoss using war machines named the colossi to wipe out an entire alien race, and was fired upon by his own warriors as tensions rose between the Templar and peace loving population. Yet through all of this, over hundreds of years, Fenix's fame only grew, obtaining the title of "Steward of the Templar," one of the most honored titles in the Templar Caste. Soon Fenix was assigned alongside Tassadar's fleet to patrol the nearby terran space, when their fleet discovered the scouting creatures of the Zerg Swarm encroaching on their space. Upon discovering their intentions to infest the terrans (though they didn't know their true intentions to assimilate the protoss) and their connection to their progenitor race, the xel'naga, the ruling Conclave commanded the fleet to stop the zerg advance. In order to prevent infestation, the expeditionary fleet was ordered to purify the terran colonies infested with the zerg, sparking off the three-way Great War. When the zerg infested the terran colony of Antiga Prime and shot down a protoss scout fighter on one of the worlds in the system, Fenix lead the team to rescue the trapped pilot. After the fleet's defeat on the Terran Confederacy (main terran government of the sector) capitol of Tarsonis due to the intervention of the Sons of Korhal terran separatist group (and their leader, Arcturus Mengsk, leading billions of zerg to the planet) and Tassadar's refusal to purify the world, Tassadar was ordered to return to Aiur. Instead, he sent the majority of his fleet (Fenix included) back, instead opting to investigate a psionic call from the abandoned terran world of Char (which would end up being the call for help from Sarah Kerrigan in the process of being infested). Fenix returned to Aiur with the fleet, and the Conclave, the ruling body of the Protoss Empire, declared Tassadar a traitor, and elected his pupil, Artanis, to take his place as Executor. However, due to Tassadar and the Nerazim Zeratul's actions on Char, the zerg discovered the location of Aiur, and the Overmind, the zerg's core hive mind, launched a full scale invasion of the world, embedding itself in the crust. The Conclave ordered Artanis to defend the province of Antioch, where Fenix was holding out, and together they pushed back the zerg. Soon after they were contacted by Tassadar, who informed them that the Overmind controlled its minions through lieutenants named cerebrates. Though the Judicator overseeing them named Aldaris distrusted the ex-Executor, Fenix and Artanis launched a full scale assault on one of the cerebrates, but what Tassadar failed to mention was only the Nerazim's void energies could prevent the creatures from reincarnating. Fenix watched as it returned and lead their forces against the protoss once again. Aldaris, infuriated on what he saw as further evidence of Tassadar's treachery and convinced they were winning, ordered Artanis to clear the province of Scion, leaving Fenix with a minimal force. Soon the zerg overwhelmed his position. Fenix fought bravely through waves of zerg, but in the end, either the will powering his psionic blade or the mechanics themselves failed, and he was struck down by a zerg hydralisk. His body was battered and ruined, and he was reported to have died in battle. Yet, his warriors managed to recover him on the edge of life. Fenix RisingFenix was brought back to the protoss position, and attempts were made to save him, in spite of his horrific injuries. Fearing the worst, the Khalai caste saved a scan of his neural activity, hoping to use him as part of a top secret remade Purifier program in its infant stages (AI warriors based on the memories of past heroes, banned after they rebelled when the protoss tried to make them in their ancient days) should he die. Yet they were able to save him, and Fenix's body was placed in a mixture of a life support apparatus and quadrupedal armored tank named a dragoon, which allowed him to continue to fight in spite of his battered form. It's this dragoon we see in Heroes of the Storm. Soon after, Tassadar returned to Aiur, alongside Artanis (who had been sent to arrest him, but opted to trust his old mentor after Fenix's fall showed him the arrogance of the Conclave), the Nerazim Zeratul, and the terran Jim Raynor. Aldaris and the Conclave declared that Tassadar and Zeratul be put to death, and Fenix allied with his old friends against the Conclave:
And so, Fenix aided Tassadar's forces in the assault against the Conclave, ravaging their forces and destroying their capitol of Khor-shakal, the Heart of the Conclave, killing many of their leaders in the protoss. Horrified by what he had done, Tassadar surrendered himself to Aldaris, hoping to stop the bloodshed. Yet in the chaos, Fenix escaped alongside Raynor and Artanis, though Zeratul had completely vanished. The unlikely pairing of the terran commander and the protoss warriors pushed through to the stasis cell holding Tassadar, hoping to free him, but Aldaris warped his fleet on top of them, expecting them to rescue their savior. However, they were saved by Zeratul, who ambushed Aldaris's forces and ordered them to stand down and give them one chance to stop the Overmind. Aldaris reluctantly agreed. With a shot at destroying the Overmind, Fenix aided Zeratul in a raid to slay two of the cerebrates. The assault was successful, and the backlash stunned the Overmind and many of its broods and gave them one chance to strike against its physical form Tassadar, Zeratul, Artanis and Raynor assaulted the creature itself, with Fenix staying back to support, but as they damaged the creature's husk zerg rushed in to defend their master. In one last act, Tassadar channeled Void and Khala energies together through his ship's hull, ramming it into the Overmind, killing both in the process. The Swarm was shattered, Fenix and his allies now victorious. Yet as they looked on, they knew the battles had just begin. Templar's StandAs the Overmind died, the Swarms began to run rampant across Aiur, killing the last of the Conclave and shattering the protoss's Great Fleet. Now organized under the command of the Overmind's remaining cerebrates, the zerg pushed for a killing blow. Knowing they were too weak to defeat the Swarm, Artanis, Zeratul Aldaris and a new Executor (likely Selendis but unconfirmed) lead the survivors of the Khalai people through a warp gate to the Nerazim capital world of Shakuras. Yet as they evacuated, the zerg attacked. Fenix and Raynor (going to stop bolding his name here) defended the gate as the last survivors go through, but soon the Swarm's numbers overwhelmed them and forced them to retreat. Reorganizing, Fenix and Raynor assaulted the gate, hoping to cut it off from the zerg with now flooded to Shakuras through it. They said they would stay on the other side to ensure the gate was shut down, which would strand them, but Fenix insisted his duty was to Aiur. Artanis sent what forces they could spare to aid them, and Raynor destroyed the gate controls. They then went on to try to fight the endless tide of zerg around them. Yet help came from a strange place, the infested Sarah Kerrigan returned to them, saying s was free from the Overmind's control, but that the cerebrates still continued to oppose her. Those cerebrates sought to make a second Overmind, as they could not exist without one, but that if it reached maturity it would seize control of her again. To make matters worse, Kerrigan discovered that the forces of the distant terran homeworld of Earth, the United Earth Directorate (Alexei Stukov and Lt. Morales's faction) had invaded the sector with the intention of controlling the new infant Overmind. For the safety of the sector, she asked for the two's aid, and though they distrusted her, they accepted. However, they needed more allies to take on the UED. The UED smashed into the Terran Dominion (the main terran government of the sector after the Confederacy fell) soon besieging and capturing their capital world of Korhal. They surrounded the escaping emperor of the Dominion Arcturus Mengsk, seeking to capture and execute him, but Fenix and Raynor's fleets attacked, with Fenix's protoss forces clearing the UED fighters to allow Raynor's ship the Hyperion to get close to Mengsk's ship. Fenix's forces then dimensionally recalled his ship back to Aiur, placing him into cold sleep. However, the UED followed in pursuit, attacking Fenix's forces and overwhelming the protoss forces. As they destroyed Raynor's command center though, a spy in their ranks working for Kerrigan, a man named Samir Duran, allowed the zerg to slip through their perimeter. This gap allowed Fenix, Raynor an Mengsk to escape through a functioning warp gate, destroying it behind them. Fenix briefly returned to Shakuras along with Raynor (confronting an old Nerazim he had fought in his time as praetor), then moving to the ruined Terran Confederacy capital of Tarsonis to meet Kerrigan. As the two were on the run, the UED had taken control of the new infant Overmind and the broods under it, as well as claimed a device named the psi disrupter that could hamper Kerrigan's control of the zerg. Fenix and Raynor agreed to help destroy the disrupter, with Raynor cutting the power as Mengsk supplied psi emitters to lure zerg to Kerrigan's control. The disrupter was destroyed, but Kerrigan's broods had been ravaged. In order to gain the resources they needed to attack the UED on Korhal (a deal Kerrigan had made with Mengsk to get him to lend her the emitters), they needed resources, and so Fenix agreed to attack the mineral rich planet of Moria, capitol of the mining guild turned government, the Kel-Morian Combine. Fenix guarded the hive clusters from the terrans as they mined resources, gaining enough minerals to afford a full-scale assault on Korhal. At last the day came, with Kerrigan and the Dominion remnants descending on Korhal with Fenix and Raynor's forces assaulting the UED's outlying outposts. The UED attempted to use their slave zerg to help defend, but found controlling them difficult. They alliance soon overwhelmed the UED, driving them off Korhal. Fenix was victorious alongside his allies. Yet mere hours after their victory, treachery struck. Kerrigan turned her broods to attack Fenix's forces as well of that of the Terran Dominion before they could regroup, seeing their usefulness at at end. Fenix attempted to rally this survivors to push them back, but the zerg soon were at his doorstep:
Fenix fought valiantly, but in the end Kerriagan's zerg overwhelmed the praetor, slaying him a final time. Horrified, Raynor swore that he would avenge Fenix, and everyone Kerrigan had killed in her mad quest for power, whether it be with him alone or with an army at his back. With that, he escaped the planet, hoping to fight another day. LegacyFenix's death would deeply impact both the protoss and terrans. Soon after, Artanis rallied his fleet for a revenge strike against Kerrigan for the deaths of Fenix, the Nerazim Matriarch Razsagal, and all other protoss who died at her hand, but the attack was repelled. Raynor himself would attempt a revenge strike on the zerg, but this would fail spectacularly and force him to give up any hope of killing her (we don't know much about this sadly aside from one line in a catchup cinematic). Even after Kerrigan was purified of her infestation (long story) Fenix's death would continue to be a sort spot for Raynor and the protoss. But the legacy of the Steward of the Templar goes far past his downfall, as those brain scans saved before his first downfall would bear fruit. The Khalai Caste would make progress on the new reformed Purifier Program over the next six years, and Fenix's memories and consciousness would be implanted into the first prototype of a new generation of robotic Purifiers. However, with the return of the fallen xel'naga Amon, Alarak and his Tal'darim (protoss fanatics taken away from Aiur who worshiped Amon) were ordered to destroy the facility housing this Fenix Purifier, though Artanis was able to save it. It was reactivated, and at first it thought it was Fenix in an advanced dragoon. Eventually however, it learned it was merely a robotic copy, and wrestled with what it truly was and its place in the universe, living in the shadow of one such as Fenix. Eventually, it would decide that it would forge its own destiny, and took a new name, Talandar. Talandar would go on to become leader of the Purifiers, and aid the protoss in their desperate hour against Amon. But as I expect we'll see him in the Nexus in the future, that's a story for another day. So there's the story of Fenix! A well beloved character from StarCraft 1 whose death would be felt through the series, and become a sore spot both in universe and for fans (considering Raynor's whole revenge thing was never acted on and the plot moved to a love story). Still, I'm excited to see what our praetor will bring into the Nexus! Since I expect we'll have a ton of cool quotes and interactions, I'll have a thread on his quotes, abilities, and skins up when he hits the PTR. Though I'll do one now: In the twitter post announcing Fenix, it opens with "My heart longs for an epic battle." This references one of Fenix's quotes upon raiding Moria, "I prefer large scale battles over these more covert missions. My heart longs for the epic struggles of my youth, to go into battle along my protoss brethren again! Ah, but time will tell all things." See you all next thread! [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Diablo Heroes released in last 24 month. Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:58 AM PDT For the Starcraft anniversary, Heroes is getting a new Starcraft hero. For the Diablo anniversary in January 2017, Heroes released Zul'jin and Valeera. Will we see a Blizzard Classic release before we get another Diablo hero? Perhaps Diablo should just be merged into the Blizzard Classics category? Post your thoughts and perhaps favorite Diablo memories, so it is not forgotten. edit some relative stats I believe these are accurate or close enough to get the point across. In the same time frame there have been: 5 (soon to be 6) Starcraft heroes 8 Overwatch Heroes 9 Warcraft Assassins (10 if you count Varian) 0 Blizzard Classic 24 nerfs to Chen [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pick Swaps are a necessity if Ranked is going to improve Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:20 AM PDT It is actually baffling that VOICE CHAT was implemented before pick swaps. This forces players to not only have to learn every role (as well as multiple heroes for that role) but perform ALL of them at the rank you are at. Pick swaps will allow players to fill roles they are comfortable on and play more contested heroes that they play well. I don't think its fair to the player base to make so you HAVE to be a flex player in order to succeed in ranked. Let me give you an example of how it would be implemented. Last pick clicks a button near the first picks portrait asking for a swap. Last pick can only swap if first pick AGREES TO IT. A prompt will come up "bnetplayer would like to swap pick positions with you. Agree. Decline." Problem solved. Now I know there are going to be people saying "But when so and so wants first pick and he/she doesn't get it they will go into a rage and make the whole game toxic." We have had voice chat implemented for a couple weeks now and as far as I am concerned there has not been an increase in toxic melt downs (in my own personal experience). If VOICE CHAT can be implemented then so can pick swaps. It's actually pretty crazy that this game has been released for about 3 years and we don't have them yet. I would love to hear some of the Blizz devs thoughts on this because I follow this sub pretty religiously and there hasn't been one peep about this topic at all and to me it is very important to ranked play. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heroes Brawl of the Week, March 16, 2018: Mineral Madness Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:25 AM PDT
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Tip: Even when a teammate plays poorly, it’s not a good reason to be toxic towards them Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:24 AM PDT You can be civil and ask them politely to change what they're doing. I had a game where Nazeebo was constantly pushing away from the team. After we lost a big team fight I typed we would need him in the next team fight (and that's it, no criticism or flaming). Next game I'm matched with that player again on the same team. I asked if he would help in team fights this time and he said "Yes, sorry wasn't my best game last time". People can tell when they fuck up, and will even admit it and be honest with themselves regarding their personal performance but you have to give them the chance to do so. If you attack them you're not giving them that chance. You're alienating them, making them go into the defensive position of how they played was correct and the others are wrong and ruining any chance they'll cooperate with you, which alone can lose you the game. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:10 AM PDT
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Fenix's Dream Is Finally Come True Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:48 AM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GillyWeed is going to be hosting the Rocket League Rival Series during HGC Phase 2 Posted: 15 Mar 2018 10:33 AM PDT
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Bakery proposes Chen rework on Twitter Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:40 AM PDT
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I love HGC but this is on point Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:20 PM PDT
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Posted: 15 Mar 2018 01:49 PM PDT I am really glad Fenix didn't end up being Purifier for several reasons. First is that we really need Dragoon in the game, and Fenix is best representative. Second is that Fenix as a Purifier lorewise is not really Fenix, he is Talandar, and he should be separate hero. Just imagine the conversations between Talandar and Fenix, we need Talandar, do not forget about him. The only thing that kinda sucks is that we won't see Zealot Fenix but it doesn't really matter that much because Dragoon is 10 times better so its all good. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 15 Mar 2018 06:24 AM PDT Map awareness is by far easiest way to raise your skill level. But I feel so many people lack this basic skill. Ping Often Use your pings. If your moving lanes, ping it. If your doing a merc camp, ping it. If a lane is uncontested against an enemy hero and you can't go, ping it. If the team is going too deep with their health too low, ping it. Do Not spam your pings. If a fort or keep in under threat you don't need to ping it 15 times in a row. Just once is fine. Retreats are different. Ping those once for a "hey guys, we better go," and twice for a "get out now!" Listen to your Supports They do not need to worry about kills. Their job is to keep you alive. If you're pushed out and they ping a retreat. Listen to them. Chances are while you where focused on taking down the tower or hero, they saw a couple heroes heading your way. Glance down at the minimap once in a while. I try to glance at it ever 10 - 20 Seconds. It seems simple but until it's habit it's hard to remember to do. The actions around you after all. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Just shotcalled a game where everyone followed my plan perfectly. Posted: 15 Mar 2018 07:00 PM PDT Turns out my mic was muted. True story. . . Seriously though: Voice chat has been amazing, and I have yet to have a rude player in voice. The salty people still type. If I didn't add this line, Automod would delete my post. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I hope we get the proper death effect for Fenix Posted: 15 Mar 2018 08:33 PM PDT No physics engine flying corpse bullshit Fenix will go din-din-bzzt and melt into blueberry jelly. [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
KSV Black Rich: Lord of the Worgen Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:29 AM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 15 Mar 2018 11:29 AM PDT I've listed to Talandar's voice from Legacy of the Void and Fenix's voice from the original Starcraft and while the Fenix's voice from the teaser doesn't sound like Talandar's actor, I'm not sure if it's Bill Roper from Starcraft. Any announcement on who the voice actor is? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why cant we have random sprays in brawl? Posted: 15 Mar 2018 07:53 PM PDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What happened to Personal Rank Adjustment? Posted: 15 Mar 2018 08:45 AM PDT Feels like everyone on masters is getting catapulted to GM with 30+ points every game. Is this intended? Is this happening throughout the ladder? [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 15 Mar 2018 07:37 PM PDT
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With Fenix coming to the Nexus, can Artanis finally get some new skins? Posted: 15 Mar 2018 07:08 PM PDT I know his Hierarch skin is one of the best in the game, but come on, the guy hasn't had a new skin set released since 2.0, and has one of the fewest skin variations in the game. (K, inb4 Blizz epic trolls and brings in his pre-Hierarch skin). [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Risky Meta Prediction Thread (March 15, 2018) Posted: 15 Mar 2018 05:32 PM PDT In this thread we all share risky meta predictions that will probably be wrong but are at least made with good speculative intention, might not well thought out, or may be flat out dumb. I'll go first. Prediction number (1): Return of Deathcoil [Q] build Arthas. Why? With solo support meta, and GM still being strong, Q build arthas brings solo lane poke, sustain, and more durability than thrall or another solo laner. Solo support meta will be weaker against poke, and this brings a self-sufficient frontline presence that can survive long enough for your team's tracer or genji to win the game because lets be serious who cares what you pick or do you're just either a tracer or not a tracer. Prediction number (2): Fenix will launch with some sort of death trait or ability, that will possibly even affect allies. We will see a new meta, the death meta. Heroes that die a lot are particularly valuable. And with heroes dying all around.... Prediction number (3): With the new Fenix-inspired death meta, Alarak becomes strong again. Taking advantage of either enemy team or his own team's deaths to build massive sadism, Alarak rises to the top and becomes the tour-de-force he always should have been. Feel free to make your own [link] [comments] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blizzard, please add a "E-Sports" tab in the Bnet App Posted: 15 Mar 2018 09:01 PM PDT With the Eastern Clash starting in about an hour (from the time of this post), I'm quite shocked that there's no mention to it on the Bnet Launcher anywhere. The only thing we have of this sort is an "Overwatch League" tab, which no one cares about. /jk Our community needs to know that there's an e-sports scene in this game, and they could actually learn a thing or two from those high lvl games. It's no secret that there's plenty of topics about how casual the playerbase is, how QM sucks and HL is no different. Make Heroes of the Storm great again! P.S.: As this will be an "E-Sports" tab, we could find not only find HotS professional content, but WoW, SC2, OW and HS content as well, as all of this games have an e-sports scene of some sort. [link] [comments] |
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